The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 15, 1905, Image 6

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DR. MILES* Antt-Piaiii Fills Dr. Miles’ Anii-Paia Pills Cure Headache Almost instantly, and leave no had HT<‘Hs. Thoy also relieve every other pain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, Sci atica, Backache, Stomach aeho, Ague Pains, Pains from injury, Bearing- down paina, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. cause in the court of Ordinary of said oouuty, oil the first Monday in October □ext, why such adiniuiatnition should □ nr be vented in the County Administra- tor. Tins Sept. 4, 190.1 ■U Li. A. PERDUE, Ordinary, and E\ Off. 01k. 0.0. OBORf if A—('oWetn < kmnty. W H. Barfield, administrator of the estate of Mrs. B. D. Vines, deceased, having applied to the court of Ordinary of Hnid county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, all iiersons concerned are required to show cause in said court by the first Monday in October next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 7th, ilS'S 22 L. A PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Ooweta County In the Court of Ordinary of said County. In lie: Probate of will of Mrs M. A. ! rtifly, deceased, m solemn form: To Charley, Ned and Nancy Owens, the children of Julius M. Owens, de- reased, of Alvaradtt, Johttaou oonnty, I'exas, Mrs Elizabeth Kelley and Mrs. Susan Johnson, of the Stale of Arkun- ,,m, and to all of the heirs at law of said 1 Mrs. M. A Silly, deceased ! You mid each of you are hereby noli lied that C I Owens has applied as ex ecutor, to said court, for probate, in solemn form, of the last will and testa ment ol Mrs M. A. Bitty, hire of said Coweta county, deceased, and you as lien's at law of said Mrs M A. Sifiy, are hereby required to lie anil appear at t he court of Ordinary for said county on the lirst Monday m October, I ’.HI/*, when said application for probate will be heard. Phis September 7tli, 1900 L. A. PE It DUE, , Ordinary Coweta County, Georgia. Newsof NeighboringTowns and Counties. Guardians’ Saies of Land. All Ptln Is Nerve Pain Pain ia sure to follow any strain or weakening inftnraee upon the nerves. It may be caused by over-exertion, heat, intense mental effort, colds, in digestion, or any cause that depresses, excites or agitates the nervea. .So sensitive are they that the leant pressure or strain causes suffering. Ity sooth ing, strengthening and quieting the nerves, Dr. Miles’ Ann-PaiiJ Pills relieve the pain. They ate sold lay druggists, 25c a box, under a guarantee that the first box will benefit, or money, refunded. Never sold in hulk. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart Miss Clyde Spearman, of Nqw nan, is visiting her uncle, Mr. U.j If. Spearman this week.—Laj (i range Reporter. ('ol. A. T. Jones, a rising young attorney of Hogansville, will move to La(irange about October the first. The Reporter heartily wel comes Mr. Jones, and believes that lie w ill make a good name for him self in this city.— Lad range Re porter." At a meeting of the city council of West Point on Wednesday af ternoon a resolution was passed to the effect that after January 1st, mod, there would he no more li cense granted for the sale of whiskey. We understand that there has been a strong sentiment against the sale of whiskey West Point for some time, and we congratulate the council on its stand. Now let us have a dry county. — Lat J range Reporter. Messrs. N. (>. Ranks and T. M. Zellars, of (iri.ntville, are stock holders in a corporation which will establish a mammoth oil mill and fertilizer plant in Ladrange. Capital stock of the corporation is (JE< IRGtA — Coweta Oonnty Agreeable