Newspaper Page Text
jlncic„.c YourYi--ld
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n jt u h ml toace dollai iirrow, i«...i
I v If In lilt • .III V Irirlnm i .... , -u I . r
lili/.i'i*. Tin y will "Iru ri'mii' \ r
per acre,"ana thui bring down
the coat ol production. oven If you uee
| li it t' linn mifl li-uft I it I... r.
r IlHMi tllOllHUtl'lB <r| Ptrnflir ll.pll
I lii'.i.i.i i f ■ "in I irim Ir .. I,,, n tr !• I
II " it nun.. It rtlli/. n. iiinl as •• ri
1 that
Virginia Carolina Fertilizers
[•irn I»y fur tin- I»< t. 'J li**y will (rlvo
, wmi i roprt that Wi . pit k o inori* money
i i«• r you. Huy i<<» ot hr r, cwn If 'iinr
•I* filer onOmoirt t-i | i t y»>u to Huy
] m . . milknii III Mr i prof t oi Mint.
"I • ‘*,11 • Unit Mould Im t• # hit Jut* n Mt
] -tmt MilirH.
J I •
fh»rI*RU)n, S 0. H*iltifn .ro, M-l. A’.itnt/t. (i*.
| .‘4raii',,ih, Ga If 'iW •» • . Ait. Mo: T*nn.
' a.
I inn ii rmiiliilaii. for l ux < 'nlleetor,
'll I 111 ■ II III-V }>L I I •! 1 | ■•I'll. I.I ll r |||l" II. K.
Davies. Will ii11|iti'i'imI' iIn’ mi| pm t ol
I'vi'iy viiti'i'ol i'iiwiTii unlit v ; mill, il
oli-aled, will try In servo tin* pimple
l illlifullj Mini llll tin 1 nlllri to till) best
ill my ability.
Ah II Ik iiiiIv ll sluilt tlllln until till'
I riiiinn . mirl 1 mn conlim it in tin iifllc
lit tills busy tlllinnf M ill. It will In mi-
pnAihli to koo iiiiiiiv ol tin voters per
hi mill 1 v : Iml I (runt nil will remember
inn on day ol primary My ciiudiilney
Ik Hlllijnnl In nnlinn ol I Ininoni ntjo
I o itimry.
On nouonnl of n iluin eliouinit inecs,
I have di'cnli il to withdraw from tin*
|iri<Hi<nt nun, hnt in favor of no h| »•<' in I
ono I tlianli my fiIiiIiiIh for all nonr
toay hIiiiwii. K t •. WATKINS.,
I hereby nunniinoi myself a imiidirinto
for lIn* oillon ol Tax Oolhelm to till the
nnnx|ilrn<l tnrni ol Rev. II. K Davies,
iliMinnaed, and will nppreomlo tin' in
flaonce mid Htipport ol the Demnorntie
voters ol llm comity. My candidacy ik
of OOll THO HUlljllCl to t lie UCtlull ol I lie
Domoo ratio party,
1 take 111ik metliolof iintilying my
friends that I am a candiduti tor lax
Oollcotor to llll (lie vacancy caused by
tho death of Kov. II K Davies. I need
the oillco, and will he grniolul lor tin-
Hiipporl of my frlcndk. My candidacy
iH Huhjcot lo the action of tile Demo
oratio jmrty.
Ordinary’s niocices.
< >K< >RG IA —Coweta < ’ountv.
J !’ Simms and .1. K. Simms, ad
ministrator- III estate of George K.
, Simms, deceased, having applied to the
t'onrtof Ordinary of said Comity for
leave to sell the lands, and Knilrond
Sto-ks and Hotels, belonging to estate ol
said deceased, all persons concerned arc
rc<|aired to show cause in said Court by
tin- (list Monday in February next, if
any they can. why said application
slionld not Is granted. This Jnnnnry
! "nil, HKW.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
< 1 KO|{<JIA —( oweta < omit v.
W II Har.'i TI, Admr of estate of
Elizabeth I). Vines, deceased, Imvnm
applied to t im < ’niu t ol i trdinary of said
• loanly for h to rs of dismission from his
said trust, all persons concerned are re
quired to show can- in said Court by
the IIIst Monday in February next, if
any they can, why said application
should not I.. maul' d. This January
1st, mott.
L. \ PERDUE, Ordinary.
(I L< >HC i I \—(loweta t ’minty.
