The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 15, 1905, Image 1

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WATCH NEWNAN GROW "yyo^ 4 ^ CM JVcwnan ^Qecklj> ]Vew‘ WATCH NEWNAN 8N0W VOL. VI. NEWNAN. GA., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1905. Read “THE flEWS” if You Want to Read NO. 23 all the News of Coweta County Certeral Presentments the Grand Jury. of amine the voluminious records in these offices, we find it impracti cable to make snch a close investi- We, the Grand Jury chosen and nation into county affairs as the sworn for the September term, 1905, of Coweta Superior Court, 'having through our several com mittees examined the records in the various County offices, as well as the condition *of the public buildings and other property be longing to the County, beg leave to submit the following general presentments, to-wit: COUNTY FARM. We find all the buildiugs p*' be County farm in good condition,and well supplied with furniture and other household conveniences nec essary to the comfort of the in mates. We find 21 inmates on the farm—11 white and 10 colored— all of whom speak in appreciative terms of the kind treatment re ceived at the handM of Superin tendent Cruce. Since (ft? last re port of the Oraud Jury,there have been four deaths—two white and two colored. During the same period three inmates have beeu re ceived on the farm. We find employed on the farm two laborers and one cook, and property as folfbws: Three milch cows, three yearlings, two mules,’ one 2-horse wagon, one sow and eight pigs, 255 gallons of syrup, 9,000 bundles fodder, 50 bushels corn, and 20 bushels of wheat, all products of the farm. We find in cultivation £ * acres in corn, and 11-2 acres in potatoes. We find 70 saw-logs delivered at S. K. Leigh’s sawmill, which will be •converted into lumber for the pur pose of making certain Improve ments on the farm. We recom- t n\xl that a sh«4^e built on the Contract Let for Newnan and Greenville Extension. west side of the cook-room; also, a wood-shed 1.2x16 feet, and a smokehouse large enough for the storage of provisions needed on the farm. We deem it advisable likewise to build a tenant house on the north side of the farm. We recommend that one-third of .he cultivable land on the farm lie planted in cotton. The total expense for mainten ance during, , the last six months was #1,170.23. We commend Mr. W. L. (Jruce’s public has a right to demand. We therefore recommend the employ ment of an expert accountant, who shall be required to make a thor ough examination of the records kept in the various county offices, said examination to be conducted under the direction of a special committee to be appointed frqtn this body. His findings shall be embodied in a detailed report and put into the hands of said special committee,to be submitted by said committee under seal to the next Grand Jury. SPECIAL TAXES. We find that the Tax tCollector has made no report of Special Taxes collected for 1905. PUBLIC K()A1)S. . We find the public highways gemyally hot in good condition/ Roads and ditches in some sections need attention, but taking the County as whole, we are gratified to note a marked improvement as a result of the present system of road-working. We f-egard Super intendent Nash as a valuable man in the position which he is now filling, and consider the couuty fortunate in having the benefit of his services. We find that the expense of maintaining the county chaingang for the six months ending Septem ber 1, 1905,to have been #4,404.49. We find on hand twelve mules, one horse, two prison cars, one guard car, seven wagons, seven wheelers, two grade plows, thirty billies, fifty picks and six axes, all in good condition. We find the number of employes to be as follows: One superin tendent, three guards and one hired man. There are thirty-three convicts in the chaingang—one white and thirty-two colored. We find the camp in neat condition, with three tents and five well- traiuedi bloodhounds. We append below the amount of commutation tax collected in the various districts for 1905, to-wit: COMMUTATION MAB TAX FOW1905. . Savannah, Sept. 13.