The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 02, 1906, Image 5

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Seeds that Grow Must be Fresh The importance of planting partlen seeds that are unques tionably fresh, can hardly be overestimated, and this is a point that should be considered by every gardener. Fresh seeds germinate quick er, and begin growing with more vigor than seeds two or three seasons old. Fresh seeds give better stands and greater vegetable crops than inferior sorts. Th y save the trouble and expense of replanting, the loss of favorable seasons, and sometimes the entire loss of your garden. It is an easy matter to buy seeds that are absolutely fresh, and if you buy from us, results in your garden are practically assured. Our plan of buying and selling seed is exceedingly simple but very efficient. 1. We buy all needs in bulk from the best growers in Amer ica. 2 We put them up into pack ages right in our own store. This allows us to see to it that our seeds are never mixed with old, and by the saving effected enables us to give more liberal quantity of seed in each paper, 3. We never under any cir cumstances sell old seed for fresh or mix left over seed with the new crop. Customers can depend implic itly on the absolute truth of each of these statements. We have built up a splendid seed business by rigid adherence to our policy of selling only fresh seeds, and we could not afford to lose the confidence of our trade for the sake of a little ex tra profit made by the sale of inferior grades. We are particularly anxious to secure customers who have never tried our seeds. We are practically certain that old cus tomers who have assured them selves of the superior advantages we offer will remain with us, but we want business that has been going out of town, or cus tomers who have been buying from general stores and other dealers in commission seeds. We are sure they will be better satisfied and will grow better gardens from our seed than heretofore. Holt $ Cates Dr. Anderson, Dentist, Salbide j Dr. A. C. North was in Atlanta Building. if I last Tuesday. Local money on easy terms to Mr. and Mrs. 31. F. (’ole left W.(i. Post. 2t Tuesday for Florida. loan. Mrs. Guy ('ole and baby have! Winter goods at zero prices at returned from a visit to Atlanta. | Harnett, St. John <S: Go's. J. T. Addy, of Atlanta, was Visit Barnett, St. John & Go’s, mingling with friends here yostcr- : for bargains in winter goods. Mr. Ivy Shell, of Senoia, was a * Local News ol Newnan» T • day. For Sale—A judgement against T. F. Shackleford. Apply to lock box 381, Newnan, (fa. tf The groat J. (’. Lewis Company presents “Si 1’luukanl” at the Auditorium this (Friday) evening. Ed S. Buchanan, Esq., who was confined to his home by sickness for two weeks, is able to be out again. Ella, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Bowman, lias been dangerously sick this week but is improving. Warner Mill, formerly with C. P. Stephens &■ Go., succeeds Hugh Hackney as clerk in the First Na tional Hank. The Carnegie Library circulated during January the following: Fiction, 1,128; classed literature, 108; total, 1,230. The regular monthly Institute for county teachers occurs next Saturday. Commissioner I lam de sires a large attendance on that occasion. Editor J. F. Ilunnicutt of the Southern Cultivator, Atlanta, was in the city Wednesday. He came down to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Turner. Two negroes employed at the fertilizer factory were arrested Wednesday by Policeman Shackle ford. They were wanted for mi nor offenses in Heard county. Would you be happy! Buy a , ton or so of the celebrated Bird i Eye Gunnel coal from Cates Coal Company. Though the highest I price, it is the most economical. Miss Virginia Bailey, who was seriously ill in LaGrange, was able to come to Newnan last Tuesday. She was accompanied by her sis ter, Miss Ruth Bailey, who went down to LaGrange to be with her sister. Mrs. Otis Jones entertained the Salmagundi Club very delightfully Thursday afternoon of last week. After a game of dominos lovely re freshments were served. The prizes were drawn by Mrs. P. B, Murphey and