The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 05, 1906, Image 4

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The Newnan News
Issued Every Friday.
J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher
’Phone No. 20.
THE NEW8 IN 1905 AND IN 1906.
With this first issue of 1900, tin*
News extends the greetings of the
sea^m to tile people of I 'owettt
County, mid takes advantage of
the opportunity to say a few words
in reference to this paper’s prog
ress during 1005 and its prospects
for 1000.
The News is notcntircly satisfied
with the record of 1005. As it is
not infallible, the News is not al
ways able to avoid mistakes and to
understand clearly how, at all
times and under all circumstances,
to do the right thing at the right
time. The record for 1005 could
have been made better and bright
and the total business of the pa- industrial enterprises of Coweta
per was practically doubled. county, expects to reap the re-
We leave the public to judge of wards of honest effort,
the success the News is achieving The News has a growing, de
ity this record of its business for veloping, expanding business; and
the year 1905. it welcomes 1900 as a year in
The typographical and other iin- which to give full play to its de-
— provements made in the News last termination to move onward and
year are patent to all, and need upward in the ranks of progress,
not be commented upon. Finally, the News felicitates the
The News does not ltelieve, how- people of Coweta county, no less
ever, in getting all it possibly can than itself, upon the accomplish-
out of its patrons and giving as inent of all commendable things in
little as possible in return. In the past; and joins hands with
proof of this statment is cited the them for the future; promising to
fact that this paper’s operating ex- perform with diligence its part in
ponses for 1905 were two and a the moral, mental and material
halftimes as great as its operating development of our city and coun
expenses for the year 1904. i ty.
This demonstrates that the pres- !
ent management is putting money UNU8UAL—BUT 6Q0D BU8INE88.
into the News (as well as time and __
effort) in give its patrons Moreland claims to lie the lar-
returns for the money invested in gest town of its size in Georgia;
subscriptions and advertising an ,i those who are familar with
Ity this time the policy of the
News under its present manage
ment is well defined in the minds
of all citizens who have lieen bi
er. The News regrets that it is as forested enough to impartially and men—such as are rarely ever
faulty as if seems to lie, now that fairly watch this paper’s career found in a town of its size. Among
the volume is closed and laid away j during the past year. This policy | the number are the gent lemen who
with the records of the other years will continue effective during 1909. control the II. W. Camp Co. and
the extent of its varied business,
interests, regard the claim as be
ing well founded and reasonable.
Moreland has some unusually
active and successful business
that are gone and cannot be re- The News will continue to print
«*iilU*«l. I the news of its Held and to give its
However, the of the pub j patrons the last newspaper possi-
lie achievements of this paper for I ble in return for the patronage
the past year is in the hands of its
readers, who have wutchcd its
career with some interest, we have
reason to lalievo, during the re
cent twelve months; and it is of
the private affairs of the business
that we come now to speak. While
the details of the business are not
by right the property of the pub
lic, the News chooses to reveal to
its friends some of the results that
have followed its efforts under the
new management.
'Hie present editor and publisher
took charge of the News on .Janu
ary 1st, 1905. During the year
1905 the paper was enlarged from
live to six columns; the value of its
printing plaid, was increased 150
percent.; its circufhtion increased
to the extent of several hundred;
given it. It will be courteous and
fair to all men and to every inter
est of Coweta county; stand loyally
by established principles of right,
and advocate the policies and
measures it lielieves to be for the
welfare of our people as a whole.
The News is here to comliat evil
in every form and to defend and
ndvocute right, it is also deter
mined to combat prejudice and lit
tleness of every description, and to
strive for the highest heights of
unsellish, broad-minded, patriotic
citizenship for itself and all our
the Hank of Moreland. .lust now
they are engaged in an unusual
business procedure; and while un
usual, it is in line w ith the de
mands and dictates of modern
business methods of the soundest
The News refers to the advertis
ing of Hank of Moreland and the
II. W. Camp Co., now appearing
in its columns.
Business men in small towns
where no newspaper is published
hardly ever consider it necessary
or advisable to advertise in the
newspapers of neighboring towns;
but these business men of More
land have gone deeper into the in
tricacies of business than many of
their contemporaries. Knowing
at the store of
Stewart & Parks
Homo of the special articles to lie found in our big stock
of general merchandise are mentioned below. In buy
ing any of these goods you’ll get exactly what is adver
tised, and something sat isfaotory both in quality and
Home grown Seed Oats and Tennessee I’urple Straw
Seed Wheat are not to lie found in every general store.
Farmers, examine these grains.
The News’ business prospects the News has a large circulation
for 190(1 are bright and promising. Moreland and adjacent terri-
If prosperity continues to smile on tory, they readily reached the eon-
this favored lain* the News, to- elusion that advertising in the
gether with all oilier business and News would bring them just as
large results, proportionately, as
Newnan business men secure by
using this paper’s advertising col
There is no reason why all the
business houses of Moreland should
All are getting ready to be
gin the crop of 1906. We.
can show you seventy-five of
the best mules ever shown in
Newnan, and as low in price
as good mules can he sold.
