The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 20, 1905, Image 5

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October Needs In Drua Sundries This drug store no longer confines its activities to the sale of powders and pills, but you will find here better grades of many kinds of needed merchandise, things useful in the toilet of men and women, articles of utility, of comfort, and decorative goods in abundance. A visit to our store as a sightseeing expedition will be worth your while, and we invite such visits. ’' Pipes of all Kinds French Brinr Pipps with solid Amber stems, from 75c to #2.50 each. French Briar is the one perfect pipe material. Pipes made from this wood are handsome, give t he sweetest smoke and continue sweet. Cheaper pipes 10c, 25c, 50c. The cele brated Maxim pipes 25c and 50c. Meerschaum pipes incases, from#5 to #0. ILr- Pocket Books Ladies Wrist Bags in the newest and pret- a tiest styles and leathers, from 75c upward. Ladies’ hand purses, 25c, 50c, 75c, #1. Men’s folding pocket, books, 25c, 85c, 50c. #1. Coin purses, 10c and 25c. Card cases, bill books, railroad pass books, long bill books. Pocket me morandums of nil kinds, sizes and prices. Rex Syringes, $1.00 “Rex” Syringes are good, de pendable instruments, made of 'the best slate colored rubber, with real hard rubber fittings Every “Rex” syringe comes di rect from factory to our store and reaches you fresh, full of elasticity and ready for long use. Old rubber goods are bound to crack, and the cause of much dissatisfaction is found in the stale condition of the goods when purchas ed. The secret of “Rex” success is direct buy ing, good material and prompt selling. \\ e have just placed our second large^ order with the factory for this season. “Rex” fresh. 2 quart size, #1. an* always Fancy Gift China Miss Maud McKoy, of Welcome, is visiting M rs. T. L. Camp. Miss Etta Conkle spent Sunday and Monday in Atlanta. Miss aIiiir Salbide has returned from Luthersville. Miss Alioe Askew, of Cnseta, Ala., is visiting Mrs. J. R. Brown. Mrs. W. R. Rhodes has returned to Newnan for n few weeks stay. Mrs. A. E. Caldwell is visiting Mrs. Abner Calhoun in Atlnnta. Miss Jessie Bohannon will spend Fri day and Saturday in Atlnntn. Miss Annie Sue Hardaway spent this week with Mrs. D. W. Boone. Hundreds of. pieces of tine fancy China, suita ble for gift purposes, are in our stock. These are of the best quality, are beautifully decor a t. e d, and each individual piece was selected for its peculiar beauty of de sign and decoration. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. If you have a gift of any kind to buy it will lie time well spent to exam ine our display. Shaving Supplies High grade razors guaranteed, #1.50, #1.75, #2, #2.50 to #5. Complete stock | )ew razor strops, 25c, 50c 75o, #1^ Lather Hi'iishes, all grades, 10c, 25c, 50c, 75c and #1 each. Hhaving soaps, 10c, 20c, 25c. Mugs, 25c, Hfic, 50c, 75c and #1. Witch Hazel, 25c for half pint. Bay Ram, 10c, 25c, 85c. Skin lo tions, 25c. All of our shav ing supplies are of the high est grade. No other kind should he used, for they result, in disappointment and discomfort. Bibles Our stock of Holman and International Bibles com prises an excellent selection in sizes, with clear type, ref erences, commentaries and helps. Well hound in limp leather; the better grades silk-sewed; and all representing unusual values. Let us show you these Bibles. Prices from #1, for smallest, to #2.50 for extra large size. Tes taments, 25c, 85c, 50c. HOLT and CATES. *- Mrs. J. O. Anderson is visiting rein tives in Atlnntn Miss Emmie Terry Suend is expected home Saturday to spend n few days. Mrs. Michnel Powell is visiting rela tives in Atlnnta. is visiting A large percentage of Ne.wuan's popu lation'tins been in Atlanta this week, “taking in," and beiug taken in, by the State Fair. „ • tttft Health Was Wrecked, Pe-ra-na Gave New Life, Lnrge number of Coweta oounty peo ple have visited Atlauta this week, be ing drawn thereby the Stipe Fair and special railroad fare rates. Mr*. C. D. Hollis and Mrs. R. «T. Bar nett left Monday morning for Amerious, to attend the State Convention of the W. C. T. U. Major Geo. T. Butler, of Augusta, gave three capital nnd suggestively help ful addresses at the Presbyterian nnd Methodist churches last