The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 11, 1905, Image 2

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HOME BUTTER TESTS INDEPENDENCE DAY. HEAT AND TANNED SKINS. A NATURAL DIKE. ■MITHODRHY WHICH 10 DISTINGUISH THl (it NUINt ARTICLE. iriw I »( <>f rw»rr*»<l»r« With Frrtli IUpmI—i( ••liirhm Mmlrr In Many *«••- navH* *■—IIi.h In IKnlea-l Bnrlr Li'lil In ■kal I'nxluila. Jl <>X.1III lilt'• I nil • Ill'll 1gel III jl in « nmU#T nf eoniinon Inforinn- tiini iInn • • ia*i >11111 ijfi 1 1'l)it' I* khiiiH lme*< rnliMlII Mil'll fur butler mill Hint rancid mill I hi (J It iinlile hotter l« fiiHiwntly ■ ut'llifl. » n lii'il with mk|ii mill « IniriifnI ■with min. r-»i tlit iirnjiiirfiilon nf nim VIllllJ III priMTIh lllllll.l Methisls hit ii in tin lilt* w lilt'll, with ii littIt pru.lii* mil) lit* i*lii|»lo.\ftl In ills tlngiml. ml u ti ii flesh linllri. lenoilil- nl nr prui ini but I i-r mul oleomiugii r I tit- Tin- ‘ H| MM III" tost IlHM t**HII Hllggl- It'll ini n i ii iiimi Ii* iti I I tm I mnl Im i i mi mi m j.v IIMIll In lllllll.l til'll 1 I'IiI'HiImIH fur illMln giiisliing fiesli lintt'-r friiln ii-novaied lint t ft nl i ■ Ii-i hi in t k-i I i ii«' A 1 il 1111 * nf I, miii tit11 nr iliri'i' times ili«' size n( n |MII II 111III I || III n large M JIIM ll I llll'l It. Im tin'll In ..It'll III IT mi iilcnliul lull'll n || iiiim - Ttali vi'll It'll t. tin mj.iiiIi I i i i i > |h In-Ill lint r llii' illlllllnl nf lilt tin 11 mii v lit ) »*'* in' limit nl II mul I*v i'll l ‘- |ii.|i! mu im nrillhiiri 111 It In till ii.'-- g: Inn in i ill In Mili,|ilr ill i|in I H in I. hi ii n ill bnil ijilll'l Ii mill I|,i i u i.ilmli nr 11 bilge" i ul in,mil I,i 1 l.lui .i through.nit liii- tuiii' in, 11 |.....i. i. a Im pc :. im uni ..I ln.nn. I il. .nun. ■ i mi mul |ii .m tmm I .lit 1 i i mi lln min i limnl. |>H11 it mnl . fin i - II, nidi,l- a iiiiImi' niltllllif tu Hint In- ill wlii'ii i ii Hu I. i I'lil'. l In a b ' A 1,1 it lit I I "I ill' I llll'l Hill I III if I' I I n hiiiiiII portion nl lb- i nii11• ii i- |- u i -I tn ii i .. II bnl I n- mnl m I In n 11 -i ' i. WHli'i* lull... ii-ul l.\ ilium In I..ill Ilf ,1111.1,111 I in Mil III|ill* Im l.i'l'l II" i'ii in Iii.If an ii nr tn mi In‘it. ' Ill'll H 11' remit nb <1 bill Ii i a lln- lal Hill Im- till In.I, \t b If if pi lullin' Ill 'll I.'.til l lln I 'I will n I n n i • <t . I a i li l.l I it* fii I ii i' l.l ilf - ’In n in 1111. il In t • ■ n In l Im a h Hit W n11*1 'house. UI lllillt, If 1 1 llbl'lll Ilia mu.ii ■ nl huitI in.Ik I-* |• In|.|.tj in a wnii II . tilin'.I bill l it nil'll I . I la n vi Niit'l of boiling miUit. Win'll 11"' mill a tin rnuglil) In iilt .1 n I"iiM|i ai. .fill nl bill II I >' lllillt . I II lltl I III I. ■ tint Mllllll llllll II M 1.1 lilt I'f if til. ll until ibi fill I" ini'IU'tl. Thf I till Im tin'll |. 'a * <' I Hi a i.ImIi fl lit tialf. i. ml lla tl.i * g t nlIiii.i il mili lln l.l NllllillIn ‘ Nu" ll II-' mil'll'' I t I'-.I ft'i ' itk >' Ili'ItU nr It - in * V'Itll'il. ll "H In i m il In n pi minim ' nliil i mnl 11 im. 1. i ill-l llitongh lln la ll a hIiiij 11 | ill I' I ill 'M II. nu lln nllni la I a tin Hit1111ill' * .nsirtii "I nil im . I-' .