Mrs. W. A. Turner. Luke Hall, sentenced to life im prisonment in Coweta Superior Court, the sentence having been affirmed by the Supreme Court, will begin to serve his sentence this week. He will probably be taken to the Chattahoochee brick yards. HOUSEHOLD FILTERS.' l : nl«*«» Krp<|,i<>ntly ricnnril They Arc * Sourer of UanKcr. The fact Hint intestinal discuses, such ns typhoid fever, cholera, dysen tery. diarrhea and so forth, are com monly transmitted through contami nated water makes it seem advisable to print a word of warning regarding the use of domestic water filters. The most efficient method of purify ing contaminated water supplies on a large scale is by means of sand filter beds In which the water percolates very slowly through a layer of Ilia* sand several feet in thickness. Cities that have installed such plants report a great Improvement in their health statistics. Knowledge of tile danger to be apprehended from the water sup ply has become so widespread, how ever, that domestic filters intended to be used by the individual householder have come into general use. These are of numerous varieties and employ many different substances as the filtering medium, such us charcoal, sand, mineral wool, uuglazcd clay or porcelain and so forth. These may np pour to be very useful, owing to their ability to remove a certain amount of coloring matter and flouting materials, but as usually employed they fall far short of the necessary degree of elli- Charlos Ad tuns, of West Point, olom '- T 1 "" 1 »>«>’ >'*■ '“reedy a , , , , „ , source of added danger apart from the was the guest last > undiiy of Ml • j fni K „ sense of security they inspire. Unless such filters lire very frequent ly taken apart and thoroughly cleansed bacteria are apt to pass through freely UUd even to multiply in the filter itself, so that the number of germs in the water that Is drawn off may actually be Increased instead of diminished. There Is but one safe way for the consumer to deal with a doubtful wa ter supply. If enough suspicion at taches to tin* water to make the use of a filter seem desirable tile conditions niitl Miss Lttcile Thompson leave ■ are such that halfway measures are out of plnee and only absulute sterili zation can bo considered. Every drop of such water Intended for tabic use visitor to Newnan last Monday. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Will Holmes, last Monday, a daughter. For anything in music or musi cal instruments telephone No. lflfi. Hon. Charles L. Moses,of Turin, was in Newnan last Monday, en- route to Atlanta. Mr. Alonzo Hichardson, of Col lege Park, spent Tuesday in the city on business. Mrs. F. H. (’ole and children are spending a few days in Atlanta with Mrs. Jeter Addy. and Mrs. I*. F. Cultino. Mrs. Frank Murpli, of Marslmll- ville, is the guest of her father anti other relatives in the city. Messrs. Jos. T. Kirby and Wade S. Dent left Monday for New York to be away about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Thompson HAD CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. Congressman Meekison Gives Praise to Pe-ru-na For His Recovery. soon for an extended lour in Fla. Come to our store for bargains in men’s and boy’s clothing. Harnett, HI. John <K: Co. Miss Susie Parks returned to Atlanta, Monday, after a delight ful visit lo Miss Sallie Huchannon. Call and see the bargains we are offering in winter goods. Harnett, St. John & Co. Miss Ada Williams has returned to her home in Atlanta, after a pleasant visit toiler sister, Mrs. Byrd Parks. The new “Si Pluukard” at the Auditorium this < Friday ) evening is the greatest I >on’t miss it. should be thoroughly boiled. The fiat taste of water treated in tlds way Is dm* to the fact that the dissolved alt' Is expelled from it by the bent, hut by placing It in bottles only three-quarters full mid shaking well enough air will be taken up to restore the piibitiibility. The bottles may then lie placed in tin* refrigerator to lie cooled, for of course tile lee is Just us likely to In* u* bad us the water, mid there is no use in puri fying tin* water if dirty lee Is to hu put into It.