Sabbath. Mrs. B. T. Thompson friends in Atlnntn. Mrs. D. S. Muse, of Woodbury, Is the guest of Hon. nnd Mrs. W. G. Post. Mrs. A. D. Freeman is visiting friends nnd relatives in Atlnnta. Mrs. Irving Walker is visiting Mr.and Mrs. Geo. Ware, in Atlanta, Mrs. J. E. Dent is visiting relatives in Atlnntn. Mrs. W. S. Dent returned Wednesday from Atlauta. | Local News ol Newnan Miss Imogene Simms returned from Madison, Ga., Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Gray spent Saturday in LaGrange. Mrs. Edward Platt spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Cotton seed hulls and meal delivered. See V. E. Manget, Jr. 27-4 Misses Claudia and Lula Barr spent Satniday in Atlanta. came up from Miss Marilu Peavy Hogausville Friday. Misses Katie Arnall and Bessie Pow ell are visiting friends in Atlanta. Miss Edna Nall will spend Saturday and Sunday in Oakland City. INSURANCE. I am still engaged in writing life and fire in surance, especially the latter, and still repre sent the well known and reliable compa nies represented in the past. All standard life and fire policies are written; and all busi- Mrs. Heidonberg was among the New- nan visitors in Atlanta last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ramey and daugh ter. Mary, spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Hon. W. A. Post was up from Grant- ville last Monday. T. L. Camp was in Atlanta last Mon day. Xvlr. G. O. Soroggin visited Atlauta last Monday. My. and Mrs. W. C. Sneed visited At lanta last Monday. Money to loan on real estate at 7 per oent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Subscriptions for Youths Companion received at News office. tf Don’t forget to pay your city taxes early. J. M. Etheridge and Park Newton, of Jackson, were in Newnan last Sunday. John Mitchell spent a couple of days in Atlanta this week. Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Wright and fam ily visited in Atlanta this week. Attorney R. U. Mooty.of Hogausville, came up Monday to attend City Court. Mrs F. S. JJoftin and Miss Connie spent Friday in Atlanta. Subscriptions for all newspapers and magazines received at News office, tf City taxes are due, and are payable at the city clerk’s office. Dr. R. E. Foster, the popular Sharps- burg physician, was in town Monday. Mrs. R. J. Lee, of Atlauta, is the guest of Capt. J. H. Russell and family. Mrs. R. J. Barnett and Mrs. C. D. Hollis are attending the W. C. T. U. sessions at Americas. Miss Ruth Cole, who is attending Shorter College at Rome, spent Satur day and Sunday with her parents. Rev. F. J. Amis, of Welcome, was shaking hands with friends on the streets here Tuesday. Paul and Sam Eastin,of Atlanta, were the guests of Mrs. S. L. Faver and fam ily last Sunday. The New Tasteless Castor Oil, pure, absolutely tasteless. Directions on bot tle. 25c nt Reese’s Drug Store. Mrs. Rosebud Simril has returned from a visit to Atlanta. Mr. T. J. Wilkinson, who has been traveling for some time, is now with H. C. Glover & Co. Mrs. Mary Ham, of Jackson, Ga., is visiting her son, Rev. V. A. Ham. Miss Emmie Smith has returned to Palmetto, after a visit to Miss Kate Faver. Miss Ethel Brown left for Columbia, S. C., Tuesday, where she visits rela tives. The Salmagundi Club meets next I Thursday afternoon at H: 110 o’olook at i the home of Miss Ina Kirby. j Miss Elizabeth Hill is in Atlanta and will spend the winter with Mrs. Arnold Broyles. Mrs. Albert Pendergrnst , of Jesnp, is visiting the family of Prof, and Mrs. J ; E. Pemlergmst. I Mrs. W. A. Daniel, of Thomaston, ; spent Sunday with her parents, Prof, and Mrs. J. E. Pendorgrast. I Mrs. John T. Roberts, of Opelika, is ' expected to he the guest of Mrs. W. G. I \rnold next week. I Miss Prather, who was the guest of Mrs. D. S. Summers, returned to Ho- gansville last Wednesday. Work hns been commenoed on Mr. W. P. Nimmons’ residenoo, in south Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Askew, of At lanta, are the parents of a daughter— the young lady having arrived in their home a few days ago. • The office hours of the Western Union Telegraph Company are from 8 tn. to 8 p. m., witli one hour for din ner nnd one hour for supper. Do you want to subscribe for any nows]mpcr or magazine published ill the United States? If so, your sub scription will lie received nt the News