—The Cen tral of Georgia Railway announced today that it had let the contract for building the extension from Greenville to Newnan, Ga., to Oli ver & Co., of Knoxville, Tenn. Work oh the extension will be gin as soon as it is possible to get the equipment on the ground. This will not require more than a week and the limit for the comple tion of the contract is nine months. Tlu' extension will be about twen ty miles long. A narrow gauge road from Greenville to Columbus will be widened, but the work will not lie done by contract. Engagement of Miss Dow dell and Dr. Turner Announced. Dr. and Mi's. A. G. Dowdell, of Opelika, Ala., announce the en? gagement of their daughter, Annie Kirk, to Dr. William Allen Tur ner, of Newnan, the wedding to take place on the evening of Oct. 28th, at the Presbyterian church in Opelika. This announcement will lie of wide interest in Atlanta, where Miss Dowdell is well known. She hus beeu a member of the Agnes Scott faculty for the past three years, and mingled frequently in the social life of Atlanta. She is a cousin of Mrs. Joseph M.Terrell. Dr. Turner is u young physi cian, and has quite an extensive practice in Newnan. He stands high in the esteem of the people, both socially and professionally.— Atlanta Sunday Journal. To the People of Coweta Co. The Hoard of Education will meet Nov. 8th, at 9 o’clock, a. in., to lay off the county into school districts. A representative from each local board of trustees of white schools is requested to be present. Hy order of the Hoard of Educa- tion. V. A. Ham; C. 8.0, * (La i in r2.\ respects. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. We have examined the court nouse. and find it in perfect condi tion. We find the jail building. to, be vjery much dilapidated, and iu need of repairs. While the steel cages are apparently secure, the sanitary arrangements are far from satisfactory, and should be im proved . BOOKS OF P.’S AND N. P.’S. We have examined the dockets of the J. P.’s and N. P.’s of the several districts, and find them well kept. As a rule, the dockets appear to show the disposition of all cases tried, with itemized bills !of cost,’by wholi paid anil-for (Jan. 1 to8e**.9) ’ - • DiHt. Amt. Ool. Amt. Spent Amt. on hand 1 at *546.40 $193.04 $355.30 2nd 759.40 801.00 41.00* 3rd 770X0 825 08 49.68* 4th 522.94 476.35 ■ 47.59 5th 713 25 328.29 884.90 0th 500.50 279,94 280.50 7th 403.00 370.89 20 11 C. C. 209.76 03.70 140 05 P. C. 300.76 224.35 180.40 Furl. 155.00 58.16 90.85 Hur. 387.50 216.05 171.45 Grant 277.75 358.76 70.00* Turin 217.25 304.34 87.09* (* Short) Kl'jpOM M END ATIONH. We recommend that j urors and bailiffs be paid the sum of #2 per 1 day fof services for the eusuing year. We recommend that the courts of'this county, when passing sen tence iu liquor misdemeanor cases, do nbt allow defendants the option of paying a fine; provided this may be done in accordance with e recommend &5at the Couuty Commissioners employ one or more detectives to assist in apprehend ing parties engaged in the illicit sale of intoxicating liquors iu those i sections of the county not already under police surveillance. This evil has assumed a serious phase what service charged. Reports hive reached us, however, that iu some districts it is the custom to settle criminal cases out of court, and that no record of such settle ment is put on the docket. This is not only a pernicious practice, but a plain violation of the law, i j n ^ couu try districts, and we and Justice Court officials detected ^j eve eV ery effort should be made in this nefarious business should j ^ gU pp ress it. be reported to the grand jury tor We recommend that W. S.Cope- investigation. land be appointed N. P. and ex- » county records. officio J. P. of the 755 district, G. ,7e have examined the records M. of the Clerk, Ordinary and Sheriff,i We recommend that the County as well as those of the Tax lie- Commissioners raise by special ceiver. Treasurer and County Com- taxation, or by the Issuance of missioners, and according to our ( bonds, the sum of #10,000 each judgment and belief they have year for a period of ten years, the been correctly kept. I money thus raised to lie used ex- Owing to the limited time allow- J clusively for the improvement of ed grand juries in which to ex- 1 the public roads of the county. We recommend that these pre sentments tie published in the Herald and Advertiser, The New nan News and the Se’noia Enter prise-Gazette, and that each of these papers lie paid the sum of #10 for such publication. COMPLIMENT AJTY. We congratulate our fellow-citi zens that we have such an able jurist as Judge R. W. Freeman to preside ovferthis court. We thank him for his clear and forceful charge, and trust we shall have the benefit of his eminent services for many years to come. Our association with Solicitor General Terrell has been exceed ingly pleasant. He has been most kind and obliging to this body, and of great assistance to us in our deliberations. We regard him t*s at #800 An able and fearless prosecuting iveoe o'fficer. Walker G Gamp,Foreman; How ard G Glover, Thomas G Rurpee, William 8. Copeland, John P. Jones, James K McCollum, Co lumbus H North, John H. Hhell, Sr, Will B Port, Thos L Camp, John W Summers, William 8 Mc Donald, Richard M North, Francis M Lee, Otis Jones, William G Arnold, Jacob B Sims, Glenn Ar nold, Frederic F Hunter, Eleazer Mobley, Jas K Cotton, John L Morris, Moses W Wingo. ft is ordered by the court that foregoing, general presentments be spread upon the minutes of this court, and that they lie published as recommended. This September 9, 1905. R. W. Freeman, J. S. C. C.C. i J. R. Terrell, Solicitor Gen. Proceedings of Coweta Su perior Court. Following is summary of busi ness transacted by the court last, week: C. A. Burk#, J. T. Alsabook, A. •I. Smith, .1. 