- ui II Mill 1.1. III Ill'll. I '. II • l.l l "II I'l. ' ' III U ma t In l.l lln • I ii i i I rum tin null. iMmit I'l-i iiiim 11«" I il' 11 • lln r .at linns* fl lln I ri‘‘.l I linilt m.Ill till tin .lullI'lli 1 1 Im |ai ii'f'l fill'll li'llll.l lb m 'luiiin-Mtlfi. n iiiliii'l.t nuti>111nli-it. lln inlil Him age Ini'll 11 It'H nl lln 11 ■ fii lit ilay main tin* "hi ul |i't i iiiil in wlllt rnmli mi'll 1 ttimt'iTHHiirv. mnl tin IlilfllT |lll< king Iiiiiimk ill' ""I im.|llu.l tlii'in. It •nilili't I mi*M ba|i|H'"M Unit lorn I llllll I.ITM spill'klr |lll‘MI" \ IllltcH fill ll I'll! nf llll'l)I ill order llllll lin t mill 'keep il a' v | it ini'll nil till' bliM'l ul link ' llip. Ill II Mllllll IV l III lull II m. mi mil i'l IIhi'iiii'IiI Tlii' "hi ui i lii'ttiii'iil |ill wri'iilIvin tillb fresh ini'i-t n contlncil In till" limi t lit* iilum I’ll'HUI tiillui im *"'*> i . '"'.I iihinl with i'bo|i|iiit im'i. iti hml smi* i.t" • ‘H|M-Ptullt llX'hll HIIIIMII, f TI"')' ItiV III i'"".lull'll Mill i'll It Isl'it \ la'll (III UUll I'T'II Ills flll'llT MIIIIMIII'I'M till IiimhI l" liming* ttllb tbf I'lnlii Im I Wlifl'f lln 1'iulH «n‘ vlll iuvhi'I i ii I. t • h mill ilf lib t-V"! Till’ I’i'Hhi'" lor t bIn In t tin I till' li'iiipunit "iv ivi|iiliiil fiii lln- complete HltO'IIUlll In" nf Hll "Mil gcs Mill 1‘ltlll'r 'lllimt III lIlMl al'l till slflls It Ill'll III! Affnriltna In John AilmiiH, 1C Htinnli) Hi- Jill) II. On thf .'Ul nf .Inly, I77(i, .lull" Ad/lms. Ilm" mil uf lln- i'f|iri'Hi'iilii11vi'H uf ,Mim- MfhuHi'IlH Ui tin- Conllnciitul congress, wrote In 11In niff Abigail: "VvHlI'lllliy (Ilf glXMltOHl f J lll-Ht Imi wild ilffiiioil which nim ever cli'tinti'ij In America, mnl ii if lull ter perlmpN never mum nor will In-ilufiili'il tinning men." Iii ii second If I iir, writ leu ilif Hit me till) . Ill' i all]: •• lint III!' illt.V IspUst. Tbc 2d nf .l"l) Mill Im tlm iiiiimI inf mural.In ■.piifliii lb tlif lilHlor)' of America. I mu apt I" Im llfif Ihm It will bf ii'li'briitiil by sue cceilllig general Ions im tin- ff 1-1*111 mini versary fcHtlvnl. II mitflit lip In- emu ii ii'tiiorii I i'ii ti m tin tin) uf dlziverimi'e by solemn in-Im nf ilevollon tu God AI Mighty. h mip’lil tn Im Molemulzcil iillb pump mnl piirmli'. with shows, game* H|MirlH. if hum. belli! hotillres mnl IliumlimIIiiiim from out* I'liM uf this eon- tiiii'iiI In tlm utlii i from Hum tInn fur Witril. forevi-riiniri' ” Winn tin ri'Hobltloli mu tnketl lip nil tin '2*1. all tin Mlillfil. exi'i'pt Ni'tv Viil'll. rnlcil In iiffupt il. Tims, on lln '_il flat nf .lull 177<». the linlfpfii* in < ill till' Hill'll *'tl ""Ill'll COlullil'M li a thf t li i'i nu nl (Jri'iit 1 trl t ii In tv n k iP :. tiib li iii i iilnil up - Tlic '.'.il. mnl "..I till III- "I.l.l bf i . :. ll Ilf I I'liu llllll "f the Mipimiiloti. Wi in.,iil iviib prnpri i l.v ii'li l.rati fin I . nil. tun ibi.u far licr Tliiit tin | . i ' , m• :" lln « on. curiHlfli-u. fin ::ii IIM lln Ill" llllll' I'i Mlinil li I v lb. "Ill I ■ tVlil H 11 bi .Ini.II Ailiiim.. • * •! al lln Imp . albp nl tin* in I n Ii I Ti f pi | "Im li''" .- bmi i’i. Mt'i/.f 11 lip. '■ I’ll l|b f a .' li nl Ilf I |.| ll". I* uf .11 ’ 11 fl ‘ < II l> 1 - I'l * I ' 1 a Ilf llllll till" "I lln" rillH.I - fui tin Hi" -i Mil . .. ib> pr.i| 11 ii": tu ii i ' Tin* ilfbuff up ni tin lln.