office. tf Next Sabbath at the Presbyterian Church in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. F. G. Hughes will prenolt at 11, a. Offering for the American Bible I Society. Bowman’s Mngnetio Liniment cures rheumatism, cuts, sprains, wounds, bruises, stiff joints, toothache and lame hacks. Price 25o' and fi()o pur bottle nt Reese’s Drug Store. Rev. O. d’N. Martimlnle speaks sev eral times at the First District Sunday School Convention to ho held at Thomas- ville today, Saturday and Sunday, rep- -resenting the State Sunday School As sociation. S. W. Allen and family are residing ill the house vacated by R.A. Wikle and family. Mr. Allen is the city’s eleotri- oinn. Ili- family consists of his mother and sistor, who removed to Newnan from Rome. Lost Wednesday, in this city, Judge R. W. Freeman heard motion for new trial in the Luke Hull case. Judge Freeman refused to grunt a new trial, audit is supposed the case will he up- pealod to Supremo Court. Bowman’s Carbolated Family Salvi cures cuts, burns, ulcers, old sores; piles, ring worms, tetter, eczema, and all skin diseases, also for vaccinated nrms and smallpox. Price *25o per box at Reese Drug Store. Tlu; Woman’s Missionary and Aid Society liml a called meeting last Mon day afternoon for the purpose of getting winter clothing ready for our little girl and hoy, Wayne and Eunice Lambert, at Hapevllle orphan home. Arrange ments were made and the clothing will soon bo ready. S, Mrs. J. W. Wilooxou has just com pleted a very handsome pieoe of drawn HON. JOHN TIGHE. Assemblyman Tlghe’s letter should be read by every brain worker leading a strenuous life. Hon. John Tlghe, No. 08 Remsen St., Cohoes, N. Y., Member of Assembly from the Fourth dtstriet, Alhonyeouuty, N. Y., writes ns follows: “ Poruna has my hearty Indorsement as a restorative tonic of superior merit. Al times when 1 have been completely broken down from excess of work, so that my faculties seemed actually at a standstill, Pcrunnhns acted as a healing restorer, starting the machinery of tnlnd and body afresh with new life and energy. “ 1 recommend It to a man tired In mind and body as a tonic superior to anything I know of and well worthy serious consideration.”—.1. Tlglio. Excess of work so common In our country causes Impaired nerves, lending to catarrh and caturrhnl nervousness— a disease that is responsible for half of all nervous troubles. Peruna cures this trouble because it cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and sat.le* factory results from the use of Porunn, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and be will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Hanitarium,Columbus,O. work which will ho drawn for Monday Mrs. Myra Jackson, of Atlanta, spent j afternoon at !l o’clock in Bradley’s drug Ralph Bingham will lecture in tile Newnan Auditorium on Tuesday even ing, Oct. aist. Bingham needs no in troduction to tin- people of tills (lily He has hundreds of enthusiastic admirers here. No doubt he will be greeted by a peeked house on the occasion of his next appearance here. A party of Newnan gentlemen was in Atlanta Wednesday night to attend u meeting of Shrincrs. The party was composed of Messrs. I,. A. Perdue, .1. L. Brown, W. H. Copeland, .hie O. Arnall, Jack Powell, Rawson Dent, T, B. Man- gum, P. T. McOptohan, Tom Cole, E(l Cole, H. C. Fisher and Rev. .1. It. King. Among those taking degrees were Rev. Mr. King, and Congressman W. O. Adamson of Carrollton. Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j store. All persons holding tickets arc W. B. Orr. | requested to he present. This pieoe of Dr. J. A. Carlton, the popular Pal-j wo, 'k exquisitely done and is a lunch metto dentist, was a visitor to Newnan ° loth * ll)0nfc tw,) last Wednesday. Mrs. M. C. Dent, who reoently tjamo Mr. W. B. Orr was given a surprisi party last Saturday. The occasion was Don’t wait until the last day to settle your city taxes. Pay up early and get the matter off your mind. W. H. Daniel, Esq., was in Atlanta the first of this week, attending to busi ness in the Supreme Court. to Newnan from New York City, will | acolebration of his birthday anniversary return to that city at an early date. Miss Mary Murray will spend Thurs day and Friday in Oxford, with her brother, Minor,who is attending Emory. Dr. Reese’s