—Youth's Companion. Tin* Sin of l*'ri*lllnK. There Is one sin which it seems to me is everywhere and by everybody under estimated. and quite too much over looked In valuations of character. It Is the sin of fretting. It is as common ns air. us speech, so common dint utt- rural comedy. | i<>hh it rises above its usual monotone ! wo do not even observe it. Watch any ordinary coming together of people Ml’. Bert Hill, Whose hcadquur- and see how many minutes It will la* tors are at present Bremen, Texas, »»fforo somebody frets-thnt Is, makes . ...... .i i more or less complaining statement or IS on a visit to his mother and HOinethln(? or othor whlch pro1mb1y other relatives. . every one in the room, or in the cur, or _, | 1 the street corner, It may he, knew be- Messrs. K. H. Bowdon, bred f or( » HIM j probably nobody can help C. Russell, of CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON VrVisES PE-RU-NA. lion. David Meekison, Napoleon, Ohio, District, writes: ‘x-nicinhor of Congress, Fifty-fifth •I have used several bottles of Peruna and I feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. / feel encouraged to believe that If I use It a short time longer / will he fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' standing. '——David Meekison. ANOTHER SENSATIONAL CURE: Mr. Jacob L. Davis, (liilomi, Stone county, Mo., writes: “ I have been ill bad health for thirty-seven years,and alter taking twelvu bottles of your Peruna I am cured.'Jacob L. Davis. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of 1’erima, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your ease, and lie will bo pleased to give you bis valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. llurtmun, President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Oolumhus, O WO CTIT13 Hunter and W Turin, were among the visitors in town Monday. J. D. Carmical, of Palmetto, spent several days this week with relatives ami friends in Newnan ami Coweta county. During the month of February we are offering all winter clothing at cut prices. Call and see them. Barnett, St. John & Co. At the Auditorium, one night only, Friday, Feb. 2nd, the great scenic production, “Si Pluukard,” Why sny any tiling about It? It Is cold, it Is hot. It Is wet, It Is dry; somebody has broken an appointment, III cooked n meal; stupidity or bail faith somewhere bus resulted In discomfort. There are I plenty of things to fret ubout. It Is simply astonishing how much annoy ance may be found In the course of every day’s living, oven at the simplest. If one only keeps u sharp eye out on that side of things. Even holy writ says we are prone to trouble ns sparks fly upward, but even to the sparks flying upward, 111 the blackest of smoke, there is a blue sky above, and the less time they waste on the road the sooner they will reach It. Fretting Is ull time wast ed on the road.—Helen Hunt. Mrs. Wade Dent entertained will be given by J. O. Lewis’great Thursday night at a small euchre company of artists. Rev. W. A. Davis, of Senoia, P a,, ty- those present were Mr. The Salmagundi Club meets with was in Newnan yesterday. and Mrs. H. H. North, Mr. and yj,. s Hudson Thursday af- . , ■ Mrs. T. S. Parrott, Mr. and Mrs. , flI uvhrunrv xth at, half . P N : E - Powe1 ’ Miss Mai <:ara P be11 ’ past two o’clock. Those unable to iig ’ Miss Katherine Powe], Miss Elea- attend are requested to notify the I'rrlinCMgc Thought of Mate*. Teachers of the deaf from the begin nlng have been In the hublt of question- | Rev. F. J. Amis filled his appoint ment at Providence Hutnrdtiv and Sun day. Mikh Fannie McKay mid Nnth Strong visited the I’nmily of I. T. Mattox Sun day. Brewer and Earnest Witolier visited their uncle, G. T. Witcher, Sunday. Mrs. Niali Lane is on the siek list. Miss Sarah Austin and George Lands, from Sargent, visited Miss Ethel Cope- laud Sunday. Miss Rath McKoy visited MisH Janie Amis Sunday. •J. B. Strong and daughter, Miss Xinieim, visited the family of S. R. Grain, Sunday. Misses Rosa Jackson and lone Ham- ric, from New Hope, are visiting in our community. Ed and Albert Boone, from Sargent, wore here Sunday. Allen Grain, of Newnan, was with home folks Sunday. Miss Gertrude Duuoau lias been visit ing Misses Nannie Sue