11. Bailey, L. McCul lough, W. P. Dukes, R. P. Car- mical, B. H. Glass and M. l>. Mil- lirtns were sworn in as court bailiffs. Tulles jurors tor the term are as follows: I. T. Mattox, R. B. Per kins, AN'. A. Shell, .1. N. Austin, Sr., W. F. Moore,C.'H. Atkinson, G. H. Crqiihurt, It. J. Steivart, G. W. St John, Bartow' McDonald, W. P. Gearreld, A. H. Rawls, H. C. Arnall, Sr., W. W. Caveijder, J. J. McElwany, J. N. Kersey, J. L f Lane', A. 8. Curiuicul, W. E. North, C. S; Story, W. H. Wood, J. H. Evans, -X. O. Newnan, J.W. Williams. Mra. Mary Flow’d vs W. B. Swearinger, complaint; verdict for defendant. John 1*. Hall vs Glenn If.Wynn, suit for damages; dismissed. John Silvey It Co. ,vs 'Pencil Lynch, deft, and J. A. Lynch, ctmt., attachment;suit withdrawn. St A. Coatyt vs ,1 j C. Morgan, deft, and Annie B. 1 Addy, dint,; verdict for claimant. P. Hoden Sadlery Go. 1 vs Laura V. Kruger, three cases, appeals; appeals withdrawn. • Ivy M. Shell vs Hunter and El der, complaint for damages; or dered for trial as first case ut next term. •I. E. Johnson vs Agnes John son, divorce; verdict for total di vorce. Etta O. Bingham vs .lake R. Bingham, divorce; total divorce granted. J. L. Kidson vs Benia Eidson, divorce; total divorce granted. John Doe, On demise of J. .1. Long, et al vs Richard Roe, casual ejector, and .lames I*. Brewster, tenant in possession, ejectment; dismissed. • John Doe, on demise of J. J. Long, et al vs Richard Roe, casual ejector, S. R. and .1. A. Hunter, tenants in possession, ejectment; dismissed. Judge Freeman being disqualifi ed to preside. in both of the above named ejectment cases,R. O.Jones, Esq., was selected as judge pro hac vice. Coweta Fertilizer Co., incor porated 10th of Septem ber, J.885, was granted a renewel of its char ter for a period of 20 years. Frank Cox vs W. S. Askew Co., damages; dismissed. John'Silvey Co. vs Tench Lioch; attachment; verdict for piaintiff in sum of #352.60, #20.36 interest,and costs. Patizoe Hunter Drake vs Charles 8. Drake, divorce; verdict for total divorce. City Newnan vs Miss Helen Long, et al, appeal from board of arbitrators; value of property fixed State vs 'Pom Thornton, simple larceny; guilty. Slate vs Garfield Clay, assault to murder; not guilty. State vs Roll Echols, burglary; plea of guilty. / State vs Jim Scott, larceny af ter trust; guilty. State vs Charles Kite larceny ut ter trust; guilty. Alonzo Brown vs Annie Brown, divorce; total divorce granted. Thos. G. Barrett, surviving partner Barrett & Caswell, vs G. W. Byram, admix Thos. G. Dick inson, dee., scire facias to revive judgment; judgment revived. Following is a summary of busi ness disposed of this week: E. W. Quick and W. J. Turle- leton were sworn in as court bailiffs. State vs Tony Collier, assault to murder; guilty of shooting at another. State vs J. W. Kelly, burglary; uot guilty ., W. S. Copeland appointed N. P. and ex-officio J. P. in and for 755th dist., <1. M., for term of four years. State vs Tony Collier, assault to murder; guilty of shooting at an other. T. C. Hnnkin vs A.G. Hendrick, et al, complaint; no defense filed; judgment for plaintiff for #864, #259.10 interest, #112.31 attor neys’ fees, and costs. Albert C. McKoy vs Emma Mc Coy, divorce;total divorce granted. State vs.l. II. Strozier, selling liquor; plea of guilty. State vs Jack Foster, selling liquor; plcu of guilty. State vs Wilkes Davis, rape; guilty, with recommendation to mercy. State vs Abe Flournoy, robliery; not guilty. State vs Clara Moss, assault, to murder; not guilty. State vs Juck Hubbard, ussault to murder; not guilty. State vs J. G. Neely, embezzle ment; demand for trial entered. The court adjourned from 10 to 11:30 o’clock on Wednesday morn ing, that lieing the Jiiine for the funeral service of the late Chief J ustice Sim inons. Up to noon on Thursday the court was occupied with the case of Stati' vs Arthur Collier,charged with assault with intent to min der. A verdict of not guilty was returned in this case. The work of this term will probably be con cluded today, Friday. Camo of Sons to be Organ ized Here. W. M. Thomas is one of the moving spirits in an effort to or ganize a eutnp of Sons of (’onfedor- ate Veterans iu Newnan. A nUm- lier of prominent