Newspaper Page Text
Wear a Truss?
Every ruptured man, whether
his injury lie slight or serious,
should never fail to wear a suit
able truss.
Many men jeopardize health
either by wearing no truss at
all or by using one completely
worn out, with all the stretch
gone from the elastic band, with
pad misshapen and Hat, or with
a broken spring. Such practice
is a mistake, for the solid com
fort and actual safety which go
with a new truss is too cheaply
purchased to attempt to do
without one.
To any one interested, we
will be pleased to show the va
rious good styles of trusses con
stantly carried here. There is
no obligation to buy unless we
can perfectly suit you and save
you money by the transaction.
We want every sull'erer from
rupture to see how complete is
our line of well made, sensible
trusses, and how much better
it is to buy these instruments
at home from a dealer who
stands back of every one, rath
er than send off to one who has
no interest in the matter be
yond the immediate profit to
be made. For, as many can
testify, such purchases are oft
en unsatisfactory and when so
are almost impossible to cor
Holt & Cates
For Sale—A judgement against
T. F. Shackleford. Apply to lock
box 881, Newnan, Ga. tf
Mrs. It. O. Jones entertained the
Salmagundi Club in a most delight- j
ful manner Thursday afternoon.
James Bird, Esq., a clever citi- |
zon from near t’ooksville, Heard
county, was in the city Tuesday.
“The Twelve” were delightfully I
entertained by Mrs. P. B. Murphey I
Thursday afternoon. After a game |
of dominos, a lunch was served. |
Miss Eleanor Earnest, of Ton- :
nossoo, arrived Wednesday after
noon and will be the guest of (’apt . i
Tom Powel and family for some |
Would you be happy? Buy a
ton or so of the celebrated Bird
Eye t’annel coal from (’ales Coal
i Company. Though the highest
price, it is the most economical.
Mrs. Michael Powell has issued
invitations to a number of her
friends to meet the Salmagundi
Club and the Sweet Family on
Saturday, January '-’7th. This af
fair will be one of the largest and
most delightful of the season.
Joe Murphy, one of Moreland’s
genial citizens, recently presented
H. S. Bantu with a lemon weigh
ing 15 ounces, which grew on one
of Mr. Murphy’s lemon bushes. It
is a beauty, and its growth shows
how well the lemon thrives in this
The ladies of the Parsonage Aid
Socityol'the Moreland Methodist
church will give an oyster supper
next Thursday night, Feb. 1st,for
the purpose of securing funds to
be used in their work. The pub
lic is cordially invited to assist a
worthy cause by attending the
Shoes for the multitudes; values |
unheard of. Boone’s.
Mr. J. Pope Jones was greeting
friends in the city last Saturday.
Mrs. Beau McWilliams returned
to her home in Home last Saturday.
IDfl bed spreads just received
for the sale. SI, SI.*25 and Si.50.
Kalph Pendergrast, of Atlanta,
visited the home folks in Xewnan
this week.
Misses Ijiicile Thompson and
Katie A mail spent last Friday in
500 hats just put out; HU* and
40c each; worth two or three times
the price. Boone’s.
At Auditorium next Wednes
day night, Jan. 81st—Kosa Linde
Concert Co.
Col. W. C. Wright was in At
lanta a couple of days this week,
attending to business matters.
Dave Lassiter, a well known
citizen of LuUu>i>villo,\vas in town
last Tuesday.
J. 1). Hay, Esq., of Sharpsburg,
was among the visitors in town
last, Saturday.
H. B. Thompson, a well known
citizen from near McCollum, was
in town last Saturday.
Miss Elbe Clyde Hornsby left
Monday for an extended visit to
her sister, Mrs. Hamrick, in Col
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dial, of this
county, are in Mississippi, where
they will visit relatives for ten
Miss Ina Kirby gave a lovely
card party Saturday afternoon .in
honor of Mrs. James Milam, of
Neglected Colds Lead to Consumption.
How Consumption Develops.
Mrs. Wade Dent was the charm- Prof. F. Hoy Altnon, principal
ing hostess at a meeting of the of the flourishing school at llaral-
Euchre Club Tuesday afternoon, son, was a visitor to Ncwnan last
Four prizes were awarded, Mrs. J. Saturday.
