The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 26, 1906, Image 1

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* f I . ! - /' , M.r ^ Watc". IMewnan ^'""s Crow 4 Cbc JNewnan <jdeekl)> |Vcwq Watch Newnan Crow VOL. VI. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. JANUARY 26. 1906. NO. 42 Trade With the Hustling Merchants Who Advertise in the Newnan News, ADDRESS BY DD. QUILLIAN. Delivered at Exercises in Honor of Cen. Lee’s Birthday. The News is pleased to present to its readers the address delivered at the court-house by Rev. J. W. Quillian, I). D., on the occasion of the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of General Robert E. Lee. The address follows: Madam President, Daughters of the Confederacy, honored Vet erans of the Lost Cause and Fel low Citizens: 1 count myself highly honored, though feeling my unworthiness, to stand in your presence this af ternoon to give some expressions in line with the noble sentiment which gives birth to this occasion. It is a happy thought, and high ly proper, that the Daughters of the Confederacy should come to gether with the remnant of that noble band, their and our fathers, who though broken and battered, still in honor abide among us,and that this meeting should be in the presence of the youth and younger citizenship of the country; because the purpose of this meeting is not only to keep alive the sentiments of valor and worth of the departed chieftain, Robt. 10. Lee, whose birthday we thus celebrate, but also to place upon the breasts of his living comrades badges of honor; thereby attesting our ap preciation of their worth while they live. You, ladies, have had bequeath ed to you a noble heritage, left by your mothers and sisters, who, while husbands, fathers and bro thers and sons, were at the front, with breasts bowed to a hail of shot and shell, in repelling the invaders of their own land, up holding what they believed to be God-given rights, in the protec tion of their families and loved under the shade of the trees.” The name of Robt. B. Lee, em blazoned as it is so high on the scroll of fame, and shining so bright with ever increasing splen dor, diil not get there by accident. A character so rich as his, around which centers so many ennobling memories,was not built by chance. A personality in which is embodi ed so much that is great, that is grand, that is glorious, is not the fruit of a tree of the forest, grow ing wild in barren regions, but rather is it the fruitage from a tree that is planted by the side of life giving streams, in fertile soil,care fully pruned and well cultivated. 11 is life, as does every life, root ed itself in conditions. Those con ditions for General Lee were fav orable to the development of great ness—the best, the highest and noblest of human traits. Descended from noble lineage, there (lowed in his veins the pur est strain of the great Norman race; so that when on the 111th day of .lanuary, 1807, at Stratford, in Westmoreland county, Virginia, Robt. E. Lee lirst saw the light of life, he was ushered into an en- REY. ,1. W. OF 1LLIA N, D. D. er in the catechism, then the that estate ami that home should sainted Bishop Mead, lie went to ever lie held and occupied by the the death-bed with his head bowed oldest mule descendant in each in grid, and his eyes wet with succeeding generation, as the con- tea rs, to catch a last glimpse of his , tie and head of his posterity for father in the gospel. j many generations to come, Lee in is it any wonder that General; heriled in unusual degree the vironment that makes for the best I Harry Lee should have said: strength of family affection and and highest in men. “Robert was always good;” or 1 tribal love. Then, when you rein 1st. The lirst thing that J men-' that this boy should develop into ember that this restricted devo tion was the possession of a name a man, who while commanding that had come down through a ■ the army of Virginia, in the midst long stream of ancestorage, injofafearfulcarnageofdeath,meet- which it was not only untarnished ing an humble chaplain of the | of independence for the American tion had poured into it the knowl edge that his own kinsmen had moved and signed the declaration but was actually burnished by no ble deeds, until, like a ray of light, it shines across the pages of his tory for many generations back. This name was set in characters whose garments had never been soiled by shame or torn by infamy. The very rooms of the house in which he lived were filled with priceless heirlooms and the walls were decorated with trophies of army as he passed along the line, with courtly bow and graceful movement lifted his hat and said: “I salute the church of God.” No wonder that that man should on the field of battle, from his own tent send out prayer soldiers. 4th. Another thing, before en colonies, you will understand how the doctrine of States rights and every institution of America, be came, in a peculiar sense, his doc I trine und his institution. You will then understand the books to his alacrity with which lie moved and I the certainty witli which he placed his feet, and the honors that victory, won by his forefathers in school-room and college many a hard fought battle, in the conflicts of life. Day by day,these things looked down upon him, and spoke to him of what was demand ed of him, whilst the wise coun sels and hallowed influences of his ones, these noble women—your | gray haired father, for a few short j aration for anything was more | United ancestors—were fighting battles at years, in early boyhood, enveloped than half success in that thing, lie “Save home no less severe, and grappling! a u a garment, until the very at- with foes no ^less pitiless in their I mospliere of his life instilled in onslaught, for the wolf of hunger j spiration and fed every noble as- and the fiend of squalor were ever piration of his better nature. And tering the arena of activity in life’s; crowned his efforts, as lie followed busy fields, he lingered in