The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 28, 1905, Image 1

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Official Ncwsjwpct of Coweta County, Or f'fcwnan Weekly JVcws Official Newspaper VOL. VI. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. JULY 28. 1905. NO. 16 Georgia’s Greatest Chautauqua is in Session This Week in Newnan BRILLIANT CHAUTAUQUA WEEK IN NEWNAN. Milltown. Great Addresses, Humorous Lectures, and Other Entertaining Features Rivet Attention of Newnan’s People and the Visitors. Ws come At tin* time these words an* be in',: written 'Thursday afternoon) Ncv/nan's Chautauqua is in lull blast and there is m> perceptibl Tin* infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I \\\ 11. Harks has boon real sick lho past wook. Molvin Burks loft last Friday levelling for LuGrange, where In Splendid Music sv jp uj* homo. A. lot of our young people en joyed an entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. Will Cpbb last Sat urday evening. kittle Christine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. b. Lovorn, has 1 been siek for several days. Miss Hettie Cooper is going to Whitesburg Kedron. Rev. J.S. Askew preached two Our school, under the skillful line sermons last Sunday at tin* j management of Prof. J. C. How- and. is in a very prosperous con dition. Prof. Howard came among ns a few weeks since an entire morning attended Mattox and .lolin Snow and sis ters. Misses Sarah and Viberta, ol lloga.isvillo* ha\e been visiting j Methodist church at tin their uncle and aunt, Mr. and and evening service. Mrs. ,1. B. Strong. Several of our ,peopl< Miss Johnnie Lester, after preaching service at Antioch' stranger, but by his uniform edur- s pending a month with her sister. Primitive baptist ehiireh one and | tesy and strict ad Iterance to duty, Mrs. A. H. McKoy, has returned j a half miles north of town last | lias won many friends, not alone to her home at (jrantville. (Sunday. 1 among the patrons and pupils, but Miss (iertrude I foil, of Auburn, j Protracted meet.,tig begins at 1 the community ns well, lie has Alabama, is visiting Miss Viola'the baptist church here next Sun- j proven himself a teacher of the CHAUTAUQUA CHIPS, The Chautauqua Directors are being showered with eongratula lions—all "i*h < on_i atul.i ) lironk up house keeping and go to . . desdvvedly won. I hey j ( , ha(tahoO( . he0 liud make hl .,. home diminution ol public interest m any have labored wisely and well. The | w „ h lui ,. m , plu , w j iin Smith, of the strong features of the mag- Chaiitaiupia does its own talking. Mj s * Mattie Pari nitieent program. The cits i> lilleil with visitors from a distance, and scores of peo ple u ni the surrounding country come daily to attend the Chautau- qlUl. , This i-N a good week in Newnan —an occasion «• I rare possibilities for the entertainment and instruc tion of our people and their guests —and everyone seems determined |j| 1( | p necessary to glow in tin to enjoy the week s pleasures to fulgence of borrowed li land speaks more eloquently than lVoin « pleasant visit can «».v Pcwon "< the ability and Ul ,iv„« „,„l r,.tends in Latirai ell'orts of its 1 )ivectors. j As tin* “handy 1111111” of the <’huntaiupia, Dr. (i. A. Nunimlly has added moret lustre to ids al ready glittering reputation as a “man of parts.” As a ‘‘substi tute" for Dr. brougliton (or any other doctor ) I >r. Nunnally doesn’t the fullest extent, to be happy and to make others happy . In lad—it's a good thing to be a citizen of Newnan this week—and if you're not a Newnanite, the next besf tiling you can be. is a guest in this city during < 'huiitauqiia week. In these words The News be lieves it voices the sentiments ol all residents and visitors. A weekly newspaper of the limited si/e of the News cannot at tempt to detail all that is said and dene at a < 'hautatiqini of the pro portions ol New nan s, \ cry briet mention is the most that can bej accorded the week s program as a w hole. Asa matter of course, one of the most enjoyable features of our Chautauqua is the music. Tlu* United States Marine baud is proving a musical organization of great talent and unexcelled train ing and skill. Without doubt it is the best band that has ever’till ed an engagement in Newnan. The Chicago (ilee Club and Miss Florence Pace are luliilling the highest expectations of the < hau- tuiiquu management and arc de lighting all hearers. As an entertainer. Mrs. \\ il 1 iu.111 Calvin Chilton, the gifted, grace ful Mississippi monodramatist, is winning golden opinions. Mrs. Chilton is proving one of the most popular of the long list.ot enter tainers appearing on the Audi torium platform, and the manage inent made no lit. He is j able to throw the light of his ow n