*im < i.i - a* i-i ui 11 ll Ill'll ""III Ilif "fieri.ou" nl hu •llli mnl Min- 11 • fl i • i hi*", 1'iipbl liaii' inn nu l"leriillmib',t at any ul In r nu muii ul lb. uar Ifni Ibf tv i'ii 11 if' ivas Oppti Mai in "ml tin lalll ill Mllllll till I If pill Il'M Mil VI IIM 1'lllHf In .1 Mliilik. “win.lim Ilif hlliipui Hi' HtVHl'incil llilck mnl llvrfi'. n Ili:l11 inpr oil lln- It pv nl lln- ilclfpi'ti H lllnl h: P hill'll tlll'nllpli till'll' lb " Mllli llml up Ti e im ai il as | in • IT nil bli" In 11 li" mill nr I mnl at I a - • fin- ilflcp. ilf* worn linmphl In Mil'll a Mlaln ul luiliil IIH In n;’rff tn ilif I >i-ITnruI inn mTIIiuuI fiirihfr miicinl liif "I. II b " III Main In Mll| pnif Hull hi line ill! - fl I tia- slpiuil l.l lln- ilflipab mi llial i'ai II If iiiipi'olinhlf llml ai y Mpnliip Mr- linin' Half It .lull" M ill in. I Ilif | a' 1 <li I i'll I of lln i n npw - lllnl i'liai k' T'lloniH.iii. Ibf Mi'fi'flart I’ h l.flainl Ha worth In llmper's zinc Tlia* Ml rue la- 'llml .N’nturr IVrliirini Wlirn Hauihiirii Oci'iirH. TJicrc lire fi.'itiilii nrctlc iiniinnln, tliirk foiili'il In 1lii> Hliort mmiriicr, lliat hi winter lurii pure white, thus mutch' Ini' lIm hiiovv covered ImnlNcapc an.I Ofii aplnp iiotliu mill harm. Thh, flimiK'’ of,color, thin protfcHoii, I'flimtfil no one known how, Ih womler- ful, an woii(li*rfiil ns a miracle, ami yd ii klnilrml elm ape <>f color, a kin- drill proii'iT ion, hnppeim miioiip mini kiml every Humuier, mid iiobmly ever imtieeH II. When Hie pale elty people po oil! hi Hie Hummer Him at the Hi'iislmre or the mount iiiDH Hie llplil ntiuekH them liereely, flrnl I’eilileiiiup llielr akin, then Hwellliip. bllatei'liip mnl morehiui; 11. If they kept In the hiiii eimnpli. mnl If no mlri'iTe oi'eiirreil. Hie lipht would kill them Himlly, hiirnlnp vlT thf KkIn IIihI mnl ufterManl aUa.klup the ra tv flcah. Hill ii uilriuTe dock occur. The kUin ihuiipi'H from a pule color to a Ijm amt on t ll Ih Iiiii the hiiii Iiiih iio effect. The hiiii limy heal on fan eolored Hkln for iIii.vh ami weelm, but hikTi skin reinulliH a I iv a )H hiiii ml, "iibliHlf red, Mlmle. TIiiih mil lire workH a tnlraele. The while hUI" b MilTerhiK, ami uni lire, lullin', Holiielioiv, that a tan akin la hiiii proof, ehlillpes lo tan the while. IJuii doeH slie do IlilnV WTierr did hIi«* learn thill II wim ivIhc Iii do IIiIhV No um knotVH. Duly the fuel of the mlraclf reiuniiiH. Tn prove tlm miracle In prove Hint ll Ik nut Hie hardetilnp nf Hie akin, bill lln i'll" "pf i" Ils fillin' it 11 ii Ti |>ro- Iffli: it ll'lil" Hill 11 III I'll- I' ll" I'll M) mm ■1'lic V nli'n it le Formullon Alomr Ch« Ci.oi'm- of Full Blirr. Nature In full of Hiranpe freaks, and her upeiitr. ral"8, atonus, wluila uml even dust—jiroiluee reaulta that might often In; udHtnkeii for the works of hiiuinn InindH, tlioupli frenueutly on a eoloHsnl seale. Yoleanld activities arc mighty fuo- tui'H, uml throuph them some wonder- lul phenomena are wroupht. One of these may be seen alonp the course of Fall river, in northern California. This at ream Is of eonsiderahlc size, and the work of nature's plgautic forces may be sii'ii lieiMi'i'u the upper and lower eiiHClnlos of Hie river. If is wliut might properly lie called a “volcanic dike.” This dike extends for some distance alonp Fall river, lieur Its hanks and nearly parallel to THE BIG FURNITURE STORE We have secured large additional space to accommodate our big stock of furniture and house fur nishings We are now able to^ display the goods to better advan tage and can show the public that this store has the most complete stock of this kind in Ncwnan. Come and see. All i.i'. ItI a