The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 16, 1906, Image 6

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Noticoto Debtors and Creditors. Anniversary Sketch of the Coorgia Industrial home. (»K< JKGI \ -How i i .i < 'ounf v All |«‘i>oii• having (Icniiiii'lo sitrsi 1 ii ilic I'HtRto ol John \V. Arnold, lulu < f said county, dccciiM d, lire licrcliv notl- lied to render their claim* according to Inw : met till imrtlc* mdelited to nald de et it-- 1 lire ie<|ii> .ti i| to limin' iiiiniediiite Imyinent to the uinlornignc l. I lie-.Inn. It, |'.ItMl. N. () HANKS, Id Executor .?olin \V Arnold, deeeii.' d Ifn. Vme Tim farmer'* M«I4» Per Acre" " , b«,Tk 'il? count it r o w larper In proportion to tlm fertility ot iiia tnrra. 'to aupely to your Innn tlm eleinenta Unit lime lierli taken from It l y |ilniitinir met m naonnitermmoii, um iHiuntllully Virt Iii In-Carol in* f-ertlllzara (with II kpcelid tormuln for every ciopt. They lay at the i mil of thous and* nn I thousand* tif pmaperou* fiirhim. l ee tlieMt lertlll/.era lor all your crop’, tin mutt’ I IVhilt they limy lie. ’Hu y will yrently "Increieiii your j lel'la per in re,” nnd innke your tnoimy bag lull) r. A«k your denier lor them, nnd It lioenti't -uppiy you, write un dlroet. Don't pay your pood money, nor ylvn your note, for nu) intertor aubat Ituto. VIRGINIA CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., Illehinond, Va. Atlanta, (la. Norfolk, Va. Savannah,da. Durham, N. 0. Montgomery,Al*. ( hat lealoii.H.d. Memphla.’l elm. Halt I more. Mil. Slir«VO|N>rt, I,a. The t icoi k r ia I m 1 list rial Homt* will eeleliiitle its seventh HllllivtT- -1111 mi l''el>. 22nd, I in HI, which will mark I he end id seven years of remarkable history and the be ginning of the must promising > ear since the Home was established. \* we >i|>|tr<I his occasion il is well to take a backward and for- ward glance, accounting the cost GKrtRGIA, row. ""'minty. and results of our work up to tlie Will lie Mild on the first Tuesday in . , .. , , present, and estimating the cost ol Miuttli, IIMMi, lietort the rmirl litiuae ill 1 mid county, within the Ingnl l.mirn «( «»>•'■« on and the results to be ex Mile, to the hiKle at ladder for eoali, the peeled. Sheriff’s Sale. Bigger Yields A given number of acres fertilized with Farmers’ Bone produce a greater yield of cotton, than the same acreage with ordinary fertilizer. Farmers’ Bone does more than that. It makes it possible to reduce the acreage and increase the yield. Try it this year. The man who uses tolloxving |iio|uMv, lo wit: A cerium true! hi parcel of land lying Oil the went aide of Itny Avenue, ill the city ot Newiiiin. in Kind Stale nnd coun ty, hounded oil the IIOIIII hy Fair Street, < unt by Hay way of iho Co. and on the went hr Ian da know'll as the old lair grnnuilti, excepting the lots heretofore Mild oil InC.iinlilu Hulling* worth, Charlotte Hunter, Maude and lloxic Corley and .lane Momn, containing ll U K V X IM) til. \ Nt'K. It is well known that the Home was founded by Iter. \V. 15. Mum- foul, to w hose memory il has al- \venii". South hy right of ready been planned to erect Mum ntriil Ol Georgia Hallway ford Memorial Hall, which will serve not only to perpetuate his memory but also his noble work in providing for homeless and friendless children. Opening the ANNOUNCEMENTS. nut i x\ nnci;n ml I heridiy aiitiniinee myxclf a candidate for Tax Uepeiver, nllhjeet to the Demo, erattc pi Unary ot Coweta County; and will appreciate lie- mippoit and liffbieiicc ot my ft tuittln and fellow citizen* John Ankkw. I hereby imiioaiiee tnyaclf a candidate foi Tax I'olleetol. subject to the D< llio ciatic prtiuiiiy If • leetol, I will dm charge the duties of the otllee to the hi nt of my ahtlity Will employ help, Will'll' help In Heeded J. II. II VIII'.. '•I»fld aort'M, more or less Said land doors of Faith ('ullage with three levied on a* the property of L. It. Har, children on Feb. 22. IHOtt, he to satisfv an exeeution issued from the , , , , City Court of Atlanta, It. favor of l>. M. 1 “"'" ,h ,M 1 °" W °‘ t,U ‘ char- ' Fiiiiiklin for use of James b. Ibighc* ct Rh'sexei brought to the attention al ngiim*t said I, It Kay, principal, and ol the ptsiple ol flcorghl, liaving as Mis. S A. Melson and John I). Kav, his only bank account, “Faith in securities, and now owned and controll ed hy sahl Mrs. S. A. Melson, us trail*- feree. Tills February tit It, lUOtl. J. b. BROWN, Hheriff. Made With Fish has twenty-one years of fertilizer experience back of him. Over 13,000 carloads of Royster fertilizers were used on the crops of 1905. This volume of business stamps Farmers’ Bone the best. LOOK AT OUR TWENTY YEARS’ RECORD Ordinary’s Notices. GK< >K(1IA—Coweta < 'minty. The estate nt Charles Nmitli, late of lor, which is worth approximately find and Humanity.” Since its establishment, the Home has experienced a most mar vtdousgrowth. Beginning with a small farm and one building not paid for, it now has a plant paid i* 18S5-260 TONS 1890 1,600 TONS 1895-12,000 TONS 1900-58,455 TONS 1905-130,091 TONS Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S.C. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO GO. Tarboro, N. O. Macon, Ca. stud County, deceased, being unrepre sented and nut likely to lie represented, all |M'r*on* concerned are ns|iiired to show cans” iii the Court of Ordinary of said County, oil the tlmt Monday lit March, (Itniil) next.Jwhy Midi adminis tration should not he vested ill the #30,000. Beginning with throe children, it has saved over three hundred from want and destitu tion. With its present capacity it lots under its care, regularly, upon an average, loll children, l<l|( Sit l.l,’ III . 1 herein- announce myself a candidate for SI let III of Co Weill (Jou III V, subject to thcnclion of the Democratic primary. I have had cx|M>ricllco in the Mhentl'H oltice and, IT elected, promise lo faith* fully and ittqinitlalljf discharge the ilu- tie* eiicu in lain I upon mo. J. A, Htki'iikns. I hereby announce my self a candidate for Hheriff, subject to the Democratic primalv ol Coweta county; uud will up prisdatc the siippott ol my friends mid fellow clti/.eiis As to my ability to till the otllee, I respect I ill I v refer to my record as a member of the police force of Xcwuail dining the |sist ten years. J 1). HKKWSTKK. I nit I lil.ASt, Inina Candidate for Oouttly Trnu>- met ot Coweta county, subject to lie. turn of (lie Democratio primary. Will appreciate the sup|M<rt of every voter of thu county, and promise faithful service fo the county’s interests, if elected. .It it in N. N RlLl. To My Friends and Fellow Citizen*: 1 atn ii candidate for County Treasure! —am |sHir, inline, inn. need the office I submit my candidacy to the people subject to the Deiiinciatto primary, and shall appreciate all the help I can get W B W .Dim Fiilt ft.KitK , I hereby announce myself a candidate f ir Clerk of the Superior Court, stihji el to the action of the Democratic primary ; and if elected, promise laitht'ul and ef ficient service III discharging tile duties of the office. Hknky I*. Hanks I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Su|s>rior Court, subject to the actiou of the Democratic ptitiiarv election, ami will appreciate the hearty support ol the volets of the county Lynch ti knku I County Administrator This Feb. 7th. for them educational ad- IIMMl. L. A . PEKDl K, Ordiiiarv. , vantages anil inilnstnal training (IKOKG1A—Coweta County. along all practical lines. Many The estate ol .ludsim T. Nixon, of saiil " ^***' c not cotno Billy under the County, being unrepresented nnd not home's training, have been re- dkely in he represented, all ihm'siiiis eon- oei ned are required lo show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said County, on the llrst Monday in Match, (IIMMl) next, why hiii*ii administration should not lie vested in the County Administrator, l ins Feb. 7th, 1IMRI. I., A I’KKDUK, Ordinary. OKI IKGIA—(Joxveta < 'iunity. T. F. Hawls, Adinr. of the estate of Fddli Smith, deceased, having applied to the Court of < trdniary of said County for betters of Dismission from Ids said trust, all persons concerned are required to show cause iii said Court hy the tirnt Monday in March next, if any they can, why said application should not he granted. This Feb. 6th, IIMMl. b. A. I’KKDCK, Ordinary, ceived temporarily anil aided into places of safety, with the necessary advantages for their training. Many who have not been received into the Home al all Imve been thus aided, and it is our purpose B> make a specialty of this, our fa cilities for our regular rescue work allbrding an opportunity to no complish much in this direction. Those who have come regularly under the Home's training and who have been sent out, as a rule, are acquitting themselves with credit, some of them tilling respon sible positions, although still ,\oung in years. <>t course, the cost has increased as tlie work has enlarged. It costs something to get children into the UKOKUIA—Coweta County. The