The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 11, 1905, Image 7

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00 s itfnMMM———a—a—mw UiU beautiful Top Bugv' . luami- factured «»y us here in Atluiilu. Grot^in. A South Pin IltiRgy fi'V Soul hern inme. tins a fifit lather Quarter Top, has gtnuinc Uenthci, Spring Ilottom Cushion, ami l.rather hack, is elfgiintiy painted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $05.00 to $75.00. A 9Q For this line Collar and Maine. * nickel mounted Harness, sold wiili every GOt.MKN KAC.I.E BUGGY, tegular letHil price Sly.'iOtu $15.00 Catalog nu»l full description sent on request. U0L1IEN EAULE RIGHT CO. If>fvl60 Edgewood Avf., Ati.anta, Ga. ATLANTA BUSINESS MAN Gives his endorsement of the /Etna Life Insurance Company: Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tolls about a trade you can learn in ft few months ami which will pay you i $40 to $50 a i;i mth to start on. Southern Land of Promise (Contiuoed f 'int page ".) Syria, and enumerating the con quered tribes. One of these last eomir.rr T.ei-.-e brig'.iiness of tlielr eyes. 1 .ion is. of i:ourse, from the ljltln loo, wtileli word, in turn, is lost fur buck in tile Egyptian tongue, where the word for the king of ileasts was Inliu. The compound word leopard is tlrst found In the I’erslHU language, where pars stands for pan ther. Seal, very appropriately, was Chattahoochee Brick; Company. Telegraphy, Newnun, - (Jcorgin. Box 214. has been translateil ‘Israel, and it word meaning of the sea; close this he correct, it is a un que ex ample. The sentence is,‘Israel is wasted, and his seed brought to nothing!' ” Notable also were the ■two stelae hearing trilingual in scriptions written in hieroglyphs and demotic and Greek similar to the famous Rosetta stone in the 1!; itiih Museum in London and to the one in the Louvre in Paris, and still another stele in hierog lyphs and Latin and Greek. Hour alter hour was spent over these things, and a life lime could be de voted to their study ai d unfolding, as is beit g done; 'dii.s is hut tl e beginning of a vast treasure yet to be hii light to light from the dust, through various languages. Besides the sight of the Howling le as l.chrus. and Dancing Dervishes (tanta- to (lie l.ntln sal, the sea. l’mua, jaguar, tapir and pecenr.v (from pui|ulres> are all names from South American Indian langmiges. The voyotc and ocelet were called eo.votl and oeelote h,v the Mexicans long liefore t'ortis lauded on their shores. Moose Is from the Indian word moMKWnh. meaning wood enter; skunk, from seganku, un Algonquin term; wapiti in the Creek language means white deer, and was originally npplled to (lie Rocky mmiuliilli goal, i tint the name Is now restricted In the American elk. Cnrlhntl Is also a na tive Indian word; opossum Is from possovvne. and raccoon is from the In dian a mil lik une (liy further apliere 1 sis soon). Khlnoceros Is pure Greek, meaning llose horned, hut heaver has Indeed hud n rough time of It in its travels It Is hard- Imlint and - bru. The Inller Is Hie tiltimale root Mr. VV . E . Hawkins, Mgr Dear Sir; Several life insurance, the several Atlanta, G a Aetna Life Ins. A 11 a n t a , G a . June 19. 19C5 C o years for S25.GGG ii y A e t n a life insurance ago I examine d companies, vv i t h i n t h e A e or three years a ri d. t o o k I n s ■ ti s the t h e a a Life I a late r 1 i c tif? my 'd to me by u I t- r a n c e o lit 1 1 was co a sitlering incr <? u t m i 11 e t hat 1 took a pol icy C opn ny . cj d -d to fur ther increase n a d cl i t i o n a 1 pol 1 c y w i th the 0 00, be th o f wh i ch ar e u ’ a n n v o r >t- n o w of llie English word lirown. The orlg mount to seeing people work inul application vvns douluiess on ne e.iunt of the. color of the ereuture's fur. Otter goes Puck to Sanskrit, where It Is udrtt. The slgnlllennee of this word is In lls close kinship to ..At... Peniston’s Drug Store (hallo’s Spring Medicine. Crime# Kidney |hinu Backache (Jure. Ormnvs < hmgh (Jure. Omiie's Htmdnoho Helinf. (JrimcV < 'holern and,Dmrrhoen Mix tun. Crain's 'Family Liniment. Ornm ‘s Eezeinu Cure. Crane's I iver i J owders. (.'rune’s