The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 16, 1906, Image 8

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I'li \M IU 111 . Ib-gulur 20c weight, |r yard l! mi In r 22e • i«r111. |x*r yarn Regular 80c weight. |• r yard Hutchens’ CUT PRICE and ONE PRICE Store r Wr» % t» it im t jti HiMimi i rJMi:::::!': ■Ittllttail UA <’limn Mini .1 ii]> mat- 11Ilf* M •• I n*111 Vi' M'i II !»<• ll glier, nil In'iilih we ini vi' rul I In- |»ri- m*H. On r Hint ting* uni uiiiirn111 im-iI i>> be YVe sell the tiiMels, a. !■ very body k non ■ ‘ M III) h n v e In 'light since we hill e rut tin 1 |»rini' I n Ii 11' n r Ii Turkish towels, 11» x llii, mi'll In r 2»>e vnIni', imw |n*r pair I iniMi lini'k towel, Iili'iiflii'il, 20 x I ii Hi* 25c | mil - , our price now I! i <4 I ini* of Smyrna rugs, These r ii h m nri* nil wool Mini ii comliiiuition ol colors. Si\ 00, I'i'lcnInr |iricc from 2.00 to 2.50 cut'll, going now for SI.49 per pair Men's Htc kiln!, our plic Them* prices and good your attention. Our line of ({lack <’nl ladies', children’s and ini«-«•-* hose is full and complete. Ladies' 2‘>e kind, our price per pair 19c Ladies’ |()« kind, our price I> t pair 9c Misses’ IPc kind, our price per pair r 9c Men’s 25c kind, ottr price 19c M*r pair 9c night to command If you contemplate buying furniture see us, ns we lend in pri?es and quality. Others fol low (if they can). A #20 dresser, solid oak, with 22 x 10 inch heavy bevel edge mirror, low front, modern shape, our price now SIB.10 Our #0 dresser, with lb x 21 in. mirror, price now S5.50 Don’t confuse this with the ordinary 5.00 dresser—our glass is much larger. We can show you many more styles. YVe will have an other car load in the first of February. 85c plates, green bordered, per set 73c 05c plates, green bordered, per set 58c 9-inch plain white plates, per set 47c This cut is our #2.05 rocker, and we have sold a car load of them. Our price now S2.15 Our high arm cane bottom rocker, large size SI.43 Solid oak rocker without arms, nice ladies’ chair 90C See our heavy six-foot bed, sol id oak, nt- S5.G0 lb bo to Loo, our pric We sell musical goods and can save you mon ey on everything you buy. This 10x12 inch accordion is double bell IMS, 10 keys, full nickel mounted corn ers, and is mort Ii and sold by some at from only $2.38 YVe selll Johnson's imported ware plates and tea sets. Here are some prices: 5?1.00 plates, white and gold, per set 83c Hbc plates, white and gold, per set 68c This clock Me have sold for four years and we guarantee every one of them to keep good time. They are solid oak eight-day clocks, and cannot he classed with the cheap ones on the market. The regu lar price of these clocks is #8.00—our cut price now is S1.98 AMaaBU 1-2 gallon glass pitcher, regular price 86o, our price 19c 1 qt glims pitch ers 12c Large 10-inch glass howls 29c Gocd sized carv ed glass Initter 17c High footed glass pickle or jelly stand 10c Large size high footed covered honey and berry stand, 12 in. high 65c There are many other things of this kind you will want when vou see our line. $10 Gold Tickets are Given with Each Dollar Purchase at This Store. JAS. B. HUTCHENS Newnan, Georgia | Turin Bevl'tul of ilia school children hero Imre mumps Mr. K. it. Walker and bride, of At lanta, visited Mr. mid Mrs. .1. It. Wal ker a few days ago. Mr. Walker mar ried Miss Louise iioardtnaii, of Michi gan, mf.liinuary Some of our early gariit'iior* have planted Fuglmli peas. The faruieis did a little work last week |>ro|MrtliK the ground tor more ootton. 8ome are Mowing onto. That's it! Sow more grain and less cotton, then Mr. Jordan M ill not have such an up lull pull,to get that much wanted l.i cents. Mr and Mrs, .1, l). Hunter, of Senoia, visited Mrs Jane Hunter last Meek I'' M llrynnt, of Newnan, made Turin a call this week Mrs. W F. Waldrop and children visited the family of Ciijit. J. It. Walker Sunday. “Mrs. Jennie Hardy', ml nu lit >r, Miss Mamie, me visiting in Fayette this week Mrs. F. ('. MoKoy, of the Fourth dis- triot, mid Mrs. T. H. Watkins mid sou, of Whilesliurg, visited Mr and Mrs. F. 11 Watkins liuii week. The ohaiugaug sqund passed through I'nrm last week to some other part of the county. YVe think they should give • he road between here and Newnan a few licks. It is in the worst tlx