pule person, unused lo Hie sun, bliil" one Hide of liis fuel' yellow, anti, leaving Hie other side untouched, pi out In Hit* bli pi 11 summer sun for a couple of hours T lie one side of Ids face Ih no tougher, no more lilil'deiiuil llimi the oilier, yet Hie iiiihIiiIiiciI Hide will be Influ11icil. llllHlcrcd, while die tali colored une will lie ipiile cool unit unhurt Siiiitnirn Is a mlnnic, a protection lo iminlsliiil an Inexplicable and iih Mniideiiiil iih the miracle of the nrctlc a ii I iiiii In' (iianpc in I In* winter from din'll coals In snow while ones.—New York ilerald. the course. It bears close resemblance OEPCT ST. to a roughly coiiHtrueled wall. The top of this dike is very ragged and the height of varying altitudes. In “““ some places It is twenty feet high and Hciernl feet In thickness, and again niny be easily clambered over. Thu rock of which this wall of nature is Com posed is of a very porous chimieter, bearing hoidc resetiildanee lo pumice Mimic, though much more solid and of greater spceitic gravity. That entire region In of volcanic ori gin mid eviiloAitly miis once (lie seem* or great eruptive activity Scoria and lain abound. Ilnnigli the face of the country 1“ notv thickly clad with timber mid brush. The dike begins and ends abruptly. The wall of the dike Ih evidently the result of volcaiiii forces, mid has no doubt stood for many centuries. It siaiuls clear from dinging rocks. Inis a narrow foundation, with verticil! Mails, anil Is vet') atrulght. The mys tery is vvhat forces of mil hit* could have piled up or left standing lids rock I >rmntlnii so uniform. Tljis dike In s puzzled nm hi lew geologists w ho lintc vlsileil and examined it.—Ahieri- t'liii Invcnlor. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN.t 6ft., Newnan Marble Works J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in Kinds Marble and Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. Ail work guaranteed to he Kirst Class in every particular. 1’artics needing anything inmir line are requested to call, examine work, and get price?. NEWNAN, GA. A FIERCE MERMAN. MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN. ADAPTABILITY. -a ti vilapla ; "iil.V'i- sails iiii.i v Ini' ilint blows Ti. lln iimi iiilb nihiptilliou mi oilier pi .1 t I- all opp.ilTlIllll) . Adaplr.bihl) is I lie li bi III y lo n.l:i| I yoMi'Hdl ipili kly lo Ulii'xpi't led I'llllill 1 Ions. The bankrupt In it W iiicind as i.o nsyliim lur men who are wltiiuul udupl- a 1)111 l.t WIicii one plmi falls the man will mln|.1 ii lias lorl) nil"' lintrli'd otll- era it all lap, Adllplabllll) is ll III n.V s read), is nev cr inkcii ill ii sli.ii I. Is Hie picul llplil i Ini' diMipe n 1*1 IkI mill often tiiriiM hopl'll'Hhlll'HH llllll vlcmry A I,Idle Mlorj Thai HIiowh Hie l nine of Aetilio la la I**'*'**. How professloniil men make ac can la- llliislratcd b) 111" story of i it'o men whom l know Hus ol liioni, a deni 1st. laid a piTiotloiil fa Hut. till" lliliglil bmi bun good mi I" vi'Mfnieul pond elollies and many friends mlglil be. This ibiciur lived fur milliy yeni'M nl. lomllng luilels mid at evening mingled socially it iIII tbc giicHtM There itas never a pleasanter iiiii" tbilli lie al lliese Il'Imuiu limes, upl' a iiiii" of belter appi'nrnnco, iillhougb (Inline ilit* carl) years lie tins coii slanlly in debt In bis lalbcr. and in all tills social life lie