Pile Halve. (Jrimo's Liver Pills. Gram s Fetnalo Relief. These are Standard Prepara tions and are Sold ond Kecom- ffiendMt at Peniston’s Drug Store. Take a Bath -AT- ! themselves for pay into a frenzy i and convulsion j we see the most oiicient of customs a ul (Iwclliugr and the most thoroughly modern of usages and buildings, the desert without a path and the finest of macadamized roads and paved pavements, the pi o c*t of hovels and the richest of pa’aees and ho tels and residences, human niture at its worst and in its best garb, the camtl and '.he horse and the donkey, the English dandy and the desert Bedouin and tlte it.(limed- eyed Moslem child, tlte dtomedaty . and the water buffalo; a vmitahlc ‘•combination of heterogeneous changes." So we find and leave j Caito. <To la oour-iiiue.l.) i n 1 o r c e a n d I a lit e n t i r e 1 y s a t i 8 f i © cl w i Yours truly, h t it JAM US W. ENGL 1 G l! 1 H. Childers Libel for Divpree, In yh. ('nweln Superior Court, E. Childers ' March Turin, l!Mi. do 10. K. Childers defendant in above stilled case: You urn hereby ooniinimd- 1 i d lo h" and appear at the .March term, lOOt’i. of said Court, to ho la id mt the first Monday in .March, next, to answer Ilie plaintiIf”s libel for divorce; in de fault thereof the Court will proceed thereon ns to justice may appertain. | Witness the Hon. R. W Freeman, Judge of saifl Court, this Aug. J, lilOfi. L. Tut Milt. Clerk. mine, meaning water. 'Phi* little mouse hands IIn name down through the years from tin- old. old Sanskrit, the rool meaning in steal The word rat may have been derived lrut ' th" rool of the l.aiin word vn dere, lo sent tell, or roilcre, to gnaw. Undent is derived from the hitler term. Cut is also in doubt, but Is lirst rec ognized in cut ulus, a diminutive of cauls, a dog. II was applied to till* young of almost any animal, as (lie English words pup. kitten, cub. etc. Hour is lift; result of tongue twisting, from the l.aiin fern, u wild tieast. Jieer Is of origin, bul may have been an ud.l' dive, imdintr.g wild. Elk Is derived from the same root as eland, mill tin* history of the latter ; word la an Interesting one. It meant a sufferer, and was applied by the Teutons to the elk of the old world on account of the awkward gait and stiff movements of litis ungainly nni- nml. Squirrel lias a poetic origin lq the Greek language, its original meaning being shadow tail. Tiger H far more Intricate. The old I’erslan word tlr meant arrow, while tlgliiTi signified sharp. The application to lids great animal was in allusion lo the swiftness with which the tiger leaps upon' its prey.- Detroit New, Tribune. F. M. BRYANT, District Manager, Newnan, Georgia. >arber ^hop ■Where the equipment is new and brut class and where all tlm latest ap pliances and accessories of the mod ern bath room are at your service, Your patronage is desired and mer ited, and a trial will make you u per manent patron. BAILEY’S BARBER SIP, Reese Opera House Budding. Newnan, - Ca. GE( )R< HA —Co wet n l fount v. 1 will, on Monday, August 7fh, next, ut J2 o'clock, in., on the premises, let to t tie lowest bidder the coil tract to do cer tain grading on wind, is known as tin- "Brown Hill,” located on the Hollings worth Ferry road, about one mile west of Handy; also the non tract to build the necessary abutments at. said place. Specifications on lile wirli the under signed. 'J'iie rigid to reje-t all bils re served. ThtsAng ’.’iid. IbO.Y (j. A. Boynton. Countv Commissioner, Mainly, (hi. will I ic Register! The registration hooks opened at tin .July 2,4. 11)05. lor w:»,»00 school bond election. All voters must i]utility. K. I*, louse, Clerk. .July 21, HM)5. -it Ilnplil rise .tuKli-i-. Yankee dispatch characterizes (lie com;! raliagi of a Toronto inagistrale. of whom John Foster Fraser tells in Ids limili, j'C'mnida as It Is.” The inng- islrale, who is repurl" l to have got through with folly eases in forty min utes-. was once asked, how he inauflgcd It. "You inrst have son.e .-vstcin," was the suggestion. "I never allow a point of law lo lie r: ; (>-.'