I. hail) winning the lirst, Mrs. | The house and lot known
Barrow the consolation, Mm. San-1 Tmulrtway p i ttce> who re J.
Local News of Ncwnan
Julian Sponcler is attending
school at Sharon, Ga.
Big hogshead of fine Cuba mo-
lases. Bradley & Banks.
Judge L. A. Perdue was in At
lanta last Wednesday.
Use Reception Flour for making
cake. Bradley & Banks.
Order fresh meats from J. E.
Smith, telephone No. 65.
Dr. Anderson, Dentist, Sal bide
Building. tf
For best quality fresh meats
telephone J. E. Smith, No. 65.
The Euchre Club will meet with
Miss Bessie Powell next Tuesday.
(’all No. 65 by telephone when
the best fresh meats are wanted.
dors Gibson the lone-hand, Mrs.
Alton A mall the booby. After!
the game the guests were served a
delightful luncheon.
Mrs. Ben Kirby entertained a
number of friends at a most de
lightful domino party Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. W. C. Wright
was the successful winner of the
first prize, Mrs. K. W. Freeman
received the second and the conso
lation was drawn by Mrs. J. F.
Reynolds. Elegant refreshments
were served at the close of the
The Southern Bell Telephone
Go. is making arrangements to do
a great deal of work on their lines
in anil around Senoia, and to put
up four more lines, one of which
will go to the Wynn (Jo’s, store at
Kedrou, one of the best country
stands in the county. One of the
new lines will go to Greenville,
via Haralson and Oakland.—Se
noia Enterprise-Gazette.
Dent now lives, is torrent. Apply
to J. E. Featherston, City.
Our sale will continue until
j winter goods are sold out. So i
you have not been, come on; we
I have the goods under value.
The seven months old baby of
Mr. and Mrs. John Kite, of this
city, died last Sunday and was
buried in the city cemetery Tues
William D. Upshaw, of Atlanta,
was among the visitors in the city
last week. He was an interested
and appreciative spectator at the
Lee birthday anniversary exercises.
Special importation of china
matting just received. (Jan save
you 10 to 20 per cent, over regular
goods. Prices 12 1-2 to 85c yard.
Dr. Thomas Cole and John I).
Faver have returned from Florida.
They were the guests of R. W.
Mattox, of West Tocai, while in
the “Land of Flowers” and thor
oughly enjoyed their stay.
Miss Louise Smith, who was the
Nine casos of consumption out of ten
occur In this way:
A person catches cold. The cold is not
properly cured, and another cold la
This cold is dilly-dallied with, either
by no treatment wlintover or some treat
ment that is ineffectual, and the cold
Then another cold is caught and a
cough develops. Cough syrups are re
sorted to, Imt they give ouly temporary
By and by the patient geta tired of
taking medicines and cough syrups and
gives up In despair.
The cold continues to develop and fiio
cough grows worse.
Then the doctor is called in, only to
discover I hat I ho pat ient Is In the first
stages of consumption.
It was Just in tills way that Miss
Powell, of Aurora, Iml., became sick.
Hho caught a cold, and not considering
it serious, neglected it, thinking as
many others do, that it would “wearoff.”
However, it idling to her tenaciously,
and In two weeks she found her health
in a serious condition,
Fortunately, I’eruna had been brought
to tier not ice, amt site took a course of
this remedy before it was too late.
In a week the cough and cold woro
broken, and a three weeks’ treatment
completely restored her to health.
Tills is what Peruna is doing all the
while. Not a day, and probably not an
hour passes in which sotno one does not
have a similar experience with Peruna.
Cure the Slight Colds mid Avoid
Tim first stop toward consumption Is
a cold. The next step is a failure to euro
It promptly. The third step is the de
velopment of catarrh, which gradually
becomes chronic. The fourth step, (ho
catarrh begins to spread from Iho bond
to tlie throat, then to the bronchial
tubes, mid finally Into the lungs. Ilia
then consumption In the first stage.
Atuny time during the progress of ca
tarrh, from t ho first onset of tho cold to
Its final settlement, in the lungs, Peruna
can lie relied upon to stop the disease.