the and fought for the flag of his conn- hall until j try in Mexico, lie walked in the he was fully equipped for work 1 bright light of a holy patriotism and prepared tor the fray. Ile, that burned within his own breast was not afraid that the places y„u will understand, perhaps, as would all be filled, and no work never before, the poignancy of tin left lor him to do, il he waited; pain that pierced his heart, when but conscious that thorough prep- b, resigning his commission in the Wtatcs army, he wrote in defense of my native tarried till ready. How well hciytate, 1 never desire again to draw redeemed his time, is found in the my sword.” Patriotism that tact that while in school lie never Hashes and burns with a steady over it all hung like a cloud of frankincense, the daily prayers of J class. a devoted mother, sweetening, These were some of the condi- purifying and sanctifying. itions from which sprang the great 2nd. Another mighty factor in j an( ] peerless Robt. E. Lee. It only remains for me to speak briefly of element in the character of Mi present, in deadly combat. They are entitled to equal honor with the men in the trenches, and should have erected to them monu ments of marble, in which shall be chiseled for the reading of future the making of this man was the generations, words of appreciation. fact that the plastic period of There should be moulded for them childhood and the formative per- memorials of brass, in which is iod of lx>yhood was spent in the etched, so deep that the storms of country and small town, away the ages can never wash them out, from the excitement ol bustling, something of their valor anil brav- noisy streets, and the maddening ery. And, for myself, I hope, be- whirl of society and business. fore I go to my long home, to see T1 bs young life was no hot j one’s Be lf and one’s own kiuspeo- standing out there on your own house plant of either business or ple> and of what belongs to them, city square, by the side of that society, preternaturally developed • c ou pl e ,l with this is a due recog- receiveil a demerit or a reprimand j glow, as it always did in the breast and left with high honors in his of Robt. E. Leu, is one of the noblest elements that ever entered into the composition of a human character. 2nd. Another distinguishing two or three of the dominant ele ments which controlled in a char acter composed of so many excel lent traits. 1st. Chief among these was his Lee was his unswerving fealty to duty. It was no light or liinitci estimation which he placed upon the weight or worth of the word duty. To him, it was the grand burning patriotism. Patriotism est word in the English language begins in a correct valuation of and this because of the immense range to which he applied it the settlement of the ordinary al fairs of life. Duty, to him, was silent witness to the patriotism and brought forth to amuse oi to J nition of the various relationships the obligation which devolved up and valor of Southern manhood, entertain, and then left to wither j of life> an(1 of tb(J obligations that on him, by virtue of his relation one in the beginning of the strug gle for the lost cause; the other at its termination. In the beginning Robt. 10. Lee held a commission in the United Slab's army. The com manding General was Winfield Scott, who expected soon to resign, and to urge the appointment of Lee as his successor. 'When news cached Lee that his native State Virginia had seceded and united with the Confederacy, his ambi tions, his property,, his associa tions and expectations were all on me side. < )n the other side lay the claims of his own State, his iwii county, his own people, and mm tnese relations, above the lin of contending emotions, with •ell like clearness then rang out he voice of duty, lie heard its ommands, and promptly and gladly obeyed, in casting his lot with his own people. e other, when the flower of Southern chivalry had been cut town, and the country deluged in ilood and anguish, with the little Hind of brave defenders “reduced to a frazzle,” whilst the hosts of Grant’s army, well fed and well cared for, surrounded them, and the gallant. Gordon had sent word to Gen. Lee that he did not think that they could do anything more without heavy support from Gen. Longstreet, Lee said: “There is nothing left but to go to Gen Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths.” Then one of his staff officers said: “What will history say of our surrendering! Posterity will not understand it.” The immortal Lee replied: “Yes, yes, they will not understand our situation, but tliut is not tiie ques tion; the question is. whether It is right; and if if is right, I take tin responsibility.” Great, man,whose star was duty, which, when followed, led to iin mortality. Finally, one other tiling, which is not so much a dcstinctivc eli incut, as it was the cement into which every other element of character was laid and moulded into one composite whole, was his goodness. It was til is that broadened li is sympathies, unified his purposes sweetened his life, and was li is shield and buckler. His was not an ostentatious goodness, set in sectarian lines and moulded in church bigotry, that delights ii publishing abroad its own good ness, but the rather was it that type that is conscious of its reality lives by its exercise among tin needy, thrives in humanity and delights most of all in its daily communion with God, through Jesus Christ its author. Neither was his a moluscau type of goodness, that with equal faci lity accommodates itself to any sort of conduct and practice, but it was built on the fundamentals DR. NUNNALLY FOR GOVERNOR. Newnan Minister is the Lat est Entry in Gubernator ial Race. An immense amount of political interest ami eoipmont has lieon stirred up this week by Dr. G. A. Nuunally’s announcement as a undulate for governor. This an nouncement was in the nature of a omplete surprise to the people of Newnan, as the public was totally nawuro of Dr. Nuunally’s inton- ion to enter the