intellect, wit and kindly humor upon any occasion. Champ Clark, the big, brainy Congressman from Missouri, won no more applause than was accord-1 ed our own Judge Adamson, w hen ., the latter introduced the termer to his audience on Tuesday morning. Clmmp hails from the State where they say. “You'll have to show me.” And Judge Adamson ••showed” the Missourian and the audience that the Sixth District has an able orator in Congress. Lucius Perry Hills, (loorgitPs golden hearted gentleman and sweet singer of poesy, captured the audience Thursday morning with his recitation of orginal poems—and the laugh was on genial, delightful Dr. Sears. Two Negroes filled returned last to relatives and friends in LaGrauge. Little Aimer Iliads, who has been confined to his bed the past two weeks with typhoid lever is 'supposed to be some better. Frank Kennedy.of \(Junta, was the guest of M. C. Smith last Sun day . Harry Snul\|L, of Atlanta, was the guest of Dan. Taylor last Sat urday and Sunday. F.d (turner, from LaC range, came up last week and got em ploy inent in the mill, and will board with his brother, J. \. (turner. Mr. \Y. H. Dewberry, who so moved from New nan to Fast Point, was down last Mon day and Tuesday attending court. | He thinks perhaps he will move I back soon. Mr. F. Parks has moved his fam ily from Lat 1 range into our midst, and will occupy tlu* rooms recent- j Mrs My vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 1 (turner. Mr. W. N. McClure, from Fort < libbon, Alaska, is here now on a ' visit to his father's family . Mr. V. i b. Met 'lure. Mrs. Whatley has been very sick for several days past, but is thought to be some better. Mrs. John bichie and Mrs. New man. Mrs.. Mary Wright and Mrs. Nancy N initially. of Clarence, A la- hum ha, arc visiting Mrs, F. C.Mc Koy . Mr. end Mrs. bob Millions, ol Newnan. visited the latters par ents > . day. (,. j;. Snow and family, of At lunta. are visiting in our com- numb \ t ids w eels. F. (>. Wat kins, of Turin. \ istted at W. S. Summers, Monday night. Nits. M iry Witcher bortlct, of South ve* rgia. and Mrs. brssie Wit* her Mien and family, of Temple, Carroll, are visiting their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. b. S. Witcher. Miss Small Austin and brother, let, of Sargent, visited Miss lies sie ('rane Sunday. Miss Willi* Me. Roy visited Mrs, A. A. Wright Sunday. T. tCrimes, of Handy, visited at Rev. F. J. Amis’ Sunday. (1. N. Strong has been visiting his sister, Mrs. M.F. brooks, at < Vdartown. Miss Remain Puckett and bro ther, John (>.. of Moreland,visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and A. A. Wright,, S,unlay. Uev. F. J. Amis tilled his regu- ar appointment at Providence Sunday, preaching a line sermon to a large congregation. Misses (iertrude and Fulali Dun can, from near Newnan, visited Misses Clyde tmd Nannie Hue Dial Sunday. C. M. Amis and family, of New man, visited the former’s parents, day morning at the It o'clock | very highest order, and *e hope service. I the friends of the school will give Dr. J. b. Camp, of Carrollton, him their cordial support. Fayette Stephens and was a visitor in W’hitcshurg last week. Mr. Henry Strickland, of Mis sissippi, visited li is uncles here last Saturday . His wife and eliil dren, who reside in Carrollton, spent a lew days with her hus band's relatives last week. Miss My Hie Sewell, of Sargent, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in the city. Mr. I!. M, Stevens and sister. Miss My Hie, visited relatives near t Itmi Saturday and Sunday . Mr. J. W. dailies, our clever depot agent, who lias been away on a short vacation for his health, returned home a lew days ago, much improved. Mrs. R. T. ('layton and little son, Robert, of Atlanta, are spend ing several days with friends in the city. Mrs. Clayton has many friends in Whitesburg, who are glad to see her again. Mr. C. A. Duncan and two sons, T om and (Tarencc, spent a lew days in Atlanta last week. Several from Whitesburg are at tending the Newnan t’hatauqua liiis week. Mrs. Fannie Tanner, of Atlanta, is visiting the family of W. C. brannon this week. Prof. M. M. Parks, President of the dills Normal and Industrial Mrs. La children, of Tallapoosa, ouiiu* last, week to spend the summer with Mrs. Stephens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ('handler. Mrs. W. A. Nielson and Miss 1 >av tc Sprinkles attended the foot washing at Madras Sunday last. J. C, Lewis and family spent Saturdnv and Sunday the guests of relatives in Fayette county. Misses Mini Chandler, Rosa Ilammock and IreneTodd, Messrs. J.C, < 'handler and Kniory Pitts were with friends at Madras last Sunday. Nils. Jessie Mercer and little son. Filgar, of Macon, came Mon day t<> spend sonic time with the ■ families of