If you have taken a cold, buy Peruna
without delay. One bottle In tho be
ginning will do more good Until a half
dozen bottles after the catarrh has
fastened Itself on tho lungs.
Thousands of Testimonials.
We have oil file thousands of testi
monials from people who have been
cured of catarrh of tho lungs by Peruna.
We can give our readers only a slight
glimpse of (lie vast array of unsolicited
endorsements wo nro receiving every
month. Noother j hytdehm In t he world
has received such a volume of enthu
siastic letters of thanks os l>r. ilartmau
for Poruuu.
<Tima Almanac for MH)(S
Mrs. D. B. Wood roof received a
Miss Mary Orr has returned i long-, interesting letter front New-
•from a stay of several days in At- nan’s ltcloved missionary to Japan,
ianta. Miss Margaret Cook, recently.
Reception Flour is fine for cakes! Cook favored her friend with j recipient of much social attention
and good biscuit. a P^oto ol a lovely little Japanse a s the guest of Miss Louise Todd
Bradley & Banks. Mitsu San, and a charming } a Atlanta, returned home the
T V « XV, it, group of six kindergarten pupils. fi rst 0 f this week. She will go to
supplies best quality of all* kinds ^ C °° k is Righted with her j Savannah the last of the week to
..... . ' work, and we feel that hei en- attend the marriage of a friend,
of fresh meats. thusiasm and her consecration,
Cuba molases, the genuine ar- combined with her undoubted a b° ut ^*e demo-
tide, just received; fresh and fine, ability, will redound an hundred crac .y °* Georgia being threatened
Bradley & Banks. fold to the advancement of God’s
Miss Rosadelle Holmes left Wed- kingdom in the line field of orien-
nesday for a months visit to kd missions,
friends in Atlanta.
Gold Coin Flour contains all the
wheat and makes excellent uiscuit.
Bradley & Banks.
Mrs. Arthur Arnold, of Fair-
burn, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
R. A. Brown, this week.
by Tom Watson makes us tired.
The Georgia democracy is too pow
erful for Tom and all of his cohorts
and it will stand even if Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powell gave Howe]1 is not electe(1 governor.-
loveiy card party Thursday Brllnswick N ews.
evening in honor of Mrs. Beau
McWilliams. Euchre was played;
A large and appreciative andi-
Miss Sadie May Powel winning the ence greeted the Rosa Linde Con
cert Company last night at the
Lawton Memorial, it was under
the auspices of the .Savannah Ly
ceum anti was the third mi in her
first prize, a pretty sofa pillow.
The consolation was drawn by
Miss Emma Potts, it was a large
Misses Maumee and Lela Ad- cluster of white narcissus. After
ants, of Atlanta, are the guests of the game the guests were invited ai " 1 t * u ‘' K ‘ sl ol the Wason.—8a-
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Adams. into the dining room, where a tie- vannah News.
licious hot supper was served. Mrs. W. B. Pringle’s card party
Paul Smith will letum to n> Beau yf n ] m j IO ses were used was one of the most delightful af-
tormer position at Atlanta ant p ro f use jy f or decorations in the fairs of the week. There were
"West Point depot, this veek. dining room and parlor. Mr. and three tables of six-handed euchre.
Miss Nellie Potts complimented Mrs. Powell received the guests in Miss Nellie Potts, Mrs. Wat It:
Mrs. Gordon Lee with a most de- their usual gracious manner and Dent and Mrs. Steve Powell won
lightful card party Tuesday even- the evening was thoroughly enjoy- the prizes. After the games an
jedbyall. . elaborate lunch was served.
Probably the largest hog ever
killetl in Coweta county was
butchered on the plantation of .loll n
L. Bailey, Esq., this week. It
was a Poland ('hinu anti weighed,
net, 70!) pounds.
The Rosa Linde Concert Co.
comes to the Auditorium on Wed
nesday evening, Jan. 81st. This
company will provide one of the
most delightful entertainments
ever given in Newnan.
City court adjourned Monday
morning, after lieing in session but
a short time. Lack of available
grist caused the legal mill to shut
down. W. M. Childers, the white
man convicted of bastardy last
week, was fined #150 and costs.
The hands on the court house
clock have been pointing to 4:80
p. in. for several days. The clock
has quit doing business. It should
have attention and lie fixed, if it is
out of order. The clock is a great
convenience anil is often consulted.
