The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 15, 1905, Image 2

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EAST TO WEST ANIi RATK A/J A ¥11! timt’s jiiKt to say I had ridden the sighing pines. liri>uk«rs »if 1 h»- «<reiitest of the i Ret.nrninir « proposition at any season to plunge and at our sides buttresses of pray | Miss Lizzie Stephens and Miss I in the Pacific. I tried it a few |eternal rocks, whisperingoaks and Mary Watkins are spending a few 1 days at CoufiJLy Line with Mrs. H. Sights Seen in the Croat West by a Ceorgia Mem* ber of the National Editorial Ase’n. breakers of the greatest of the j lieturning a stop was made at D. Watkins, oceans, tint invariably hied to I Pasadena, where many courtesies Col. S. J. Boykin, of Carrollton, NUMI1KK VII. It, is only about sixty miles from Riverside to Ia/s Angeles, and there is en route a tieautifnl varie warmer swimming pools, and when' ! 1 had returned home went down to the Atlantic, where surf bath 1 ing is a real summer pleasure, and I fondled Neptune’s hoary inane to j my heart’s content. With it all, were showerdd upon tire party. - ‘,Whitesburgtlast Saturday. Pasadena is among the prettiest Prof. C. R. Henderson, J. J. suburban cities of the continent. Kingkbhrry, J. J. Tbomasson and Col. Sydney Holdemess, of Car rollton, were in the city last Sat urday in the interest of Carroll’s It is full of costly homes, and for Los Angeles plays very much the role College Park assumes for At though, the Atlantic coast has no lauta. It has a tine electric light I material and industrial growth finer or more frequented resorts j and power system transmitting its [ Oscar Shackelford, of Route No. than the Pacific !and I have from |current eighty miles. An object ; J, Ayhitesburg, entered school here time to time bathed in most of |qf especial interest in the ostrich this week. 1y of landsiap« on on* >< * ma these from Massachusetts to Cuba.) Harm, the oldest and largest of its i Charlie and George Phillips, of \Mtiv mountains, on to#* other . r . , 1 . . . . . . 4 . * \t s . . , . J . , ,, f But to appreciate I>os Ancww kino in America, and contains a Banning, Route No. 1, matnculat den dotted and sloping valleys, 11 \ ’ M ’ u_ you must set* it environs. I he hundred or more ot these wonder ed at Hutcheson C ollege Monday. IF IT’S Furniture or Housefvrnishin&s YOU WANT/CALL AT glowing in the growth of iimumer able fruits and crops, and bloom iug in eternal summer. From cheery height/* we ap prow h the nestling city, watered by crystal streams from mountain fiudnesscs. gar Iks I in green and hustling in the splendors ot mod ern civilization and progress, and we are at a loss to know whether 1o call it a city of gardens and groves oi an immense grove and garden, paved with palaces and pinioned with plenty. It is lioth. Health and wealth and prosperity seem to have made themselves the genii of the place, anil while we bask in its sunshine, or gaze upon its outlying mountain peaks, or must see it environs. , three days spent amid them were till Amazons among birds. Put at Henry Phillips, of Hannah, Ga., accentuated with many side trips, this farm is a curiosity more won was among the students who en all of which the aggregation of ed jderful than the birds. It, is a solar i te red school here this week, itors most thoroughly enjoyed, j motor, or an engine run by the Tyre Holland, of McWhorter, Two of these I feel impelled to sunshine, and is equalled in inter- Douglas county, has entered school mention especially. One is tlieas esting novelty by nothing of a ina- here. cent of Ml. Lowe, and t.iie other .chine nature in the west except ,1.0, Peall, of Embry, lias ma the descent, or rather out ocean possibly the wave motor in daily triculated at Hutcheson College, trip, to Santa Culnliim Island. use at Santa Gruz, anil which will Thomas McLeod, of Carrollton, The trip up Ml. Lowe is one the' *>« mentioned later. This sun mo average sightseer will want to j 44 contrivance in which 1, I take Imt oiks*. It is appalling, mirrors concentrate the sun E. 0. REESE’S BIG FURNITURE STORE. A look at the Stock and a word as to Prices will always make a sale. DEPOT 8t E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. is one of the boarding pupil# at Hutcheson College. Lee Stephens, of Lowell, entered Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. dizzy, grand, Imt it requires H I shine upon a central boiler which | school here thiH week. Miss Florence Martin, of Car nerve that is nerve to take it, with I»" turn pumps water at the rate of out some very positive degrees of! 