The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 15, 1905, Image 7

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$49 — 1 a A Aeirthvrn Bony . _ for naalBvm tralfe, kaa a Boa IMktr Ouattar Tep, Ban aeautar leather, Bprlag BeMfeaa CaaltteV an4 Leather evaty X'.OLDPN RAOLK BOGGY, regular re-tail pricetlS.IOlu IIB.aa. CaUileg aad fall descrlpilea aaat aa leanest. VOLDBH BA«LC B17««Y CO. 1M-1B0 Bdgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. I/iJhn ■ • s a PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN Give their endorsement of the AHna Life Insurance Company: Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tells about a trade you can learn in a few months and which will pay you from $40 to $50 a month to start on\ Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. Box 214. • •Atiaa Peniston’s Drug Store Crane’* Spring Medioine. Crane's Kidney and Backache Cure. Crane's Cough Cure. Oruue’K Headache Belief. Crane’h Cholera and Diarrhoea Mixture. Crane’a Family Liniment Crane’a Eczema Cure. Crane’a Liver Powders. Crane’a Pile Salve. Crane’s Liver Pilla. Crane’a Female Relief. These are Standard- Prepara tions and are Sold and Recom mended at. Peniston’s Drug Store. Laud of Promise (Continued from page 8.) dies or other* lights, and electric lights have therefore been intro duced into the tombs of Seti I., Ramses 1., ill , IV. and IX, and Am'en-hetep 11. This is note worthy to strangers. Of course We cannot at tempt further description in the limited space at command, but re fer the interested to more extend ed works dealing specifically with these details which are of little in terest to the average or even schol arly reader, unless he be a special ist. The student of archaeology needs the works of specialists here. This is a write-up of careful obser vations and studies in travel, and not at all a work dealing in detail on the antiques of history. One of our company, the Rev. Junius W. Millard, D. D., writing of this Royal Necropolis, succinct ly voices (he sentiments of all vis itors to these places by saying: “It was a grim commentary upon that pride of building and wealth of carving upon which we had been looking with wonder for two days, to see the authors of it ail come to such a place as this. It set us musing upon its meaning, out of the valley oi the tombs into the world again.” Never was there a hotter ride than that out of the valley of deso lation and over the desert plains and hillocks to the Nile; once the heat was so great, even with um brella raised o’er-head, that the author dismounted and betook himself and animal and donkey- boy to ‘‘the shadow of a great rock in a weary land" lor a tiny rest and relief from the heat, with oranges only to quench the thirst. Our donkey-boy would throw a cloth first under one fbot and then under the other to relieve him from the intense heat of the wand, while covering his head with cloths from the sun above, as he ran beside or behind my steed. Our divided parties joined one another, and together we hastened o’er heated desert sands for Lux or, recrossing the Nile in boat. "They were mighty, yet they vanished; Names are all they left behind them: Glory first, and then an coho; Then the very echo hashes, All is still.” (To be continued.) Rock Spring. Macon, G a . , June 10, 1905. W.E.Hawking, Manager Aetna Lil'e Insurance Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir:- I have your favor of the 8th inet. I have, I think, three policies in your Company, that 1 have been carrying for some time. I am thoroughly pleased with theue policies, and 1 consider your Company one of the strongest and most reliable doing business in our State. 1 do not hesitate to reco mm end them to any one wanting insurance. ■Yours very truly, , J . W. CAR 1 NESS. Atlanta, Ga. , June 20, 1905. Man. Aetna Life Insurance Co., At 1 an ta, Ga. Dear Sir:- I take pleasure in stating that I hold a policy for $10,000 in the Aetna Life Insurance Company, with which 1 am well pleased. I regard the Aetna ,as one of the strongest and most conservative companies doing business^in this State, and take pleasure in recommending it to prospective insurers Yours very truly, , W. L . PEEL. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of near Newnan, attended divine services here last Sunday. ... , Ijemuel and Hugh Glass, of and trying to interpret as best we ; „ ,, . ... , , Happy Valley, visited friends hero could the Phoraonic philosophy of l , ... wr u i » Sunday. things. We had seen many tern ,, , ... , ° , , , , Mr. and Mrs. Itrown and chil pies; we could remember a few . .. ... , . , (Iren, of Douglas county, and Mr royal hunting scenes blazoned on ... ...... ’ ,, . „ r , , and Mrs. Itolierl Posey, of More the walls, a few banquets and many Take a Bath at religiour processions and festivals; but everywhere there were the same sickpning details of war and tragedy, of the king dominating everything, smiting his enemies and offering to the gods