her uncle and limit. Mr. It. It. Thompson and Mrs. \V. 11. Smith. Henry <Higgs, the negro found! dead beside the railroad track in (irantvillc last Sunday morning, is supposed to have been struck by a train. When last seen alive he was drinking. The coroner’s jury decided that he come to his death by an unknown cause. Edwin Calhoun, a negro living on Mr. I. P. Bradley’s plaiv in the Tnl District, was killed last Saturday night in a difficulty, it is claimed, with Griggs Thompson Nannie Owens made a pleasant: Saturday and Sunday. visit to Sargent last Friday. T hey | Mr. and Mrs. (>. b. brooks, ol were the guests of Mrs. Kichie’s j Newnan, visited the latter s par- sister. Mrs. Mattie Smith. i ents Sunday. Miss ())a Mobley , who was so I Marybeth Summers, the little sick at our last w riting, is sup-! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. posed to .be .some better. . j Summers, is very sick. Our farmers were glad b> see There Should be More LiKc Him Grurgia should have more such negro farmers as Deal Jackson, of Dougherty County, lie is alert and progressive, and year alter year lie has outstripped even the t white I’m mers nf the Stale in rais ing the first bale of cotton. True, lint a great many white farmers (strive for the distinction of raising thi* lirst bale, w hile Jackson has 1 made it a fail and lias Ibaiied his College of Milledgeviile, spent w j energy to the endeavor, few duys lirsl of the week with ins A|i(1 ‘ a| , honor j ( j s Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Musi* went to the country last Saturday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Janie the rain which fell Monday and Tuesday. Richards. ‘ Our schools are Lri a very fjour- Mrs. Ophelia Shaw is still quite | jshing condition; both averaging sick. 1 sixty pupils each. The series of meetings, conduct, ed at the chapel by bin. Latimer, of Rome, closed last Friday even ing, with two accessions to the. church. The writer had, the, pleasure of attending nearly every service. We are quite sure Bro* Latimer did some as tine preach ing as we ever near*!; lie is cer- follower of the and Henry Head, both colored. „ „ mistake'in securing T hompson has been arrested, but her attendance for the entire week. 1 bead sli!1 ili j Of the brilliant array of minis- ————— ters. statesmen and lecturers, who PIGEON FLYING, have already addressed our people , —— from the Auditorium stage, col- * John Neild. a member ol Silk umns could be written. Rev. G. City district, National Association W bull Ph I)., Rev. Len G. of American Homing Pigeon Fan-1 tainly an humid* Broughton, LL. IL, Hon. Champ ! Gers. sent four homing pigeons to j meek and lowly Savior. It cat. rlark - |„. H w Sears and Hon. Newnan, Ga., that were liberated said of him. “An Israel- LJ beauchamp form a quintet by W. 1. Holmes, who wired: Re indeed, in whom is no guile.” of eminent Americans unexcelled “Birds liberated July 14, at r, a. He is a man full of the holy ghost, in intellect ami achievements in j m’., central time, weather calm.” bro. Coins began his house to their several fields of endeavor. The first bird reached its loft at j house meetings again last Sunday All of these distinguished gentle- 2:20:59 p. m. yesterday, making | afternoon; services being held at men met the highest expectations ; the distance of 781.62 miles in • Mr. John Newsom’s. He preach of vast audiences who assembled seven days, ten hours, twenty ed a powerful sermon, the spirit to he ir them minutes and fifty-six seconds. 1 came in great power and quite a ,1 1 This is the first attempt by any of i number present had their spiritual The urograms tor Friday and , . : . , ,, ,, . . • * ! f Ku iTioniliuiv La Hv from 'A 1 cfeiimith rptiPU'PlI . I»1'0. (lOUlH 1H Crantviife. parents at Moore’s Ferry. Here turned to Milledgeviile Tuesday. Mrs. M. M . Parks and children, of Milledgeviile, have been spend ing some lime with relatives near the city. Rev. J. W. McLeod and family \ visited his father near Carrollton first of the week. .Mrs. F. W. Watkins is quite sick this week at her father in law’s, Judge M. D. Watkin’s. Quito a number of people are visiting Whitesburg these days looking for homes. W c trust they may all be suited and soon locate with us. No town in (icorgiaol t'ers better advantages in the way of school facilities. The programs tor r no ay ami , | . _ , , .. the members to fiv from such a strength renewed Saturday, including Friday after- • . I . b , . ' long distance, and Mr. Neild- is a "•■<»>f * noon, present rare treats ot >ong 1 . ... . | well pleased with the performance and storv by the Glee Club, Mm, ■‘ . . . . * T | , of his bird, considering the very Pace and Mrs. ( hilton. and splen-, , . . „ , . , , ,r.. \r.. hot weather we have been hav ing did musical programs by the Ma- .. v , L.. . „ the last tew days.