wc have ever know a. The sail news of tl e dentil of Mrs. Hebeooa Hnrbert, of Tnllahnssee Flu., w is leceivod in Turin Feb. Ith. Mrs. Herbert m ils tiorn nud reared here, but moved to Tennessee with her liushaml over thirty years ago and from (here to Florida She was)a daughter of Win. Shell, n sister of J It. Shell and Mrs. J It Walker, of this place, Mis I- i’ Mo Ivov, of'the Fourth district, and Mrs. Vary Wright, id .Manama. She leaves n husband, three daughteis and sevt rnl graudchildreti. Dodson ! F. Jim Jackson, of Oarroll eountv, 18|Hmt tile latter part of last week with relatives noni Sargent (Maude Fitts, of Newnan. visited J. K Thurmond Iasi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Short, from Texas, have ' moved near Sargent and are living in | the house with the latter’s parents, l)r. and Mrs K. L. Hood. A little young man is witli Mr. and I Mrs. Albert Hyde. He has come to stay I Tom King, ol Newnan, visited home ! folks Sunday. On the afternoon of IMtli, inst., there | will lie a farmer's meeting at the little I court house near D. T. Sewell's. Jim Otirminil, who left this commun ity last full to work in n bank at Fill- I motto, has resigned his work at the bunk ; and is now working for a life insurant)? I company. As previously announced the («. L. A. j D. I’lub met at W. Ourier's Saturday J night. The club will have a spelling | match at the next meeting, which meets with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hooue, March 10th. Some farmers of this section met at Macedonia Academy lust Saturday af ternoon and organized another branch of the Southern Ootton Association. The next meeting will be the 10th, prox., in iIn- afternoon. ANNOUNCEMENTS, To the Democratic Voters of Coweta I County: Having recently been elected to till the unexpired term of Rev. 1I.R.Davies, lute tax collector of Coweta county, alid having less than one year in which to till the office and feeling that in justice to myself, l should be given n full term, 1 hereby respectfully announce toy ; candidacy for tax collector for the long term, subject to the rules and regula tions of the Democratic Kxeoutive Com mittee. Thanking mv trieuds for their I last support, I hope by diligent atten tion to the duties of the office to merit their continued confidence anil esteem. W. S Hl'UBAKD. Hides Wanted—Will pay best price for green bides for next few weeks. G. O. Carmichael. Newnan, Ga. Money to loan on real estate at cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. per Tlu> Southern Furniture Co. in the Reese opera house building sells all kinds of tirst class Furni ture. Prices the lowest; terms the most reasonable. tf Cut Price Crockery Sale Plates, odds and ends, old price *>0c to 75c, now . 39c ( ake plates, old price 50c, now 25c Cups and saucers, old price #1, now 66c Jardinieres, old prices #1.25, #1, 90c, 75c, now SI. 75c- 70c 60c Agateware, porcelain lined, special prices. Mixing bowls, old prices 10c to 40c, now go ing at 7c to 28c YVhite-and-Gold washstand sets, 12 pieces, old price #5. now S4.11 White-and-gold washstand sets, 10 pieces, old price #4, now S3.11 Tinware, various pieces, old price 10c, now going at 5c Glass tuihblers, old price 25c to 30c per set, now 17c Cups and saucers, gold band, best china, old price #1 per set, now 79c Cups and saucers, gold band, best china, old price #1.10 per set, now 89c Plates to match, 7-in., old price 95c, now 81c Plates to match, fl-in., old price 90c, now 71C Johnson’s imported dinner plates, old price #1 per set, now 79c H leak fast plates, imported, old price 80o, now 69c Glass sets, old price 50c, now 39c Dinner sets, 112 pieces, old ju ice #15, now going at S10.41 Tea sets, blue decorated, 56 pieces, old price #*>, now S3.82 Tea sets, white, 56 pieces, old price #5, now- going at S3.05 Dippers, 2c to 20c each. Specials. Stick candy, 2 1-2 pounds for Bucket candy, fancy mixed, per lb Force, j»er package This is a leader. 20c 8c 10c We have a large stock of genuine Eastern sued Irish potatoes (from Aristook County Maine . including the following well-known varieties, viz.: “Peerless,” “Early Rose,” “Good rich,” “Burbank,” and “Triumph.” Also, a full assortment of choice garden seed, and red and white onion sets. NUNNALLY & BARRETT, The Bay Street Grocers Telephone 55