The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 20, 1905, Image 8

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Wanted at Once! II The News lias employment for two bright boys, twelve to sixteen years of age. Only reli able, energetic, willing workers are wanted. Apply at once at The News of lice. RIGHT BUYING AND SELLING Right buying and selling in th« strong point in thin business. Knowing where, when and Itow to buy groceries and what to pay for them, and giving customers the benefit • f wine having, enables this store to supply its patrons with tin* bent, obtainable at the most reasonable prices. All the needs of customers can be supplied from this complete stock, and every purchaser huve the satisfaction of knowing that, both buying und selling are conducted in ac cordance with right business principles. We display at all times a varied assortment of the Na tional ItiNouit Co.’s products. They’re always fresh, too. Tim canned goods stuck is especially large and attractive nt present. Hardly a want of the housewife, in this lino, that cannot lie supplied at this store. The best grades of Hour are here. Freshness and price, as well us quality, are always worth considering. Our candy trade is immense. New shipments frequent ly received; and tho stock of stick and fancy goods of all kinds never runs low. J. F. REYNOLDS Grocer Greeneville St. Special Bargains in Everything at.. J. W. Stripling & Son. 3,000 Yanlc ontiug, beautiful pattpru*, as long a. they last. 10 yrls :Mo 2,-100 Yards dress ginghams, 10 yards for ■’•Oo 1,000 Yards oalioo, foronly..— ...... — . ..4c H,000 Yards good jam-ale, worth 10c, for only, per yard oo One case ladies' fleeced lwok vests, regular wnrjli 2-Vi, each for Ifto One ease ladies' velvet back vest and drawers to match, extra good finality, |>er garment 3.1o One case men's heavy fleeeed nned undershirts amt drawers to match, regular worth, rnV- garment, for oalv 7fic a suit or for a pair of shirts - 760 One ease men’s velvet-hack undershirts nail drawers, extra flm'quality, per garment - S0o One case nun's sweaters, value Tfte. for only, efteh .oOc Children's underwear, shirts and drawers to match. Hie to 23o n gar- ment Misses union suits, ioc. Isidies' union suits .. .. .vie New shipment ladies' trimmed hats, latest styles, l .50 to. ... ... 0 00 Another new shipment men's suit eases for only, each ... '.'sc .lnptmesi howls and pitohers, assorted colors, for . — dho Japanese painted foot tubs, each .. -•>>' Boot and -lice re|s»tr outtlt, 1 shoe knife, 2 awls, l shoe hammer, 1 box tacks, t iron lasts and six heel plates, entire set for only .“•to Lade - all wool sweaters, red, green and white, worth 2.50, for l.OS 50 Dozen fasainators lU-.d knit shawls, hand-made circular shawls .50c Hand-made Zephyr circular shawls, extra large sue. worth 2.50, for only 1.70 Black mercerized underskirt*, worth 75c, for only 4'.tc Black mercerised underskirts, worth 1.50, for O-Sc New shipment ladies' and children's wraps. Our line of wraps is com plete. We oan suit you in style and price. Ladies' coats, all new color* and best styles, 2.50 to —10.00 Infants and children's cloaks, i>2o to — - .1.00 75 Dozen men's sample gloves at manufaeturers'eost, 25c to 1.00 Tin cups free for all the chil dren of the first and second grades of the public school, Mcnday morning, Oct. 16th. J. W. STRIPLING ’Phone 98. & SON Mllltown. Mr. and Mra. W. P. Camp lost a little six weeks old girl last Mon-1 day morning. The bereaved par ents have our sympathy. Orrie Smith is not supposed to I l>e much lietter. John Samples moved from here last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker have j a little son a week old. Mrs. Par ker was not expected to live for a day or two the early part of this ; week, but was better when last heard from. W. N. McClure didn’t .join the army, as was supposed, but in stead got a position. Kill ice, little son of Mr. anti Mrs. ,1. T. Freeman, was taken suddenly ill with typhoid level- last Friday. This is the fourth case of fever they have had within tin* last three months. Willie Hogan, of East Point, spent last Saturday night and Sun day here, lie was accompanied by his two little sons, Fred and Harry. Little Laura Cassel fell last Sat urday afternoon and broke her arm.' Mrs. W. 11. Dewberry had an other bad spell ofheart failure last Sunday night, but was doing very well when last heard from. Misses Lilia and Margaret Sam ples have returned to their home at Carrollton. Mrs. J. J. Hendrix was confined to her room for several days the past week with neuralgia. Misses Mattie Motes and Pol lie Burnham, of Carroll, spent Satur day night and Sunday with the family of Francis Motes. Idttle Ada Richie stepped on a rolling stone Wednesday evening of last week, fell anil sprained her ankle, and has not Ih'cii able to walk sintv. Bro. (1. A. Nunnally preached at tin* Chapel last Sunday after noon at. .'t o’clock, but owing to the bad weather, there were only