gentlemen of the city and county have joined Mr. Thomas in the movement and a meeting has been called for the first Tuesday in October to perfect the organization. The meeting will occur at the court house4tt 1 o’clock p. in. All sons of veterans in the county are urged to attend this meeting and join the organization. To the People of Coweta Co. The law- passed by the last legis lature requires the County Board of Education of each county to lay. off the county into school districts. iWt'Boui-d of Education met Sept. 12 and decided to invite a repre sentative of ench white local school board to be present on Nov. 8th, at 9 o’clock', in order to assist in determining more definitely the boundaries of each school territory. The object of the law is to |||qv the people of the school dlstvtefp to supplement the funds recetfad from the State by, levying a 10M) tax for educational purposes, If they desire to do so. When the districts shall have been laid off fay the Board of Education, the peo ple of the districts, if they desire, can hold an election for the pur pose of local taxation in the school districts, and if the election Is in favor of local taxation, the people of the district can liuve an eight or a uinr months school instead of a five months school. Now, us the law makies it the duty id' the Board of Education to* lay off these school districts, whether the |*eople avail them selves of loisul taxation or not, it is mportant that each white school lie represented at the meeting of the Board of Education ok Nov. 8th. I would suggest, also, that each representative of the local school boards ascertain the num- ber of land-Lot on which his school house iH located. V. A. I lain, C. S. C. Moreland •a Gottlieb vs Thomas Gottlieb, divorce; verdict for total divorce. State vs Barney Harmon, as sault to rape; “no bill’ 7 returned and deft, ordered discharged from, custody of sheriff. Pauline Johnson vs Henry John son, divorce; total divorce granted. Annie M. Davis vs W B. Davis, divorce; total divorce granted. J. A.R. Camp vs Ina Doiuiniek, appeal; verdict for plaintiff in sum of #87, #21.14 interest, and costs. George Burpee vs Emma Kelly, etal, claim; levy dismissed. State vs Lewis Rawls, larceny from house; guilty. State vs Andrew Moreland, as sault to murder; guilty of assault and battery. State vs Wilkes Wilcoxon, as : sault to murder; guilty. We are ginning Iron; 66 to 76 bales of cotton daily now, and al ways pay the most for cotton. Our assistant teacher, Miss Green, of Gablietsville, has ai med. H. H. Pierce, formerly of this place, but now with Harper & Weathers of Atlautu, was on our streets last week buying mules. Mr. Pierce is said to lie the best j.fidge of iniijes and horses in (Atlanta. Misses Myrtlee Cotton, Dasie Polk ami Mattie Couch left yester day for LaGrange to enter the Baptist Femqle College. Quite a number of our White Oak girls and boys left for Due West, S. ('., where they will enter college. Miss Onie Brannon left yester day for Atlanta, where she will study art. K. V. Webb was on our streets Tuesday. Henry Keith and Miss Willie Jeter, of Grantville, visited friends in Moreland this week. Mrs. Alma Fowler, of Atlanta, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cureton, Sr. We are glad to see another church going up at Moreland That gives us three nice churches Preaching every Sabbath. Hughs—White. Mr. Howard liughH and Miss Gabriella White were united in marriage last Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock, at the bride’s home in West Point, Rev. Mr. Wiggins o f ficiatiug. A IkuiL fif'jty relatives and menus of the young couple witnessed the ceremony. The popularity of the young couple was attested by the large number of handsome presents received by them. Mr. and Mrs. Hughs will arrive in Newnan today and will be at home for a short time at the resi- deuce of Mr. Jt. Hughs. At an early date they will reside in the house at present occupied by Mr. Joe Stephens and family in East Newnan. Series of Meetings in Pres byterian Church. Commencing next Monday night 7:36 o’clock, Rev. Dr. James W. Walden, pastor of the First Pres byterian Church of Athens, one of the most distinguished and able ministers of the Southern Presby terian Church, will lie with Itev to C. O’N. Martindale to carry on a series of meetings in the Presby terian Church of this place. Memliers and friends are asked, to circulate this notice. The pub lic is cordially invited to the ser vices. Ministers and church mem bers of all denominations are in vited, and those who are non- church-gpers especially. Let all come who can, and they will uot be disappointed. Hours for ser vice 9:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each, day.