The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 11, 1905, Image 8

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NUNNALLY & BARRETT Roller Process Flour $12 Per Barrel. This was the price of flour in New York when the roller process of grinding wheat was first used. The demand for this flour was so erreat’ on account of its superior quality, that roller process mills were soon built all over the world. Now the old way of making flour is a back number. This roller process of grinding wheat has been applied recently to grinding coffee, and Barrington Hall Coffee is the result. This coffee has all the chaff and bitter poison taken out. so that nothing but the real health-giving properties of the coffee berry are used. While the quality has been greatly irn- proved, the price remains the same as that of good ordinary cot- fee--^ cents per pound. ..... ^ Many good people are slow to change their old ways, and want time to consider the value of this roller process coffee, r or the benefit of these people we have in stock many other kinds and grades of coffee, such as-- •FILHON Cl,IIIl” ■SI l.\ i:it MOON” I’l'.N I m:n MS” :»()<■ per pound ! “< AUDINAL’ 80c per pound , “AlH’.lt KLK .'10c per pound I ‘•LION” 15c per pound I T I-2c per pound 17 I -2c per pound But the best of all is “BARRINGTON HALL. —Wo have just received a full line of I’etley’s Teas TEAS FLOUR—'"Hostel’s Elegant,” “Oglesby’s I haniond,” “Kelly’s K . K.K."—'The lenders for more than twenty years, and are made Irom the same " neat , We are still selling Cotton Seed Meal at $1.18 a sack, and Hulls at 40c, CASH ; but have only a few sacks left. First come, first served—and “you will have to hurry.” NUNNALLY & BARRETT Of Housohold Interest. Ilonswlwming is not the pleas antest of the housekeeper’s tasks, Put none the less necessary on that account. In the September Delia enter Isabel Cordon Curtis oilers in her series, "The Making of a Housewife,” some suggestions that will tend to lighten the lalxor and lessen the disugreeableness of this household duty. Other items of domestic interest in the same nuiii l>er are illustrated cookery and a variety of recipes under the topic ‘•Delicious Cream .lollies,” “Deco ralive Color Salads" and “The Potato.” In addition, Alice M. Kellogg explains “How to Select Finishing Hardware" and Ward MacLeod write's on “ Crowing Bulbs indoors. business and social life, and hi' death will !«■ mounted by hi> many friends. He i> survived by lit' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 11. Steed, a brother, Veddcr H. Steed, all of whom live in Palmetto. Ga. The Intdy was taken to his ohl home at Palmetto Tuesday alter noon at 12:80 o’clock for tuneral and interment. The laxly will be laid to rest in Floral Mill Cento- terv . — Atlanta Journal. THE IRISH PEASANT HU Hoapltalll r ■ HU I Whitc-Hughs. The “xtosiu! IfiMll peasants, Mathew, !u “Ireland." is an old fasli- lomsl courtesy They arc nil hii-p, tic assort*. that they are descended from chiefs, and their maimers are ■ruled ac- tordlngly Take shelter In any lint on the ntonn tains, and you will he greeted as If lls Inmates had Ins'll longing to s.s* yon. This will not he due to the fact that yon seem prosperous; Indeed, you would he even more graciously wel comed If you wore in run* Nor. Is thein courtesy only exhibited when they are hosts. Once when 1 was explorlug the Burren of ('hire a rugged old wouian . liy (lie wayside accosted my a inert twelve months’ support to the eqlial | y |- (I dt-l ver. “Excuse me. family of Willie Render, deceased. Iinv 4)r ." S | U , „ n | ( j ..p U ( did you happen to ing been tiled in my office, all persons j loaf on the road? l>eed then. coucerned ate cited to show cause by ! ma'am,” auld be, bowtuR respectfully, the 1st Moudny of September, 1905, why I “and I'm sorry l did not." "Who was anid application for twelve months' sup- she.'” I asked him when we had driven port should not be granted. This Aug. j out of be,- hearing " 'Peed .lien, and 1 don’t know,” said be. " 'Tls some poor 7th, 1900 i eral offlenr, call out the entire guard to present arms, with the beating of Only Kqu.I.S Xf j drUUlH. i imrtr.r. “Here our American was a source of chitra< eristic of the 1 much difficulty, for whenever any sen- a. ,-ot ding to Frank tlnel caught sight of his gorgeoua epaulets In the distance the guard was Instantly called, arms wore presented and drums beaten, much to the de light of our friend, hut even more to the disgust of the generals of the Ilns- slun army and lo the iroops, who thus rendered absurd homage and found themselves tukiug part In something like a bit of comic opera.”