The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 16, 1906, Image 4

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I ‘ fe The Newnan News " a " * H ar « Umt I the Htrw'tfi Hi I lx; named ami si^iis Issued Every Friday. giving the names 1h* posted at each J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher street corner, anil that the houses In- ntimliereil. After these simple requirements have lifen met, Mrs. Atkinson feels sure the postolliee depart ment will at onee proeeed to per- feet a deli very system for Newnan. 1 The letter received by her is very favorable in tone ami indicates that i this w ill lie the outcome of the SUBSCRIPTION RATE. $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. 'Phone No. 20. — O'FICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLO G And Col. .lames \V. English, Jr., lias pme and Itouglit him a news paper. Perhaps the resourceful Colonel will operate his print ini' plant with convict lalior. Some folks who would never have lieen suspected of entertain ing Kindi feelings are now saying mean thing's atniut Major .1. I 1 '. Hanson; Imt. the public has caught on to (lie fact that these same folks are merely trying to sidestep the Major’s connection with their newspaper vent tires. The Evening Georgian is to lie the name of \ Manta's new alter noon paper, and Jolin Temple Graves is to Is* its editor. The Georgian will begin publication at an early date. I 1 '. I,. Seely, a wealthy Atlanta business man, is President of the Gisirgian com puny. John Temple (liases has retired from the editorial chair of the Atlanta News and that paper is now controlled by Charles Dan- I iid and J. W. English, Jr. matter. At a special meeting of city council to lie held Thursday night, action will lie taken in regard to marking the streets and number ini; the houses. Council’s action can lie forecasted with certainty. Mayor P.urdctt assures the News that immediate steps will lie taken to comply with the requirements of the postolliee department. This means that Nesvnan will get city delivery of mail as soon as the necessary steps for inaugurating the system can lie taken. r.lTY DELIVERY OF MAIL. this (hi tin 1 second page week's News will tie found an edi Undid in reference to the delivery of mail in this city. Since this editorial was placed in type, Mrs. \V. V. Atkinson has received a communication from the postolliee department in reply to her state meat of conditions here and re quest tortile establishment of cit\ delivery in Newnan, This letter makes it clear I hat a delivery s\s tern will be established lunt* as soon as certain requirements of the department are complied with. I’ll esc requirements, as i’nr as New It lias developed that Count bony Custardpie, the miserably devilish and dirty little husband ol Jay (build's daughter, is not a scion of a noble family of France tint the descendant of ancestors of low birth who stole the name and titles ol the Castellano family after it had become extinct. Ho it is evident, that Anna Could didn’t | acquire as much as an honorable title in wedding the spurious Count. Far lietter it would have lieen for her if she had married an honest American hod carrier. Whitosburg. I Hugest llntt alt the local Kcrilics of the Newnan News meet, by permission nt the editor, in Ids office on Home Sat urday in July or August to form ac quaintance witli the editor and each oilier. In connection with tins, I may make Home further suggestions in the future. PleiiHo tel us hear from you. Tlie editor is railing upon ns to he very brief and precise. I >f course the llhernl editor will not limit us to tell only who is visiting. Too much of this kind of news soon becomes monotonous. Uev. K. M. Stevens, who recently re turned from the theological school in Ixinisville, preached a fine sermon here last Sunday. His text was 16th verae of 1st chapter of Romans. “Power of the Oosiiel’’ was his theme. