The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 05, 1906, Image 8

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1 urn it cimil id'- for Tax Collcolor,
1 »>i the um-xpin-'l term of the lute H. R.
Dnvut.. Will appreciate the support of
i vi i v voter of <’owetii county; mid, if
■ lecterl. will try to serve the |ieo]ilu
faithfully ulld fill the office to the liext
< t my nhility.
Ah it is only a short time until the < 21 , - ,( - , R01A—Coweta County
County lor letters of dismission from his
-uiil 11 ii hi , all imm'hoiih conoerneil are re-
Itiireil to allow canae in said Court by
the (iist Monday in February next, it
my they call, why said application
should not he granted. This .lanuaty
1st, 11*00.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
primary, and I inn confined in the office
at this busy tune of year, it will be im
possible to see many of the voters per
sonally: hut I trust nil will remember
me on day or primary. My candidacy
is subject to action of Democratic
To the voter* of Coweta County:
I am a candidate for tax collector for
the unexpired term 1 take this method
only to np|M'nl to the voters, for I haven't
the time to make a house to house can
vass, as 1 .hall lie busy ill the school
room; and I haven't the inclination, ns I
do not think K necessary to appeal to
intelligent voters hy kissing all the
babies. I .hull appreciate your help.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Tax Collector to till the
unexpired term of Rev. II. R. Davies,
deceased, mid will appreciate the in- ———
flnenco and support ot the Democratic Mrs . Nolllo Hcnditx, from Sargent, is
voters of the county. My candidacy is s|HiudiiiK the week with her dnughtor,
of course Huhjccrtn the action of tlm Mrs. Elisha Hendrix.
Democratioparty. Mr. mid Mrs. K. ,1. Stevens have
W. S. Ill IlHAKI). i rooms with .1. G. Brook's family.
Bob Dunbar was taken severely ill
I take tins method of notifying my last Friday and was quite sick for sov-
Tlie estate of Emily Gay, Lunatic, of
said County, being unrepresented and
not likely to he represented, all iiersons
concerned nre required to show cause in
the Court of Ordinary of said.County,
on the first Monday in Kelirnary next,
why guardianship of the pro|ierty of
said lunatic should not be vested in the
County Guardian. This January 2nd,
11*0(1. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Coweta County. •
The estate of C. B. Newman, late of
said County, deceased, being unrepre
sented and not likely to be represented,
all |iersons concerned lire required to
show cause in the Court of Ordinary of
said County, on the first Monday in
February next, why such administra
tion de bonis non should not he vested
; in the County Administrator,
This Jun. 4, 11*0(1.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
Mrs. Homer Alien spent the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Hendrix, at Grantville, aud has been
sick ever since she returned.
Melvin Mattox lias moved to the
Mrs. Mam Weir is here from Canton,
Ga., spending some time witli her hus
band's people.
Jessie Wood has been confined to his
room for more than a week with grippe.
Mrs. Horton moved to Palmetto last
Burk, little son of John Canon, went
home with his uncle, Torn Welborn, to
Whitesburg, last Tuesday.
Mrs. Kate Bailey lias been siok witli
grippe several days.
Mrs. W. H. Dewbery had nn attack of
heart failure last Friday night, but was
doing vrry well when last heard from.
Mrs. J. B. Goins, Hr., lias been con
fined to her bed for several days.
Jim Hand, from Atlanta, spent a few
days the past week with the family of
Hugh Parker.
Mr. aud Mrs. Osborn Attsrson moved
to Palmetto last week, uur people are
moving away this winter more tlinn
Our Huuday schools were well at-
j tended last Hunday. The little folkH
I seem to bo very much interested in the
work and our prayer is that 11)06 may
provo the most successful year in this
' oause that we have ever had.
Bro. Gaines preached a very interest-
! ing sermon to an attentive audience last
, Sunday. Our Methodist peoplo and
I Baptists, too, are very much pleased
; with his service. Hope all Christians
will help him hold up the banner to the
era! days.
Bylin Payton aud family have moved
to the country.
Mrs. Churley Christian has been oou-
finod to her tied the |>ast week.
Toni Welboru, from Whitesburg,
silent h couple of weeks with relatives
ill our midst, returning home lust Tues
day. He read the Newnan News while
I here, and liked it so well that he sub
scribed for it.
| J. T. Collins, who recently moved
VM . here from Chntlahooehee moved hack
Wayniond Winkles ) \ to t||Rtplnoe 1(wt Tuesday.