to an order granted by the *150,000 with privilegeofinereas- oourt of Ordinary of Haiti county, at the j . ......... . . .. e September term of said Ordinary’h mg to *500,000. A majority of court, will lie Hold liefore the court house the stockholders are Troup county tloor, at Newnau, Gu., on the llrnt Tues- day of October, 1905, between the legal business men. I bourn of Hide, to the highest mid best LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. - debts and contractu only to the amount i of stock subscribed by them and not paid Petition for Charter. 'I a )RUlA -Ckivvetn County 1 Mu Superior ( ’oart of Said 1 Vnin 1 v l» ntion ot P. I. Sutherland, Jen ,n M Sutherland mid Bet I to Mattox, all ol tli • oouuty of Iluval and Stale of I loriila re»|x*ctfully shows I l.l That they desire for themselves, 1 1.-11 associates snei'essois mid assigns in become incorporated under the Iiiwk of lieoiglu for the full lerm (ll.) The prinoipal offloe and plaee of business of said corporation shall be at the city of Newnan - in said oouuty of Ooweta and State of Georgia (10 ) That at the corporate meetings of shareholders each shareholder shall lie entitled to as many votes as he owns shares appearing in Ins mime 011 the books of said corporation (11 ) W horetoro, youi petitioners pray tlint after this petilion lias been tiled and published in ae.cnrdunne with the law, that the oom't grant the proper and n bidder, for cash, the following described Gauds lielotiging to the estate of Lillian ; Burpee, minor, towit: One-fourtli iu- ! terest in lifty (bOg aores of land off the ; east half ol east half of lot of land num 1 her one hundred and three (1011,) and ten (10) acres of land, being a strip of land off of the west side, of lot of land | number one hundred and four (104.) all . I of said land being ill the Fifth (6th) District of said oouuty. Sold for the purpose of encroachment. THOMAS LEIGH, Guardian of Lillian Burpee. This Sept. 6tli, 1906. Guarding would state tbat pt the same time and place, tho remaining three- fourths of the above described lands will be sold by the heirs of Mrs Mary Leigh, deceased, at the same price per acre as is fjaid for the share of said Lillian Huri**e, said luurs joining in making a deed. 22 Prom Last Week’s Meri wether Vindicator. Pickles and Vinegar In oUTyStock of Heinz goods will be found all the brands of pickles—both sweet and sour—manu- , factuped by the greatest pickling and preserving plant iu the world. Bear this in mind, we sell qALL the Heinz piokl es. No matter what kind \ou want, we can supply it. Praise of the Heinz products is unnecessary. Every housekeeper is familiar with their excel lent qualities. We merely wish to stress the fact that, our stock of these superb products is com plete. We sell Heinz vinegar exclusively. White Wine Pickling and Apple Vinegar, of this brand, are unsurpassed in quality. They never fail to please the particular housewife. C. P. STEPHENS S CO. The Promot Service Grocers. FOR SALE The National Collection Agency of Washington, D. 0., will dispose of the following judgments : GEORGIA f uviity ii'iir with (lie privilege of , essary order of incorporation and that r- ii.'iviil ut (lie i.xpirulion of said term, uiu|. i tin name mid style nt "The Hume Company (:' I The object of the proposed col po inMon u pecuniary profit mill gam to the HtoyKliolders then oi Cl. i The business petitioners propose li, cm-ry on in llmt of farming generally, I'n> planting, cultivating, gathering, using for the use ol said corporation and tie .nlr ol out loll, corn, bay, wheat mil. potatoes, vegetables and other crops, the raising for use of i In proposed corporation tin. market and exchange