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kenney and daugh ter,,of Temple, are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lipscomb. We are pleased to note quite nn im provement in the number, quality and regularity of the News correspondents, lately. Misses Ruth Almou and Anna Foster, two first grade teachers from Haralson, were here last Saturday and Sunday visiting the homo of the former's pat ents. Mr. David MoBrayer. of Kentucky, is in the city for a short while, visiting his parents. SeabjPIdllips, a colored boy who was held in high esteem by all the white peoplejhere, died last week. Although the weather Inis lieen very disagreeable the greater |iarr ot the time since Christmas, there is hut little sick ness here. The doctors think the conn try is distressingly healthy. ()ur Sahliatli Schools are on a boom. The average attendance is greater than ever before. The improvement in appearance and in a commercial way is very apparent in Wliitesbnrg. The school board is making arrange ments to have the property of the school district assessed at an early date. The anti-school men who opimsc the special tax to bo levied to supplement the pub lic school fund, held a meeting last | Monday evening to devise means by which they lm|ic to make null and void [ I lie recent election on.the school ques tion here. | Will Igitunnr and his two sisters, of I Gross Plains, Eva and Annie, spent last Sunday here with their sister, Mrs. W. j T. Stevens. Miss Eva will remain hero i for several days. She is quite a favorite here with the younger set, having once attended Hutcheson Gollegc. Miss Mary Hodnntt. teacher at Hutch eson Gollegc, went to Carrollton Friday evening to visit her parents, Judge and Mrs. Hoductt. Our farmers put in good time during that beautiful weather, turning the soil. Eleven cent cotton has given them now courage and killed the “calamity how ler” outright. Let come prosperity or adversity, some of us seem to be prone to grumble. Grantville. EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM. We sell almost everything needed in the fanner's home and on his farm. Our big stock of general merchandise was carefully selected in the markets, and every article is priced right for cash or on time. Whatever the farmer’s needs may be, vie are prepared to supply them. Some of the tilings needed on the farm at this time of the year are nam ed below. It will be to the advantage of any farmer to buy tItese 1 lungs in our store. GUANOS We handle the celebrated products of tho Coweta Fertilizer Company, ami the famous “Ox brand Guanos.” Farmers know the worth of these goods. We sell them right. HLA-Y. We buy No. 1 timothy hay in car-load lots; sell it in im mense quantities, and always at low figures. RUST PROOF OATS. Let us furnish you home grown and Texas rust proof seed outs. We have both kinds, and they are the best quality of seed oats. SEED POTATOES. We have a big lot of eastern grown Irish potatoes for plant ing. Triumph, Early Rose, Goodrich and Peerless are the varieties we sell. All farmers want to plant some of these. NEW ORLEANS YRUP We have just received a new shipment of line New Orleans Syrups, in lau rels and half barrels. Price range from 20c to 40c per gallon in barrel or half barrel quantities. STEWART & PARKS A pretty Imino wedding occurred on Sunday afternoon at J o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Moore, of Lotto Oak, when their daughter,Maggie, was united in marriage to Mr. Fred Shaddix, of Grantville. The ceremony wits performed by Rev. W. R. Lambert, of Hogiinsvillu. The bride was handsome in u gown of gray silk. The attendants were Missj Myrtis O'Neal, Gruutvillo; Miss Mattie; OolliiiH, Messrs. Henry Sewell and Pas olini Moore, Lone Oak. The home was beautifully deoorated in smilax and holly. A sumptuous ninner wits served in the dining room at 6 o'oloek, after which a reception followed. On Mon day a dinner was given the happy cou ple nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaddix, of Moreland. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and use ful presents. Misses Alva O’Brien, Neely Shaddix, Myrtis O’Neal, Emmie Lee Rosser, Dell Shaddix, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Drake and Mr. T. M. .Lester attended the Moore-Slmddix wedding. The Ladies Parsonage Society will be entertained this afternoon by Mrs. W, I. White nt n Valentine drawing. Each lady present will be required to write a Valentine, oomio or otherwise; nfter which the drawing will take place. The occasion no doubt will be an enjoyable one. Mrs. Colley Leigh went to Atlanta to-! day. Saturday and Sunday Gol. and Mrs. R. O. Jones and little daughter, Doro thy, of Newnan, were guests of Mi. and Mrs. W G. Sadler. Mr. R. I. Sewell went to Atlanta last Friday. Miss Tommie Lou lister is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert McCoy, nt Sar gent. Mrs. T. M. Zellars visited Iter mother, Mrs. Fuller, at St. Charles, Monday. Miss Minnie Wilkinson, of Hogans- ville, s|K>nt the Utter ixirt of last week with Miss Edna White. Col. W. O. Post, of Newnan, visited bis jmrents here Sunday. His little son, Glen, who has been visiting bis