The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 21, 1905, Image 7

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warn i TTPMrjKa*wg?g*i 00 - VJ f.ll this beautiful . i'p Biigcw uinnii- factmeil i \ u* hcie in A11 h lit a.' Georgia. A Southern Hugjiy f< t Soul hei U 11 aoe. hna a fine Leather Quarter Top, lias genuine Leather. Spring Bottom Cushion, and Lea*her Back, is elegantly pointed and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $W> t\) to $7 9.00. 90 b’«tr tills fine Collar and llaine, ^p^T.*** nickel mounted Hurm-'s solduith every GOI.UKN lU’Gti V, regular it tail price 8H2.AO to $15.00. Catuh g and full description sent on itruest. GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO. 158-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. A Coweta County Official Gives his endorsement of the /Etna Life Insurance Company: W<mm Young Men.. Send for <>ur cutalog. It tells about a t rade you can learn in a few months and which will pay you from $40 to $50 a month to start on. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. Box 214. Resolutions ol Coweta Lodge, No. 60, F. & A. M.. Maiiut'l Salbido was born in the Province of Itisoav in Ibe Kingdom I of Spain on the Kith day ot April Whitesburg Prof. R. II. Shell and family, of Dothan. Ala., spent several days last week w ith his sister. Mrs. .1. II. Lipscomb. WEZS. .. At... Peniston’s Drug Store Orune's Spring Medicine. Crane's Kidney (tmti Backache Cure. Crane's Cough Cure. Cmue's Headache Relief. Ornne’s Cholera and.Diarrhoen Mixture. Crane’s Family Liniment. Crane’s Eczema Cure. Crane s Liver Powders. Crane’s Pile Salve. Crane’s Liver Pills. Crane’s Female Relief, The«* ore Standard Prepara, lions and are Sold and Recoin, mended ot Peniston’s Drug Store. Take a Bath -AT- gaiSey’s B arber S h °P Where the equipment is new a,nd first class and where all the latest a j >- plianoes and accessories of the mod ern buth room are nt yonr service Your patronage is desired and mer ited, and a trial will make you a per manent patron. BAILEY’S BARBER SHIP, I tese Opera House Bui ding, Newnan, - Ca. mgagEgESEEaSaEasaESEaESEaSaEaEaESjE 1 T. M. MARTIN I 1 1 1 I jH HI Does a LI jH Si kinds of Tin Work, Roofing | Plumbing and | Repairing. e Expert work and low ;■ prices win. Shop op- 1 posite Pinson Hotel. §ggag£gsEasaEaEaEaEaEaEaEasasasass 1849. At the age of lf> years he lelt the old eomitry and came to Cuba where he remained about tw o years w lien he became a resident ol the United States making his home at different points in the South until t,88') ut which time he permanently located at Newnan, <la., where he cunt biliously resided unt il his deal h on .1 line I St h, 11105. In 1877 he was happily married to Miss Annie Rainey, who sin v i \ os him as well as two daughters, the issue of this union. Itro. Salbide was no ordinary man. Leaving his native country when but a mere youth and local ing among strangers in. to him. a 'strange land, without means, friends, inlliieiiee, experience and without oven a knowledge ol the English language, by study. appli cation and with but little instrne- ; lion, he acquired such a knowledge of the English language as to be able to speak it tluently and to write in it almost perfectly and by industry economy, honesty, com los\ and correct business method* he accumulated a competency and was one of the most iiitluciitia! and highly respected citizens ol this city and section and at tin* time ol his death held a responsible and honorable municipal office. He was in thorough accord with the ideas and sentiments of the country of his adoption,was oils, conservative yet progressive, public spirited and always ready to exert his intlnencc anti use his means for the development and progress of his city and section and for t he business, social, educational and religious advancement and up lifting of the people. He was a bright and enthusias tic .Mason and was honored by Itis Lodge with the highest ollice with in its gift, the duties of which lie discharged scrupulously,ably, with fidelity and to the satisfaction of the brethren. He not only under stood and believed in the tenets and principles of this noble order but exemplified them by his daily walk and conversation. His home life was where the ten derest and most noble elements ot liis nature were made manilcst and it was here lie displayed those lof ty qualities which go to make up a considerate, loyal and devoted hus band and a kind, indulgent and af fectionate lather. I lis home rela tions were, indeed, beautilnl. lie was an humble follower of and a true believer in the meek and lowly Nazarene. trusted in him “for life and for salvation" and vva- a consistent member of the I’resby terian t’hiirc’nof New nan, <la. Therefore, be it resolved that in the deal li of l’>ro.Sal bide this Lodge lias lost one of its brightest, most useful and beloved members, liis city and section one of their most conservative, progressive and I test citizens, his church one of its most loyal and devout memliers and liis family a kind, generous, loving and tender husband and father. Resolved, further, that this me morial be spread on the minutes ol this Ixidge, a copy furnished the family of our lamented brother, who have our prolbundest sympa thy, and be published in the city papers. Respectfi illy s u bin i tied, NV. C. Wright, Chin’ii. ) ,. ommit . tee. Ignite an enjoyable entertain meld was that given by Miss Mat tie Jones, at her father's home four miles from town, on last Wednesday . A number of young people from Whitesburg were in vited to spend the day and they report a very excellent time. IIarris Jones, of College Park. is spending some lime w ith his Ino (her and sister, near town, lie is just recovering from n serious ill ness w it h ty piloid