." was the niagh-lrrdo's prompt lei Iv. "TIi's Is a court of Just lee. not a court of law. '•Not so very long i go n young at torney wanted to quod* law against my sending his e an down for six mouths, lie wanted to quote Mathews. I think. “‘Well,’ said I. ‘MaHn-vys may lie n great authority on law. hut I guess he hasn't as much authority as I have in this corrl. Your man goes down for Six months.' " T. M. MARTIN | Millinery Business For Sale. Do^h nil Kinds oi 1 I; I in [d I Tim Work, Roofing Pfumbing and Repairing. An established millinery husiuoss am !| stool of millinery goods and notions i SI offered for .ale at n price Mint makes it - r? j»re*'t tmrgnin. For further particular Si qall on nr address Ail's Jennie Bower is Eve, Newnun, Hu. Uf PrioliiK I'"' lioeil 11 "sliciiils. A ]iieluresrpie ceremony takes place Council t 'hamher, every year In Haute-Vienne. All the girls in 111" place on the day of St. Eil- tropius file lo procession to St. .I union les-i 'umbos lo the cross which Is erect ed near the clmreli to the saint. Each girl hang! her left garter on the cross and prays that she may have a good husband and lh"M gives way to the lie: i girl. The "l oss is so smothered In gorier:; of different colors that at. » short distillu-c it looks as though It Were covered with llovver- Your Heart. When Your Heart Fe.ils to Pump Your Blood, Trouble Results. IlrtVf you Jjfiirt tvouMr? You luiv^, if you find it bnrd Ic Droatho nfinr wallJng iij» Ktuirs, cxoroJnipg, <fc. If you liuvo i»uin in your J< ft nido, In ilirst, binli or nhouldfr. If yon from cold i xlroniitloH, prdo turf, blue lipH, dry enugb, Nwollen anl;b*«. Jf you Ikivcj fainting hpHIm, bron ;t pnng. pulpltuCon, rodrusK of the fact., dlBromfort Jn k1« • rdng on one Hide. Y!.»* only KCicntilic trcntirn nt for t)d» wl»o>^ train of troughs Jh Dr. Milos' \v Heart Cure. Vir. Milos' Now Hunt Cure Is tbe proscription of a famous sproinliKt whose great siiocoph In irenting obsti* nato nervous Jjonrt dlwnisn bus made Jbs name pre-eminent in the medical and scientific world. The medicine will cure you. Wr Know if. Wo want you to prove it. If first bottle docs not benefit, your drjgglsl will give you buck your money, “1 have for several yr-nra f offered fit times with heart trouh)'.. i got : •» bud I eoiild not sleep dm If the night, and bud to sit up on «e eido *tf t'«e bed lots of times to / ■ • breath. Thi*e of my brothers ) :ivc o' d of inerf trou ble. and 1 thouglit I lvi'K going the h:;i.h way, but about 1 wo .• ocf n. )i. IT y* :n « ago I got n pamphlet about I r. Miles’ New Heart Dure and thought i would try n few bottles. .Aft' r ir ig tV* m J recover* d, and have laid betier i »*:».' t ’ j since then than bifore for Kevcriil years. J can heartily recommend them for Ik M trouble. 1 I’.KV. .JKUKY IllJUT, J'.c tor Hnptifft Churcii, Hurt, iCana. WOMEN'S PRAYER MEETING. The \\ (mien’s l’ra\< I'Muli-; is held legiilnrly each \Ve<; • -< 1;c> aHernooit at T:H<> e’clei Ic, at t i• * Kii'Hti RapliKt i < 'hutch. 'I Jn- wo men ot all (lcinfininatioia; . • cur ili.illy invit«'<l to take part in these set viees, as the olijee.t is lo pray that, the. Kpiiit nt < hl ist mu , tal.« iiohl qt the Christians oJ Lewnan and that many souls may >*' « or good works and beai < ui godly eonversatioii and lie e.instrmned lo toll'll unto the land lor he and salvation. H NAMES OF ANIMALS. Expert wi rk mul low prices win. Shop oji- po*iCe Finson Hotel. i i-"|i'i r *• i. A Kiinsas City (lrnggiHl nnyx n weld;h.v w(-sf ■ i11 ( 111:111 "nine Into Ii store SuikIii.v mmTiing mid. throwing 11 (ili/je on the siiovv eusc. snhl: "Give rue two nickels for Hint, please." "Going lo try a slot machine?” miked the Ornggisi pleasaully. "No," replied llie wealthy man. "I'm going lo church." Kansas t'lty Times. The MeaniiiK •-* Some of 'I'liose Vi hose fj OdBin We ( to. Tiaee. el Some of the names of liie eommon- |H esl aniDiuls are lost in the dimness |] of antiquity, such as fox. weasel, sheep, horse, (log and baboon. Of the rail origin of these the clew is forever lost. tYItti camel ong cannot go further i jjj ( . n joy good tiealih back than the Ea tin word ca meins, an J .. lf j nave lo eat plain fu isl." an- elephant In derived from the (*d liiii- xwered the epicure. "I may have g:ssi (loo word eli>li. which means an ox. poHin,. but J won't enjoy it.” Wasli- 'J he old root of the word wolf meant j (1 gt on atnr. one who tears or rends. 