It should be placed in position to
give Hie public reliable informa
tion as to the (light of time.
Mine Rosa Linde won her great
est success as Contralto with the
Boston Festival Concert, Pitts
burg Musical Festival, Spring-
field Festival, Worcester Festival,
Heidi Orchestra, Boston Symph
ony Orchestra and the Xordica-
Linde Concerts. Mine. Linde,
Nellie Linde Wright, soprano, and
Joseph Maerz, piano virtuoso, will
appear at the Auditorium next
Wednesday night, Jan. 81st.
The open section of the court
house tower, above the dock, fur
nishes an opening for rain to de
scend inside the building when
ever rain is accompanied by wind.
During the rain arid wind storm
last Monday morning the superior
court room was flooded with wa
ter. The County Commissioners
should give this matter immediate
attention. 'The court house will
lie greatly damaged in a short time
if provision is not made to remedy
this defect in the tower.
The Race for Tax Collector.
The race for tax collector, to
fill the unexpired term of the late
Rev. H. R. Davies, is now a three
cornered stiuggle. Prof. F. O.
Watkins, of Turin, has retired
from the contest; leaving the field
to Messrs. T. J. Wilkinson, J. W.
Willcoxon and W. S. Hubbard.
The primary occurs tomorrow,
Saturday, Jan. 27th. It will be a
strongly contested election, as all
of the candidates arc well known
and popular gentlemen and are re
ceiving the hearty support of their
respective friends.
The registration lists contain
the names of probably 2,700 white
voters, and it is believed a heavy
vote will be cast.
School Board Changes
At a meeting of the city Hchool
Board, held last Monday, upon
motion of Col. R. (). Jones the
Board unanimously deeided to
change the ruling in reference to
non-resident pupils.
Beginning March 1st, non-resi
dent pupils will be required to puy
#1 per month in the grammar
grades and #2.50 per month in the
high school. Resident pupils will
pay 50c and #1.50 per month, as
Mrs. Alice Dixon, who was in
Atlanta for some time receiving
medical treatment, is now at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. By-
rum in this city. Her condition is
not improved, much to the regret
of her relatives and friends.
Mrs. E. J. Orr, of this city, an
nounces the approaching marriage
of her daughter, Miss Mary Belle,
to Mr. David Frank Patterson, of
Gritliu. The wedding will occur j
011 Feb. 14th at the residence of j
Mrs. Orr in this city.
Miss Orr is one of Newnan’s
most charming young ladies. Hhe j
Isdongs to a family prominent in
Coweta county for years and is re- !
luted to other families of the coun
ty equally as well known. Hhe is
a young woman of exceptionally
line character, and her bright in
tellect and winning manner have
endeared her to a large circle of
Mr. Patterson is a wholesale
merchant in Gridin and is a nota
bly successful business man. He
enjoys the confidence and esteem
of all his acquaintances and hears
an unblemished reputation in his
home city.
Hides Wanted—Will pay JO
cents per pound for beef hides, all
weights, No. J selection. Full
weights and fair dealing guaran
teed. T. G. Burpee.
JEWELERS, Department
Stores, and Mail
Order Houses.
T HE Jeweler, in Helling n watch,
Iish his reputation at stake anil
depends upon thin for Iiih liv
ing; he will not Hell you an unrelia
ble watch, a second-grade watch, or
one tliut is defective in construction.
The Jeweler can tell the dillereuce
between a perfect and imperfect
movement; lie knows how to lit them
in cases properly, how they should
lie to he perfect. Ho will take pride
in keeping in order tlm watch ho soils
you, and making it give you satis
faction. If you expect a watch to
Uenp time and be reliable, buy it from
a reliable jeweler.
The mail orner house and depart
ment store have clieap watches, and
clerks who know very little about
watches to wait on you. If they
make a sale and the watch tickH un
til you get home, all well and good.
Their guarantee?—yes, most any
kind you want! They don’t care;
von will always hav>- to pay for any
repairs they make, no matter if good
or had. Yon pay express charges
also Tju.11: mono: “Get the mon
ey.” The JKWiXER’s motto• “Give
satisfaction. For a kejjaju.k watch
The Jeweler