grand- parents, Hon. and Mrs. W. A. Post, re turned home with him. Mr. E. L. Bryant and family, who have beeu at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryant, have returned home to LaGrange. Mr. Otis White, of Mountville, spent a day or so last week with his uncle,Mr. John T. White. Mrs. T. M. Lester is near Shnrpsburg at the home of her son, Ira Lester. We are glad to note that Capt. W. J. Fuller is much improved from his re cent- spell of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeager, of Beth lehem, and Messrs. Hopkins and Stone, of West Point, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hopkins. Miss Ruth Nall, of Turin, is visiting friends here. Misses Bibie Robinson and Lizzie Lee Shaddix weut to Newnan Saturday. Mr. J. W. Jenkins, of Palmetto, is the guest of his daughtei Mrs. Robert Jeu- FERTILIZERS & Armour’s Famous Guanos and Acid Phosphates Armour’s African Cotton Grower Helmet High Grade Acid Pposphates And any grade desired. 9 - 3 - 3 10 - 2 - 2 13 - 4 Swift’s Goods. Swift’s Special Monarch Favorite Eagle 9 h - •"> - 3 8-4-4 y - 2 - 3 10-2-2 Royster’s Goods. Fanner’s Hone, made of fish scraps and hone Royster’s Higli Grade. Old Cumberland Guano is as fine as ever. On the above Fertilizers wa can fit any farmer and we want you to come and let us give you a good close price and let us order out for you at once your needs. BRADLEY & BANKS kins, and his grandson, Mr. Steve Jen kins. Mr. and Mrs. Dnc Robertson returned Monday from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Dora Parker, in Newnan. Miss Ada Taylor is in Atlanta. Mr. Ewol Hopson, of Tennessee, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W F. Hopson. Dr. and Mrs. Sim Zellars, who hnve been at the home of their brother, Capt. T. E. Zellars, returned to their home in Palmetto Monday. Mr. Carl Sewell was in Hognnsville Friday. Hon. W. A. Post bad the misfortune to lose a fine horse n few days ago. The horse, while running in the lot, fell aud broke its leg nud hud to be killed. Capt. W. P. White and Dr. Hogg went to Hognnsville Tuesday. Rev. H.L. Crumley will prenoli at the M. E. Church Sunday evening. All in terested the orphans home at Decatur should hear him. W. T. Hopson went to Atlanta Tues day. f» '(V A Sale of Fine Clothing Barnett. St. John «fe Co., lending clothiers and furnishers, will during this month put on sa’e all winter goods at a great sacrifice. The goods we offer you are high grade clothing and furnishing Palmetto The war department lias donated thri e Rodman guns to be used on the mound surrounding the base of tlie Confederate monument. These guns were secured through Senator A. S. Clay, and will be shipped at an early date. The Daughters of the American Revo lution distributed through the schools pictures of James Oglethorpe, Georgia’s illustrious founder. The pupil writing the most comprehensive essay on the life and labors of Oglethorpe, will be given a handsome prize. The money obtained will be forwarded to Savanuah to be used for the Oglethorpe monu ment fund. Dr. Wister Smith, of Palmetto, and Col. Claud Smith, of Fairborn, have an nounced themselves ns candidates for the lower house of the Georgia Legisla ture, opposing Col. John Lougino, the present inoumbeut. Col. Chas. Reid is home from Florida. Mr. Arthur Reid, sou of Judge H. m. Reid, of Atlanta, is visiting friends here this week. Mrs. Edward Parks, of Newnan, is visiting her sister. Miss Mary Johnson. Mrs. T. P. Zellars is with friends in Atlanta. Misses Alleeu Mitchell, Edna Pugh, Stevie Timmons, Messrs. R. L. Tim mons, Jr., Roy Wynn and Willis Tim mons, all of Atlanta, were the guests of Mrs. S. m. Ek*au Saturday and Sunday. Col. Chas. Hayden, of Atlanta, was down last week on a hunting trip. Mr. Tom Arnold will soon begin to erect a handsome colonial home on his vacant lot adjoining his present location Mr. Fayette Morris, of Atlanta, is visiting his sou, Mr. Walter Morris. goods, to be sold regard less of their real value. W e have too many winter goods on hand, and we in tend to sell them, as we need the room for our spring stock. AV e chal lenge competition on the prices we offer you. This is no time to hesitate, but act at once and call to see what bargains we have in store for you. Remember we are offering you high class goods at cut prices. No “odds and ends", no “shoddy” goods, but good, substantial goods, our winter goods marked down to throughout our store. You are cordially invited to call and see the great bargains we are offering you. All are zero Barnett, St. John <S Company