fe\ cr. Mrs. I>. S. AI mun, accompanied by her daughter. Miss lionu. came dow u to the city last Friday on a visit to relatives. Mrs. Almon re turned home Saturday, but Miss liana will remain here for a visit of some length with relatives. I’rof. V. D. Whatley and family left Sunday morning for a two weeks stay with his father and mother in Troup county, near La l 4 , < i range. .I<111n Kilgore, of Watson. Ala., has been spending several days with his parents in lhe city . John Holloway, whose home is at Clem, but who has been travel ing in Alabama and Tennessee lor some months, spent a lew days with relatives and friends here last w eek . Profs. R. M. Stevens and F. Roy Almon begun their respective schools in Cuweta comity last Monday. Moses Hearn, of Rurwell, (la., spent Saturday and Sunday with (friends in Whitesburg. Mr. Hearn lias many friends here, where he 1 went to school several years ago. lie is now in Emory College and will linisli the course There next .1 tine. 'Pile schools at Rothcrwood and Raiiuing, both near Whitesburg, begun their summer sessions last Monday. Prof. V. D. Whatley lias accept ed the Presidency of Hutcheson 1 College for another year, and will devote his time to the upbuilding of the school during the summer. Miss Eugenia Watkins left last Friday for Turin, where she w ill teach the summer term of that school. The first watermelons of the season were brought to town Mon day by W. T. Strickland. Misses Mary Kate Tinncy, Dora Duncan and Myrtie Stevens visited friends at Sargent Saturday even ing, remaining Sunday evening. A good rain fell here Tuesday afternoon and the lirst of much v alue in about 7 w eeks. < >ur larm cr friends are rejoicing with a spirit of deepest gratitude. Nest Sunday will lie preaching day at the baptist church Mrs. V. L. lirautley visited her son, Dana, who is agent and uper ator at Clem, last Saturday. The Chattahoochee lias been verv high this week on account of the recent rains. County Officers, Coweta County. A. D. FREEWIAIW, Judge City Court of Newnan. Newnan, Ga., .)into 17th, 190b. Mr. \Y, 10. Hawkins. Manager, Atlanta, (4a. Hear Sir;—In January. I ST I, al 29 years ol aye, I took in .KINA I.IKK INSl U- A N’( '10 G< >M I’A N Y a $.‘!/)()() poliev on Onlinary Kile plan. The jii’si premium was ill tout $(59.09 the second was ahoiit $“>;!.Oil. The premiums decreased until January |S99, when the one paid then was $911.214. Since then there has been a small increase until in January iPOn the prc>*nium was f I I 19. I have lmV11 satisfied with this policy since it was taken, and with the dividends made and declared each year. In my opinion the company is sale, and I can cheorlully recommend it. Yours, etc., AKVAN 1) KKKKMAN. F. M. BRYANT, District Manager, Aetna Life Insurance Company Newnan, Georgia. Chamberlain’s COLIC. CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It h«H been need In nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect SUCCCSS. It cun always be depended upon, even in the more severe uttackn of cramp colic and chol era morbus. It is equally successful for Hummer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children, and Jh the meanH of Having the liven of many children each year. When reduced with water and Hweetened it in plea mint to lake. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in hiH home Buy it now. It may Have life. Price, 25c. Laroij Size, 60c. /. Greene, I). D. 8., (>flic«* on Second Floor of Khick Bros. < .‘o.’s Ihiil ling L. M. Farmer, KA WYKR. Summer Excursion Rales via Central of Georgia Railway Summor excursion tickets at greatly roilucoil rutoH arc now on Halo at all coupon ticket oflicoH, t.o Mountain and washori' resorts in tin North, Eimt, and South, via all-rail mules and via Sa vannah and steamship lines. For rates, schedules, routes, descriptive matter, etc.,[apply to your nearest licket agent. J. C. HAILE Ceneral Passenger Agent. Savannah, Ca. Buy |t Now. Now is the rime to buy Chniulterlain’s Colic, Oliolern and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is cerrain to be needed sooner or later and when that lime comes you will need it badly—you will need it quickly. Bay it now. If may save life. For sale by Holt & Cates, druggists, Newnan, Ga. When yon want a pleasant laxative that is easy to take and certain to ar t. use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver tablets. For sale by Holt & Oates.drug gists, Newnan, Ga. ! M. F. Cole, (’. O’N. Martindale, ) Miss Katie Sim* Brewster re turned to her home at Newnan yesterday,after a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. T. K. Patterson. (Iriflin News and Sun. OHicc on Second Floor of the ArnidJ Merchandise Co.’s Building LOW ROUND TRIP RATES TO CALIFORNIA. If you are ever going to California, this summer is the time to go. The j rates are unusually low. Only $(12.60 Chicago to Ban Francisco, Los Angeles, j Sacramento or Santa Barbara and re turn, May i, 2, li, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29,30, !ti and June 1, also August «, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 1 ft and 14. Double berth in tour ist sleeping car, Chicago to California $7. Through tourist cars for California leave Union Passenger Station,Chicago, 10:25 p. m. daily. Route—Chicago, Milwaukee* St. Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Line. F. A. Mil ler, General Passenger Agent, 1245 Railway Exchange, Chicago. FOR SALE A few fonts of ad. and job type, in good condition, also some other material for sale cheap. Address Earth’s greatest heroes do not I sleep under towering monuments. Read the News and be in the swim, first, last and all the time. You can not tell a “smutty” story without getting some of the soot on your sou). I Subscribe for the News. 1 THE Newnan. Ga.