never meld limed Ills profession or Ins work unless such per sonal talk enme imliirii'fy Into lln* con vernation. Kuril year lie went to Ku rope and dined ai Hie captain's lable always In liumaculule cvcnliig clothes. Sometimes he went and returned by tin* Hiillic ship, for lliere tins llllll* lo gain bi slaying abroad. Kerry body liked liim. and todui he lias an immense practice, a considerable proportion of wlilcli lie admits frankly can lie traced A g,'iir,.il in bmilc. a statesman in p, Ids sleanisbip aci|miiutaiice. - One oflb'i a liiiain'ier bmiiilinp large cn lerprisc, M ll bout ll"' llbtlll) to I'cildii) iiilapl lilmsell lo siidilenly cluiupcd con dll lolls Is a iii is II i From > 'em I 'cr I'elit. Ilia* MiiinmH'k, In Irelr.ial oiil.i oi.i sbiujiro'.'k Is kiioii" 11 is an Iildlgfiioiih species ol m I icb Halls alonp Hie pi'Oimtl eiiils nix lied, wlierea* smiNiip." nllli ulliong Hit grass In iiiiildoWs. ^'hc tre tail ends a fiord an oppoiTullll) for Htc ••hi ape of Hit- wilier mid Hleai i V\ Hi. mm.y varieties of sausages, ibolli fresh and smoked, and villi *11011 Is•* 1 uicatf ol all ilesiTlplniiis. iiiloriiin lull I lei Is so laclemployed Tills Is done pm Hi foi Hie purpose of snllsf) tap mi "hiiiitill'll 1 deiiiund for a lilpli eulorcd iirll.Te and parll) Mi.iiiellun*** lo ixunx'iii 1 lie graylNh rotoi rliiiracloi'lHilc ol old Hit'll I. viblib sboiild not lie lined ut all. Tile piescri iittves euiplo.iisl with meat piiHliicli. are bmlc acid, borax ami Niilphlic. 'li ili'iccl boric acid nlMiut a lalcc poonful of Hie chopped meat Is thorour'h!) uuii'erill«*d n lib a • liltli it iiler. preswxl through a Imp and livo or llirro la tilcspoonf Ills of ll" Ihpihl plactsl in a saitix 1 dish with tif lixsi 01 incut)' drops of strong hydro efilorl* acid Tot each (nbles|iooiifiil. The liti"id is 1 lieu tillered through tiller pa l"'i ami 1. piciv of liunerlc paper dlji 1 s*11 into ll and ill ied near 11 lmn| or Htot* 'f ImhIc add or borax nen* ostxl loi presorting lla sample ll" lumcric pa|s 1 should b< ebanped lo a bright d-ini nil*" II loo much hydro Ctllorl. add lias Ixs 11 empl.-yixl 11 dirty bron nisi, it*! coioi is obtained, w hich SnterfiTiH wUb lln color dm lo Hie jiix'sem * <>( |.;"'i* add. N*'" if a drop ol lions* is al auiltloiiin, Is addixl lo the imlortxl luuieri* pa pci anil II turns a •Imi. pic*-", almost black color, then IlMiri* mul is present It lln redilUb •'olio, bmicici was'ciiiimxI by ll" use "1 im- 1111.* It liydroclllorlc acid, tills 4lixvii color il*s's not form Tin fiiiTOKiic nature of liydroclllorlc •oid UHisl not Is- lost sight of 11 must mot Is allowed to touch the ticeh. •Tollies <*i any melal. New York TTilr ■aue. fold leaves an mil more than oi|c foinlli lln* siy•• ol ll"* HUiallesI eloter iistiiilly seen In AiiiciTiti and a*x* pun preen In lolor. wiihout any of Hu brow 11 shading of white and pink do h is Tlic creeping stem is hard and ll broils llllll illtth till to ilIsliHlgc f 010 ilm earth On Si I’utiTcU’s day tlic true sliauiroi k lias lo be seiiriTied mil among III*' grass, for. thougli eompuni lltdi plentiful Ht llial season, il grow s close In llle ground. 