great rows of captives with ropes about their necks. There was no pity in kingly hearts. Might made right. Crass selfishness and bru tality, vanity and self-glorification: this was the basis of life in Egypt in the long ago, and the greatness of the kings rested upon the de- gradition of the people. The very walls of these temples we had seen were cemented by the blood and sweat of anguished slaves. Rest ing upon such a foundation, their land, were the guests of the fam ily of W. ,1. Hembree Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Parrott spent several days last week with relatives near Luthersville. Charlie Smith, of Springdale, visited friends'here last Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. B. A. .1, Smith and Mrs. Mamie Smith and eliil- (lren and Uncle Jack Smith, of Palmetto, visited here last Satur day and Sunday. Leonard H. .laekson, of Atlanta, visited here this week. Mrs. A. K. Parrott and children visited relatives at Flat Creek and Fayetteville la>lt week. Rev. <). ,1. Short was assisted in the three days’ meeting by Itev. F. M.-BRYANT, District Manager, Aetna Life Insurance Company Newnan, Georgia. , , , , , . , „ , ,.G. VV. Colquitt, of Palmetto. Kx- pride had had its fall, and all had .. . . r • , . .. ... cellent sermons were delivered. ; come to dust at last. Materialism and selfishness are at the bottom On Saturday church elected dele- , . | gates to the association as follows: of the failure of every nation, and | [fev (J w itt M „ Railev’s Barber Sboo • but ono »,th Babylon • „ a ,„i \ Daileys D aroer Jimp !an(1 w|th T And there J.', Smith as a)t» r „ati—, was one relievinglfeature, for with ... . , . . .. . ,, , We are glad to note that Mrs. it all there was a belief in a future ; . . ,, . , . , . ... Lewis Lrumed, who has lieen verv life with its certain retribution.,, . .. . . „ , , , llow tor several months, is con- Blazoned on the walls of the tombs , . valeseing. were entire passages from the Book i ,, . , , | * . , . . • , . Mrs. John Todd passed through of the Dead, with pictures of the . . . ., . . . , I, . , f here last Friday enroute to New [last judgment, souls standing be- H foreOsiris, the judge in the under- ’ ... ,, ,, , wo’ld the actions of this Me, Mr . , M „ M „. <)Km| . j weighed m the unfaltering bah|^ ances of the justice of the gods. A , , 1 b , family oM . C. Gamel last week, strange mixture, this, of cruelty, vf . ,, . ., . , . i . 6 .... , 7 Miss Kate Hoggin closed her . i vanity, and re lgious trust, but it . , . , ,, . . 3 ' 6 ’• school at this place last Friday, Where the equipment is new and firat class and where all the latest ap pliances and accessories of the mod ern bath room are at your service Your patronage is desired and mer ited, and a trial will make yon a per manent patron. BAILEY’S BARBER SHIP, Reese Opera House Building, Newnan, - Ca. I _ „ I bn T. M. MARTIN was the best they knew, and it be- retiirniug to her home at Madras. Nerve Fag. If You Waste Your Nerve Energy, After Awhile You Will Suffer For It. Ton can waste nerve force by pxoeae, over-kork, worry, nnxlely, etc. You cun weaken yourself by not eating proper food or securing sufficient rest to renew the nerve energy you use up. The proper treatment, In addition to good phosphatlc food, such ns whole mesl bread, prepared cereals, etc., Is Hr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. This Is ns truly a brain and nerve food as any food you could eat, and be sides, furnishes strength and tone of Its own, which goes to the weakened nerve system, and sets It* to rights. Hr. Miles Jleslorutivt Nervine Is a re freshing,-revitalizing tonic food-medicine for the bruin and nerves. It reconstructs worn-out nerve tissue, and Mils your languid bruin with new life and vigor. Ifr. Miles' Nervine has made so many marvelous cures, of people so sink the doctors thought they were Incurable, that It 1s today the standard medicine In many thousands of American homes. The first bottle Is guaranteed to help you, or druggist returns your money. "The extreme heat, elose confinement and intense menial strain incident to the bunking business, has caused me to suffer with nervousness and Insom nia. It gives me pleasure to s«y that 1 have used tfr. Miles' Nervine with very satisfactory results In the treat ment of these affections. Tam now ori my fifth bottle, and eat and sleep well, In fact have almost forgotten that I possess nerves.”—ft. L. DAI.BY, Asst. Cashier, State Bank, Texarcanu, Ark. Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. came for them their inspiration fbr art and literature, as well as for architecture and worship. 