1,400 gallons a minute. It is en- 1’rollton, is a boarding pupil at the insecurity. I was never overly tirely automatic, self fed, self tend i Hutcheson College, timorous, and nobody inure than 11 Hi * 11 of no use in cloudy j Tillman Arrington and C. .tones admires the glories of nature— weather, but in a region of almost entered school at Whitesburg Mon caUih glimp^ love alike valley range and inorfn j IH-rpetual sunshine it is proving a]day. ocean whose thunderous breakers 1 ui » fiwtnmt, but when it comes to j most interesting ami profitable ex- twisting and circling in little elec [ peri men t, and pumps many huu- trio cars about precipitous, rock• |dreds of gallons of water every ocean roil hard by and are in quick reach via Isith steam ami trolley lines, or breathe the fragrance of its roses and geraniums which bloom the seasons round and grew to Ik* treees, or listen to the entrancing music of the mocking birds ami nightingales which, never bourse from wintry winds, sing through every season—when we ean enjoy all these things, how delightful to rest from the lultor of travel ami dwell for a season in the properly named “city of the angels.” minute. 1’. T. McC. ribbed steeps apd swinging out on wooden trestles over yarning abysses two thousand feet and more deep, it tukes away a consid erable portion of the inspiration of j Hutcheson Collegiate Institute the scene ami greatly reduces the opened its fall session Monday un- Whitetburg grandeur of the sublime surround ings. Htili travelers of discrimi Mating last/* concede Mt. Lowe as eent to Ik* oik* of the most (tharrft der most flattering prospects. It is lielieved the enrollment will sur pass any previous fall term in the history of the Institute. Quite a iug trips in the world, and I am {number of boarding pupils were on not ready to deny it. Willingly hand the first day and several more It is doubtful if there is any city wil1 1 * u,,n ‘L that after Imholding j are expected. A large number, of that can compare with the growth K<»'Kco»* splendors of our ‘ of Los Angeles there is at jnouUi«ri» and eastern mountain views, and even after lieholding so tJeveml from Whitesburg attend ed the closing exercises of Farm ers’ High Schdbl, near Hargent, last, Friday evening. Mr. J. W. Gaines left yesterday tor his old home at Summerville, to spend a week or two. Mrs. P. A. Boykin and children are visiting her mother, at East, Point. Dr. W. H. Austin, of Griffin, is in Whitesburg this week. Manufacturer and Dealer in * ' All Kinds Marble and Granite t Georgia Marble a Specialty. Farmers’ High School. none aest of the Rockies. It lias population now of more than our ” w " limntlful Lookout, '.’00,OOP, and no place east, or west is more thoroughly up to date. It is some eighteen miles from the ocean, hut with iimunierahle mil ''way trains ami trolley cum to the beaches or ocean wharves every hour, it has all the privileges amt prestige of a ismstside city, lake Atlanta ami other beautiful south ern and eastern cities, Los Angeles is a place of lovely homes, spleii did ncIhhiIh, ami magnificent busi- The following pupils of Farmers' the patrons and friends of the j High School have made a general school gathered to witness the op I average of 1)5 per cent, in their cuing exercises. It must have 1 studies, including deportment, for lieen a source of much encourage | the month of August: Hattie Mur- meat ami gratification to the teach { phcy» fid; Iconise Allen, 97; Elmer ers to sis* such a large, gathering. Gordon, 98; Lizzie May Sewell, })5; It shows a deep and abiding inter- j Ruby Shugart, t)fS; Whit Holman, est on the part of the people in the I 97; Ruby Burke, fi5; Margie Sue All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R.R. JUNCT’N. NEWMAN, 81 DR.T B. DAVIS, Keoidencc ’Chon® 6-three cell*. OB. W. A. TURNER, Residence 'Rhone education of their children. All the teachers were present the first day and eucli one seemed fully Mountain near Chattanooga, when occurred the “Unite among the clouds,” and from which Prince Henry gazing into seven states de clared Unit, the Uaiily of the view surpassed any scene in the Alps— I'll halfway admit, at least, that, the scene from Mt. I,owe is among the prettiest that mountain height ami valley cities can well atfimi. The mountain is reached by a school a highly successful term, trolley trip of twelve miles to Pas Miss Bessie Key has charge of ness houses, ami with large local adena, a veritable city of million- , the grammar school and intenned- hacking and an immense tourist aires, and then on to the foot of iute departments. Instrumental