a few nut. lie will preach again on the fifth Sunday evening at three o’clock. Bro. Hardaway will preach next Sunday evening at three o'clock. Let us give those brethren full houses and good at tention. Bro. Hodnett closed his series tit meetings at the Methodist church last Sunday night. On account of so much rainy weather lust week the services were not well attend ed, so he thought it best to close for the present, anti protract again when the weather is more favor able. Bro. J. B. (loins has lieen on the sick list for a few days. Doubtless You Have Heard of Mr. Heinz, the “57-variety man.” He is a pickier by trade. Here are a few of his goods which we keep always in stock: Mustard Dressing 15c Prepared Mustard 15c Tomato Ketchup , v 15c Mixed Pickles ........ 15 and 25c India Relish 35c Dhow Chow 35c Preserved Bweet Mixed Pickles 35c Pickled Onions 30c Evaporated Horse Radish 30c Preserved Damson Plums 50c Preserved Raspberries 50c Preserved Cherries 50c Celery Sauce 15c Malt Vinegar 35c Queen Olives > ... 50c Stuffed Olives 30c Proctor & Gamble Naphtha Soap, Best for the Laundry Notice. Any mistakes that have been made for nr againist the assured in the New nan Division of tilt* Athens Mutual Life Insurance Co., or un> grievances whatsoever w ill be adjusted at once if reported to R. C. Moore, our Division Man ager and Treasurer, at Xewiian, (ia. A. A. McDuffie, Supt. of Agencies. Notice toDobtors and Creditors. All inn-ties having claims against tin* estate of Mrs. Mary A. -ofly, deceased, are hereby unfitted to render in the same to the undersigned in due form; and nil l»'rsi ns indebted to >md Mary A. Sifiy. art> hereby requested to make immediate settlement C. J. Owens, Executor of estate of Mary A. Sifly, de ceased. 35-tit Turin Mr. Joe Parks, of Fayetteville, Tenn . s|>ent a few days with friends this week This is his tirst visit home in twenty-five \ ears Quite a number have gone from here to the State Fair in Atlanta this week. Rev. R. F. Hodnett is at home from Newmtn. where he has been conducting a revival at Lovejoy Memorial Church. He reports a good meeting and several additions as a result of these services. Mrs. L T. Moses returned Tuesday night from a visit to friends in Atlanta. Messrs. Jeff and Parks Starr, from Franklin county, are on a visit to their ‘ brother. I. M Starr. Miss Mary Ragsdale has returned from Atlanta, where she has been under treatment of Drt Calhoun for serious trouble with her eves. Marvin Starr visited Newnan Sunday. Uncle Phil Tlmrman weut over to Fayette county this week. 3. J. Eliler *|**nr Saturday in Turin. Miss Nancy Lee Shell is teaching iu the school at Luthersville this year Miss Mattie Hunnicutt. of Athens, is with; her aunt. Mrs. M. J. Turner. Mr. Van Camp Has quite a reputation also, ami we always keep a fresh supply of his Evaporated Cream 10c Tomato Soup 10c Chicken Soup 10c Other Things* The following goods speak for _ themselves. We shall only metttionjthe price: A. Brocket & Co.,'“Petit Pois,” extra [fine French peas 25c “Little Duke” extra fine French peas 15c Tinware and Cr cKery Hix Glass Tumblers for 15c Hiv Plates for 30c Tin Hour sifter 5c '1 gallon covered burke us 6 glass Ice Cream plates 20c Adjustable brass curtain rods 15c Large Wash Pan 10c Family Scales, $1.50 kind at 99c Half gallon measure 15c Quart measure 10c Large dish pan 15c Gallon Stew-pan 15c $75 Haviland China Set for $60 NUNNALLY & BARRETT, The Bay Street Grocers Telephone 55 We Expect to Move Soon We want to close out our stock at onc£. Now the time lias come for real bar gains. There are some items in our stock that will be sold at a very small profit, and there are thous ands of other things that will go at cost and below owing to the advance in the market, hut they must go at same price. Strictly at nine o’clock, MONDAY, OCT. 9, we will begin, this sale. We want you to be on hand. Clothing Our $12.50 suits go at $s.50. Our liO.OO suits go at $7.50. Our $0.50 suits go at *1 73- Notice our big sacrifice ill towels. Crockery, glassware and tinware. Shot** from 25o to $3.50 per pair. Our shoe stock is new and complete, and it is a great sacrifice to sell them at the extremely low price at which we expect to close them out. Remember the date and come. .1. B. Hutchens West Side Square In the days of “wild-cat” money iu the West, the Ames shovels were used as currency. They were as staple as gold coin, be cause character was work ed into eacli shovel. The brand ot “Oliver Ames & Son” was as good at the Cape ot Good Hope or the far oft islands of the sea as in Massachusetts, where the shovels were made. In all the great trade centers of the two conti nents, where all manufac turers of any note are rep resented, the superiority of Studebaker has made it an acknowl edged standard and so re cognized by the various governments from all sec tions of the globe as well as our own town. ORR & POWELL sold seven one day and five another and have the second car en route this fall.