The estate ot Idiii11 v Cia.v, Lunatic, of
said County, being unrepresented and
not likely to be represented, all persons
coin eriied are require I to show cause in
the Court of Ordiiiiuy of said County,
on the llrst .Monday in Febrnnry next,
why guardianship of the property of
said lunatic should not he vested in the
County (i mi id in u. This January 2nd,
mod. L. A I'EUi'UE, Ordinary,
(11 dOlti il A < 'oweta (’minty.
The estalc ol C. Ii N'ewniiiti, late’ of
s.inl Id uiily, deceased, being nnrepio-
-entidand net likely to lie represented,
nil persons eoiieerned are I'equncd to
• how cause in the i 'ourl of < Irdinaiy of
-ml < oiinty, on tie llrst Monday in
February next, why such iidmiuistra
t ion de horns non should'iiot^hc vested
in the County Administrator,
This Jail. I, Mind
L. A. 1 ‘IdKI >l' Id, t hdlniirv.
GE< >l{( i IA i ’oweta t 'minty.
The estate ol Mrs, Marv Sowell, late
of said County, deceased, being unrop
resented and not likely to he represented,
all persons oolircruud Jure required in
show cause in the Court of Ordinary of
said County, on the llrst Monday in
February next, whv such admiuisfra-
tion should not lie vested in the County
Administrator. This Jan fitli, 190(1.
L A PERDUE, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and
For any disease of the skill there is
nothing hotter than Chainherlain’s
Halve. It relieves the Rolling and liurii-
mg sensation uiHlautly and sism effects
a cure. Hold by Dr. Paul Penistou,
Ncwuaii, On.
Libel for Divorce.
Kmmn L. Winkles 1
Waymoud Winkles '
Libel for Divorce ill Oowcta Superior
Court, March Term, UHNI.
(< KC )HCt 1A —Cow eta County.
To Waymoud Winkles, Defendant in
tin- above stated cast>:
You are hereby required, in |*erson or
by Attorney, to be and appear at tin
ii xi term of the Superior Court to be
h Id to ami for said County on the Hist
A iduy in March, mod, then and there
t- answer the plaiutlfT in nil action of
L bol for Divorce; as in default thereof,
said Comt will proceed thereon as to
justice may appertain.
Witness the Hon K W. Freeinnn,
Judge ol said Court, this the 'Jnd dav of
January, MHNt. L TURNER, 1'lerk
Wood’s Seed Book
FOR 1906
•s one of the handsomest and
most valuable publication* of
the kind issued. The useful
and practical hints contained
in the annual issues of Wood's
Sood Book make it a most
valuable help to all Farmers
and Uardeners and it has long
been recognised as au up-to-
date authority on oil
Garden and Farm Seeds,
particularly for southern planting.
Wood"» Seed Book mailed
free to Farmers and Gardeners
upon request. Write for IL
T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen,
We aolloit your order* direct, for both
If your merchant dor. not sell
Ice Picks nml Art.
The career of Mr. Frederick Mnc-
Monnles an n sculptor began when, as
a boy of (ire years, scarcely tall
enough to ren -h Up to the top of the
kitchen table, he modeled little figures
In dough. Two years later be discover
ed a better material for Ids purpose.
At Unit time n white wax chewing
gum was much in fashion among chil
dren. Young Macjlonnleg saved Ids
odd pennies until he could buy what he
wanted of It, and then lie made from
it an equestrian statue of George
Washington, which iH still among the
family treasures.
When he was ten years old Itanium's
circus came to town. lie was an en
thusiastic admirer of the parade, and
when ihe elephant appeared he became
Intense, lie watched every motion and
studied every line of the strange beast.
Then be rushed Into the house and,
working as fast as he could, modeled
from memory a clay elephant of which
be neisl not be ashamed today. At
thirteen bo carved « likeness of u pet
bullfrog out of a Ileigian paving block,
with an Ice pick for a chisel. World’s
A Ton all Meat story.
Of the food served to the sailors In
the Itrltlsh navy of loo years ago a
recent historian says: "A ship's com
pany Imd to start a cruise upon the
old meat returned from various ships
and routed out from the obscure cel
lars of tbe victualing yards. Frequent
l.v It bad been several years in salt he
fore It i-amo to the t ook, by which time
it needed rather a magician than u
cook to make It eatable, it was.of a
strong hardness, fibrous, shrunken,
dark, gristly and glistening with salt
crystals. Strange tales were told about
It. < lid pigtailed seamen would tell of
horse hoes found In the meat casks, of
curious harkings and ticigblngs heart)
in (he slaughter houses nml of negroes
who dlsappeiitvd near the victualing
yards, to lie scon no m >ro. The salt
pork was generally rather better than
the beef, Iml the sailors could carve
fancy articles, such as boxes, out of
cither meat.”