Our stock of turning plows,
middle breakers, plow stocks
and all farming implements
is complete. We call espec
ial attention to the rope foil
plow lines, and the excelleni
heel bolts we have secured
Come to see us. We are glati
to show you our line.
As the News did as much busi
ness in 1905 as in any two previous
years of its history, there appears
to be lint little reason to hope
that it will Ik* planted under the
not l>e represented in the News’* so d ami dew at any period in the
columns; and the same is true of ! uear future. This fact is eom-
’ the business houses ol all other j mended to the consideration ot a
towns in Coweta. ( few sympathetic persons who have
The business men of every town i waited long and tearfully for the
in the county should ponder these! News’ demise,
facts. I
We have Cuban molasses in puncheons. This is genuine
('llban molasses. Biscuits to accompany the molasses
should be made of our high grade Hour. Wo have sev
eral brands. Ask for onr prices on Hour. They are
’way down.
Wo are especially proud of our showing of shoes. We
are prepared to shoe entire families with the products of
the lending factories. Stock is complete in all sizes, in
cluding extra largo sizes for men.
The News’ business doubled in j
'lhe Evening Gall lias the honor j 1905, as compared with its busi- j
of being Griffin's official paper;and nes8 in 1904. If those knowing
honor is all the (’all gets in the 1 personages who Have beeu inti-
deal, as it has agreed to do the j mating, “on the quiet,” that “the
city’s advertising tor nothing. 1 News wont last long” will “chaw”
This is a lair sample ot the busi-1 on this fact for the next twelve
ness methods that prevail in some months the News will show ’em
newspaper offices. Such methods how to double its business again
are not only responsible for most during the year 1900.
of the iiuancial failures in country j
| newspaperdom, but make success Uncle Joe Hall has finally and
more difficult for those newspapers 1 drmly declined to run fo r governor,
that attain success, by inculcating j This action leaves that dear Sid .
candidateless. Now'
| in the public mind the idea that
1 newspapers ought to work for
;ney Tapp
what is Syd going to do about it!
Sts' ilu* big line of sample suspenders, going at whole
sale cost prices.
We have exclusive sale in Newnan of G, W. C. and Man
hattan 1’lug Tobaccos. These famous brands, sold for
many years by Hardaway and Hunter, are now to lie
found in Newnan only at this store.
The News expects to exhibit
I some interest in politics this year,
: and it will line up on the side of
the people every time. None of
J the political bosses, big or little,
j and none of the aspirants for
places in bossdom have any claims
on the New$. It is free and inde-
j pendent and will demonstrate that
it has the courage of its convic-
i tions. The News is in position to
; serve the people in polities, • in
stead of its own selfish interests or
those of some machine made poli
tician— and it will be found striv
ing for the public welfare.
We are showing an immense line of handsome sample
Neckties. Everything in the lot is new and beautiful.
Come see these ties and find out how low they are priced.
This is to be a political year,and
Coweta leads off w’ith a January
primary and a February election.
As usual, the “Write it 1906”
paragraph was overworked by
the newspapers.
Year to
and prosperous New |
everybody in Coweta j
The last week of 1905 closed the
News’ correspondents’ contest, in
which three prizes are to be
Reliable estimates by the Secre- awarded to the three correspond-
tary of Agriculture show tbatients rendering the best fold most
there are 5,739.657 farms in the I faithful service during the year.
United States. Each farm con- The contest will be decided as soon
tains on an average seventy-two j as possible by a committee of three
acres, and there are about six per- disinterested citizens, 'who will
On account of t
i!3 recent purchase of the
business of J. VV
ptripling & Son and the
extra work it has
'necessitated, and in view
of 1 he reurrangei
put of the stores, we are
forced to defer tl
,/i opening of our SPECIAL
semi-annual clea
Juice and clean sweep sale
until Wednesday
J January 17th. We will
put on sale at th
It. date #80,000.00 worth of
clean, seasonable
^merchandise. The Strip-
ling stock was bn
Pjht at a bargain. This
stock, together w
h all the winter goods in
our stock will lie
Closed out. We need room
and last, but me
*iisi. we need the money
for the gom.- in
iif making prices that
mean am
irgains. Dollars will
do greater du. 3
iiis sale than ever he-
fore. Lock out
’or circular naming special
thing. In the n
ean time, special offerings
prevail all thre
ugh the stores on shoes,
clothing, under
wear, dress goods, cloaks,
white goods, di
mestics, embroideries, tor-
chon lace9, new [
tvies of A F C and French
ginghams in »e\f
spring styles, colors guar-
an teed fast. VV
1 want your business; inon-
ey back if you v(
ant it. To the customers
of Stripling
hi : We earnestly ask a con-
tin nation of yoi 1
r valued liberal patronage.
We offer you 1'
very inducement you have
hud, and expect.j
by uniting the two stores to
serve you betbf*
• than either store could
serve you herebp
fore. To our Customers and
friends: We asft
a continuation of your con-
tidence and nll/e
r unexcelled store service.
sons on each farm. Small farms
are better tilled and more profit
able than large ones. More than
half the farmers own their lauds.
award the prizes. Thje awards
will be made and the prizes de
livered to successful contestants
some time this month. 1
D. W. Boone