The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 21, 1905, Image 6

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My Breath. Shortness of Breath Is One of the Com monest Signs of Heart Disease. No", withstanding wliat many physic- lar.a say. hoart dlawiaa ran ha cured. Dr. Mils*’ New Heart Cure lias per manently reatored to health many thousands who had found no relief In the medlclnea (allopathic or homoeo- palhln of regular practicing phyalc.lana. It haa proved Itaelf unlqint In the tils- tory of medicine by being ao uniformly euccereful In curing tho.a dlaeaaea. Neatly alwnra. one of tho first signs ,.f trnublo In abnrtneaa of breath. Wheth er It romea a. a reault nf walking or running up atalra, or of other exerrlaea, If the heart la Uliahlc to meet tlilH extra demand upon It • pumping power*—thera la something wrong with It. The very h i tiling you can do, la to t..b• D II ■ N m Miii <'ore. it will go lo 111n foundation "f the trou ble, and mike a permanent cure by strong!honing and renewing tho nerves, •1 linow Ihnl |)r. Miles' Netv lleurl thne b a gi'eii ly. For ii number ,.r Mina i - in I fmm shortne.-.a of I. i. smolbeiiiig spell ", and pallia In inv nit side I "I montlis at a time I v.i.ll be unable in lie on my left side, nnd If I In\ Hi' mi my baric would nearly Manila i A friend advised lining Dr. Mile New lb alt Cure, which I did win, g■ uid i' "Hi I began lo Improve rit one' iind ai’er taking several Isdtlea of tie lie.ill i ■ " the pains In my sldo and «• 111 •• i nvinplom* vanished. I am II. .w Iiillrelv » II Alt those dreadful smothering s|e lls are a thing of tho past. I I*. DltAKW. Middletown, O. If the first Imltle does not help you, the di iggi i will refund your money, ’xirjrarp Will" to us for Fi'i’i* Trial X JCyJ-jJ-j 11,. kage of Dr. Miles’ Anil- Tain Pill., III" New Helenllllc Itemedy fur lain xl-,u Hymplom Itlunk Our Hpoelallsl will diagnose your ease, tell mu) v i I I- wrong, and Imw lo right II, ) I. Id! MILKS M l'i I III.’A I, CO., LAjjon.vnmii.d, uuuiaht, inl>. HON t) It. STEVENS. i 11.11II iI II I. eI | SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR. ODD CELEBRATIONS. Allnrln* and « hnngefnl keenery of A Dinner I. Which Only .lilted Folk* 'tills (lentitlful Xiatl. If von nlioulil look at a detailed coast survey climt of San Francisco harbor you would observe that the broad pen Insula extending southward like a sltel- tcrlng arm lielxvi on the ocean and the Inner buy Is creased and dimpled in a great confusion of mountains; that it lias many indentations of const, tunny sircams and boro and there* a wee lake. Kill no scrutiny of Ihe chart would lead you In guess It Is a veritable Adi rondack)) alone by Itself on the weal ern edge of the world. From the time of my earliest recol- Are Invited. Among the eccentricities of human nature the celebrating of yuocr anni versaries Is perbups as little noticed ns any. Almost everybody makes merry over an anniversary of some sort, and many of them are anniversaries that would seem to call for anything rather than merriment. A caustic sense of liui^or prompted a Chicago man to give ofi the anniver sary of Ills molber-ln-law's death a dinner at a fashionable rcstuurnut to which were Invited kiiA of his friends as he considered were galled by the lection I used lo stunt! upon the hills of yoke under which he formerly grottu- llow governor Terrell could have selected a man mote repre sentative o! the people of Georgia than the lion. (). It. Stevens tor the position of Railroad Commis sioner, we fiml it impossible to tin derstand. Throughout his whole public career, in the lower House of the State Legislature, then in the Senate and lastly as Commis sioner of Agriculture, the welfare of all the people and, especially ol uiy native town ami look longingly | across the live miles of whllecnpped water In the harbor to the alluring heights of this, to me, Inaccessible re glou It was always new to look at, never Ihe same for two consecutive days. In the spring, when the clouds rolled from lls heights. Its steep, lean hills were green with fresh grass, and I could see I hose smears and slrenks of yellow wild Mowers which some folks say suggested Ihe name of the Golden (laic. In summer came mile long streaks of while fog. half obseitr lug II al limes The tain ceased, and almost In ii day Ihe hills changed to deep rich brown In the autumn came the clear, dry north winds, making ii seem ho ucar and sharp against the sky. and llic gaunt cliffs stood