Ilorsi-s nml Medicine.
Healthy horses require no medicine,
hul there lire so many Intestinal para
sites and so many kinds of worms that
nflVct horses that constant supervision
pays. Almost all young horses are hot
ter for a few feeds of sulphur in the
springtime. Many horsemen like to
give a little worm medicine, and each
man lias his favorite. A good many
worm medicines are harmless, and If
administered to a healthy colt will do
no harm. Usually a keen horseman
knows whether worm remedies ure nec
essary or not, but In case of doubt It Is
a little safer to give the mpdlclue, pro
vided the medicine Is really harmless.
Home medicines tiro harmless und some
are not. Stimulants are not necessary,
nttd stimulating medicines should never
be given except on tin* advice of a
veterinary.—HI. Louis Republic.
UKoRGl\—Coweta County.
Ml |s>rsoin having deinnuds against
the estate nf John \V. Arnold, late ot
said county, deceased, are hereby noti-1
tied to render their claims iiooordmg to
law : and nil parties indebted to said de i
ce ased are iispiestcd to make immediate
payment to the undersigned. This Jan.
Id F.x cutot John W. Arnold,|docous(id
Dangers of a Coldand How toAvold
More fatalities have their origin in or
result from a cold than from any other
cause. This faot|qiloiin should make
people more careful as there is’no dan
ger whatever from a cold when it is
pro|s<rly treated in the beginning. For
many years Cliambcrlain's Cough Rem
edy has been recognized ns the most
prompt and effectual tuedioinu In use
for this disease. It acts on nature's
plait, loosens the cough, relieves the
lungs, opens the secretions and aids na
ture in restoring the system ton healthy
condition Sold by Dr. Pnul Peniston,
Nowunu, Ga.
nimlstonc's Spoeeli Knr Irvlnn,
Gladstone was a great admirer of Sir
Henry Irving, and tills admiration was
shown ono day In the house of com
mons. Irving was under the gallery In
the house when suddenly, without ap
parent reason, Gladstone leaped to his
feet and delivered an Impassioned
speech, sot off with nil the expression
und dramatic gesture for which ho was
so famous. The' house seemed sur
prised. Members looked at one another
and murmured, "What Is the old man
now up to?" They thought It was some
deep political game. But a week or
two later a frleml of Irving's, encoun
tering Mr. Gladstone,* mentioned the
nctor’s visit to the house, and Gladstone
eagerly Inquired: "What did he think
of my speech? 1 made It for him.”
Song Books Froo.
Scud 12 mimes and addresses of music
lenders, and we w ill mail you a copy nf
our now Sunday school hook No. -I
March 1st, or semi lac with unmes, and
gt-i ii oopv ct our church hook, Resur
rected Songs J B. Vauglmn,
Athens, Ga.
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
Mrs Michael Hart, wife of the super
mtctnlcut of Cart Service at Kingston,
Jamaica, West Indies Islands, says that
she has for some years used Ohnmber-
j Iain's Cough Remedy for coughs, croup
and whooping cough nml Inis found it
very hcuoticial. She has implicit oon-
j tidenco in it and would not be without a
| bottle ot it in her home. Sold by Dr.
1 Paul Penistou, Newnau, Ga.
Sklnnlns n Hnlile.
The method of skinning a sable Is to
draw the skin over the head without
any Incision I* the body. Tho feet and
tall are left as part of the fur. Every
thirtieth of an Inch Is valuable, for
the average length of the animat Is
only twelve Inches and the tall ulKmt
six Inches. In the reign of Henry VIII.
the use of snble was forbidden to any
below n viscount. A cont lined with
snhles Is often worth from £300 to
£400. A «»t of sable tails can hardly
he sold for less than £J»0. — London
The Sunil.
The slowest creatures In crentiou are
snails and certain small .beetles. Home
of them habitually move only a foot or
two In an hour, liut this slowness is
partly due to the fact that they remain -
motionless at Intervals. By measuring
the distances covered by snails when J
they were kept going constantly It hus I
been found that the maximum speed
of « good healthy snail is live nnd u 1
half feet an hour.