1 won- Capse of insomn a. 1 der if our own generation, with its Indigestion nearly always disturbs the I divine revelation, and its enthusi- 8, “P mon or lw)H «*«»»» often the oaftae JN c r' i , of insomnia. Many oases have Itefln i asm for God and humanity, will do ^ riimneIltly ounid t)y ohambnrJain’s as noble and enduring work as the Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale |g men of ancient Egypt? As we by Holt & Catos, Druggists. Newnan, I rode away from these tombs we (i} a. , | passed a Moslem cemetery where Notice U with monotonous lamentations, ______ ’ jj they were filling a new-made Finding a ninnlmi' of Heard conn | grave. The fortunes of the world t\ citizens now living in and Trial -tee of Dr. Miles’ Antl- Paln Pills, the New Kelentlflc Remedy for Pain. Also Hymptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell you wlial Is wrong, and how to right It, Free. DR. MM,EH MEDICAL CO., LABORATORIES, ELKHART, JND. THREEJURORS CURED Of Cholera Morbus with Oho Small Bottle of . Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. G. W. Fowinr, of .Hightower, Ala., relates an oxjroriunoo ho hud whiln serving on a jury in a ninrdnr'ouso at Kdwnrdsviihi, county scat of Cin honin county, Alabama. Hn says: "Whiln thorn I atm somn ITnsh ninut anil sonin sound mnat. unit it gHvn mn nholnra morbus in a very snvnrn form. I wkh never morn sick in my life and snnt to the drug slorn for a curtain nholnra, hut, the druggist snnt mn a bot tle of Chitinbnrliiiii'H Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy instead, saying that he Imd what. I sent for, hut that, this medicine was so much hatter he would rattier send it to me in the fix I was in. I took one dose of it and was better in five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were afflicted in the same manner end one small bottle oared the three of us. For snle by Holt A, Cates, Druggists, New- nnn, (ia. Hhf Yes, we do job printing. Expert work and low prices win. Shop oji- posite Pinson Hotel. | may vary, and Pharaoh give way to , around New nan, and after consul- agHtn. I the Khedive, but Death reigns ^ion with a number of them, it I from age to age and exacts his dM : id ‘j d * <*11 tor all [J , , , ., r b ,. the original Heard county citizens Going to Move. Here is a chance txi get your j»ic lure frames at cost, as we are clos ingoiitoiir entire slxick of about 10,000 to save expense of moving jhcui. These frames are, difl'erent sizes and finish; yon are sure to j liml just what yon want, and at a : price you are. not likely to gel, H. I). OWENS, Brewster Building, Newnan, <la. * 1 * * * * jgl black tribute from every son of meet in Newnan at the court man and brings sorrow into every hoilw . ttt 2 o’clock, p. m„ on Sat l 1 - 1 == | home. With the glory and the urday, Sept, ifith, for the purpose j If you don’t read The News you shame, the light and the shadows, ot organizing a Hoard eonnty elub. don’t read all the news of Newnan of Egypt’s splendid past mingling j ‘ '[ha? nmyllie derived Tom and Coweta. The News one year in our minds with the sorrows of j Klic h an organization, for only one dollar. her degraded present, we rode 1 W . H. Oopelaud. R-l P-A N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Tl.» 5- .vnl fjurk«t >h Rnougli for umujiI iituMMloin, The f<imil) bottle (Oh eenlei contoine » nnpplv for a year .A 11 drugglata anil them Tailored Suits at $18.00. That’s the price of ole gant mado-to order suits, at the shop of O. W. Bradley, Merchant Tailor. Anything higher in price alsfi made Ixi order. “NO FIT, NO PAY.” Have v o ii r clothes cleaneit, jiress<;d, or re paired al this shop. Suits pressed for one dollar per month. Best work guaranteed. 0. W. Bradley, (Over Pope’s Store, i NEWNAN, GA. Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Sidneys and Blood. Lrmonn are largely lined by The Mozley Lemon Khxir Company, in compounding their Lmmon Elixir, a pleasant Lemon Laxative and Tonic—a tiibxtitute for all Cathartic ami Liver PilU. Lemon Elixir posi tively cured all WlioiidneiiH, Cousti- |jatiou, Indigent ion or Dy, pepsin, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease] Uizzineaa, Cohln, l.ona of A'xpeliie, I'evers, Chills, Rlolchea, I'itnphr, all Impurities of the Blood, f-ain in the Chest or Back, and alio herdis- eases caused by a disorder-d liver and kidueys,' thm first Great Cause ef all Fatqi Diseases. WOBAEN, for all Female Irreg ularities, will find Lemon Elixir a jdeasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least d iage.*tif jiosaible harm to them in aiiv condi tion peculiar to themselv-a. soc and $i.oo per bottle ut ( ALL DRUG STOKES "One , -Dose Convinces." Cured of Lame Back After IS Years of Suffering. I had been trouhhwi with In me back for flftecii ycara and I foupd a com plate recovery in the use of Olminherlain's Pain’Halm,” Hays John (4, Bitther, Gil- lam, bid. This liniment is ttlsn without e(|ital for HpraiiiK and lirtiiscM, It, is for sale by Holt & Oaf,cm. Drn'ggMtH, Newnan. Ga. Miss Mary Hibson lakes picas lire in informing her former pupils anti friends that, she will resume her class in music Monday, Get. 2nd, at her home on Greeneville Street, next door to the Pres by terian church. ’I'hankful for past patronage, she solieitx. a eoutinna- t iou of same in future. It