The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 11, 1905, Image 6

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$ VI ^ V I S VS DESPOTS laiulies mil luxuries that become - " ' burdened with* fat." TYRANNY OF THt PAMPERED3ACRCD BEASTS OF ASIA In KrnarM tlir- IVr»nn Wkn III Treat* 3k MnnkAt II n it ■ lh«* I(InU of ilrinu Tfirvi In riRi'rioHim flit* Holy Hull 1 Irlimlif* llie Ho» n r Vim*. "I Kli'ling'* ‘Kirn,” which ^ n better pli uni* of Indliiii I;f*- Hum iiM lliinn else tn prim, limy recall J ,1, V I III* Ill-Ill It I *• I lll , KK , ‘ll Oil behalf of iln liln-inn ,V"Ui 'Hi** liii/iiiir woman to n tin tit lif givt* tin* twigging li'Wl « Tied ■ ■ *1 tint bnw I Indeed! 'I llllt OIIVV t>ei lloO Imaket • ’limit IhihI ns much grace , ||,,. inti\ |ml) of Slilv. Hi* Iiiix luIci’ii • in- m il nf ii I Hi hui*l of onIoiin ii I ready ilii*- inoni. nuil. fniiKoolii. I nnint till th.v tunt |. 11<* • niiii'i< Ill'l l* nen ill ■■ Hu' hiiis**, nmiKK I'oloml Hralimmier I, i<H f in** "mil W'flM bIiuiiIiIoi'Iiik bin •on' through Itn* ninny colnroil itihviI, II, 'tnlin | < I n 11111111 Ini 1 ■ k 111 k "HI of III** *h II*- ln*mli*il *t might for Hu* ii 1. "i'll knowing 111k privileges iik 11 >1,Ill'll | •*■ 11 y I, -ln\\ cl’l'll ll 1m 111 ‘II11, 1111(1 pUtTiil lii'ii \ I l.i 11 lulltf Mil* IlllO of linn ki-iH i'1'i* milking Iiin rlmli'i*. t p lli'iv Kin 's lini'il i*11 !*• lii'i'l mill i-niiulii blin on Ins tnolnl lilm* non', lie similcd In 1 u* nil' mill walked invny hitiimm lllc 1 1,10 i:il|s. Ins lininp qillvcillig willi In ■ I ginitIon mi-: | Mm'Mil veil inoie I tin 11 lie* I wl will i"Mi 1 lii'ii'*' over Now, inMli ,, a hi. 1,." mill Home ilrli'il llsli ,, 1 in, .mi) M.iiiie vegetable curry.' ' \ |.|'"" I rillin' out of Hie liilrk of (he • I-. " lien* 11 man Iny. - itn iirntr iiw'iiy Mi" hull,' m4Id me 11,,111 In 1111 illllleitoue II Is gmiil to y I In III" |ui:ir ' Kim in ilii'il 111 die Ion 11 lovingly " Thin Is ^(mmI When I mu In the tnik. 1 ill*' hull mIuiII not come to thin II III1 Si - lie Is ii linld licggnt mail.'" Inileeil. h" Ik, mill In* In only oil'* of tunny. The people of liellii, like those •if ot I III AhIiiIIi countries, lire the »inn s of lie'll k,h i nil iiiiIuiiiIh. There l>. no lyrnnii.! nioru (lulrngeoiis than thnl of lie- miiinnl ih'HpulH of Aaln. Am IlntfllKli ulnlie Hotter of my tnr- < 111 inline " wits lining allow 11 the nights ■ •I Iti'iuui's, the iiinsl Hiiereil city III nil Ii'iiiii, home j eni s agu. Ah lie piiHNed il," uk'h "ne of llte imrrow, erowileil nij'M'lN <>r ih*' bnv, 11 nr he mot n huge vlnle Hi illniiHliee bull HlnlkliiK nlistg in if llir "hole ■ lly belonged to him. Ini‘hint; people nattle right nnd left, it lid I'tihliliiK IiIh nose unhindered Into tie hm*kels of kC I'll 111. lire mid eoUUtry I'reduce wlil'h were dlnplnyeil outside ll" llllle lilllli e nllopH. II win* *'\ icily the kind of Hoene de k< 1 bed si, well 111 "Klin " Tlie iinll mnl 1I10 Ihigltabtlinu met lu the narrow |inthwny "sidewalk," it would lie rnlled here, hut lu ludltl aide walk mid rotid tiro daintily luilisi.t Kulsluible Wither would tilve fvuy lor both helnliueil In 1111 iilmllnutc, setf naaerttvo rare. '1 he hull tried to push juihI, The I'IukIIhIiiuiiu hit him 11 Hitt i.t 1 up 011 the none. "Got up, you brute!" he cried willi 1111 enforcing ontli. III n niotm>nl the Im/nnr was lu an npruiif. The uutlveh, who, Ti moment liefore, hnd er I lined servilely to Hie Hiihlb, now crowded 11 round him, with the passion of murder In their hen 's They pelted hlht with illrt nnd hIouch * klled him ull innuuer of vile mimes (more numerotiu, surely. In liulln tlmu any where else oil oiirtlti and Ihren toned most plainly to kill him. Wins he uot mi Inlldel dog who lied Hlruck the altered hull. t»enth hy torture was Mirely loo good foi him He would hrlng n mist* on the city. The fnuitlii* find the plague would come Their wives would lu- hi Id less 80 the tnlk ran excitedly from mini to tn nit. The tumult grow. The nugr.v moli Increased to ibouKandH llnd it not boon f*n the opiiorliiiie arrival >f >i poller patrol .it stalwart !