—Patterson, N. line Band. I In* hunJorous lecture; . . ‘ Friday morning will be delivered ' 1 -’ Mo.*uiDg*4zaU. by Elias Day, one of the ablest eh - j ———————— tertainefs on the American plat-j Register! form. S. M. Spedon, the talent***! cartoonist, appeal’s Friday after noon and Saturday morning. Fri day night. Frederick Waxde, the „. —. eminent actor, delivers a lecture.! bond election bro. Goins is doing a great work among our people through the holy spirit. We ask all our Christian readers to join as in humble, earnest prayer, that the Lord will sustain him in the great work that he has undertaken in the Lord’s name O! for more holiness preachers! We are well, aware that a great many people don’t hold with the doctrine of holiness and sanctifica- The registration lx>oks will l*e opened at the Council Chamber, ... July 24. 1905, for #3,000 school tio “ ln this Ilie > but the Ls All voters mast ' t - Saturday nig! doses with a lecture by Chant Klia- Dav. ualify July 21 F. D. Fouse. Clerk. 1905. 4t 1 if van ii. in the News, it’s,so. Miss Ruth Nall is visiting rein lives near Lone (bik. Walter and Clarence Barnes and Graydon Chaffin visited out in the caunlry recently. Mrs. .rulius Rosser is visiting her mother-in-law at. this p!a*'**. f Andrew Houston was in our midst a few days ago. There will begin a series o! meetings at the Methodist church the lirst Sunday and also at the baptist church Tuesday before the fourth Sunday in August. The Misses Eubanks, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Moreland Zellars. Charlie Harwell, of Clein, came to visit our town recently. We are sorry to learn of the sickness of Emmett Sewell. Miss Ida Rosser is visiting at Lone Oak. Mr. J. L. Walker made a flying trip to Atlanta, recently. Miss Texas Drake attended an ice cream supper at Moreland Fri day night. Will Griggs, a negro, was found dead on the railroad at this place Sunday morning. It is thought that No. 36 ran over him. Miss Mary Broadwater has gone to spend a while at Moreland. Corinth. Miller visitin; have Mr; i ela In every cot ton-growing county of Georgia the farmers admire the industry and ability that mark the man who raises the lirst bale in the county, so how greatly the honor is multi plied when one raises the lirst bale in the State. Not alone does his raising Hie lirst,'bale in Georgia al most every season indicate the thrift, enterprise and farming ability of Deal Jackson, lie owns unencumbered, two or Hire** ol the finest, ftirms in Dougherty County, and also has other real estate. Mis cattle and stock arc among the lines; in Hi*' county ; and it is said that then* is no better team in Dougherty than that over which Jackson draws the reins. There is another negro farmer in that county who is reputed as well off and equally a> good an agricultur ist.. They both afford Illustrations of what proper effort can accom plish for members of their race. T hey are well thought of by the white people, with whom their 1VJr. and Mrs. N. < \ returned home alter Miller’s parents here. Miss Lucy Ware is visitin; tives in Newnan. - . Miss Nellie Webb, of Carrollton, credit is as good as that of almost who has been visiting (relatives any business man. They made here, returned home Tuesday Prof. F. <>. Watkins, of Turin, ,was here the first of the week. Quite a rmmlier of Corinthians their start with as little as has the ordinary young negro, and what they have accomplished is still to be accomplished by any young are spending the week at Hilly’s member of their race. The suc- yjjjj cess of these colored farmers of Mrs. Smith and children, of St. i Dougherty County speaks elo- Mai'ks, visited relatives here last; ! qijontly for the opportunity that is W( . ek . Open to negroes in the country, Mrs. John Daniel, of Hogans- ; and yet so many insist upon flock- ville, has returned home after | ing to the<rities. There is little spending a week with her parents, for them in the cities. T here is .Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Griffith. j no standing and independence such Miss Annie Hammett and as can be attained in the country brothers visited relatives at St. by working hard on the small Marks, Sunday. ! f » rnw il is a " n ’ att f fo / ’ , ... .. , to acquire. The fruits of their Mr. R. M. Ware left Monday on laboi>) they wor k intelligently, extended trip to < alitornia and are long in appearing, and other western states. they soon find that, like Deal ________________ Jackson, they have a fine farm, ~ t (lino cattle, tine stock and the re- Messrs* R. S. Bowden and J. b- 1 s pect an*l esteem of the white race Shell, or Turin, we're in town yes- as well as their own.—Savannah