mull inml Ibis |>etilion, together with said order, be recorded i»n required bv law. W C. WRIGHT Petitioners’ Altortu Filed ill office tins Sept. t, 1906. L TURNER, Oik. S O. O. O GEORGIA -Oowola Oouuty. I, L Turner, Olerk of (lie Superior Oourt of said oonnty, do hereby certify Mint Hie above ami foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original petition ami for j for charter of "Tint Homk Company," if horses, as appears of tile and record in ibis of ultle, sheep, ImgN and other an , lice. WiliiesH m.v band and the seal of i carry on and operate a store said court, this Sept. 1, ltKki. purolmse and sale of general i L. TURNER, merohantlise and to buy and sell any and 22 Glk. M. O. O. O all kinds of articles and inoroliamliae •lither bv retail or wholesale and to ex- elinnge nieroliandise for other articlnH| Ordinary 9 Wotices. and produce, to iqierote and conduot | ciK<>lt(i 1A -Ooweta Oountv I The undersigned own the remaining •me mill and own mid operate nmohiii- M,i Um N. Sewell having applied to j four-littbs of the lands described in tlm lor the sawing and manufacturing I q,,, court 0 f Ordinary of said county foregoing advertisement, each of us own- for letters of administration de-boms- iug ail tin divided ono-lifth in .aid laud, non on the estate of William Sewell, de and we agree to make the luncbaser of ceased, all lieraoiiH concerned are re- said one-fifth interest described in Haul quired to show cause in said court by advertisement a deed to our said one- the lirst Monday in October next, if any fifth interest each in said land in con- thov can, wliv said H)i|ilicaiioa should siderution of a tike sum, each, for whioli not he granted. said one-ffftli interest may Iki bid off; so 1 (1E< 1RGIA—Ooweta Oouuty. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Ooweta county, Georgia, will be sold, ou tin* first Tuesday in On tuber, 1906, at the court bouse door ill Newnau, ill said oonnty, between the legal Ilnurs ot sale, the undivided one- till li interest of J. W Houston, Jr , iu and lo sixty live acres', more or less, of lot of land number two hundred and t wenty six, lying north ot Hear oteek. Also a like interest m the south half of lot uf laud numlier two hundred and tweftty-three, containing one hundred mid one and one-fourth (101 I 4) acres, more or less. Said two tracts adjoin and are situated in the second district of said Ooweta county, and bounded on the north and east by lands of W. S. J0S,su* Bexley mid the south midwest by said . Press. Bear creek and the lauds of II. W. Camp and Hardaway. Saul order granted at the September term, 1900. of said court of Ordinary. Terms of sale, cash. | This September 1th, 1906. J. H. HOUSTON, Guardiau of J W. Houston. Jr Tile undersigned own the Mr. VV. ('. McBride, a Newnan capitalist, spent Wednesday in this city. Co). It. (). Jones, of Newnau, spent Wednesday in Greeneville on legal business. Messrs. N . F. Culpepper and A. M. Hill spent last Tuesday in Newnan. Miss K tli el Kent! ley returned to her home in Senoia last Tuesday morning, after visiting Misses Nauna and ida Keith. Will James L D Whiteett Gilbert & Hewitt J H Rodgors Lewis & Murphy M T Latah Mrs A KSmith Sum Hurst / L H Turner R L Brewer Adrian Atlanta AtlauU Baxley Calhoun Orlhh Cottage Mills Dublin ELberton Glenn Reeves Bros & Co Griffin J 8 Gregory Frank P. Ouse J 8 Mills Watson &, Strickland C L Mousley E O Brown J B StiloH John ■Judsou Lindsay Lithia Springs Lotliair Mncou Meriwether 164.78 1)4.36 46.06 10.99 T1.00 33.20 33.14 14 64.06 39.00 10.00 44.14 ■ 92.45 8.26 99.05 78 85 79.40 R L Lewis Millen 63.03 W T Oookroll Molena 08.90 Galloway Bros Monroe 3L.48 Warren & Huff Rochelle 40 00 O H Levan