#IWhs regally si iiul'ul >f Hindoo gods, un*l ever on the wa loll foi anoli iucidcnl* ns this Hie gin lit* trotter would cer taints Iihvo i>nu| with Ills life for hm Igllotiiuee of llnuloc ideas ns to llio oaerednexs 1' snerod animals 8tn b riots is this are rommon onough in tudin during the winter tourlat season md It is Indeed mar velous dull many l merlon iik and Eng llsbuion nrr not slain t'ho trouble or ours especially ,11 Benares, the most fntintU'nI city 0 the empire, nnd pos albly I11 ills world The Hindoo Mecca, ns i tins liesni t-nllod, is the headquarters *f Brahmanism and tile ohlef stronghold if the ililltutil w * rail ip which dlblli.gulshee Hint cult There are sacred amnmis all ovei lndin, hut nowhere else ire there so many of them nr In Brinves. u\id nowhere dst* lire they held in so much reverence and allowed so much license Anglo-Indians are often eouteinptu oils of nntlTcs amt nmlve superHtltloiis. Put no Auglo-ludhin would care to strike 11 tutored hull In Benares. Ktu (ltd It In l.ahore In Benares It would Is* exceedingly unwise even to swear at the holy boast In the presence of unlives who might understand the oath*. "The bulls are especially aucred." wrote Professor lames Rlcalton lu a letter to the author >f this article, aft er ho bad just returned from a tour if India, Id which lie secured some ex iremely interesting photographs of va Holts sacred animals "They line the sidewalks of the city cuter sweetmeat and grocery stows and help themselves to the choicest' articles without lbu (Iratiec. Utey tijby Hii‘ freedom if every city. I f ,1 bullock chooses to down in a narrow lane where lie tills the entire spa* e. 110 pious Hindoo w . ' pass that way while Hie sacred beast Is taking his rest "The indulgence extended to these echo liovinesNs wonderful They enter the most sacred precincts of the tciu pies TTiey are so pampered with Although tin* Brnlnniinee hull Is tho most sn<*red animal in India, In* Inis many com]editors. riu*i«* are more gods than w iishiimrs in lu liu. Beast Worship s'-i-uis to Is* ini''ini to tin* Hindoo, an I ii Is cert.Hilly one of the Inundation stonet of Itrnliiuamsin. l'ol lowers of the purer forms of that faith may say that the sacred heads are only symbol* and not gists, tint 11 re llglou must he fudged hy tin* etTeet which It 1ihx on the muss of Itn devotees. Tlie monkey, Hie crocodile, (hi* crane, tip* this, the cobra and other serpents are among tin* creatures thin share with thn hull tin* rpverence of the people. iT uot their worship- Benares Is the heuihpinrlers of all the nunier oils cults of Brahluiinlxin Hint especial ly wot ship one or other of these sacred Insists One of the hottest plticcs In Benares is the In»org 1 Kboiid, or innnlc**y tent pie The monkey comes next to till* Brahltiillioe hull lu order of sanctity. Vn Kngllsli resident in the ''It.v iissnr<*d the writer that iiuylnsl.v who killed or ••ten ill treated a mouUe.v would run a very good chance of heiug torn to pieces hv Hi* fuiiullcill natives. I lull is nut gener.illy true of India, for I liltve seen Uionkc.vs killed thero with out any trouble