The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 16, 1906, Image 7

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I if 1 im For this beautiful Top Buggy, inn mi- factured by us here in Atlanta.'Georgia. A Southern Buggy . for Southern traite, has a fine Leather Quarter Top, has genuine Leather, Spring Bottom Cushion, and Leather Back, is elegantly painted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $05.00 to $75.00. 9Q For this fine Collar and Hume, nickel mounted Harness, sold with every GOLTFN KAGLH BUGGY, regular retail price S12.50 to $15.00. Catalog and full description sent on request. GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO. 16&-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. With the Exchanges Miss Mary Lou 1 To!tin's lias iv- tumini from a visit to Newnan ami Anniston.—('arrollton Timos. Dr. Nmmally, tin* latest eamli- (lute for governor, when it oomes to speaking, is a “jawet-forever.” lie is a mighty elever man, how ever.—Marietta .lou null. % Land of Promise KNICKERBOCKER FOUNTAIN BRUSH The above illustration, drawn from life, shows a Knickerbocker Fountain Brush in use. The brush is made of fine velvety India Rubber and Is so perfectly pliable as to easily fit every curve of the human figure. It can be Instantly at tached to any water faucet, and but the turn of a faucet is needed to regulate the temperature of the water to please the bather. The water flows out through 595 tiny pliable rubber teeth to the bath er's Infinite delight and perfect satisfac tion. It is a happy invention, vastly superior to all other bathing devices, and ts endorsed by Physicians, Ministers, Physical Directors, Health and Beauty Specialists, and people In all walks of life. * Every brush is fully guaranteed. For mle by W. L. SEXTON, The Newnan Plumber. New Arnnll Building. Phone 15(1 Insurance F ire, Life, Accident, Hnrfflarv, Tornado, Policies MRS. W. Y. ATKINSON & CO. Newnan, Ca. I T. M. MARTIN Does oil kinds of | Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. ! Expert work and low prices win. Shop op- p posite Pinson Hotel. fotr3 Pt n3 OTrJ Ln r^i CT7D tn yvl In rxl Cnr^ to fO CnTP in Aj R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions Theffarnily bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year.All druggists sell them. eeseasasassHafiE TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO jj S. C. CARTER S CO., I (Continued from pngo !i.) tour colossal symbolic groups of statuary-standing for Europe, Asia, Africa and America, at the four corners of a spacious plat form, supporting a colossal statue of Albert and gorgeously decorat ed Gothic tower, sparkling with gilding, mosaic, bronze, and statu ary, the base of the tower display ing clear around the monument a remarkably elaborate high relief cut of one hundred and sixty-nine life-sized marble statues portray ing picked geniuses of every pe riod of history; and Royal Albert Hall, that holds 8,000 people and has an organ of 8,000 pipes; Hyde Park with its lawns and trees and drives; Rotfen Row, a riding course a mile and a half long, to Kensing ton Gate, Kensington Palace and Gardens, the Marble Arch, Wel lington’s statue, Park Lane, Pica- riilly, a street of the Parisian type; Royal Academy, Leicester Square, Long Acre, Covent Garden, the chief fruit, vegetable, and flower market of London; Lincoln's Inn Fields, “Old Curiosity Shop,” con nected with the name, and fame ot Charles Dickens—interior; Chan eery Lane; filled to the full the 1 balance of the day—a mixture of : light rain and gentle sunshine, ere j we dined at nightfall, with much to think about. On the morrow, under the s.*me guidance as before, we made a vis it to New Bridge Street, Flack friars Fridge, named from a mon astery once near by, where Cardi nal Wolsey divorced Katherine of Aragon from King Henry VIII; the Victoria Embankment, adorned with gardens and trees and statues; and Cleopatra’s Needle—the great obelisk from Egypt—stands here; the City of London School, Temple Gardens, Waterloo Fridge, Somerset House, New Scotland Yard, across Westminster Bridge, by St. Thomas’ Hospital, a line of build ings one-third of a mile long and costing •'•<2,500,000, opposite the Parliament Fuilding; to Lambeth Palace, very beautiful and inter esting, the London House of the Archbishops of Canterbury for seven centuries, with high embat tled gateway, large library, and lovely gardens; the Albert Era- ! bankment, over Vauxhall Fridge to the National Gallery of Fritish Art, known as the T..te Gallery— with beautiful interior indeed and great collection of pictures truly, j among which we specially noted: John Knox Preaching Fefore the Lords of the Congregation by J 1 Prescott Knight, a Play-scene in Hamlet,Landseer’s Alexander and Diogenes, War,and Peace,F. Good’.