—Exchange. Legal Advertisements. ORDINARY’S NOTICES. GEl>RGIA —Coweta County The return of the appraisers setting Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Pierce White, of West Point, announce the engagement of their daughter, (lubriclla, to Mr. Howard Marvin Hughs, of Newnan, the wedding to take place in September, at the home of the bride’s parents. Miss White is an accomplished and charming young woman and the announcement of her approach ing marriage will 1m* of interest to a xv idc circle of friends. Mi. Hughs is a well known young business man of this city and is quite popular among a host of friends; all of whom join in con gratulating him on his good for tune. L. A PERDUE. Ordinary. voiil that lum lost tier loaf and will be goln' to bod hungry tonight.” On an other occasion an aged man. clnd in kudo breeches and a swallowtail coat, addressed me aa l was climbing a pnth ; In Connemara. "I am thlnklu'. sir,” GEORGIA—Coweta County. Alvan P. Freeman as Adiur. of the estate of Thomas M. Joues, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary ! * H id i, e> "that you are Mr. John Blake.” of said County for letters of dismission “Well, »lr,’’ t «ald t. “you are tblukitig from his said trust all persons concern- wrong " "Well, sir." lie answered sol ed are required to show cause in said i emnly. “says l to myself as l saw you Court"bv the first Monday in September cotne up the side that is Mr. John . ' „ , | Blake, and If tls uot, says l to myself, next, if any they can. why satd applna- # ^ ll|Wthan<l , n . young miul b e is, tion should uot be granted This Aug 7th, I XV- V,. A. PERDUE. Ordinary Calvin Steed Dead. GEORGIA—Oow»ta County The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' support to the family of Joseph H. Lumpkin, deceased, having been tiled in my office, all per sons coucerned are cited to show cause by the 1st Monday in Sept., 100."), why said application for twelve months' support should uot be granted. This August 10th, 1900. L. A PERDUE. Ordiuarv whoever he is." Now I am convinced tlmt he knew 1 was a stranger, but was not that a charming xvay to suggest that I should sit beside him on the low- ferny wall and discuss the ways of the world ? Aa Old Hnwllah Ballad. “Greeusleevcs” is a good old English ballad "and- tune- mentioned by titiake apeare In the "Merry Wives of Wind sot” and has been a favorite since tha latter part of the sixteenth century. The tune la much older than the word*, probably as old as the days of Henry VIII. It la also known as "The Black smith” and ‘‘The Brower” and waa a great favorite with tbe cavaliers. A mod I fled version Is found in tbe “Beg- gara’ Opera." The tune la at III sung to ''Christmas comes but once a year” and many other songs of the same rhythm or with the burden “Which no body cau deny.” HARNESS la (hr Ornnwe frt* St»t*. At an examination for admlsaton to tbe British Military college at Sand burst many candidates In auswer to a question about hydrogen wrote that the gas was not found In the Orange River Colony. This pusfcled the ex aminer, who told the story to an army conch. The conch, after thinking awhile, said "I have it. I remember Impressing the fact on a number of my pupils that hydrogen does not oc cur in the free state.” Little did we believe a few weeks ago, when fears of being overstocked caused us to adver tise Harness, talk Harness, think Harness and sell Harness, that this week would find us ordering duplicates by wire to come by express. This is