resulting, hut I b»lleve It is ti tie ol Hminres At tin* i inoi’g 1 Kliond liundr *ds of uionlteys are kept is pets by the priests. They run shout all over the plUcc Just IS they please and lire never i*ag(*d o*' restrained In any way. As a t*nHHei|ii"lii'e they lire lolly, g 1 id lent pored little fellows, ■ |iiit«• unlike th siivugp, stilk.i lifliteH you see i;i an American *00. II Is a inistiike. to nip pose that a monkey's nature Is essen Hally vicious. The temple la simply a large paved yard surrounded by high walls on which (here me a lot of wooden boxes noil houses In which the monkeys live There Is a Mg lank for the monkeys to drink from and swim In, If they elioase to do so. and 11 huge banyan tree gives I belli all the gymnastic exercise they want Visitors are widcnmcd. hut they are expected to huy food for the mini keys from the priests ill an exorbitant price As soon as they get Instill* the monkeys mull them, elituMng all over ttW*m, snatching the food from llielr hands and then scampering niT to eat It lu the banyan tree. 'These monkeys and till of llielr kind the grayish brown, short tailed common monkey of northern India are sup posed to 1 »«f till* descendants of llumi iiiiiu, the monkey god of southern In din. Aceordlng to the myth of the Brahmans. Iluutiniaii nldtsl Kama to compter Ceylon by building a bridge of rocks from liidla to that lalaiid. Ilis image Is to he seen In most Hindoo temples In Hie form of a iiiiiu with 11 black monkey's fun* anil tail Siii'icd monkeys sell ill per along tin* sly.•i'll and over tin* housetops in most Indian cities and villages The simp keepers nr** instantly worried by their fm iging eNinipMdeH, bill they dan* not resent tin in any inure Iiiiiu those of tin* SHcvcd hub These monkeys are often tin* companions of the hermits and tikbs with which India swarms, and they are the chief part of the emigre gallon in iniiuy temples where they arc fed and proloeled I inks pi which Mitered crocodiles ore kepi arc attached to Home l<‘|iiplcx In Ben ties to foi mer days they were f*sl with children and other htiiiian sueri dies, lint the British government, though very Indulgent toward native superstitions, will, of course, not 11 tinw that now Rome Anglo Indians assert, however, (hot such sacPlflees are still made mi Hie sly Whether Bilk Is true or not, it is a fact that• many fuurtMeuI llludoos would not kill a crocodile which had killed llielr wife or elilld. Home Hindoo* are unspeakably cruel 10 animals that are not aacred, hut in general the faiths of India enjoin kind ness to dumb animals as r. religious duty Buddhism does ho most em plnitlcuTl.v. for tin* whole tendency of its teaching,'rightly given, Is to make a man gentle and mild The I “a races lire noted for their kindliness lo all creatures, man and beast, anil they give largely nut of their hauildleas wealth to the support of !be .lain tern tiles, which are perhaps the most ilc llghtful places in all India All the best elements in Brahmanism flock to the .Inin cull as the needle flies to the magnet 'The .tains .recog nine all the gods of the Hindoo creed, wear the Rrnhnuiuictil thread nnd ad here to Hindoo caste law Vet they ■ire utterly unlike tin* average Brail mail They have agreed to ignore ail 'lint Is vile in I)i*tihnt 1111 in 111 and to do vole themselves to all (hat is noble They reverence the sacred animals, hut they give to the worship u prtu* ticil (wist by adoring all animals, all l!\ ug ''reaturoH, and by making voter Imirv surgery at once their vocation and their religion. Every Jain temple Is a hospital for Hie lame. Hie blind, the sick and the maltreated among animals. The priest* go u'iiiiihI Yhe streets of the crowded •11y picking up dogs with broken legs, .