- the Rhine and Shepards, Rosa F. Martineau’s Last Day in the Old Home, Eastlake’s Christ Lament ing over Jerusalem, Ed. Armi- tage’s Remorse of Judas, W. F. Davis’ After Sunset, C. Lawson’s August Moon, J. S Millais’ Mer cy, St. Fartholomew’s Day; Geo. F. Watts’ Spirit of Christianity, dedicated to All Churches—a mother in the sunshine glow riding on the clouds, dress pulled up and children clustered beneath, the earth below, right hand lower ed and left raised; Watts’ Dray Horse, Court of Death; G. Cock- rane’s Solitude, Paul Dclaroche’s Execution of Lady Jane Grey, Rosa Bonheur’s Horse Fair, Stokes’ Upland and Sky, Oachard- Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physicians wliodiuve gained a nation al reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided, a long list of dangerous ailments would never be beard of. Every one knows that pneu monia and consmTiptiou originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are ag gravated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take chances when you linvo a cold. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure J. A. Sasser, of Senoia. was in thi' city yesterday on his way I home from a stay of two weeks at Fla.! .!—Griffin News and 81111. I It is said that Gus Nnnnally comrades | possesses neither silver nor gold. If this be true, we do not suppose any of the numerous political aero- ; hats in Georgia will befalling over, each other in order to become his ! t campaign manager.—Washington , Reporter. By the will of a man who died 1 lately at Joplin, Mo., ♦ 10,000 is to be spent to scatter through the north copies of Mark Twain’s! I “How To Fe a Gentleman.” In the will it is expressly stated that the south is not in need of such literature.— Exchange. thorns, etc. Well might the peo ple here and everywhere remem ber those stirring words of Mr. Alfred Percival Graves, an Eng-1 aml other points in lish poet, in the Londo 1 Spectator: “London Town, hear a ditty, While we crown our true. ‘Men, not walls, make a city;’ III befalls when men are few. London, lift- to God thanksgiving For his gift that passes all— For thy heroes, dead and living. Who have made the city wall.” (To be continued.) w i) Announcement We beg to announce to our customers and friends that we are now in our commodious new store, with a full stock of General Merchandise, and have recently added to this a complete line of furniture, burial eases, etc. Also wagons, buggies and har ness, males and horses; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or on time. We also carry a complete line of Fertilizers, which we mix to suit any and all of our customers. M e also pay the highest prices for cotton and cotton seed, and give the lowest rates on storage and in surance, anil make liberal advances on all cotton stored with ns. Thanking yon for your patronage in the past, we respectfully solicit a continuance of’ the same. w H. W. CAMP CO. MORELAND, GEORGIA... The Difference. The smiling financier merely turned in the witness chair and re fused to obey the court’s command to answer the question. “I refuse to answer by advice of Atlanta & West Point Hailroad Co. The Western Railway of Alabama. it before these diseases develop. Tills J (•oniiHol ” he said, remedy oontnins no opium, morphine or | ’ . other harmful drug and lias thirty years “The court insists Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. ...ligand Ims thirty of reputation buck of it, gained by its | cures under every condition. For stile by Dr. Paul Peiiiston, Newnan, Ga. CoiiunaiiteHtixl. Judge W. B. W. Dent For County Treasurer. that yon an swer.” ' Silence having reigned five con secutive minutes the court ad journed. Ful immediately after the court convened again am laboring man who had struck for shorter hours and better wages was haled before that same judge. “You have violated the injunc tion issued from this bench!” thundered the judge. “I—” “Yourhonor, 1 plead not guilty,” replied the prisoner. “I