Savannah 28.03 Mrs R Baer Savannah 90.26 ALABAMA S L Durden Autaugaville I 42.11 R L Clements Brockton 128.04 J P Hurst Clayton 83.08 B P Lara bed Flareiice 201.96 R H Caudle Goodwtvter 113.60 J H Kmgry Gordon 367.08 Head & Warren Gum Springs 188.70 Carr & Co Hardaway 140,36 H T Daniel Huntsville 12.00 W T Harrison & Son Killen 28.16 W J Henderson Lafayette 220.00 1 M Bouev Linden •itfO.OO J W Hand M obilo 03.26 A hank has been organized at Lutherville and will soon lie in j operation. Mr. W.C. McBride, of Newnan, is the largest stock-1 holder. Lutherville is a progres sive city. M iss nun, is Emily Mitchell, of N'ew- the guest of Miss Mamie Blalock.—(hirrollton Free Send Bids to THE NATIONAL COLLECTION AGENCY, Washington, D. C. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co. , The Western Railway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. RKAD DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1904. of lumbar. shingles mid other wood products, for tin* use of tin* proposed corporation, for pu.v and for salt*, to own on I o|H>nit<* a null and necessary ina eliinrry for the grinding of wheat , corn mid other grain into flour, meal and otleir produels for the use of the pro- pir-'d corporation, for side nud for pay, m ow n and o|ien\U< a ginnery including idi ueee.vsuv machinery for the ginning , ntiii pressing of cotton for the projiOKed oipo ration. for others and for pay, to buv and sell cotton seed, to conduct a dairv and to sell and (ll8|K)Ne of milk and butter and other dairy products, lo man- CaiTolltcn’s public school open ed la-si wet*k with an enrollment of 4‘2() pupils—the largest in the school’s history. Mrs. J. J. Farmer and son, ('ar son, have returned to their home in Starke, Fla., after spending several days with relatives in Newnan. 11 0f>l» 5 00ft 9 !5h tO 05h 10 30a U>8flp l’his 8e|it. 5th, 1905, 22 L. A PERDUE. Ordinary GEORGIA —Ooweta Oouuty. Annie K. Orr having iqipliod to the court of Ordinary of said tsnuity for let ters of administration on tho estate of 8ylvioius G. Orr, dooeased all persons iil'ii. lure naval stores or deal iu stum* as concerned art required to show cause in commission merchants or factors tobuy s , u ,i court by the lirst Monday m Ooto- and sell or hold real and jii rsonal )trop* tier next, if any they can, why said ap erty of any and all kinds, including pliciytion should not bo granted, stocks mid bonds of ot tier corporal ions, This Sept, till, 1906. and t»i do such other acts as may he nee- 23 L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary, of tho| IS. IS. Lewis hits been elected that the purchaser >f said one fifth in-1 cashier ol the Bunk of Heard t'ounly. The bank’s capital stock is *25,000. The bank will open for business as soon as it is char- tlio whole of said terest may acquire lands. This Sept. 4th, 1906 MARK HOUSTON, W. P. HOUSTON, ADDIE HOUSTON TAYLOR, 23 J. W. HOUSTON. It 25ft 12 2. ip 12 50p i wp 3 OOp 3 *20p tered and a biink building erected. 1 0 3p essary to carry on the 'busiqes corporation. . 4 i Your ivtitiotiers desire to have the right to sue and be sued, coutraot nod be contmeted with, hnve and use a GEORGIA —Ooweta County. W. M. Glass, administrator de-bouis- iion on estate of Beiijamin G. Barker, deceased, having applied to the court of common m iiU to make bv laws binding Ordinary of said county for leave to sell oil the members of the proposed ootpora- the lands of said deceased, all jiersoiis turn and for its government, not inoon- j arc required to show cause iu said court ■ Nt-nt w ith law, to execute or receive by the first Monday in October next, if mk'Ii conveyances and acquittances and ; any they can, why said application rr.',‘ivi* mid