•nts that have been nearly starved to death and birds with broken wings If they siv till ass or a horse that ia overworked and cruelly hen ten, they will Imy it from Hie brutal owuer All 'In* animals Unis rescued arc taken to he temph* grounds and tenderly and pa 'ontl.i treated and nursed back to ticnlili lnd .1 is of course, not the only oriental atni'ry in which animals are regard'll as sacred. In almost ill', eastern lands, save those which are tightly in the grip of Islam, certain dumb creatures are the objects of rev orenct* or of superstition, if not of iH-tuul worship. Slant's sacred white elephant a curious superstition graft ed upon a debhsed form of Buddhism — Is tin* host know n example but doxens of nl bora could Is* giveu.—WltlUim Thorp in New York Host AN EFFECTIVE BAIT. Clever detective In Semi Alter t llldNlfig llclitor, A registered letter Is mighty effective hslt. The Seventy-eighth street W"- man ulhhltsl at the llrsl throw. "Of ourse it Is fur me," she fluid. “Tlint W in' inline and that was my address before I movi-d here." ' Yes, that part of n's all right," the postman admitted "blit It s.iis 'cm tpilrc.' Yoft're not G8>iuirc." "An," sighed tin* woman, "hut I’tn sure" "Of course you arc sure," he put In, ; "hut I can't leave the letter. 'This is 11 registered letter, nnd we have to he very careful of registered mall. The best I cun do Is to give you tin*** and nddrcaa of the writer. Then you can make Inquiry and ask to have Hi** letter addressed properly.” The woman eyed the prospuroux look ing missive yoimilngl.r, hut since the compromise offered was tin* lies! bar gain obtainable site njvoptcd it. The situation wos pttv.xliiig Tim name of her benefactor was totally unknown. Kortuiialely In* was sitiuitisl in 11 down town olHee building, so Immediately after luncheon she itltcniidcd I" duel date the mystery of the registered let ter Once Inside the olMcc sin* recog itixetl her correspondent ns tin* man ager of a concern 1 1 which she had owed fur typewriting supplies for Hm lust six mouths, she mentioned tin- letter; the uisit prinluceil a bill. "II was a copy of this," he said "You hud moved—we coil Id not And you mere overnight, on your part of course still, lu order to keep our no- counts square—you uii'lersl.ind" The woman was so mad she wasn’t sure whether slm understand or not, lint she paid Hie bill When she had gone the manager treated lilnmolf to a fresh cigar. “IteglHtered letters,” lie said, are Hie lies! detectives going when the person you are lifter moves frcqucntlv and Is guilty of no greater crime Hum shirking a little bill. An ordinary let ter, even though forwarded to tlie proper address, may elicit 110 reply, but very few people can withstand the itppcnl of 11 registered letter. To bring results It must, of enurne, bo Improperly directed, so Hint the ad- droMsee cannot receive It. In Hint ease It either arouses sutnelent curiosity I 1 bring the delinquent down here to Investigate or Is returned with the priflmr address marked 011 Hie envel ope In either event wo gel on the track of Hu* debtor and are pretty sum to eolloct the money."