have faithfully obeyed the court’s order and I have not—” “That is enough from you, sir,’ ejaculated the judge. “You are fined tj*100 and sentenced to jn thirty days. The orders of this sentalive. Unfortunately, I am court must he obeyed.” poverty-stricken. For this tea- I laving signed the committment son, and on account of ill health papers the judge scuta polite Mi ami advanced age, I do not feel tie note to the financier saying that IlKAI) DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APR. 23, 1906. To My Friends and Fellow-Citi- zeus: In April, 15)04, I retired from the race for the Legislature, with tile announcement that I would be a candidate for Repre sentative this year. But this is a great political year, and important issues will be submitted to the peo ple—more important, perhaps, than any that I might raise in a legislative race;—therefore, I shall not become a candidate for Repre- . No 40 No :i4 No an NoBsjLeavu Arrive] Nn 115 n nip 1 r.’p No :i7 No 07 i H15|) 12 Jkiii 0 2511 1 •jap n im,' t.v Now Orlptum Ar la ion tv Mobifo Ar 7 Um 11 i in 7 H7ii 11 nap Ifl Kip 11 05p Lv 1 ViiMicolti A r 1 (Hip 5 (Hln , 5 (Hill 1 (Nip 5 OOll Lv velmii lr 11 HOp lo Hun 1 0 IfVit 10 i>5ii ! iokoh 1 H0|) •J 27 p 2 52 p H Hip 0 Hop 7 l ip ~ T2p 10 55(1 10 05 h 0 lln 0 10m n aip 's 71 ip 7 ntp H 1711 7 5Hn Ar Ml ft taint. Ar Ar Oliulmw Ar | lamp a i-.p IV IK.p Ar Columbus . Ar I Hip II flap 11 vThi 12 IKJp :t I5p t Hop a h H7n 0 12II \t OpoUkll. N: Ar WuBt Point a 1 7 7 flip r.r,;ip 1 15 p 1 10m ...... rjiiTp -• '.Tp •-■'Wp aaip J Up, II JWp I) 0<>1 1 1 7 n:.p 11 flop 7 imp liOnpl ul'7a in J7 p; 10 arm 11 BBp 11 idn Ar La Uriintio Ar \r Nownnn ... li Ar Fnlrtmru Ar Ar I'IiihI I'iiIiiI At Ar Atlanta I.v 7 Du 0 :ii i It 0||| 5 lion n flap 5 flap 1 flop 12 Mm 1.' lln ii’i*p ! ihJ Ill Mu 1 L' Mp ; 0 8p|... 0 H0| II 17 2 H5| 1 IHit ■' 1 1 ll 15m 0 I .’m 111 I5p II lap ll .Sip 1 flap in n.‘. lr HullImoro i v Ar Now York Lv 12 |OM 11 jap r> ’.mii It nip I p I I5p :i Flip 1 o*ip I :Jhp I oftp 12 4 All I Hip :i olp that 1 could properly represent my | he was within his constitutional people in the General Assembly, rights when he refused to answer, if elected. Owing to the neoessi- and assuring him that the court ties of my condition I have decid- would protect him from further ed to become a candidate lor indignities. County Treasurer, subject to the In the meantime the working- action ol the Democratic primary, man waH •i a '' ,— * oinmonei. and am moved to ask tlio support ol' my friends for this office. Kver ‘.Winds Above trnl im Hn 11 v. «'minuet I for TiiHki'Kcc, ‘.lllnteml for TuII.iIi'ihhiml I-uGiiiiirc ticcoin iiimlnt ion Ioiivom AtInlif 11 dully leaves La<iraii«e nl 5:50 a. m.urrlvcH Atlanta Klfi a. hi. Trains ur> and HO I’nllmnn sleepers New York mid New Orl on and New Orleans. Trains 117 and HN Washington and Hnntliwestern Limited. I’nllman sleeper*, t eurH. observation and dining earn. Complete service New York and New Orleans Train 117 United States fast mall. Through day coaches Atlanta and New Orient Write for maps, schedules ami Information. F. M. THOM I'SON, .1. 1\ HILLUI’H, T. I\ A., Atlanta, On. ti. I*. A., Atlanta Gi CJIIAH. A. WICJKKKHIIAM,' I'rcs. and Unit. Mur.. Atlanta. Ga t New Orleans for Texas, Mexico, California. At Clichaw pt Sunday at 5:110 p. m. Returning Through coaches Washing- impart meet since I became old enough to vote I have labored for my friends and for the Democratic party; and now in my old age, I am forced to ask help for myself. It embarrasses “Semi-editorials’ Sale. Not For BURPEE’S SEEDS GROWI that can he jpown, you Anniversary edition of It you waul the Beat Saadi hhnulil read The Thirtieth BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1906, so well known as the “ Lending American Seed Catalogue." Il Is malted FREE to all. Better write TO-DAY. W. ATLEE BURPEE <& CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. me to make this personal appeal; , , ... , , , , * , , i city, due to the withdrawal ol rail yet I am not able to make a house , , , , ,. road passes, says: to bouse canvass, and have no oth- , . , . . .. With tin* approaching storm of er direct means ol reaching the j 01 , 1)OHition to Vail way monopoly people, i trust, therefore, that a ,„| t,hn almost certain adoption of my friends throughout the county, adverse legislation, the railroads both young and old, will