Libel for Divorce in Coweta Superior i|()1||| Call0|l wutlt to Atlanta last
Court. March Term, 1006. Tuesday
GEORGIA—Coweta County. Mrs. Drue Goins lias been quite sick
To Wayniond Winkles, Defendant in for several days
the above stated case: ; Alvau Powel, nftet s|Nmdiug two
You are hereby required, in iiurson or weeks with his mother in Athens, ro-
by Attorney, to be and appear at | turned last Friday.
friends that 1 am a candidate for Tax
Collector to till the vacancy caused by
the death of Hey, H. R Davies, limed
tlm office, aud will he grateful for tln«
support of my friends. My oandidae.y
is subject to the action of the Demo
cratic party.
Libel for Divorce.
Kinina 1. Winkles
next term of the Superior Court to la
hold in and for said County on the first
Monday in Maroh, lltott, then aud there
to answer the pluiutltT in nil action of
Libel for Divorce; as hi default thereof,
Huidfoutt will proceed thereon as to
justice may appertain.
Witness the lion. R. W. Frocmnn,
Judge of said Court, tins the 2nd day of
January, llKm. I, TURNER, Clork.
Ordinary’s Notices.
GKt »RGIA—Coweta County.
.1 If Minims and J. R. Minims, ad-
minis!rotors of estate of George R.
Simms, deceased, having applied to the
Court of Ordinary of said County for
have to sell the lauds, and Riiilioud
Stoeks and Bonds, belonging to estate of j mouths, have moved hack to Newuau,
eaid deceased, all persona concerned aro ^ wi il board with the latter's suiter,
Miss Susie Farmer was confined to
her room with gnp|Hi several flays.
Mrs. Tom Ellis is improving, after
having a desperate case of grippe.
Mrs. Frank Burton, who lias been
oontlncd to her room for nearly u year,
is still very sick.
Miss Addle Ayers went up to Palmet
to last Saturday to Hpcud a few days
with relatives.
Miss Ophelia Ellis, from Bremen, is
s|Hindiug a week or two with her broth
er, Tom.
Frauds Motes moved into his new
house last Muturday.
Mrs. Elisha Hendrix lum been oouHned
to her room for several duyH wit h grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Grow, after so
journing in Athens for two or three
required to show cause in said Court hy
the first Monday in February next, if
any they can, why said application
should not he granted. This January
2nd, lliOtJ.
L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
W. 11. Barfield, Admr of estate of I
Eli/.iiheth D. Yme>, deceased, having
applied (o (lie Court of Ordinary ot said
Mrs. George Anderson.
Mrs. Buss moved with her family to
Banning, recently.
Mrs. Nannie Owens lias quit house
keeping ami will live with her daugh
Mrs. Hiram Mobley lias been sick for
several days.
Clove Richie and wife have moved in
to the rooms recently vacated by Mrs.
t Uveas.
The Sun always
shines on the . .
More than one
million Studeba-
ker vehicles in
dail j use the
world over.
We come again aud extend happy
greetings to the editor aud all the read
ers of the News, and wisli them a pros
perous and happy New Year.
Whitesburg, us usual, though boiling
over with joy aud thanksgiving aud
muuy Innocent amusements and festi
vities duriug the Xmas holidays, is
i ready, without a soar (?) on the mind o?
i conscience and body, to take bold of the
! ditties of the Now Year.
Tom Jones, of Savannah, is witli us
I again, visiting his father's palatial
1 home.
Misses Will ami Claude Kilgore, of
Villa Kioa, visited in Whitesburg during
j the holidays.
Miss Alice Copeland, one of Carroll
ton's must beautiful and charming
young ladies, is spending a few days
witli friends in nud near our city.
John Kilgore and Mr. Henslee, of
Villa Rica, spent a few days here Xmas.
Boyd Stephens and family, of New-
uau, visited the former's parents at
Bunuiug und relatives here lust week.
Malcolm Stephens, of the U. S. army,
stationed near Washington, D. 0.,was
at home for the holidays.
Dr. J. M. L. Strickland, of Carrollton,
onmo down to bird limit with the boys
lust week.
Mrs. Miutiie Chandler, of Tallapoosa,
visited her brothers, Tobe and Sum
Stevens, last week.
Misses Delia and Nannie Sue Bridges,
of Sargent, two very fascinating little
girls, visited relatives lioru Xiims.