forth In all their reddish brown and yellows, sheer lo the while surf line. In winter came the rains again, and as suddenly ns before II changed front brown to given and gold I,liter on I used lo sail the waters which hounded II, There were smooth reaches extending far inland and lor tnous tributaries struggling through marsh lauds almost lo Ihe very Iml tresses of Its Vesuvius and angry sheets of water so broad lliul one might sail away till the hills dropped below Ihe horlv.on. And skirting along under the red brown cliffs III Ml feet high they rose one could sail out through Ihe Golden tintc, past the Iron hound headlanil on Ihe north, with lls walling dlrcti, and sail for days up the coast tif lie dared gel so fur from home ed. For a time he kept this eelebra- lion secret, hut on its coming to tho ears of Ills wife through the treachery of one of his guests that lady prompt ly Imposed an indignant veto. Those dinners were stopped suddenly and ef fectually. Far otherwise the spirit that sug gests the convivial gathering held by a worthy tradesman In Host on on May 22 of every year. On I hit t day many years since lie met with a severe ace! deni, which, though it crippled him for life, was Ihe menus of introducing him lo the life's partner wlm has proved for years as devoted a wife as for weeks she was a nurse. Another instance of the commemora tion of the date of an accident Is af forded by a lawyer who, having in his youth fallen among had ways and companions, was only rescued there- , front by being Minig from a wagon and sustaining a broken leg and con cussion of ihe lira In. During the long ! convalescence that followed the greal iicns of Ills errors dawned upon him, so Hull on Ills complete recovery he eoinineu I a new life. On the anni versary of Ills spill ho always enter- | tains such relatives who cure to accept the Invitation. To rclohl'ulc Ihe loss of ii small for | lime that lie had Inherited from his I fnlher a certain merchant holds an nun I ly high festival. Deprived of that i filtul competence ho ludticlvc to sloth, j lie found himself while still a youth I ! brow ii upon Ills own resources. These j did not fail him. and now, Instead of ! on the Pacific) with a Hue of growling breakers I lowering cliffs on the one lending an Idle and Hellish life oil llm- | hand and llm limitless ocean mi the ollmr Koii.liiiiiln Brooks In Hcrlliner's. A Vrry llruw Ifllll. There Is ii certain very little girl who Is also very cowardly Her father, Mitding Hull sympathy only increased tills unfortunate tendency, decided to . . , , have a serious talk with Ills littlo the farmers ol 'Uorgiu, has net.ii duugltler on the subject of her foolish close to his heart. fours. No man has done more than Mr. Stevens to instill into Ihe minds ol the farmers advanced ideas regard ing scientific or intensive farming. 11 is talks to the people published In all the journals of the Slate have been on the most practical lines. 1 le has (luring his administration lied means, as hut for his loss he would lie doing, lie Muds himself among the most opulent nnd respected clti Kens of Ids native town. Many years bark a Brooklyn Indy was thrown over by a man to whom she was engaged who subsequently look to drink and other evil courses tluil Hnnlly landed him in juil. To mark her sense of gnitltude for her provi dential escape she on the anniversary "Papa," she said al the close of Ills " f dn* duy when she first learned that lecture, "when you seen cow ain’t you I"' hail broken troth gives a dinner to •fraldV" which only those she knows have been "No, certainly not, Evelyn." Jilted are eligible as guests. "When you see a horse, ain't you "The happiest and proudest day of Tralil?” my life was that on which I Hrst CALIFORNIA Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold ? Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division ’ of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that will assure you a competence? Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure, business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment ? Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await your coming. The Chicago, Union Pacific and North-Western Line is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. Special low round-trip rates are in effect via this line throughout the summer to various Pacific Coast points, and colonist low rate one-way tickets will be on sale during Sep tember and October, which give an unusual chance for settlers to make the trip at a minimum of expense. Daily and personally conducted excursions are operated through to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland without change, on which a double berth in a Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7.00, via the Chicago & North-Western, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. FILL IN THIS COUPON ANO MAIL IT TO-DAY. W. B. KNISKERN, P. T. M. C. * N.-W. Ry„ Chicago, tU. Please mail free to my address, California booklets, mapa and full particular) concerning rate) and train service. I NW4A4 L/‘Lia I Advert ism lent s. ip nut set* 1 "No, of com "U'hi’ii you Tni lit?" "No!" with (Mnplmrtls. When you sot’ n bumblebee, nln't ORDINARY’S NOTICES. wore 11 lull rout,” used to duclure a ,,, dog, nln't you Hiihstmdhil down oust merchant, “and | tl-EOKCrlA. -OowetH County I always keep up the nunlyersnry by Atlanta & West Point Hailroad Co. The Western Railway of Alabama. published much useful literature, you 'finidY" of which there should be special “ rso '" NVl11 ’ " , " n ' . "Ain't von 'fralil when II thunders?" mention "Georgia: Historical and » No ,» w m, loud laughter, ••on. you Industrial" and the “Resources 1 silly, stily child!" and Advantages ol Georgia," each Huld Mvelyn solemnly, "ain't , . ,, ,, you Tralil of untilin' in the world but prepared by gentlemen well ac quainted with the subjects about which they wrote and diligent in giving their best efforts to spread Annie R. Ralbide having applied to j asking a lot of hoys sartorially hi the die Court of Ordinary of said County j transition state-to a Jolly good dinner, j for letters of administration on the ■ — to be followed by an equally Jolty estate of M. Salbide, deceased, all per-j good evening. June 30 Is it red letter sons ooucorned are required to show No day among my young friends—nt least, j 0(lUH o in said Court by the Hrst Monday! — r 1 do my best to make It so. New m August next, if any they can, why u Kill Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. East Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. HEAD DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV 21), 1904. No m|no :w|no .18 heave York Herald. mauimii . Bllol't Stories, said application should not ho grunted, j This July 3rd, 1905. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Tlie Klfii. The record for rapid movement in the world of Hiilmated unlure Is held bv intormation that would be of last- the common ilea, which Jumps with ing benefit to our State. He did "" Initial velocity of 850 feat in n see c , • , ,i <-. i • olid. If the Insect could keep this up more for Georgia at the St. Louis | wllllBMl s(opp , nK or Urlng ,, W011 ,S Exposition with a small approprin cover nearly ton tulles a minute The lion than any ot us expected and Jumping mouse, found hi the African the state will reap a rich harvest therefrom. No one need fear that the inter ests of any class in Georgia will suffer harm from a gentleman of Mr. Stevens’ antecedents; hut al may rest assured that lie will do his utmost to mete out exact jus tice to all. Is it fair minded to prejudge an official before he enters into lus of fice? Is it right to convict before we hear the evidence? Why not let each tub stand upon its own but tom? Tin- VtnrcehnI M.l Hon*. There Is a pretty little history in eon- ; nod ion with the naming of the fash- ! ionablc Marechal Nlol rose, which, ns j GEORGIA—Coweta County, generally known, Is named after tho | j y NolaUi hBving applied to the Court of Ordinary of said Oouuty for letters of administration on the estate of desert, Is not far behind leap through ihe air. clearing about ten feet in a .lump, al the rate of 800 foot in a second Compared with those, the speed of the fleetest of the larger animals appears a crawl. Thus the measured speed of the ostrich is only 08 feet i second, that of the gazelle SO foot i second and the swiftest dog the borzoi, or Russian wolfhound T."