trade, every channel of commercial J the incline, up the incline which endeavor is pros|M>ri»g. Tin* ! mnccikIh 1,500 feet in a distance of streets are wide, well paved, no it,500 feet, then hy way of a tortn- Liccahly clean, and extend to the oils electric line winding five miles foothills on the east and to the further among the great shoulders ocean on the south. The sights j of the mountains, laboriously skirt- j ton L. Beall. about the city are immereus amt; ing the precipitous sides of seem We are sorry to note the serious ,j varitnl, ami the stay of three days ingly bottomless canyons to Alpine illness of Rev. W. A. Parks, who there was all too short. Tavern, and then to reach the j has been in Atlanta for the past Vet with all its splemlors as a summit you ascend some 1,500 feet j ten days for treatment. He is un further by toot trail or burro. The j der the care of his brother, Dr. diversity of view is a wondrous, Parks, and Dr. Willis B. Jones, charm. We admire the skill and J. L. Almou closed his school at daring that made such a railway j County Line last Friday and is now possible, but we are awed still the at home. more by the sdbtlmity of the range We are glad to see “Unde Jim Allen, t)7; Leonard Sewell, t)5; Alice Hhngart, SI5; Lucile Warren, 1)7; Myrtie Boone, D5; Hattie alive to their work. Under the j Bridges, H7; Mattie Sue Bridges, wise and aide management of Prof. jfi5; Luvie Gordon, 1)5; Ben Bridges, V. D. Whatley, we U*speak for the 195; Johnnie Sewell, 95; Berta War ren, fid; Lave. Holman, 9b; Aubrey Carter, 97; Bessie Murphy, 95; Otis Gordon, 98; Nannie Sue Bridges, 99; Delia Bridges, 99; Ethel Shugart, 99; Annie Morris, 99; Maud Warren, 99. Sept. 5, 1905. F. Roy Ai.mon, Principal. DAVIS & TURNER SANATORIUM, Corner College and Hancock Sts., NEWNAN, - - GEORGIA. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in attendance. Rates $5.00 per day. Private office in building. *Phone 5 two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. 1 Merck & Dent, music and'elocution will lie taught by Miss Lizzie Maude Blalock. Miss Mary Hoduett is in charge of the primary department. Vocal music will lie taught by Prof. Pres- eity the glory of U»s Angeles is its climate. In fuel, it is the glory of the whole of western California. Hedg»*d in by towering moun tains on the east ns a protection from land blizzards, the great heat eouservator, the tides and streams of view it atVotxIs from many mie” Mulleuix out again, utter a of the ocean on the west, give con . points of vantage. It is not the j severe illness of several weeks, slant and purifying breezes that matter of height attained, for the We regret to eh ren iele the death are cool hi summer and surcharged summit of Mt. Lowe is only 8,000 ot Mrs. H. Hogan, which occurred Moreland We were glad to see Rev. S. B. Cousins baptize twenty-one new converts at the close of his pro tracted meeting at this place last Saturday. He is a tine preacher. No one will lose anything by hear ing his sermons. We were truly glad to see so many at the Baptist Snnday school lust Sunday. Just alxmt one-fourth of our people are in our Sunday schools. We should certainly wake up to our Christian A Regular Smash-up points a straight finger to this place, for the very good reason that here un wheeled, generally bat tered up vehicles can get , back to business at small cost. One word and that is the end of it: We do and just carriage repairing charge you only what’s right. BUGGY BUILDERS with warmth in winter, thus mak feet, and Pike’s Peak, ascended a last week at her home three mileR ^ ut .V a,,t * se * what s wrong. I ing a very invigorating ami even tew days later was i manly three from town. She was an old lady, Mr. hletch Spratling and Miss, all the year-round temperature, times as high. Nor is it/ a ques having passed her three score years ot this place were j When we remcmlH-r that the length lion of bulk that appeals * to the ami ten, and was much loved and maiiied yesteiday. Mi. of California is more than from mind, but l*ecaHNc from thosjr diz. respected by a large circle of rela- ^P'^tling and w ite lett toi <«iiftin, Atlanta to Boston, with rarely zy heights are adored pictures in lives and friends. She leaves to more than 10 to 15 degrees of vari all the gracious natural lovelibWfct'' mourn her loss, her aged husband alien in lem|>crulurc on the thous of valley vistas, the languorous and several children, In-sides a .host and miles et coastline, we do not charm of sapphire seas, the inajes-, of grandchildren, wonder that the whole territory is ty of mountain