exactly what we were forced to do,resulting in receiving three large shipments Thursday. ORR & POWELL BORROWED PLUMES. How an Han of After tut illness of four months with typhoid fever, Galvin M. Steed died at a private sanitarium in thi- city, Monday night about 9 o'clock. Mr. Steed was secretary and treasurer of the Arnold Hat Company. He graduated from Kmorx College with honors when tract to make theuecessarx abut meats he XX ft' alKtnt 20 years of age and 'for said bridge and till. The right to re- cume to Atlanta, where he lias GEORGIA —Oow•»t« Oountx Ou Monday. August 14th, uext. at o'clock a m , I will let. ou the premises, to the lowest bidder, the contract to build a bridge JO feet in length over "Little Cedar Creek," at the residence of Harvey Sewell, iu said county. \l>o tl e contract to make a till at said place 180 to 190 feet m length; also the em bed! connected with the Arnold Hat Company for the last seven years. He was prominent in both [ Madras, Ga. ject all bids reserved. Specifications on file with tne undersigued. This Aug 7th, 1006. B L. REDWINE, County Commissioner. prlcrnt Becnrn Murk In Kunntn. Andrew D. White's drst diplomatic experience xvas as an attache at Si. nVtershurg at the time of the v'rlmean war. The xvar brought to Russia many American adventurers “Oue man who came out with superb plans.” Mr. White says, "brought a militia colonel’s commission and the full uni form of n major general At first he hesitated to clothe himself lit all his glory, and therefore went through a process of evolution, beginning first with part of his util form, and then adding more as Uls courage rose. "During this process be been me the standing Joke of St Petersburg, but later, when he bad emerged In full and final splendor, lie became a man of mark; indeed, so much so that serious difficulties arose In Yonrffi A subscriber who romptotned to the publisher that bis paper was “damp” received tho reply from tbe patient and long suffering editor that perhaps it was because there was so much “due*’ on It. lusiness Transacted in Or dinary’s Court. August Term, 1905. Another View. Mrs. McSidjixge When 1 go ont with this lovelytKw frock people will think I’ve boon shopping in Parts. Mr. Mo- Splurge—Maybe they’ll think I’ve been cracking a safe.—Cleveland leader. A I’UMlV. He—Here’s a puzzle for you. She— I,et’s have it. He—Give a woman a bunch of photographs to examine. In cluding one of her own. which one will she look at the longest, and why? New Tooth In nn Old Saw. “Then he doesn't find that ‘all tbe world loves a lover'.’’ ” “Not exactly. His experience is that Throughout the city the world guys a lover.’’ are various corps dc garde, and the sentinel on duty before each of these, while allowed merely to preseut arms to au officer of lower rank, must, whenever he catches sight of a gen- Pedantry and taste are as Inconsist ent as gayety and melancholy.—Lava- I ter. Last will and testament of Nancy Page, deceased, admitted to pro bate in solemn form. D. C. Posey, guardian of Warren C. Posey, granted letters of dismis sion . J. Y. Nolan granted letters of administration on estate of David Nolan, deceased. Thomas Leigh, appointed guar dian of the person and property of Lillian Burpee, minor. Annie R. Salbide, granted letters of administration on estate of M. Salbide, deceased. James K. Polk, administrator of the estate of William Newman, de ceased, granted letters of dismis- Farmcrs’ High School The following pupils of Farmers' High School have made a general average of 95 per cent, in their studies for July, including deport ment: Ethel Shugart, 98; Delia Bridges, 99; Maude Warren, 99; Paul Warren, 97; Annie Morris, 99; Nannie Sue Bridges, 99; John- 11 ie Sewell, 95; Lave Holeman, 96; Myrtie Sewell, 95; Myrtie Boone, 95; Berta Warren, 97; Aubrey Car ter, 97; Otis Gordon. 97; Leonard Sewell, 95; Alice Shugart, 95; Lu- cile Warren, 97; Hattie Bridges. 97; Louise Allen, 96; Elmer Gor don, 96; Whit Holeman, 95; Hattie Murphey, 96; Altha Sewell, 9. r >: Ruby Shugart, 98. F. Roy Axmon, Principal. Aug. 7, 1905.