1.liter ll Is-iirs a liny ''white crown” blossom The liilori iutiuu llial 'Immruklt Is lin \rabic tiord for trefoil! may lie ol son I* e 10 thorn* luteredisl In jhc origin <*l 1 In Irish iiiii*. day u year ago lie met a lawyer of 11 bout Ids own age uml degree of sue cosh ai 1 heir club. “I'm uoing abroad Saturday,'* stilfl tlie lawyer. "Coim* along." lu* Hddoil, half III Jest. The doctor hesitated for :i moment In thought. "All right." he Nil id. "What Iiiim 17" The lawyer told him and then asked it bli some surprise bow be could inaimge to Is away ou such short uotlee. Hud if lie bad Intend e<l to lake bis vacation nl that lluie. “I've boon over eighteen times,” sold the doctor, with a genial smile, "uml for the same reason tlm) you have gone uml are going. We'll work the boat to gether. you ami I " Arthur Goodrich In Imslle's Monthly Magazine. lira ml of Marlin' Monsler Virginia In miu. B. II. Blackwell or Oxford has piili- llsheil a 1:1 refill reprint nf "All Account of Virginia; Its Hllimllou, Tcnipcru- lai'c. Produdions, liihlibilaiitH and 'fT.cir Manner ol I'hiidiug and Order ing Tobacco." ll is. in brlol a pain- pblei comniimlcafisl to Hi* Ito.vul so dely in 1070 by one Tboinas Olover, "nit Ingenious 1 TUriirglon." who hud lived for some years in the province. Mr Olovd' M "ii*l sc'in lo have red-oil ed the sen serpent anioiig the iuhabit- mbs ol tlic nniuj to Judge from Hit* miiiiite ticciinw y of the following *ic- sdipllou: “A most prodigious Creature, much resembling a 11 mi. only somewhat lur g.",'. Handing rigid up I" the water with bis Ip'iiil, i*e:'k, sbouldds, breast and tin", I** the cubits of bis arms. abo\o it .UT; Id- d;iu was tawny, much like thm of mi lud'iiu; Hit* ligui'e of bis bead was p.irnmldul, and * slick. iiTlhoill bull', bis eyes large and black, and so it e.c ids eyebrows; ids mouth t cry it iile, Willi a broad, black streak on 1 lie upper lip, which turned upward at each end like inoiistaiTiiies; his emiii- b'UMnce was grim and f terrible; bis neck, shoulders, a in *. brensi ami wast were like imp) the ne.-U, arms, shoul ders. breast tiuil wast of a man; Ids bauds. If la bud any, trope under wn ivr. lie NcoiTcd to stand with Ills eyes IIm'iI 011 me for some time, and after ward dived down, and a little after ris- elb ai somewhat a farther distance uml turned bis bend toward me again, and then iiimiedUilely fulleth a little under water and swlmaieth nwu) so near lln- top of the water ibal I could discern him throw out bis arms and gather them in as a man doth when be swim- imTh. Al lust lie shoots with his head downwind, by which means lie east tail above the water, which exactly re sembled the la) ! of a tisli, with n broad fan*' at (lie end of it." DAViS & TURNER SANATORIUM, I Corner College and Hancock Sts., NEWNAN, - - - GEORGIA. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in attendance. Rates $5.00 per day. Private office in building. ’Phone 5 two calls. Merck & Dent. A Regular Smash-up COfrVR«CiHT BUGGY points a jsi ruig'lit finger to iliis place, for t-Jih very, good mason 1 hut hiii'ii im- whfeelml, gtinH'iilly Imt- ierml up vr.liie!i)s can get I'd'.'k Id husinesv at Hituill cost. ()ne word and that is I he end of it ; We do carriage repairing and charge you only just \vhni ’s righi. B UILDERS 'Wood’s Seeds. \ in lf<l Co an in once me 111 A,I,I rr*.