The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 15, 1905, Image 8

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The Bay Street Grocers Crockery Did you ever hear off such prices? I;,.«•! mid two-gallon pitcher for the two pipe*** 86 r ' 1 • Iut <fur setH of six, 80c to .. 50c ■ i|>« nod saucers, He cfi(*li, or set fot. 50'“ Larife '■teak diwii ~ -- 40 r White mixing bowl, JOo and . 40 ,; Every piece of Crockery War ranted not to Craze. 'l'he a Love are only n few of the article* we lmve in the Crockery line. Come and nee the others and learn our price*. V* W e have thousands of needles and about half a bushel of thimbles which we will give away—one thimble and one paper needles to each little girl in the county between 6 and 1 3 who will call at our store Saturday and Monday after I 1 o'clock. Telephone Double GROCERIES Posters “Elegant” Flour. Kelly Bros.’ “K. K. K ” Georgia Cane Syrup ip cans. Maple Forest Syrup in cans. VAN CAMP’S CREAM.. Eagle Brand Milk. Luzianne Coffee. J. K. Coffee. B. D. and T. Coffee. Quaker Oats. Quaker Rice. Breakfast Bacon in glass jars. In addition to the above we sell all oth er “eatments.” Glassware better and cheaper than ever before. Tumblers, per set _ 15 VVulcr net—pitcher itml six kfur 39 NUNNALLY Everything in this line so cheap that|we are afraid you will laugh at our prices. Come and see the goods. BARRETT J. W. Stripling & Son. SHOES AND CLOTHING Wo have the largest mid host lino of clothing and shoos wo have ever handled. Wo have so mo eye openers for you i hi* season. Ijudic*' Godinmi nIn* h in navy oulf, low liooj, plain Its- and medium licol, cn|i toe, every pair guaranteed the best everv day shoe on the market at per i»air --— If*®# Utdieh' kid lace Godumii hluH , », kid lace, patent tip, kid tip, low and lush heel every pair guaranteed solid leather, the beef kid sins* on (lie market for the money, jK*r {wir only $1 CiO 1 Julies’ plain toe, glove grain. solid leather shoea only $1 00 LuditV tine French kid shoes in bluolieia, patiut (ip. value 2,50 *11.00 Oliildrvii's Uodnmn stioef, the best winter shoes on the market, every pair guaranteed. sizes , r i to 8. kid laOO (k r H' Sizes 0 to l», kid lace. 86c; sizi-h lit to 2, kid-lace, $1.00 and $1 (15. Infants' tine kid shoes, sizes 2 to 6 - ** «0 Mism h’ kid laee shoes, sizes 0 to 12 — — $1.00 Men’s high cot shoes fpr everyday wear for only ... . $1 00 Men's high cut kip shoes, first quality, every pair guaranteed $1.25 Bostonian shoes for men, the best $8.50 shoe on the market: every pair guaranteed. We have all the new style toes in viei, box calf, gun metal and indent leather. Men's Stoughton shoes, viol, box oalf and patent leather, every pair guaranteed, pot is*ir --- - ♦“•80 Men's box. oalf and viol bluoher shoos, worth $2.60, ouly $2.00 Men's cap and plain toe shoes, worth $1.75, at pel' pair $1.60 Men's tail viei shoes -- - --. $1.50 Men's tine calf boots, clastic in side, every jxtir guaranteed $6.00 Boys' Sunday shoes, $1.26, $1.60 and $2.00 per pair. Full line Indies' and men’s rubbers. Laities' sample shoes, sizes 6, a 1 ,., and 4 at les- i hau cost to make. CLOTHINC. lio,vs'knee jiaut cassimertf suits, assorted colors, .ages 6 to 8, worth $1.76, isrsa*t ...-$1.89 Bovs' kins 1 pant cassimere suits, (I to 10, assorted colors, worth $2.50, for oiilv. - - - $1.98 Boys' ktnv \>aiit suits worth $2 00 for $1.09 Bovs' (aticy mixed eussimore suits, value $8.00, at $2.89 Boys' ktits* {taut suits, regular price $1.00, for only .— .69c, Boys' long {suit 8 piece suit, a good $6.00 suit for ouly .... $4 (X) Men’s (aiioy mixed brown, black and gray cassimere suits, worth $7.60 at ouly $6.00 Men s all-wool, black clay worsted suits, value $10, a suit only $7.50 Men's mixed colors m all-wool worsted suits, value $15, for $12.60 Men's black all wool unfinished worsted suits in slims and regulars. worth $16, for only -— Men's all-wool cassimerv and worst,Hi suits, assarted colors, worth $t2.50, at the suit -- -- $10.00 Men's all-wool cassimere suils m brown and gray mixed, value $12.60 tor only. the suit $9.00 100 Men's suits, bought 7>0e on the dollar, value $4 to $7 ,'>0. for $8 49 .50 Dozen overalls, worth 50c, at. - 50 Men's sample {suits at