> reel a second Even the swallow's greatest speed does not exceed 100 feet a second. famous general of the Franco Austrian war. "When Nlel was returning from Ihe scene of his victories in war,” j writes an eminent florist, "one of the David Nolan, deceased, all persons con- peasant women along the line of march I corned are required to show cause in presented him with a beautiful basket said Court by the first Monday in Au- of yellow roses. One of theso flowers gust next, if any they call, why said up- lt is said to still had B» roots clinging to it. and on plication should not be granted. Ills arrival in Paris Nlel planted the y| U(j j u [ v u M ) t r, flower in his garden. The rose thrived ^ A ' PERDUE, Ordinary, and Anally grew to h hush covered with blossoms. The general then pre sented the plant as a gift to Empress GEORGIA—CowetaOonuty. Eugenie She was delighted with the beauty anil fragrance of the flower and, on learning that the rose lmd no name, said significantly: ‘Then 1 will give it one. I christen it the Marechal Nlel,' and at the same time she he 11 051 5 OOu 12 Bop 11 '25b 18 28p Jus. K. Polk, Adnir. of the estate of William Newman, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for letters of dismission from lus said trust, all persous concerned are required PROUriC NEWSPAPER WRITERS. Mill k l « atii sax s that his np> daily out put of w riling; lu> works is I .sod words i 'Thai is about the average aver* \\ lieu day. da\ ’s work ol the newspaper writer on a large daily paper tiaj in and day out,seven days a week, it: the course of a year t his amounts to (>67,000 words. The ordinary novel contains about 100,000 words. The uexvspaper man Sxvonlaiitiniinlilp lautu-t n Tiger. Sir James Outruin, known as the Bayard of India, was a "mighty hunt er" and an accomplished swordsman, lie once performed Ihe hazardous feat of killing a tiger xx'ith his sword and from the hack of lea horse General Nicholson performed a similar feat. He rode round and round the tiger at a gallop, gradually narrowing the circle until at hist he was near enough to de liver his liloxx ll«> had only toe one blow and if he had failed would have been slain. The explanation of the feat is that the tiger does not spring upon the horseman during the circling proc ess because he Is xvstehlng his opportu nity. As the circle draws closer ami closer upon him he becomes bewildered by the strange maneuver, so unlike that of any lnmter he has ever encoun tered. stowed upon the amazed general the to show cause in said Court by tho first jeweled emblem that betokened his Monday in August next, if any they promotion to the exalted office ol mar- ( .|in, why said application should not slut I of France." . be granted. This July 3rd, 190G. L. A nflfe. 12 50p I 5Hy oot sop i iiOp - -7p - >~P ii 45p I 30p 11 M>p ti lK)j fi 2*1 7 Cop TttOl 9 -Oil J H I lip l -i.jpj 12 U)u 12 lftpjll 05p \ OOpJ 5 00a fi BOp 0 G5a 7 Up " Tip H Pip 9 25p Lv -..New Orleans.—-. Lv Mobile 8 25 p 9 45ft 10 52a 12 54P o Up 9 5T)i 10 ’7 p 11 (Op 9 top 11 25 p 2 Mp o l:in 12 85p II tOn .1 12 S OOo III t ill 12 Dp -Selmn. Ar bv.. Montgomery Ar Mini te ad Ar Ohebaxv ....Ar Ar ...Auburn Ar Ar Columbus Ar 12 Hop Ar .. Lb Urrtnge Ar Ar Newnun Ar Ar Hulrburn Ar Ar.. Hast Point Ar Ar Atlanta.. Ar ...Washington r.v Ar ....Baltimore I,v Ar Philadelphia bv Ar New York [,v 8 10| A I'2p •I 00| 10 55h 9 57a 9 A‘2h 9 10a 7 38a rt B4a 6 04u 11 15u 9 17a 8 45a 12 10a u aop 9'20p 8 20p 7 45 p 9 25p 7 38p G48p 4 ‘20p 10 45p 9 l(ip 9 55p 4 25p 9 22)) 12 51a 5‘2flp n top ft ‘20p B 28 p liOlp 4 27J) 4 IBp 3B0p 12 85p I 58|i 12 55j) 1 19p to II P -Meals Above trains daily. Connections at New Orleans for Texas, Mexico, California. AtCh»b.iw jorTuskegee. '.'lllstead for Tallahassee. LaOrnnge accommodation leaves Atlanta dally, except Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Returninn leaves haQrange at 5:50 a. in. arrives Atlanta 8T5 a. ni. Trains 35 and 3ft l’ullmuu sleepers New York and New Orleans Through coaches Washing on and New Orleans. Trains 87 and 38 Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, comparlmen ar s. observation and dining cars. Complete service New York and New Orleans. Train 97 United Slates f ist mail. Through day couches Atlanta uud New Orleans. XYrite for maps, schedules and information. J. 3 HEYWARD. J. P. BILLUPS, D. P. A., Atlanta, Ua. ti. P. A., Atlanta Oa. CHAS. A. WICKER8HAM, Pres, and Hen Mgr., Atlanta. Ha The Courage of Fnllnrr. All honor to the man or woman who knows no such xvord as defeat; xvho writes enough to tnnko ti UOVi’l ol folloxvs the pathway of a consistent the best selliii}; type even txvo purpose and In tho line of duty, even mouths,with plenty left over at ™Rh the dark shadow of failure ob- ’ . settring the way. To have the courage the end ot the year to make 0 f on ,e 8 convictions at all time nnd another book very respectable size, under nil circumstances requires no Let us suppose that he works at! " n " ul Of character and determl- the business forty years. He hits 1 