The Crip.
"Before we can sympathize with oth
ers, we must have suffered onrsolvts."
No one can realize the suffering attend-
< nut upon an attack of the grip, unless he
lias had the actual ex|s>rieuce. There is
probably no disease that causes so much
physical and mental agony, or which so
successfully defies medical aid All
dungt-r from the grip, however, tu.iv lx-
avoided by the prompt use of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens
of thousands who have used tins rem
edy, not oue case has ever been reported
that has resulted ill pneumonia or that
has not recovered. For sale by Dr.
Paul Vi n is ton, Newnau, Ga.
Wiser Counsel.
"What's Unit sign you're making
there?” asked the grocer.
" 'Fresh eggs.' ” replied the new
"Make It ‘Fresh laid eggs.’ ”
“Why -er—everybody knows the eggs
were fresh when they ware laid.”
"Exactly, and that's all ttmt It's safe
for us to sny about them."— Philadel
phia Preas.
Real Merit.
Real merit of any kind cannot be
long concealed. It will be discovered,
and nothing can depreciate it but a
man'* exhibiting It himself. It may
not always be rewarded as It ought,
but It will always be knowu.—Chester
Solitude relieves us when we are sick
of company and conversation when we
are weary of being alone, so that tbe
one cures the oUier. There Is no man
so miserable as he that is at a loss to
use hla time.— Sene<a.
The Fertilizer
lor Big Crops
Less Acreage
Fewer acres, lighter labor, larger yields—a happy
combination secured with FARMERS’ BONE, the
fertilizer proved perfect by twenty-one years of great
crops from Southern soil. Farmers' Bone is richest in
balanced food for every stage of plant growth from planting
time till harvesting, and is suited to a great diversity of crops,
from cotton to corn, wheat to small truck.
Made with Fish
Fish scrap is used in every ton of Farmers’ Bone, insuring: nourishment
under all crop conditions and making: it famous as a crop saver. Look
for the Royster trade mark.
1885—250 TONS
1890—1,500 TONS
1895-12,000 TOMS
1900 58,455 TONS
1905-130,091 TONS
Norfolk, Va.
Columbia, S. C.
Tarboro, N. C.
Macon, Ca.
Lemons as Medicine
Their Wonderful Effect
on the Liver, Stomach,
Bowels, Sidneys
and Blood.
Lemons are largely used by The
Mozley Lemon Elixir Company, in
compounding their Lemon Elixir,
a pleasant I.einon Laxative and
Tonic—a substitute for all Cathartic
and Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir posi
tively cures nil Biliousness, Consti
pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia,
Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease,
Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite,
l'cvers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples,
all Impurities of the Blood, Pain in
the Chest or Back, nnd nil other dis
eases caused by a disordered liver
and kidneys, the first Great
Cause of all Fatal Diseases.
WOMEN, for all Female Irreg
ularities, will find Lemon Elixir
a pleasant and thoroughly reliable
remedy, without the least daugerof
jiossible harm to them in any condi
tion peculiar to themselves. 50c
and $1,00 per bottle at
‘One Dose Convinces.’
.... Copyrights Ac.
An Tons usmtlng a sketch end deicrlrtlon mu
qtilcklr Mcertsln our opinion free whether an
Invention la probeblr paienlahle. Communlca.
Hons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent*
•cut free, (ildeat auencr for securing patents.
Patenia taken through Muim A Co. receive
special nodes, without charge, la the
Scientific American.
A tiandsomelr lllnttrsfed weekly. Largest cir
culation of any •clentltto lournal. Terms. |3 a
year : four months, Sold by all new«dealera.
MUNN & C0 ( 361 Broadway. New York
Branch Oftlce, 88F8L Washington. D. C.
Pianos and Organs.
I am agent for the Cable Piano
Company and sell the ‘‘Chicago
Cottage,” Mason & Hamlin and
other organs of standard makes.
These instruments are warranted
to give satisfaction tn quality and
price. Don’t buv an instrument
without consulting me.
W. H. Reynolds,
tf Newnan, Ga.
Wanted—Board and room for one or
more telegraph students. Prof John
son, Superintendent Telegraph School.
Dr. C. A. Smith,
Treats all diseases of domestic animals.
Calls answered day or night. Office
at (iearreld’s Livery Stable.