return of the uppruincrM Hotting opart twelve ninntliH' Hup]>ort lo the family of Kobt. F. Milner, docctwod, Home, it costs something to pro- lmving been tiled in tnv olflco, all per- vide food, clothing, shelter and Minn concerned are cited to mIiow oruho training for them after they are 1st Monday of March. IIMMl. Why mviv ,. (l . | t c . osts something to hy fit Mild application for twelve moutlin' sup- ]Mirt Mlionld tint lie granted. Thin Fob. fltli, ItMItl, 1. A. PKKDUK, Ordiiiarv. Libel for Divorce. F.innia I, Winkles , place them out. It costs something to keep a supervision over them af ter they have Ihhjii placed out, which we do until they are thor oughly established in life. Includ ing all this, our current expenses now amount lo about #1,000 per month. It is readily seen that tlie cost of establishing and operating the Home during the past seven years is insignificant compared with tlie Who can estimate the NOTICE TO DEfEMMNTV M. N Colley ▼* Kina J Harnett. Kiln Brown, J. P Harnett K J Ban . tt W G. Harnett, Kao- 1 Mu; N * Hall. Emma Barnett, Mr* ,1 mi . Burton. Kobt. Harnett Auvh Bano-tt and Caro- belle Harnett Ooweta Su|»*riur C art. March term, llMMi Equitable IVtlti.ii t . F'ore.rloca Mortgage on !(• .ilty. Georgia. Coweta Comity To W. G Harn tt, s.’s Indian St .t’o- lumbia. S C : To Mr- Not..i Hall, Op-Itka. Un You, aud each of you, are heret’V re quired hi |h’Imiii or hy attorn. x t.. ).,. and appeirat the next term of tlie Su p-rior Court, to be held m nnd for vitd County, on til” tirr.t Monday m March, l'JOH, then and then* to answer the pUintitT in an actiou of Foreclosure of Mortgage on Healty; as lu default there of, said Court will proceed t her. on as to justice may up)>ertam. Witness the Honorable It. W. Freeman, Judge of said Court, this the 2ud day of Feb ruary, IIMMl. L. TUKNEK, Clerk S. C. C. C. Wax mood Winkles ' Libel for Divorce in Coweta Superior Court, March Term, IIMMl. GKOKGIA—Coweta County. To Wavnioiid Winkles, Defendant in tin- above stated case: T nu are hereby required, in jiergon or by Attorney, to bo mid appear at the TCSUltrt next term of tlie Superior Court to lie good to bi> derived from this work hold in and for said County on the first l, v the State ami society! Should Monday ... March, IIMMl, then and there tlu , work sU)p whm , it is thef;otM i to answer the plaintiff in an action of .... ... Libel for Divorce; asm default thereof, at ‘ COm » ,li8hlHl wou, ‘ l said Court will prooeed thereon ns to through generations to come. But justice may apiMTtain. it w ill not slop. The success of Witness the Hon. K. W. Frisunan, the Home proves that it eame to Judge of said Court, this tlio 2nd day ef January, IIMMl. L. Tt'KNKK. Clerk. -Mr. <1. W. Shulls, of Savannah, as his individual gift. It is hoped that some generous friend will soon come forward with an offer to build a twin dormitory fo the one to be built by Mr. Shnlts. What I miter disposition can one make of his money than to put it in such a building, where it will stand its a memorial to his name and a shelter for needy and helpless children for years to come. These buildings, with some oth er improvements not necessary to mention here, w ill greatly increase tlie efficiency of our plant and w ill enlarge our capacity for one hun dred more children. OF If AITKAI.. We are facing a great need anil u great opportunity, and we ap peal to our friends for help, our work being dependent upon vol untary support, having no State or denominational aid. To complete the Mttmford Memorial Hall and other improv- ments already begun and to meet our current expenses, we must raise #10,000 by Feb. '22nd, our seventh anniversary. Consider ing llte great needs of tin 1 work, this is ;. small amount to ask for, and xxe earnestly hope our friends xx ill be generous and respond lib erally to this our anniversary ap peal . Please address all communica tions and forward all remittances to .1. K. Gunn, Gen. Mgr. Ga.’l Home, Macon, Ga. II. W. CAMP, Phksidknt H. ABNER CAMP, Cashiku MORELAND BANKING CO., MORELAND, GA. Capital - - $25,000.00 We solicit your patronage and promise you the best service possible. Itching Plies. If you ate acquainted with unyoue who ih troubled with this distressing utl- ineut you can do him no greater favor than to tell him to try Chamlierlain's Salve. It gives instant relief. Price 25 oents tier box. Sold by Dr. Paul Petiis- ton, Newnnn, Gix. the early days of the Republic and was the personal friend of Jeffer son, Madison, Albert