nation. It Is better to go down to ultl- PERDUE, Ordinary Sell ill*’ ‘ - When Schiller xvns a boy :il school he was tormouted by Swiss tutor mimed GEORGIA— CowetaOonnty. Kuplig, xvho caiue from the Orisons in d. O. Posey, Gnnrdmu of Warren C. ton. deal's later, when the poet w rote ; p ogt >y i having applied to the Court of •The Robbers." be revenged himself 0rdiuBry of sftid County for letters of on Kupli# nnd the (*i'Uon-< bv intro- .. f .. , . . dismission from his said trust, all por- duointi this littlo spoeoh: “To l>o a . * scamp you must have sou ins More 80,18 concerned are required to show over, a special climate Is needed for muso in said Court by the first Monday Hi" groxvth of scamps, and to prove in August next, if any they can, why this 1 recommend you to visit the Gri- said application should not be granted, sons canton. It is the veritable Athens This July 3rd, H*05. of modern rascality." In the later edi- j L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. tlona of "The Robbers" this quaint bit | of spleen does not appear. It is sag gcsied that Schiller was not moved to GEORGIA—Coweta County, expunge it by any remorseful feeling. Thomas Leigh having applied to the but by a very forcible protest from the j Court of Ordinary of said Oouuty for residents of the abused canton against Guardianship of the person and property this calumny. j 0 f Lillian Burpee, minor, oil persous ~ j 7” “ i concerned are required to show cause iu Muatcul Corned?. , Musical comedy was introduced into ' Court bj^'the first Monday in Au- Englnnd May 23, 185t>. Dignified by gust next, if any they can, why said ap- the name of “opera," an entertainment plication should not be granted, called "The Cruelty of Spaniards In This July 7th, 1‘JOO. Peru” was produced at the Cockpit L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary, theater on that day. According to no- ; tices of the ttrae it was “expressed by j vocal and instrumental music and by Mis$ Emmie Sue Hendrick, of Cholera Infantum. Child Not Expected to Live from One Hour to Another, but Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey, of Agnewvtlle, Va., was seri ously ill of cholera infantum last sum mer. "We gave her up and did not ex pect her to live from otic hour to anoth er," he says. "f happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Choli-ra and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. Wo kept on giv ing it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was welL" This remedy is for sale by Holt & Cates, druggists, Newnan, Ga. J 1ms juatv overthrow in a cans* which one the art of perspective in scenery.” The jf ew - uau has been in town visiting written 25,280,000 words.or 204 believes to be just and right than to production also marks the first use of ‘ books Not even Mrs E 1> E X profit by any compromise with eon scenery on the stage, and its develop- relatives tor a lew days, ^ne science or suffer the lowering of the meut a few year* later caused Pepys , left for the Campgrounds last Southwortli could l>eat that, and yet there are those who imagine that journalism is an easy job.— Pine Bluff,, Commercial. moral tone which must come to all to remark disparagingly after a t*®** j Sunday to begin the summer term who lose the consciousness of adher- to the serious draosa, "Strange to see " , , , .. . of her school at that place. ence to their faith rather than wear tha this house, that used to be so thronged, laurels of honest defeat.-Madauie. i now empty since the opera began." -Franklin News and Banner. Mrs. A. .f. Lyndon, who has been the guest other cousin, Miss McKinley, in Kirkwood, has returned to her home in Athens. Later Mrs.Lyndon, Miss Lyudon aud Miss June will visit Mrs. Ru fus Lenoir at the Lenior home iu beautiful Yadkin Valley, North Carolina, and will return to Ath ens in September, when Mrs. Lyn don will open her lovely home on Prince Avenue.—Sunday’s At- lauta Journal. When you give a plumber a job. be sure the pin tuber knows it is business All work in this line should be done by an ex pert. Otherwise, endless trouble and expense is certain to result. In dealing with Sexton, you get the services of an expert. Remember this when you need the services of a plumber. I have a complete stock of supplies, water fixtures, bath tubs, etc., etc.. This is great ly to the advantage of my pat rons, as I can supply their needs on short notioe and at small cost. Am selling garden hose at cost. W. L. Sexton, The Newnan Plumber.