Otis Gordon and Ben Bridges, of Sar
gent, wishing for a better place tlinu
Coweta oounty, came to Whitesburg
last week.
Mr. John Ansley, of Newnan, employ
ed at the A. & W.P. depot, s))eut part of
the holidays here with Ins parents.
Air. aud Mrs. Crews and children, of
Newnan, are visiting the former’s mo
flier near town.
Santa Claus came loaded and the
Xmas tree at the Baptist church was]
quite a success.
Our Sabbath schools were well at
tended last Sunday. The prospects for 1
efficient work by botli teachers and pu-!
juls, seems flattering. The parents are
earnestly solicited to attend Sabbatli
school with their children.
Misses Mary Stanton and Teresa
Tliromer, who are attending the L F.
C., visited Miss Alary Lipscomb during
the holidays.
('apt. Thomas Leigh, one of the
oldest ami most esteemed residents
of Newnan, and Mrs. Belle Gibson
ol'Cedar Creek district, were unit
ed in marriage yesterday afternoon
oy Kev. \V. J. Cotter.
Capt. Leigh is 74 years of age,
and his bride is (55. Kev. XV. .J.
Cotter, the officiating minister, is
82 years of age.
Mrs. Leigh was the widow of the
late Hugh Gibson, and a sister-in-
law of Capt. Leigh.
Miss Witt Moseley, one of Cow
eta’s most gifted and cultured
teachers, who holds a position in
the schools at Oakland City, spent
the holidays with home folks.
Wanted—Board aud room for one or
more telegraph students. Prof. John
son, Superintendent Telegraph School.
Cottou seed hnlls for sale at 27 1-3
cents, not delivered. V. E. Manget, Jr.
Money to loan ou real estate at 7 per
oeut. Apply to L. M. Farmer.
Names of the
On December 15th we offered five prizes to persons spelling
the names of the greatest number of articles kept for sale in
our store from the following letters, viz.:
There were hundreds of contestants for these prizes, and the
job of revising the lists of words furnishfed was a big one. The
task has been completed, however, and we take pleasure in
announcing the awards as follows :
Mrs. T. S. Parrott, First Prize, (China Tea Set).
Original list, 108 words; us revised, 88 words.
Miss Jewel Faver, Second Prize, (Handsome Germanware Stein).
Original list, 112 words; as revised, 87 words.
Miss Maud Meyer, Third Prize, (Parlor Lamp).
Original list, 102 words; as revised, 80 words.
Miss Margaret Brown, Fourth Prize, (Glass Water Set),
Original list, 121 words; as revised, 84 words.
Mrs. H. A. Goolsby, Fifth Prize, (Set Tumblers).
Original list, 120 words; as revised, 82 words.
In explanation of the above it i* proper to state that the words
eliminated from the original lists were the names of articles
not kept in our stock. The revised lists give the number of
words descriptive of articles that were in stock at the time the
contest was announced.
The Bay Street Grocers
Telephone 55
The lirst number drawn having
failed to show up, according to
announcement another drawing
was made on January 4, with
the above result. The holder
of ticket bearing No. 2022 will
please bring it in and get chif
January Sale
58-inch table linen; damask,
worth 50c. . 28c
Very soft cambric bleached do
mestic, worth 12 l-2c at 9c
Everybody wants lace now—
torchon lace, 10c kind, .‘I l-2c
in 12-ytl. pieces.
Here is the biggest bargain
you ever saw in glass pitchers—
1-2 gallon worth 85c at 1 He each.
Special bargains in crockery,
English ware. Look here, for
a limited time only we will sell
the $1.00 plates, white and gold
at 85e set; the green or blue,
the 85c ones at 08c set. These
are the 9-in. size; smaller sizes
same cut price. Only those
who have seen this ware can ap
preciate these values.
See us. Your credit is good,
and we've got 'em at the right
J. B. Hutchens
West Side Square
We can not give a definite description of just what is
shown at this sale, but you might visit us and find
the very thing you need for some special purpose, and
then at a saving price.
Goods offered at this sale are not necessarily remnants
Often the best article in stock may noc sell fast, and
then we make a price that will move it. These offer
ings come from various departments, from outings to
silks and trimmings.
Outings, flnnnellettes, ginghams, percales, waitings,
embroideries, laces, ribbons, braids, shoes and hosiery.
We Sell
American Lady corsets, Krippendorf-Dittman Shoes
Gold Medal black goods, Butterick patterns.
Dry Goods. Dress Goods. Notions. Shoes