—New York IVchm POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Success doesn’t nmoiltlt to so much If a lot of age goes with It How many things we all have to do Hull "goes against the grain.” If you me willing to Mpond money on your fads yon can find plenty of en <'ourag(*uii>nl in them. No man says exactly ivlint ho means. To do Hull would require too much ex Idu 11111 Iiiii and quHlItlentltm. When you have no other reform 1 > think about, hero ia one that Is always Important nuil timely: You tHlk too much. Tin* klckcr attrncts attention for a time and alfords amusement, but ill a little while people become very tired of litm And bow be Is hated In bis old a get We frequent ly see Ibis statement: ‘‘It requires courage for a mao t » do bis duty” Tills isn't (rue It Is always easier to do right tin*it it Is to do wrong Atchison Ulobe CALIFORNIA Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round— where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold? Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that will assure you a competence? Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure, business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment ? Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await your coming. The Chicago, Union Pacific and is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. Special low round-trip rates are in effect via this line throughout the summer to various Pacific Coast points, and colonist low rate one-way tickets will be on sale during Sep tember and October, which give an unusual chance for settlers to make the trip at a minimum of expense. Daily and personally conducted excursions are operated through to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland without change, on which a double berth in a Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7.00, via the Chicago & North-Western, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. riLL IN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO-DAY. W. B. KNISKERN, # P. T. M. C. & N.-W. Ry„ Chicago, III. Please mail free to my addrean, California booklets, maps and full particulars concerning rates and train service. Notice of Bond Election t'ltf Wnna I iinntr, Bjm. Iii out* of Ills delightful books I>r. J(*mho|I|i remarks Hint whereas conn'- try iM*o|ile look ti|» l.ondoners look down. It Is largely tills hrfblt that has limited llielr observing powers, but l.ondoll tins Itself lo blame. ( take It ttial 0110 ean observe well only by tlie power of taking large views, and In London tills ia Iniposalble, even If one would, partly from tho eliviiinsertIxlng effect of bricks null mortar, partly from Hie dim Ugh! of a London dls tnnee iiml partly from the need of avoiding collisions One’s eyes uncon- Ht’lously acquire a linblt of restricted vision; our observation specialises, like that of the little girl •» Mrs. Meynell’n hook who Itogulletl tho tedium of Iter walks by collecting shopkeepers uatned Jones, l’erhapa Hint Ih (lie kind of oh nervation for which we in London are heal Hulled — Iamdon Outlook. , "Yes, my father made me give liltn up. He isn't any good at all.” “Is that so, dearV” “Yea. indeed Why, even tho neigh born HHid lie was worthless. He dlssl pales and is horrid.” "You dou't anyT” "In fact, l hale him.” “Gracious! Blit have you heard that be Is lo be married to Belle?" "What? That Belle? Why, whnt on earth does a nice young man like him want with such a girl as Belle? I am surprised.” -Columbus Dispatch. lb* if ordained by the Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen, of flu* City of N*w- mill, fliar after tin* inn*sag" of this orrti-! nance, an election b" held in said Oitv on the Uh day of September, I'JOB. at which election there shall be submitted to the qimliti "1 voters of said City the questidn wliefli -r bon Is shall be issued by said City for the purpose of building a school lipuse to South N'ewtiau, and wlieu so built