hold such evidences of debt should not Ih> granted, and securities ns may lie necessary to This Sept. 4th, 1905. carry on the pixuioaeil business of the , 23 L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary, '•uni eorpmatiou. Also to encumber r* nl and jH'rsoiml i)>*ofxvrty, lend mid i GEORGIA —Ooweta Oouuty. borrow money and secure same, issue ; T. F. Rawls, administrator de bonis- and sell bonds and secure same by luorf-1 non ot estate of VV. A. Mitchell, de- gnge ot teed ot trust and to have'all Mu* | ceased, having applied to the court of rights, powers and privileges eiiuiuurat- | Ordinary of said county for leave to sell cd ;n section 1862 of the code of Georgia : the real estate of saic\ deceased, all j>er ot : 896 :u. well as all oilier jKiwers and | soq* Voucerned are required to show privih ges incident to cor)(orations of cause in said court by the first Monday like nature iu October next, if any they can, why ; ft. i The capital stock of said corpora 1 said apidioatioii should not Is* granted tton shall be twenty-live thousand del-| This Sept. 4th, 1906. lars divided into shares of one hundred 22 L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary dollars each. All ot said capital stock ■ has already been paid in. ! GEORGIA —Ooweta County. 0 . Petitioners desire the privilege of ! A. P Baiffold, executor of Susan S. increasing said capital stock from time I Gibson, deceased, having applied to the to time to any amount not exceeding I court of Ordinary ot said county for ■ wo hundred and lifty thousand dollars leave to sell the lands of said deceased and that sulweriptinns to tho oapital all persons concerned am required to st of said corporation may bo paid iu ! show oause in said court by the first i i uu v pnqierty or services ns may be i Monday in Ootolmr next, it any they di t. niiim-d by ila* Board of Directors of can, why said application should not be said cotporainm granted 7 "lie affairs of said cor)gyration This Sept. 4th, 1905. - nit be managed and conducted by a 23 L A. PERDUE, Ordinary. ! uni oi directors and duly elected ofti- . — • r> consisting of such number as may 1 GEORGIA —Ooweta County. I • tixed and deteriiiuted by the corporate The estate of Z. Wortham, late of said action ot said corporation. i county, -deceased, being unrepresented s.) d’lie stockholdeni of said corpora- ] and net likely to be represented , all per- uou shall be individually liable for its sons concerned arc required to sliow Sheriff’s Safes. GEORGIA—Ooweta County. Will Ik* sold, on lirst Tuesday in Got., 1905, before the oourt house door, in said county, within tho legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing pnqwrty, to-wit: L'he northwest quarter of lot of land number two hundred and twenty-nine (329) in the First District of Ooweta county, Georgia, containing fifty and five eighths (60 5-8) aores, more or less, and bounded on the north by lot of land No. 228, on the east by William Odom and the south and west by M. S. Mor- R«» Said laud levied on ns the property of J. C. Morgan to satisfy a fi fa issued from the city court of Newnan in favor of J. A Coats against J. O. Morgan. This Sept. 7th, 1906 22 J L BROWN, Sheriff. Prof. ,T. L. Moore, of Bethle hem, (la., a well known singer and ! vocal teacher, wan in the city last Monday. Prof. Moore’s son,Hay den Moore, is a recent addition to the student body of the Southern School of Telegraphy. Rev. (I. O’N. Martindale will deliver two addresses at the Car- roll County Sunday School Insti tute, which will be in session Bept. 20th and 21st in the Cgrroll- ton Methodist church. The sub ject of his at 1 dresses are “Teacher Training” and “Sunday School | Methods.” ! The Woman's Missionary and lot on Aid Society, of the First Baptist 12 Uip 1 30f> » 30p ■ 9 55ft 2 '27 p 2 52|> 3 31)< 3 15 (. 