*. Aii anxious Imiulrei' was dis-'iivslnp nlili Bislii.p I'reiidergasi the complex nature ol sou" of bis cplscii|)nl duties. "I sboiild think you would llml giving MdilrviNCN m ixiiiunemx'iueiiis pnrtli'ii- litrl.v trying." said ll"' H"|Uirer ipics tloniiigl) "I tin." slgbcil ibc lilsboj 1 - "llow ci." you imnuigc to Ibid aiTylbiug orlgnial lo stiy year after year?" prob oil the imiulrei. delermimxl to gib ul Hie loot ol (In iiiiilter "i)h. 1 don'I." smd llie bishop. Ills face lighting up mul expanding Into a tvbiiusicul smile 'I don't say mo tiling- original. Kadi linn I s ".pit "sc (hflVrriit adjectives" I'liiladcljiliiu Itis-ortl Tl,•* Flral .Anthrnelle Cowl. When the ttrsl two ions of autbra- cltc coal were lakeii into l’lilludelphiu, lu 1H0S, the good jieopfe of that city, no the records state, "tried to burn the stuff, bill nl length, disgusted, they broke II up ami made a walk of It.” Fourteen years later Colonel George Shoemaker sold eight or leu wagon loads of It In the same city, but war rants were soon issued for Ills arresl for taking money under false pre tenses. Iii y mIuii l»lr. "In what way could you be of any use to mi employment bureau?” said the proprietor "Simplest tiling In ll"' world," re pliisl Ilic shiftless looking npplii'iinl. "You nix* aliiays ’In’heed of men to fill positions, uml I'm always out of a job." Detroit l-'ixu Press. Ni* lloiltil of Ills llouofv. Depul) Sheriff and Chief of Police A If Church of Woonsocket was known in his day us a man who was straight forward and blunt iu ail bis dealings. One day a grocer went lo Alf for In formation about a certain .loo While, who had applied for credit anil a book al bis store, and the following dia logue ensued: "Good morning. Mr. Church." •‘Mornln'." "Do you know .Toe White?" " Yes." "What kind of a feller Is lie?” "Puny fair.”* “Is he holiest?'' ‘ "Horn'si 7 I should say so. Been nr- rested I nice for stoalin' and acquitted both times.” CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RV. In Effect May, li)04. >vc»t Uouud. daily khm Our Southern Farmers ean save fer tiliser bills and increase their revenues H, AhUv.I Fix If. "IH- too know llml the mill you lent *uu nu- i, counterfeit?" said the Habit" * l borrow er "Ob, sure I do. You said that you tneedixi II bud " ri:n mu 114*I* 4 unlit, Tom tut Max I slat up a little Ion gt't'7 Klbel Winn do.ion want to slat up for? Tuiuui) I wmii lo six' you and Mr. lirxvu playing cards. Mr. Green- Kill we are not going to play curds Tomm\ Oil, yes. yon are. for I benixl mamma sating to Kthcl that everything depended on the tint Iu which she played her cards tonight. A SI i'ii Too Far. Author- IPs a wise man who knows win'll he's well off. Friend 1 esV "C. told me tbm everybody was talking about m.v new book." "Anil what tbeii?” "I wim iiH*lisSi enough to ask what tliei said.'’ licM %ot> ABvayN li is ii mistake to have ll" best. The reasons arc two—one Is that directly you have the best of iiiii thing you have closed an avenue to enjoyment, tl"' enjoyment of .wall lug for a wish (o be ivalized; the other is that one becomes sorry-for those persons whom one sees stumbling along with the in ferior article.— E. Y. 1 .liens. A j*ecNoij suffering (ram chrwute rlMW* miailsio should avoid dried flsli. cookad* pork, veai and turkey. Mh I’Nkt MII tl If Im I’rrkOK. "Wlirn do you know iiIhiui Ids jisst?" asktxl Maliel. "Just enough to make me n little Husjdctous alwut bis preaent." said Maiul. examining wlHi a magnifying glass the diamond ring the young insu bad sent her. l*n llial ion. "Wo aw going to give an amateur diafiiatU' performance In aid of a worthy elnuTt).” "Why, tbiit. of course, Is au exleu untiug elix'uinstanoc." — Now Y’ora Press. Truile SnpcputIfIoiim. Dressmakers will not "tit" with bliid pills, and regard it as mi lucky to tack with gns'ii cotton. Milliners re gard as of happy augury the drop or blood falling on a bat from a pricked linger.