Cholera Infantum and Mr. J. T. Carpenter and family re moved to Newnan last weet from their Teething Powders for teething children. conutly home, and are pleasantly lo- Price 25c per box at Reese’s Drug Store, ! oatetl iu the residence purchased from Dr. Anderson Dentist, Halbide j Leverette. Building. tf Percy Wiggle, for several months past foreman of the News printing office, ,1. I. Holmes, Heal Instate and |, a8 gone to Columbus to accept the po- Kenting Agent. Office over hirst H qi 0 n of foreman in the office of the The invited guests at this enjoyable af fair were Dr. and Mrs. Nunnally, Prof, and Mrs. Nunnally, Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jt. Barrett, Mrs. Weems and Mrs. Myra Jackson, of At lanta. Home women count their jars of canned fruit like a miser counts his gold pieces. Registration The registration ismks are now open at the Council Chamber for election to l*e held Dee. 2, 11105, for a mayor, four aldermen and four mem I sirs of the Board of Education. E. 1>. House, 4t City Clerk. Help Wanted. Young man between Hi and 25 years to do copying. Must write good hand and swift. Answer iu own handwriting care News. “B”. National Bank. daily Enquirer-Sun. Invitations have been issued to the Mrs. D. L. Adams, of West Point, is | expected soon to be the guest of Mrs. P. entrusted to me | F. Cuttino. ness ...:ii Iwp nroumt Miss Annie Pearl Johnson, of Hogans- will receive pru K , ‘'! vlUe Bpeut gftturaiff aI1(1 Sn „ day w uh and efficient attention. Miss Mania Pe«v y . , . , /-w-M-Jck ref Miss Nettie Orr entertained a few 1 thank the people OT f r j en( 3 fi very delightfully at a chafing- Newnan and Coweta j party Monday evening. I Bowman’s Headache Tablets cure all county for past patron ” I kinds of headache and neuralgia, ,10c i i- -a- per box at Reese’s Drug Store. age and solicit a share . , f & . Lvnch Turner, the popular clerk of of their business in the the Ooweta courts, was among the New- nanites in Atlanta last Saturday. future. Mrs. S. C. Bowen and daughter, Miss . Mattie, of Cedar Creek District, were ■IftA 111 xs ATI/ Ifticnu with relatives in the city Monday and MnS.W. I. A I MllOUn Tuesday Cold Rings and Watches The display of new kings at this store is dazzli ->g* ar tistic. Plain gold and signet rings are here in splendid ar ray, and the latest and most exquisite workmanship is ev ident in the large display of set rings. 'There is, also, the widest range of prices. We are showing some beau tiful designs in solid and fill ed watch cases in all sizes. They are the kind desired by purchasers of high grade watches, tint are priced so as to be within the reach of peo ple of moderate means. Like everything else we sell, the value of these goods is known to us, and they are priced at only what they are worth. H. S. Banta. marriage of Mr. Tom .J. Fisher and Miss Oorille Hardaway. The wedding to occur at five o’clock, Nov. 1st, at the home of the bride’s mother. Dr. C. N. Donaldson, of Virginia, will preach at First Buptist Church Hunday morning. He # is aii able and eloquent expounder of the Word of God. People who fail to be present will Ioho a great deal. Tile sidewalk has been put down on Bay Street iu front of buildings occupi ed by Potts & Parks and Glenn O. Car michael. The sidewalk in front of Wil- coxon building is also being paved with same material. L. J. Davies, formerly of Newnan, is the champion roller skate artist of At lanta. He lias defeated all the local fly ers and is winning a reputation that promises td become international in its scope. Major nnd Mrs. W. A. Turner, Miss Rowenu Turner, Miss Neila Lou Wal ton, Messrs 1. N. Orr, Cliff Glover and Tom Fisher jvftended the Turner Dow dell wedding Wednesday night in Ope lika. Rev. H. B. Price, Presbyterian Mis sionary at Kobe, Japan, will speak at tbe Presbyterian Church on the night of Tuesday, Oct. Z4th. He is a choice si - ;.kt r. i n I a larve c ow ! is looked for. Licrybony weicome. Satisfaction flows from the point of the Waterman Fountain Pen. Jt writes as smoothly as a pencil, carries ink sufficient for 5,000 words; never leaking or flooding. Jt is always ready to portray your thoughts on paper. It is a good and ’trusty companion, always. Price $2.00 to $4.00. C. R. Bradley, Druggist, East Side Public Square, Newnan, - - - Georgia.