to be a part of the general public)school system of rhe (Try of New - nail. Tht* amount of -.aid lion ds si mil be l'HttEK THorsAxn not,LA ins, nud they shall bear date January I. LbOO. and bear | interest at the rate of 5 [**r cent, per an num. The interest on said bonds ^hall 1 be paid annually on the 1st day of J iun- i irv of each year The principal of said bonds shall ma ture and be^paid as follows: $1,000.00, January I. 1007; $1,000.00, January l, * H108; $1,000.00, January 1, 1000. To meet rhe maturity of the principal, the following immnits shall be raised as a sinking fund $1,000 00. 1000; $1,000 00 ' 1007 ; $1,000.00, 1008. So that the whole unonnt of stud bouds shall be pauj with in three years of their issue. The interest to be paid yearly on snid bonds shall be as follows: $150 00, Jan uary l, 11X57 $100 CO, January 1, 100H, I $.50,00, January 1. 1009. Notice of said Hecfioii shall be gm-t* . by publishing Hus ordinance thirtx days in xt preceding the day on which said j election shall be held, m The Newnaa j News, the newspaper in said City j whereiu the Sheriff’s iidvertisemeurs tor j said County are published. Those voters i who are in favor of bonds shall have writteu or printed on their ballots, "For Bonds,” and those, opposing the issue of i snid bonds shall have written or printed j oil their ballots, ‘Against Bonds.” Done in open session of the Mayor and 'Aldermen if rhe city of Newnau, this July 17, 1905. K. D Foust:. C-lerli Atlanta & Went Point Railroad Co. The Western Railway .of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining- Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. KKAIi DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1904. No in So B4j v> :m No :W U-Hve A rrive No JUS No HV No or! No :w *i Up 1 U 2fi»l H Ifip Lv New OrleiWN Ar M Kip 1* «l>llj 1 8.5 p l*J Kill Lv Mobile.-.. - Ar 1 18|i 1 ii.ill . H7n — 11 uT»p ! • 15 p 11 0fi|) Lv Pen much in. a r s OOp . ' oon 5 nou| 4 OOp li 'W»l Lv .... .... ..Belinii Kr ll ftnp'io :15a 1 :tU;i ll H0p ft 55h Lv Montgomi-n Ar 10 ii.'.,, 0 80 p ft I7n ft A)p Hi Ofm ■-> 87;) 7 ttp .... ip Mi);-t«llll. . .. A r ft r»7u 10 .kin 2 oip - I8|> 7 lift a Vr Olichiiw Ar ft 1-H M ’JOp 5 01 p — HI f* H lip .\ r . —. ..Auburn ... - Ar ft 10(1 7 4(ip — 4 37 p « -! «p| ll 'i'ipjt'l ilTip A r . ^ -...ColumbuK. l~ ftnp ft :iip —... ...... 11 ,5n A lop S '."ip H ft i*ll Ar... ...Opelika - \r li ftTn 7 ftftp t tr.p ia it]) 1 Hop ft 0-p 0 18'. Ar .. AS vHt Point A r : r».»H <i iftp t Ida 3 H0'r» ...... 12 5)p 11 ‘ftp » H7p ft * M 7rt Ar .... ... Lit(*rau^c* ....Ar ; 7 HHil (I 88p lift in 1 l 5Hd r» oo r !0 87 p hi :ithi Ar ..Newnnn ...—..A r (3.14.1 > JSp 18 Itn 18 Hf»p ; a i7 t > 8 28[. Ar I''iiirburu ... Ar (H'l ii A (301) Ar Bust I’m nt A P HWf. 7 H0p ii top 11 Kill Ar Atlanta ...... - l.v oaou 4 80p 11 ISp 1 Wp | 0 47m ft l.“»P 0 18a Ar \N unhinKton _[,V 11 l.ill lo yip 1^ 55p I l»p I 10 it Up H (Mill Ar ..Hjiltimorc 1 n i7« 0 llij TO V. P I i: *>4d J Dfip 10 hi. Ar - I’llill'Jt'lphiii . -...Lv H llio ft nip 0 8? » lilu i8 tap A r New i ork Lv 18 10a 4 '*JOp -Mi-nit* Above train - dully Connections nt New Orleiinn tor Texas. Mexico, Oaliforoia At Chehnw (or TtiKkegfc. Ail'tend for T*)laliiH«ee. t.iitirunge m comnuxliituin leaves Atlanta dally, except Sunday ut 'i:M0 p. m. Returning leaves LuUrnnge at .1:50 a. in arrives Atlanta HOC a m. TrninaU. r i nnd :'ai Pullman sleepers New 5 ork und Nc,w Orleans. Tlirougli coaches Waiihiny nil and New Orleans. Trains 87 amt 88 Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullmnn sleepers, compartmea nr s. observation and