and Clyde Dial. J. W. Summers and family visited Mr. mid Mrs. W. A. Wright Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. McKoy and Mr. Notice. I hereby notify all persons in debted to J. E. Reynolds, bank rupt, of Newnat , (la., to call at my office ov. r Newnan Banking Co and settle at once. It is necessary that the business of said J. F. Reynolds be closed up at once. J Littleton Jones, tf Attorney tor Trustee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Simriff, subject, to the Democratic primary of Ooweta county; and will ap preciate the support of my 1'rieiidH and fellow citizens. As to my ability to fill the ollloo, 1 respectfully refer to my record us a member of the police force of Newnan during the past ten years. J. D. BREWSTER. For Kale—An Underwood type writer in splendid condition. 2t J. L. Patterson, City. Goto the Auditorium tonight, requested to notify Mrs. L. A. Perdue is on a tisit nor Earnest, Mr. Bob Ktanfoid and hostess not later than Wednesday to relatives at Hampton, Ga. Air. J. P. Bradley. After the a delightful luncheon was log their pupils about their prelunguage j and Mrs. R. K. McKoy visited rim fain- 2nd, and see “Hi Plmikard.” thought. The little deaf mute finds | ily of w H Hutchens Sunday. Mr. Alton A mail is painfully ill at his home in this city. L. Hood, who has been in At- S ame lanta the past year, is at home served again. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hughie, last Tuesday night, a daughter. Mrs. E. L. Thurmond, of Mad ras, who has been quite ill, is im proving. Attorney U. V. Mooty, of IIo- gansville, was in the city last Wednesday. Messrs. R. E. Simms, Jonathan Orr and I. P. Bradley were in At lanta last Tuesday. .Tack Powell, the efficient book keeper for R. D. Cole Mig. ( o., at was sick several days this week. On Saturday, Feb. 10th, I will hold a special examination lor teachers who are without license. V. A. Ham, C. S. C. The Euchre Club had a delight ful meeting with Miss Bessie Pow ell Wednesday afternoon. Quite a number were present. After an exciting game, the first prize was won by Mrs. George Wynn, the second by Mrs. G. E. Croft ami the consolation oy Mrs. J. B. Harney. The next meeting will be with Misses Katherine and Sadie Mae Powe! next Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Parrott en tertained informally at dinner Wednesday evening in compliment to Miss Elenor Earnest, of Tenues see, the guest of Miss Katherine Powel. After dinner, the guests formed a congenial theatre party. Mrs. Sam Hanks and Mrs. Ella Leverett have issued invitations for Friday afternoon, Feb. 2nd. to a tacky party at the home of Mrs. Hanks. A number of guests are expected, and there will be some gay and festive costumes displayed. Miss Sallie Huchannon enter tained the Debutants’ Club most himself, when lie first: realizes 1 hat he is “other than the tiling he sees.” dwell ing in a world of pantomimes. Ills brain Is normal and self expression soon becomes a necessity. Therefore, he Invents a language of signs, which, with more or less vigor, according hr Ids temperament Is energetic or indo- loiii, lie Imposes on his family circle. II is a poor enough language, dealing almost wholly with concrete objects, but: by it lie can make Ids bodily wants known. Like the cat or the dog, the deaf child may now toll when he is cold or hungry or thirsty. I nlikc the cut or dog, at least so far as we know them, the deaf horn child tries often to ask for reasons, but he is not easily understood, lie cannot la* answered in his self invented gesture language. "I wliy’d him, hut lie wouldn’t be cause,” complained a little deaf hoy win* hud been taught, some language.