—London Notes and Queries. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, by sowing Crimson Clover at the last working of their Corn and Cotton crops. It is the best time to sow and you savean extru prep aration of the land. Crimson Clover makes land rich in humus or vegetable matter and puts it in excellent condition for the crops which follow it. It- also makes A fine winter cover crop, An excellent grazing crop, A good earl* forage crop, A splendid soil-improving crop. Plowed under early in the -pring, it increases the yield of corn, to bacco, cotton or other crops which follow it, to a wonderful extent. Our tales of Crimson Clover seed ar& 1 ncxMis-lng fenorn >u.-ly t,c.; yt-tii, ami we are today the largest dealers In this seed iu the United states. Write for price- ami circulars giving Information about this valuable crop. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalogue, Issued in August, tell- about all Farm and Garden Seed* for Fall Plant, ing. Mailed free on reque-t. Nu « No. 1 I'M AM No -J No AM r> iu uu Lv Urilliu a» 8 .10 i) *i0 10 1 ’ .... Wualiun Jl 8 01 ♦3 *j«» iu " Sennia " . -i'l 7 :0i 7 <rj n 1! • N«*\vn in ... '■ : oh C r;» - ’.'7, . JUi . - A hitcHburi; 1 44 1 * .*•» 1- <>*, arrolltou.. “ 1 15 0 00 J O' ' “ - H - . lo edartou n...‘ 11 Home •• M* •! 1 *’< AH "...- Ikillniid .< 0*J -if " Lycrlv 50 — Uaceoon 1. 40 1 1 Ul Minin erviile..“ I 4 J-J ' Trlon " [) ri I IH Lh Kuvette.... •* p "5 10 "-.Chlckninaiigu.. • h :>8 r m Ar..( hjitt<iiiuogu..Lv 7 45 For Informrtlon 0 W. ■ HEARS, Ply. Pass. Agent. ‘ Tint* dmogn. Term. I). A NO\t.N, Vgelit. Xetviiau. * la. to Kates, et- . lulrlresx- F. J. AOnINSOX. Davis--&Turner Sanatorium. | As t ^uviioniib, <jft. J. f\ HAILE. '»(*f I'USS AffiTT, ViilllU'i,', i.-iu E|5i3SS SEtSSSti'SSSE S5t£S5aintLS; Ti o, ' I j | TAKE YOUR GLCTH1WB -Q i s. t mm & ci | OPPOSITE HOTEL PlHSOff, f when vou They Appeal to .Ou - Sympathies. The Hnlr Hl'Hliirrii. Dollio— He promised to send iiack my lock of hair, bin he hasn’t done it yet- Mollle— That’s Hio way with these hair restorers—all promise an*l no performance. TV lieu yon go in to *'olleet a bill, the man at tlie counter Is less apt to In quire about the health of your family than when you go in to pay oue. The bilions and dyspeptic arc t» aslant -offerers and upiieal r*i our -vnijmrliios. Tliei*- i- imr one ol ilSV-m. Imw - vcr. wiio may not be brought bank t*> In alili and In ,)|)iiTi--> by Tin- use of Chun.boiIain's Slouiacli and Liver Tablets. These tab let- in v gorate the stomach and liver and strengthen flic digestion. They nl-o want them j; cleaned, pressed, repaired r g or dyed iri the be.s! manner fl ar.d at the most itasotut- | ble prices. S S5.7r?^ ciitSSStZcSEfi riwaimur'M.,—r.mFEi R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind To inauage men oue ought to have n •harp mind In a velvet when tb.- George re#w i' B , e rhe bowels. For sale by Holt \ Thereat packet is .enough for nstuil oceaaioni & Cates, druggists, Nexvi.iui. (Ja Klior. Tlie fhir,lly bottle 100 cents) contains s supply for a star All dr-iggists Hell them.