1 30| ll rKtji (lOUf 0 28[i 7 Oil) 7 30ji 0 25a 1 25p 4 00]) 11 OGp '5 00a » 25 p H 2np #02p 2 37p 10 :r/| it 15p 11 25p 2 58)) G IMii I.v I*v I.v— Pensacola. Ar Lv Selma Swi... Montgomery Ar Ar. Mifi-tead ...Ar Ar.. (’hull aw — Ar Auburn - Ar ,12 35 p G 12« H 00a lo 1 12 4: .■^... OMumhnft ...Ar Xr.--.i.i'---.. — -I.-ipeliku ...West Point- Ar 8 16p 4 12p I. 35p Ar - La Orange Ar r. Newnan Ar Ar Kftlrburn Ar Kast I’otut --Ar Ar ....Atlanta —— Lv Ar... Washington Lv Ar Ilultimore-— Lv Ar Philadelphia Lv Ar New York Lv 7 38tl 6 34a 6 04 a 11 15a « 17n 8 I5n 1210U 9 20p 8 20p 7 Uip 7 33p G :G| G 22p 5 2flp 4 20 p ill nip « lGp G 55p 4 25p 11 15p G'JOp! 5 23p 601 p 4 21 f 4 15)i 3 30)> 12 30j> 1 rrftp 12 50p 1 l»p IOC P Above trainrt daily. Connections nt New Orlcaim tor Texas, Mexico, California. At Cbehaw lorTuskegce, Milstead for Tallahassee. .... l.aOriinge accommodation leaves Atlanta daily, except Sunday at 5:80 leaves LaOraugc at 5:50 a. m. arrives Atlanta 8:15 a. m. Trains 35 Htid :M> Pullman sleepers New V ork and New Orleans on and New Orleans. . „ , , Trains 37 and 38 Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman slecperfl, compartmen ar s. observation and dining ears. Complete service Now York and New Orleans. Train W United States fast mall. Through .lay coaches Atlanta and New Orleans. Write for maps, schedules and information. J. B UKYWAP.n, D. P. A., Atlanta, (ia. CHA8 A WICKKR3HAM, Pres and Gen. Mgr.. Atlanta. Ga Returning Through coaches Washing J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A., Atlanta Ga. •< To Publishers and Printers. Wo have an antirely new process, on.which patents are pend ing, whereby we can reface old Brass Column and Head Rules, 4 pt, and thicker and make them fully as good as new and without any k* sold a certain House ana tor Oil | AU1 OOCiety, ui lux: wist , . , . ., _ Jhurclt (now Savaimnli) street, in New- h h iuet la8t Monday after- u^sightiy knobs or feet out- he bot.fe m. .tan, Ga., wltert* I now reside; lot con- > - | taiiniig 1-2 acre, more or less, where j noou, after going through the reg-1 Willis Wright now resides. Levied on by me as the pnqmrty of Isaac Carring ton to satisfy a li. fa issued from Cow eta SuiH'rior Court, in favor of John Dunbar against Isaac Carrington. Ten ant in possession notified as required by law. This Sept. 7, 1905 32 J L. BROWN, Sheriff. ular program, with Dr. Nunnally to help. His help is always ap preciated. The meeting proved quite interesting. It was the reg ular thru* PRICES. tor electing officers. Mrs. E. "O. Reese tendered her resignation is president and it was A Remedy Without a Peer. accepted quire reluctantly, but not "1 find Chamberlain's Stomach and at all, however; ti l she promised Liver Tablet* more beneficial tlfenanyjto act its vice-president. Then aUier remedy I ever ust-d for stomacn Mrs. A.. 15. 1 au-s was elected p.res- trouble," says J. P. Kioto, of Ediua, i ident; M r>,. A ion’A) Nunnally, see- Alo. For any dcsorder of tlm stomach,! c»tary Mrs. B. « Sanders, treas- bilumsaees or constipation, tliese Tab-j ‘ ’ . v.u,Sir, no lets are without a peer. For sale by ’ ' ‘ ' ' r > Holt & Cates, Druggists. Newuau, Ga. ‘ Mite. A. .4. cAtLs, es. Refacing Column and Hoad Rulefl, regular lengths, 20cts each. *< L. S. “ and “ Rules, lengths 2in. and over40cts. per lh. A sample of refaced Rule with full particujars, will be cheer fully sent on application. Philadelphia Printers’ Supply Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Type and High Grade Printing Material, 39 N. NINTH 8T*. PHILADELPHIA, PA.