— Reader. Worry is an ever ready sexton. The conscience of some men never hurts them until they are found out. Hides Wanted—Will pay best price for green hides for next few weeks. G. O. Carmichael, Newnan, Gii. At the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath, Rev. <’. () X. Mar- tindale will preach at 11 a. m. on , , „ , . ... “The School of the Church,” and delightfully last Saturday alter- p on “The Response to 1100,1 in honor ofMiss lSlisi, ‘ Pa,ks ’ Grace.” At the morning service After a game of dominos, a salad «■ • n tv... ii„. course was served. The next the offering will be for the needy . . cantse of local home missions in At- ■"«*■»«"« '»*>«* "«» »«*> lanta Presbytery. Every member **• !lth - and child connected with the James P. Bradley,Esq., is spend- church or Sunday school are urged j ll{ , Lliis week in Newnan. Mr. At the First Methodist Church to be present, specially at the Bradley is one of the most popular on Sunday morning, Dr. Quillian morning service—when some mat- and successful commercial travel- broken'rankV'instantly fill* will preach. Subject, “Encourage- tiers of more than ordinary interest e rs on the road. His Newnan the procession moved on uncei ment for Feeble Christians.” At will tie presented. Citizens and friends always greet him with night he will preach on “Prayer.” strangeis Th^ public cordially invited. Soldier AhIk of PnnuinH. “(Tossing tlie road in the park,” writes a visitor to Panama, “1 observ ed a curious tiling. Green leaves, thou sands of them, eiteh the size of a small oak or maple leaf, were moving In reg ular marching order along the road, u continuous line as far as the eye could reach. It proved to he an army of ants, each one ■carrying u leaf on Its hack which completely hid its little body. On closer view I saw a parallel line of ants returning unloaded or empty hacked to the place of supply up a rather long, steep hill. In cross ing the rondwpy the driver of our car riage stupidly ran over both lines. A few ants fell out never to go back, hut filled and unceasingly before. During the busy season these soldier ants march day . and l*i'0|>rlely ami CIoIIich. The Indies of Lamu surpass those of all other nations in retiring modesty, for they not only hide their laces, Imt walk about under a small tent, which requires (be n.- -i lance of a servant to carry it. It is not surprising lo hear lli il they have a very had reputation ' for propriety, for in Africa female re spectability is in Inverse ration to the quality of clothes worn. Idiot's "Lust Africa.” < Im-IIII M«-(ll« tu<-. The occidental physician is not with out honor in the orient. The Calcutta Slate-mini tells how a doctor In a Ben gal hospital had a bearskin doormat, in a few days it; was plucked entirely bare. Whatever aliments tin* patients complained of, they regarded a few hairs from the doctor's mat us more curative than the medicines lie pre scribed. A Word About RELIABLE JEWELERS, Department Stores, and Mail Order Houses. The I.nst Word. Bobby—Is every word in tlds diction ary, pa V Berkley—Oh, no, my child. Every little while a new word comes Into tiie language. Bobby—What's the latest. Word, pu? l'eekley—Your am will tell you. Khe always lias the last word. One War to Look at It. “A man always gets on easier taking his wife’s advice.” by i ° . . these soldier ants rnurch day . and I "Yes,” answered Mr. Meekton. “When particularly students, great pleasure on the occasion ol' night, laying in their supply of food." j things turn out badly there isn’t so i cordially invited to attend also. I bift visits to his former home town. | -much said." HE .JeweFr, in selling a watch, has his reputation nt stake and depends upon ti,ifor Id- liv ing; lie will not sell yen all linn lia ble watch, a second-grade watch, or one that is defective in eimhlrm-iion. The .lewder call tell the (liffen rna between a perfeer, and imperfect movement; he knows how to (it I Imm in eases properly, how they should he to lie perfect lie will take pride in keeping in order the watch he sells you, and making it give you satis faction. if you expect, a watch to keep time and he reliable, buy it from n reliable jeweler. The mail orner house and depart ment store have cheap watches, and clerks who know very little about watches to wait on you. If they make a sale and the watch ticks un til you get home, all well and good. Their guarantee?—yes, most any kind you want! They don’t care; you will always liavi to pay for liny repairs they make, no matter if good or bad. You pay express charges also Thhii: motto: “Get the mon ey.” The jewixer’k motto: ‘‘Give satisfaction. For a itEi.iAiu.E watch try H. S. BANTA The Jeweler