4{ fj i ( * it DlKlfnHioll. "K you will he very careful to eat plain food,” suid the jiliysiciaii. "you Ti|>W Write to us for Erie Tri I X XiXiXj J'arknpe of Dr. Mileo’ Anti- Pain Pills, tli" -N' w ficlenlllio- llem< (ly for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Hpcclajlst will diagnose your case, t< 11 you wimt Is wri'iir. and how to light It, i-’rce. 1)11. AIII.J5S MEDK'AI. CO., LAUORATOIUES, fiLKli.Ul'i, JXU | T. I h.i r. IINGS Tic I.. T. L. meet-'- 1 ‘ k 111:11: eaci; F" dux ultenKM'i it' 11i” ^dn- dii\ School annex at the I'iot Ga|> (1st t 'ljureh. ’I hi little to*he' ai' urged to eoinv out and id'G <tl ihey can in 1 hi.~ grand work . Far ouls wont you please remind then w hen t he afternoon come' 'or then to meet, so lhat vv e may !i..v( g< ' a1 tendance; 'llie 'argei' Vlu Hi temlanee. the more interest mg U> meetings. 'Ir-. ■). h. Di nt., if Lady Munage.i Wanted ! wind to l;ii> snap iron. K. L. Walto/n, a till, It. Nothing on The Market E.gual to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea RemeCy. Thin fact is well known to druggist* every whom, und nine out, ol tun vv I! give their customers tnis j o j-u.i. , i"n wlion t,h" l).-st is liskoti tor. Mi <)l" Witrner, n prominent druggist I Jon Jin, Mo., in n circular to his ,.u«loinc:s. says, “There- is nothing on tin in (lie way of patent ini‘dieuie vli-ch Bijutils Clmiiihorlaiii’s Geli", Glioh m and Diarrfioea Remedy for bowel com).hum We soli and reoomnmnd tic* prepiun tion.” For aale by Holt, & < ; At* - drug gists, Newnun, (be Lemons as Medicine Sick headache results from ti disor dered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured b7 Chamberlain's Stoiu- tieh aud Liver Tablets. For sale hv as the word lux (ligid) mid probably j avvH nm follow i-w«tonis.— Montaigne. Holt & Cates, druggists, Newnan, Ga. 1 was giv en to these _wjMesym mj_tic I.ynx is from the same ljitin root way of (lie world Is to make For (rhcafi t'wd h.) and chickens, go b> A* mill. hot r'( W’ tf , Chamberlain’s COLIC, CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach. Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Lemons lire largely used by The jVIo.-.ley l.eiiiuii J'.bxir Company, in i i iupimiidiiq; their Lemon Elixir, a. pliuHiiul J.euum Laxative and Tonic- a Hiilmtilute for all Cathartic and Livt-r Bills. Lemon Elixir posi tively run sail biliousness, Consti pation, Indigestion nr Dyspepsia, llcitdni lie, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Diz/inciiM, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chill ,, blot, lies, I’iitiplvi, all Impurities of llm Blood, F.du in tb" Chest or Uni k, and nil ctherdi.s- ( caili.ed I.;, a disordered liver ■uni kidney),, the fir'.t Great Cause » f all Fatal Diseases. IDOM/;/(/, for ell F'emale Irre^- idiirities, will find Lemon Elixir a jileasant and iboroiiglily reliable remedy, without the least (Intigc-.-of possible harm lotlu-in in any condi tion peculiar to llu-niselves. 50c and $j,oo per bottle at ^ ALL DRUG STOKES ‘One « Dose Convinces.’ Z. Gdmiud, B). BL S., A few doses of this remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack o) diarrhea. It has been used in nin< epi demics ot dysentery with perfei t Huecese. It can always he defended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic und chol era morbus It jn equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of sn ving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant, to take. Every man of a funnily should keep this remedy in his home, liny it now. It may save life Price, 26c. Large Size, 60c. MwiMMaawiMMMia'MsaaMSM OflioB on Second Floor of ISJack Bros. < < .V Building L. M. Farnu-.*r, LAW VEIL Office on Second Floor of the Arnnll Merchandise Co.’s Building A. little forethought may save you no end of frouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to' keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact. For sale by Holt & Cates, druggists, Newnan, Ga.