campaign as a andidatc. Dr. Nunnnllv is too well known is minister, educator and author o need any introduction to the leople of Georgia. lie is pastor of another one clad in the regal robes and die, blighted and poisoned by I £ evo i ve U p6„ on(J j,y virtue of of purity, and crowned with a the atmosphere it inhaled. Butj thcHe relationships. But while splendid diadem of light, hope and in privacy he grew, receiving, in-1 the Hacre(1 fires of patriotism are inspiration, erected to Southern womanhood. There and every where, let them be partners in honor, as they were in conflict, for the tide that flowed from the side of the crucified South, was as stead ol giving, absorbing and as- j kindled around the family hearth- siinilating, until cou ^ ( l stone, they straightway sweep out without self impairment. j beyond these limitations and take Thus growing, he developed the hold upon the interests and wel- habit of self-reliance,quiet reserve, | fare of friends, neighbors and ac- introspeetion and meditation, so j quaintaneee. Not stopping here rich in the tears and anguish of characteristic of him in after life; they spread with increasing vol- Southern womanhood as it was in and here he laid the foundations of i um e, until reaching the furtherest the blood of Southern manhood. j that well proportioned, magnifi- ; confines of State and nation, one And you, loved and loving de- ■ cent physique and iron constitu- fenders of the faith, abiding with tion which contributed so much us still, have been and are, in the 1 towards his success, when the hour of defeat and since, illustra- struggles were heaviest upon him. tions before all the world of the' 3rd. Again, as a child, he was oracular wisdom of your eominan- i faithfully instructed in the funda- der, Robt. E. Lee, when he said: mentals of the Christian faith and “Human virtue should be equal to taught to l ead and study the word human need.” May each one of of God for himself. Growing out j mortal Lee. Born on an estate, you have virtue equal to any cala-i of this period is one of the most first seeing the light in a home, mity that may befall you, until, in touching incidents of his life, j that was founded and builded by the last words of Gen. Jackson, When in strong manhood,he heard j a forefather, in the years gone by, “You cross over the river and rest of the sickness of his former teach-1 with the express intention that stands enveloped in a glow of sa cred law for his whole country, whilst the highest interest of that country’s every institution is the holy altar upon which he stands reaily to pour his life’s blood as an offering to their maintenance. This was true of the great and im- of man’s sinfulness, God’s mercy and Christ’s atonement, with man through personal faith articulated to < 'hrist his head. ’l’his virile, robust goodness planted in childhood, grew and de veloped, until it became strong enough in the hour of defeat to pluck all bitterness and rancor out of his heart, and make his gentle ness, moderation and even bene voleneo toward his foes the sub ject of common remark. This goodness had strength enough in it to hold him steady to his fellows and last, gathering j ^ H biy alter stay ol lile’s loudest up all below it into one, to his desires and expectations fell away i from him, and when persecution With this idea, Duty became his bitter scorn and calumny, like master. He knew no voice and ra K* M K flood, swept down upon received no orders contrary to biui, their waves parted or broke this. When duty spoke, he did , whilst he stood solid and immo not confer with flesh and blood, j vable like a beacon rock, from nor did he count his life dear unto j whose lace there shone the clear himself. (light of conscious integrity I call your attention to two il- - lustrious examples of this. The' (Coiuinut-don page 4.) ships. He believed that the rela tionships which he sustained en compassed two worlds, earth and heaven, and affected two periods, time and eternity. From this he felt that he was under the most solemn obligations to himself, to his fellows and to his God. And the measure of his duty in the discharge of these ob ligations he thought was fixed up on a graduated scale, with increas ing weight; first to himself, second DU. <1. A. NIINNA I.I.V. tiie First BaptiHt church of New- uun, and is popular witli the peo ple of his own church and the other churches of the city. He is one of the strongest and most re sourceful men of the Baptist de nomination in <leorgia. Dr. Nunually says his candidacy is being well received throughout tiie State, as is evidenced by let ters and pledges of support re ceived by him from every section, lie proposes to make an educa tional campaign on reform lines und has outlined his platform in reference to certain matters of pub lic interest which he wishes to place before the people. The News regrets its inability to give space to Dr. Nuunally’s plat form this week, but it will be pub lished next week in this paper. Stephens Society. The Alexander H. Stephens So ciety of the public schools render ed tiie following program at a meeting held last Monday: Debate: “Resolved, that Peter the Great was a Greater man than Frederick the Great.” Affirma- tive: Stacy Cupel's, Myron Farmer, Then Davis. Negative: Richard Hardaway, Frank Holmes, Bill Joe Nunually. The affirmative won the debate by one poinL. Speeches by Bradley Davis and Joe Meriwether. Officers elected as follows for term expiring March l<>, 11)00: Leroy Mann, President; Elgin Stallings, Vice President; Ray mond Crane, Secretary; Frank Holmes, Critic; Bill Joe Nunually, Editor. Hamilton Sago, Stacy Capers and Frank Orr, program committee. Ebenezer Sunday School. An excellent Sunday school has been organized at Ebenezer church, near McCollum, and the promoters are doing a great work in that sec tion. J. S. Hammock is superin tendent of the school, assisted by Allen Royeton. Miss Dallis Moore is secretary and treasurer. Buy you a suit at Boone’s, while a big saving can be had.