massiveness, the Rev. J. W. McLeod tilled his u constant dower garden. splendors of many /’itios of the /monthly appointment at New Lel>- We like pretty things, but there plains. From these / pinnacles of anon, near Lowell, last Saturday were some things we didn't like grayite alMiiit which the car sweeps and Sunday . about California's climate. We we look for two hundred miles, Mrs. J. F. Crowell and children, seeing dim blue ranges in far Mex of Mvigs, Ga.. are visiting rela ico, seeing sombre islands sleeping lives here. would prefer a few extremes of heat and cold rather than such monotonous sameness. Sometimes, 1 hough, in latter part of summer, where they will make their home. Our very tK*st w ishes go with them. Miss Elsie Spratling of this place and Mr. L. Chaffin of Grantville were married at Grantville Sept, (ith. May their path tie strewn with dowers. Mr. Perry Jackson is with W. A. Brannon Co. this fall and he would In* glad if his friends would call around and give him a chance. I >r. .1. It. ' ’amp and family, ot' isiting in the in tlie summer seas, swing the tw in peaks of c ozy Cutilina. and at Carrollton, were \ 1 he thermometer takes a IkiuiuI for the same scope of splendid vision city last Sunday, the top, and in August amt early swing all the intervening plains Co[K*land Askew Bcpteiutier it is no unusual thing dotted with orange and lentoi to experience the perspiring spw groves, cities and villages, river here this w wk. tacle of a hundred or more in the beds that lie like yellow riblnms oi shad*'. the field of green, range upon ley, has bought out the stock of You can bathe in the ocean in range of mountain and foothills, merchandise of W. H. Thomas at winter as well as in summer they with valleys between, at our feet Banning amt he will probably move tell us,* but it is always a oeld , great stretches of yawning canyons, the goods to Whitesburg. Until Oct. 1st 1 will deliver cot ton seed hulls at 86c. per 100 lbs. of Atlanta, V. K. Manget, Jr., ’phone No. made a short visit to his parents 108. 9-1-4 Two office rooms for rent. Well Our young friend, W. B. Reb tinted and well ventilated. 22-3fc Atkinson Bros. Wood’s Seeds. Crimson Clover. Our Southern Farmers can save fer tiliser bills and Increase their revenues MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, by Bowing Crimson Clover at the last working of their Corn and Cotton crops. It is the beet time to sow and you save an extra prep aration of the land. Crimson Clover makes land rich in humus or vegetable matter and puts it in excellent condition for-*the crops which follow it. It also makes 1 A fin* wintir civer crop, An eicellcnt graziag crap, A good marly foragt crop, A splondid soil-improving crop. Plowed under early in the spring, it increases the yield of corn, to bacco, cotton or other crops which follow it, to a wonderful extent. Our sales of Crimson Clover seed are Increasing enonn.msly every year, and we are to-dav the largest dealers in this seed in the United States. Write for prices and circulars giving information about this valuable crop. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, NICHMONB, - VINBINIA. Wood’s Descriptive Fall Cstslocue, Issued in August, tells sbout sll Farm end Garden Seeds for Fall Plant ing. Hailed f>eeon request. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA R In Effect May, 19<M. West Bound. DAILY Kast Bound. 1 No. 9 No. 1 PM AM .-) :(S 5 30 6 20 7 02 7 ‘27 7 53 | ..... io oo 10 18 10 so 11 11 11 IIS 12 06 1 00 . 10 2 .38 S 411 X 56 4 05 4 18 4 28 4 48 3 1H 5 55 Lv Urtttin Ai “.... Vaughan “ “ Senoia “ ** Newnan *• “...Whitesburg ...*• "....Carrollton.. “ “..—.Bremen “ **—-.Oedartown...** “ Rome " “ Holland “ " Lyerlv ".... Raccoon Summerville.." " Trion ..“ " LaKayetre...." “..ChinkamaugH " A r.. (* hart an ooga.. L v I Ko i C W. CHEAR8, Div. Hass. Agent Chattanooga, Tenn. D. A. NOLAN, Agent. Newnan. (la. 8 85 8 11 1 46 2 08 1 44 1 15 12 48 11 27 10 41 10 02 9 50 9 40 9 82 9 >2 8 55 8 23 7 45 A V 8 80 8 01 7 38 « 56 6 2» 6 (XI Information as to Rales, etc., addrei K. .1. ROBINSON Asst. (4. I*, i Savannah, J. HAILE. (4enl. Hass Ag Savannah Dr. Aiideissou. Buildiug. Dentist, Salbide tf Disinfect your premises and prevent contagious diseases. Big lot of all makes at Reese’s Drug Store. | TAKE YOU# CLOTHING TO | I s. C. CARTER A CO., I 1 I OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, | | when you want them ^ U cleaned, pressed, repaired ig I or dyed in the best manner lj | and at the most reasona- if* | ble prices. hliVUinlBiaaiijCitjCiigCinlgiaCi /KngCiBianlSiiaCi Subscribe for The News.