Gallatin, j John Randolph and other great Democrats of that age. An historical incident not gen erally known is the fact that Mathew Lyon made Thomas Jef ferson President of jthe United States. In the heated contest in Congress between Jefferson ami Aaron Burr for the Presidency, Mathew Lyon cast the deciding vote that ended tlu* light and elect ed Jefferson. A real Christian is never exclu sive. A man who depends on tips usually feels tough. meet a great need, it has l»ecn demonstrated that the work pays, and it will go on, yielding increas-1 ing results. FORWARD lil.AXCK. Therefore, it is appropriate at thiN time to take a look into tlu* fil lin' little worries of life make tare. With a capacity to care for one hundred and fifty children, the Home i> grappling with a a problem involving the rescue of thousands of innocent and helpless little oius. <M course the work must go on and of course it must j file opportunity is too Congressman Hepburn’s Newnan Kinsman. CHEAP RATES TO NEW ORLEANS. MOBILE AND PENSACOLA. Mixrdi Gras, February 2!)-27. One fare pin* tweuty-five cents for tlie round trip. Tickets on sale February 21«t to 36th, inclusive; limited to March 3rd, IIMMl. Extension ot return limit may ho obtained until March 17th, HKMi, upon payment of fee of 50 oents and deposit ot ticket with Special Agent at destina tion. For further information and sleeping enr reservation, apply to near est Agent, or write J. P. Billups, Gen. Passenger Agent. F. M. Thompson, Traveling Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. the great troubles. Hie interested workman seldom complains of his task. A man cannot reach and keep high place by low actions. I here is a difference between enlarge. - txihg money uud money saving, great to let it pass. A clean heart and a foul tongue arc never found in the same man. Most of us declare that we do Congressman W. A. Hepburn, of Iowa, a Republican leader in the (’ongress of the United States and author of the railroad rate and — regulation bill which is creating Just altout the time a man gets such a furore in Congress and comfortably fixed in his favorite great interest throughout the na- chair with the evening newspaper, lion, is a cousin of (’apt. A. B. his wife thinks of what some caller Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Sidneys and Blood. Lemons are largely used by The Moadey Lemon Elixir Company, in compounding their Lemon blixir, a pleasant Lemon Laxative and Tonic—a substitute for all Cathartic and Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir lively cures all Biliousness, Consti pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite! Fevers, Chills, Blotches, Pimple” all Impurities of the Blood, Pain in the Chest or Back, and all other dis- enses caused by a disordered live r and kidneys, the first Great atl Fatal Diseases. WOMEN, for all Female Irreg- mantles, will find Lemon Elixir a pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least dangecof j possible harm to them in an v condi tion peculiar to themselves soc and Jt.oo per beetle at - ALL DRUG STOICS One Dose Convinces.' Cutes, of Newnan. Cupt. Cates and Congressman Hepburn arc great grandsons of Mathew Lyon, a native of Ireland and a pioneer settler of \ ertnont, told her during the day. who resided in later life in both The trouble altout accumulating money i- that .just about time a man begins to get somew here near what he wants he dies and is com- Pian;s and Organs. pelled to give it up. The enlargement of the Home and many improvements have l**en : planned for the present year. It , „ .. . .. . is expected that both the Mumford not ,ike Mattery, and then by our ,, . , , ... * . , Memorial Hall and the tshults actions prove that we are foud ol Dormitory will be completed by ll - j next fall, the latter to be giveu by I am agent for the Cable Fiano Company and sell the “Chicago . , Ar , , Cottage,” Mason & Hamlin and Kentucky and Arkansas. Mathew other organs of standard makes Lyon was a Revolutionary patriot, Solomon is said to have had 300 These instrume ts are warranted served in • Congress from Vermont wives, but no reference is made to to give satisfaction in quality and and Keutucky and was elected toi the children. Perhaps Solomon price. Don’t buy an instrument Congress from Arkansas, but died made his reputation for wisdom by without consulting me before taking his seat. He was a national Democratic leader daring uot trying to answer the questions of his youugsters. W. H. Reynolds, Newnan, Ga.