dining ears. Complete service New 5 ork and New Orleans. Train 1*7 I'ilited States fai t mail. Through Jay roaches Atlanta and New Orleans. Write for maps, si hednii-a and intorinaiion. I % HEYWARD J. P BILLUPS, D P A., Atlanta, Ua. (x. P. A_, Atlanta G« CHA8. A. WrOKBRSflAM, Prci.. and O'-n Mur. Atlanta Ua lit* IVmnli'il to Km*it. Scotchman art* foml of an argument, and delight to And flaws in an oppo nent's logic. Two blacksmiths wore nice conversing as to which was the fliNt trade iu the world _ One insisted that it must have 1sh*ii gardening, and quoted from Genesis: "Adam was put Into the garden of Eden to dress, it and keep it ’’ “Aye, John," retorted the other, who hail a'ood up for his own trade, "blit wha made the sputles?" llimt Hhvi* Born lor. Mamma—No, desr, the AMahth' ocean never freezes over I^|sie—Oil, hut it must l heard papa telling Mr. Gariy that when he was coming serosa from Europe the last time Im* listl ilia skates on all tlie time. A Warri ng :o Vtottiers- Too much care cannot be used with small children during the hot weather jf the juinmer months to guard ngninst bowel troubles. As a rule 14 is only necessary to give Hie child a dose of cas tor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do nor use nnv substitute, bur give the old fashioned castor oil, nnd see chat it is fresh as rancid oil nause ates and tins a ’cadency to gripe. If this does not cheek rhe bowels give Cham berlain's Ool: . Reined: ,-yiit riien i doso of castor oil. and "he disease miiv lie checked in its inL’ipiency and all itftiiger avoided The castor oil and this remedy should he pro- TEILEtQRAPHERS WEEDED Annually r«» fill Mh» »<»%v portion* oi*eafr«*d ; by Railroadn»i(i lVIagrapli CoiiMMUiifH. Wo Hunt Young; Men Hnd Ladles «<»od ImbifM, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND 11. II ACCOUNTING. Wi* furnish Vo jx*r cant, of Ilia Opcrabira mnl Station- in Aimww Our tar. dthoolK art* Mu* Jarfff.d oxcIuhitc SchoolH IU 'THK WORLD. aryfarn and i*ndor>*«t by icaulini; 'Railway Ofnc.iaL. \S l* i-xi*cut<* n VViO Bond to cvrry ntodi-nt to furnish him orhcrapoHitioniMyiuRfroni $10 to $*H) a month in Statvx of tho RtH Ky Mountains, or from $75 to $1U0 per month in States wwt of tin* Rorkira, >m tr.i*diatel> upon ('raihiation Htudenta can enter at any time. No viu- »- tionrt. 1 or full partirularv rt*R»rdinff any t f our Schools write dirtvt to our executive otfiee atOncinnati, U Catalog free. THE MORSE SCHOOL OR TELEGRAPHY, Expert | Cincinnati. Ohio Boftalo, N Y Atlantrt, <i« r^aOroHM«‘ Wis. 1 T(.*T«rknnfH Tok. Ran FranciMro, ChI. 1 nses of cholera infantum. For sale j Cholera and Diarrhoea | by Holt & Oates, Druggists Ncwnan, Ga. For Rale—First olass fresh apple cured at once and kept retuiy for instant eider every day. I en cents per use us soon as the first indication of any, quart or 30 cent* per gallon, de bow**l trouble appears Tins is the most |jyp r etj. 15. K. Davis, > phonel22, ' successful treatment known and may l e . - relied upou with implicit confidence even j ‘ 3 ' When you give tv plumber a j^t», !*esuro theplnniljer knows his business All work in this line should Ik* done by au ex pert Otherwise, endless trouble and axpeufto is certain to result. Iu dealing with Bexton, you get tho services of an export B-emcmber this when you need the services of a plumber. I have a complete stock of supplies, water fixtures, bath tubs, etc., etc , This is great ly to the advnufage of my pat rons, as t can supply their ueeds on short, notice and at small cost | Am selling garden | hose at cost. S i a § W. L. Seactcm, ^ The Nowuau Plumber. (Z