manufacturers' cost. {s*r pair. $8.50 to 50e 25 Dozen boys’ cassiincrv knee pants, ages ft to Id, per pair 2,>o 25 IKt. -n boys' worsted and cassimere knee pants, worth 75c, only 49e J. W. STRIPLING & SON ’Phone 98. County Treasurers’ Report to Grand Jury. Report of G. V\. Goble, County treasurer. GENERAL FUND. KEUKIPTS. Mar 1 April 8. April 10 April lip. T. V Mav 4. Mav 9. Mav 20. July 22 July 29. Aug. 1 Aug 80. | Sept. I. Balance By A. H. Bohannon By W. L. Stallings Bv W. T. Arnalli $1,959 82 5 00 8,000 00 By W. L Stallings ok By W. L. Stallings cli By W. 1,. Oruoe Su|it Bv W. L. Ornce Supt By W. L. Utiviui: Bv W. Ij. Stallings Ok Bv W Ij Stallings Uk By W 1, Stallings Ok Overdraft 104 99 . 28 20 .76 1 00 15 00 5 00 85 00 20 00 02 97 1,657 »0 Total OISIIIIUSKMKNTS Jtiry Setips, Nu{>eriof Court, Jury Scri))s. City Court, Jury Scrijis. Luiuioy. Non resident witness Fees, Kx|hmih(m Ijinmoy, 11 Prisoners •• Bldg, and Repairs “ Courts 11 Patqiers Contingent " Inquest 11 Interest “ Salaries ,$9,890 08 May 8 June July Aug 22 $2 ,114 U0 298.00 59,00 158.81 ;!08 50 915 20 109 88 ,788 81 208 81 ,778 21 70 60 28 14 125 00 By J P Bolmnuon By T B Sanders By J A Davis, By T L Lambert By R N Winkles By W A Sears By W O Ragsdale By J S Hammock Bv W O Herndon By W O Ragsdale Bv J W Hutchinson Bv WL Stallings By W T Arnnll, T 0 By J W Trammell By J W Trammell By J P Bolianuon By J F Dial Bv J S Hammock By K P Dims ‘ By J P Bohannon > By T L Lambert By J W Trammell By J S Hammook By J F Dial By R P Davis Bv W A Sears Bv F B Dial Bv J D Starr By T B Sanders By J P Bolmnuon By J A Davis By J P Boliaunon ByR W Winkles By J W Trammell By W C Ragsdale 85 00 128 50 j 899 00 I 182 50 | 150 00 257 76 110 00 280 00 156 00 41 60 2 00 8 00 til 12 44 00 19 00 5 60 24 00 56 00 8 00 (I 00 2 60 12 00 65 00 0 00 168 75 161 85 1 18 00 74 00 107 75 89 00* 26 00 60 00 68 00 88 00 80 25 Total Sept. 1 Overdraft OHAINGANG FUND RECEIPTS. | April 10 By W L Stallings Overdraft $9,890 98 4,667 80 Total Sept l. Vouchers Balance Total Balance DISIHUSEMENTS. $6,024 88 1.941 73 $4,082 65 1.941 73 $6,034 88 ’,000 00 I give both quality and quantity of 2,404 49 Htovo-wood. Davis. Phone 122. tf $4,404 49 j See the big line of toilet soaps at disbursements. Reese’s Drug Store. 14 SI | , .... * 'too is : Mouev to loan on real estate Pt ' cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. per Mar. I. Overdraft Vouchers nsfo—i Si ' ■TT' ’Sir,™ JS& COURT HOUSE FUND. j Renting Agent. Ofhcetovei 1 irst National Bank. RECEIPTS. i April 15. By W -T Arnall Sept. 6. By W L Stallings Total : March 1 DISBURSEMENTS Overdraft City of Newuati Interest 759 58 1 997 48 $1,759 06 | $1.282 65 465 88 8 63 Total $1,757 06 PUBLIC ROAD FUND. RECEIPTS. March 1. Balance *• Bv J D Starr 11 By .T F Dial 11 B) J P Bolmnuon •• Bx J M Trammell Bv R P Davis •• 14 April 5 By W A Sears Bv T M Zellats By R N Winkles By .1 A Davis Bv W I. Stallings,Ck By J F Dial By J W Trammell By J P Bohannon By J D Starr By "R P Davis i9it> tin 2 50 30 00j 10 00 j «0 00 I 17 60 | 22 50 ; 48 00 j 5 00’ 157 50 85 00 125 00 811 50 507 00 450 60 115 26 448 00 Auditorium Sept. 29, 1905. Part I — Liliputian Wedding. Part 2-- Crand Concert. Mrs W L. Wilsog ...Soprano Miss Frauces Ingraham .. ..Contralto Mr. David Silverman.. \ loliu Miss Rae Spoucler Piauo BENEFIT DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY Lumber On yard ,or ...f at mill. . . . 0RR & POWELL A Little Talk About Coffee-= This store sells 'several brands of medium grade coffees, both in package and loose. A good coffee at 15c per pound and another at 17 l-2c will satisfy any user of coffees of this grade. Those persons, however, who wish something better, will find it in any of these: “Ladies’ Club,” straight Mocha and Java, a coffee for people desiring the highest grade. It will not fail to please the most particular users of coffee. “Ladies’ Club’’ is sold at 85 cents per pound. “Panama Blend’’ and “Tulane Blend" are high grade coffees at 25 cents per pound. There is nothing better for the money. • Remember that this store constantly keeps in stock-a large number of different brands and grades of coffee and can offer something to please every user of coffee. J. F. REYNOLDS Grocer Greeneville St.