appreci- of the country have been drawing The Lima (<>.) Republican-Ga zette, commenting on the small at tendance at the meeting of the Buckeye Press association in that head while to ouy a controlling interest evils which should be fearlessly combated wherever it shows its Thu roads think it worth ate my situation and give trie their earnest and active support. W. B. W. Dent. Newnan, Ga. Improvements at the Post- office. in some papers situated at strategic points, in the case of the papers m e u t i o n e d they apparently thought that an oiler to pay for “semi-editorials” was all that was i the line more closely on the issu-• ,H - < - txsa, y- ... ance of free transportation, hoping Such attempts to covertly tn- thereby to influence legislators and fluence public opinion show either legislation, and, believing that gross ignorance and dull moral they could muzzle the press in the perceptions or a desperate wicked- same manner, many of the roads at the close of 15)05 decided to discon tinue the exchange of transporta tion for advertising space, but to : pay casn lor what advertising they Numerous improvements have! require, and require the publishers been made in the interior of the of the country to pay fare just as postoffice during the past few the common people weeks. The improvements consist ness which would entitle railroad managers to be classed as public enemies.—American Press. Notice. WANTED. To buy or exchange (Jroo eries for one-half and one- gallon Jugs. Also we sell ! cheap: 20 Lbs. Sugar for. LOO IH Bars Laundry Hoap 25c 1 Gal. Best Ga. Cane Syrup 40c I Pound Chewing Tobacco 30c Many other good things cheap. Call and get our prices. We will serve you right and give prompt delivery and appreciate your pat- mainly of furnishings for the con venience of employes and the pub lic. | OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, j| when you want them | cleaned, pressed, repaired 1] or dyed in the best manner | and at the most reasona- i ble prices. s° n ’ s Napoleon on Foard the Fell- erophon, Frank Dicksons J he ! Two Crowns—a king with a gold Do you want to subscribe for any cr0 wn on, richly caparisoned pal- newspaper or magazine published in fry, and girls round about crowned the United States- If so, your sub-j w^h flowers, and at the side, scriptiou will be received at the I.ews , . , . 1 t ; j Christ on the cross with crown of But when the railroads sent out circular letter inquiries to the pub lishers a-sking for rates on line ad vertising, display space and for line rates on “semi-editorials” they found they were up against a For Sale to Merchants Only, proposition they had not counted —i ■■ upon. They got rates all right on Out of town merchants will find lines and inches, but when it came it very convenient to call on us for To the “semi-editorials” they found kerosene oil. We take your bar they could not control the editorial rels in exchange. Car load of oil policies of the press of Ohio; that just received. the editors of Ohio newspapers * D. T. Manget & Co., were capable of doing their own tf Newnan, Ga. thinking and were possessed of a ’ ' degree of integrity and nerve that . ,, ,, said to the railroads, “You can’t • Winnowed Songs —the great , nlbliKh semi-editorials at any Happy I hereby notify all persons in- l l0na ^ ( ' debted to J. F. Reynolds, bank rupt, of Newnan, Ga., to call at my office ov-:r Newnan Banking Co and settle at once. It is necessary that the business of said J. F. Reynolds be closed up at once. J. Littleton Jones, tf Attorney for Trustee. i. D. LAND, The Gunsmith. West Side Court House, Opposite Library Corner. Notice. This Lame Back. ailment is usually caused by The Cedar Creek Division of the rheumatism of the hiusoIch and maybe Cotton Association will meet at cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Valley Feb 17 at l> ® a l m two or three times a day, and rub- book b ever ^ubl 906 BcSt 80 . ng ' price.”” ” ‘' o’clock, p. rn. Let the creamof a^l books” & 2 co dozen- The attempt of railroads to use turn out, as this will be an im- biud on a piece of flannel slightly damp- single, 2 5 c; sample pages'free. ’ the public press for their own portant meeting. 46 J. L Moore, Fethiehem, Ga. i selfish ends is one of the growing i L. M. < jJ.L. Dr. Paul Peiiiston, Newnan, Ga. bing the parts vigorously at each appli- ,0 < .V cation. If this does not afford relief. “Titai