The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 23, 1906, Image 1

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NEWNAN NEWS. VOL. VI. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1906. NO. 46 For All the News of Coweta County Read THE NEWNAN NEWS ! More Announcements. Mr. T. A. McCullough, a worthy cx-Coufo(U*raU* soldier ol' Haralson district, has been placed in the race for Treasurer by his friends. He is oltl and inlirm and unable to support himself and his aged wife, and his friends feel sure his claims to consideration at the hands of voters are unassailable. T. .1. Wilkinson, who needs no introduction to Coweta voters, is a candidate for Tax Receiver. He is one of the county’s most genial gentlemen, and is thoroughly equipped to till the office. C. 11. Newton is a candidate for Tax Receiver. lie is well known, having ljcen a candidate before, and is a worthy citizen in every respect. Samuel Herring, an aged ex- < onfederate soldier, announces for Treasurer. He is a good man and worthy to hold the ollicc. M. 11. Couch, of Henoia, is again a candidate for representative. He was in the last race and proved a strong candidate. Mr. Couch is one of Coweta’s most successful business men, and is a gentleman who would grace the Lower House with the best of Georgia’s legisla tive talent. In him, if elected, Coweta will have an able and con servative representative. lion. I. X. ()rr announces for re- election to the Legislature. He has served only a part of his lirst term in this responsible position, but his labors have favorably im pressed his colleagues and constit uents. Mr. Orris a conservative citizen anil successful business S. C. A. at LaCrange. HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY President M. L. Johnson of Georgia Division Southern Cotton Association has called a meeting for countv officers in the Fourth Sans Souci Club. The Sans Souci Club was enter . tained delightfully Friday after District, to assemble m 1 range | noon by Misg Nl>lk , KuswU. The game of dominoes was play ping in white and pink bon buns. After the game the guests enjoyed an appetizing luncheon of two courses, served at small tables. The next meeting will be with Miss Kae Lowe Spender's nu merous friends and admirers re gret to know that she is danger ously ill with appendicitis in At lanta. Her mother, Mrs. George fa at her bedside this week. on Feb. 28, for the purpose of dis cussing matters of vital importance! p( ,"" ” ly ; Hm . h KWS [ was Sponclcr, is with her and her fi to the Association’s success. Pms-! a ininiatl * iro Japanese Intern, tlier spent two or three days . ident Johnson and his secretary. | am , tho ^ Wlts Ul , pt by drop Stephen Wright, and \V. S. Cope land, who has been named its or ganizer for this district, will meet the county officers in LaGrange. Mr. Copeland, who has been honored with the appointment «‘! Mi ss Vida Drown. District Organizer, has not yet de- j Those p|Wl . llt wm . Misses gallic termined to accept the position. | i llu . hanan , |,|a Powel, Lida Drown, He will probably reach a decision . Husk , Marti|| Yysabel Sallmle, Mrs. W ill Cox is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mayfield, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Cox, who formerly resid ed in Tilton, will make their home in Marietta in the future. at this meeting. President Drannon of the Cow eta Division has been named by President Johnson as the Fourth District’s representative on the State organization's finance and executive committee. Eddie North, Carrie Anderson, Martha Wright, Christine Arnold, and Mrs. Raymond Lee,of Atlanta. Saturday _____ birthdai. A very happy occasion of last week was the spend tin* day party at which Mis-, Enin Lcvcrclt on tcrluincd some of her little friends; being her thirteenth W.C. T. U. Meeting. Two Citizens Fought. Miss McLeroy’s Recital. "The Twelve" Entertained. “The Twelve” had a delightful meeting with Miss Maie Campbell Friday afternoon. A short game of dominoes was played, then a tempting luncheon was served. The table Miss Jessie Dohannon has gone to Atlanta to have her throat treated. Her position in the schools is being tilled by Miss Maude A mold. The recital to be given at the Auditorium on Friday evening, March 2d, by Miss Clostello Mc-j lookwl >"' eU > with ils Leroy, will be a very entertaining me,,ta in ml > aml silv ‘‘ r ca " ,,L ‘ 1 - affair. “Homage to the Flowers” I aba with ml ta l>«rs unshaded, is a number to be given by twelve Those "ere: of the prettiest little girls in the I * *i‘Tvey North,'foni Clilf Glover, of Newnan, came Dessic and Florence | '*• * ■ Kirby, P. D.' «lown yesterday afternoon to at ommercial News and >Mrs. Robert Mattox and Miss Nettie Drr left Tuesday for Griffin to attend Mrs. Patterson's recep tion, given in honor of Mrs. Frank Patterson. city—Misses I >ent Murphey •lit, Mary Cranford, Margaret| Murphey, W ude Dent.R. < >.Jones, ts*ii(l the dance at the Con urphey, Floriene Walker, Mil-1 I:nu ‘ sl |, -dgar Croft and jClub last night.—Griffin N dred Merck, Ruth Smith, Willie I ^' ( bat> * FomcIL The next meeting will In* with Mrs. Tom Goodrum, March 2nd, at three o’clock. Ar- llerring, Nannie Farmer, Mary Moore, Tiny Sutton and Louise Dyram. Six larger girls and Muster Salmagundi Club. A delightful event of Washing- Lois j ton’s birthday was the cutertain- 8un. Mrs. Callaway, oi Washington, (<a., and Mrs. Dostrom,of Atlanta, were the guests of Mrs. 11. C. Fisher from Saturday until Mon day. The Woman’s Christian Temper ance Dillon met Monday afternoon, Feb. 12, in the Library Assembly Room, with an average attendance. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. K. (>. Reese, the president. “Jesus Lover of My Soul” was sung. Mrs. J. E. Dent led in prayer. The president read sev eral passages of scripture taken from the third and fourth chapters of Exodus, which teach that our strength is in the Lord, and if we trust Him implicitly, lie will tight the ev il for us, that We are striv ing so hard to put out of our lo\cd State. The minutes of the Iasi meeting were read and adopted. Each member present read a clipping bearing on the temperance ques tion. Mrs. It. A. Field, who has been kept away from the meetings for quite a while on account of sickness, was present and gave us an interesting and very encourag ing talk. We hope more of the women will tie present, at our next meet ing, which will In'thi> tilth of March. Mrs.,1. 11. Summers, < 'orresponding Sec. Mr. V. E. Mangct, a well known young business man of the city, and Mr. Stanley, assistant agent of the Atlanta >K: West Point Rail road at this place, engaged in a personal difficulty Wednesday af ternoon in the street near the de pot. Several weeks ago these gentlemen had a disagreement about a settlement of freight charges, which resulted in a light, in which neither gentleman was much injured. Since that time there lias been considerable feeling betwe(>u them, and it culminated Wednesday in a “bout” in which both of the men were badly “punished.” Mr. Muuget met Mr. Stanley on the street and, after saying a few words, struck him in the face. They clinched and fought for some time, until separated by pedes trians on the street. Doth gentle men were before Mayor Durdett Thursday morning. As the ugres- sor in (lie difficulty, Mr. Mangct was lined Sift. Mr. Stanley was discharged. Miss Camp’s Valentino Party. man, and his excellent judgment Diur Leigh will present a laugh- ami firm grasp of public affairs uble lurce. The young ladies com- stamp him a model legislator. posing the cast arc Misses Lois ton’s birthday was the entertain Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mattox lett J. H. Young, a well known and Fleming, Frances Farmer, Pellie, ment of the Salmagundi Hub by this week for Florida. They will worthy citizei?of the Second Dis- McLeroy, Louise Gcarreld, Gath- Mrs. Mamie Swint Johnson. spend several days in Atlanta be- trict, announces this week for Tax erine Gibson and Emily Wright. The house was tastefully and fore returning to West Tocai. Receiver. He promises to make Prof. Charles Astin will furnish artistically decorated with ferns Maie and Frances Her- promises the race lively for his opponents, music Mr. Young is an ex-Tax Receiver of this county. Coweta Medical tion. Associa- The Coweta Medical Association was organized Wednesday morn- decorated with ferns for the recital. Another and pot plants, feature of the program will lie a The game of dominoes was play- kM . < '«»| vocal solo by Mr. Robert Lovejoy. ed progressively throughout the visit. afternoon. The prizes given were Mrs. Celeste Stephens Society. ring are expected home from >Shor- iu a lew days for a Hardy, of West Following program was rendered showing the excellent taste of the last Friday at the meeting of the j hostess. useful and unique. A delightful luncheon was served; every detail I’oint, was the guest of Mr. and v M.... I rn 1/ M........I Stephens Society of the public ing at the court-house by Dr. W. schools. Fifty guests enjoyed the hos pitality of the afternoon. L. Fitts,, of Carrollton, State or ganizer. Officers were elected as follows: Dr. T. J. Jones, President; Dr. T. D. Davis, Vice-President; Dr. T. S. Dailey, Secretary; Dr. R. E. Foster, Treasurer. There was a tine attendance of Debate: Resolved, That Alexan der H. Stephens was a Greater j Statesman than Jefferson Davis. Mri. Gibioni Card Party. Mrs. Sanders Gibson was hostess of Major Mrs. J. T. Kirby Monday and Tuesday. Prof, and Mrs. Albert, Pender- grast. ofChipley, spent Sunday in the city, guests of their parents. Miss Dillard,of Virginia, a niece D. D. Woodroof, is ex- Affirmathe: lb ad ley Da\ is, Dill a „ informal card party Friday pected soon to visit Newnan. Joe Nunnally, Edgar Meriwether. evenj The occasion was a most .. „ (1 , , - hllllillloOLril . "NWaHve- Then Davis Joe Meet- . .'IIS. I UISOII, Ol < IHUUlllOOgU, ai wether Guv Ouillian ' jolly one. After a game ol euchre Wednesday to lie the goes nether, Guy (juiJIiau. the prize, a dainty piece of lin- ,, less,. Doll The Affirmative won by default, °* Mi. and Mis.Jtsst Holt. physicians of the city and county as the Negative had no speeches, and the Association began its ea- The society was then entertained reer with evident enthusiasm i by declamations by Frank Holmes, among its members. The Associa- Richard Hardaway and Frank gerie, was won by Miss .Sadie May Powel. A delightful buffet luncheon was served. Those present were Mr.and Mrs. Robert Mattox, Miss Nettie Orr, tion will meet on the first Tuesday :<)rr; “Modern Wall Street,” by , Mis(j ga(]je May Powel( M r. Grace will regie in each month at 10 o’clock a. m. Stacy Capers; Current Events, by of Teilue8See> ail(1 Mrs . Wade S. fering wit Death of S. C. Driskill. Mr. S. C. Driskill, who removed with his familv from Newnan to Hamilton Sago. Officers of H. M. S. I lent. guest Mrs. Robert Gann, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. Duke Cole several days last week. The friends of Mrs. Den Wright grot to learn that she is suf- it.ii la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Orr were the guests of relatives in Palmetto 1 the tirst of this week. Mrs. Mollie Drowsier has been confined to her bed for several days with grippe. Mrs. Daniel, of Franklin, is the Miss Dossil' Camp was the charming hostess at an elegant Valentine party, on Feb. I Ith, at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Camp in the Third I list riot. The parlor was decorated for the occasion with bamboo vines and ferns. After tin* guests had as Hem bit'll there, t he young men were requested to write their con ception of an ideal proposal, and the young ladies an acceptance or rejection. Prizes in this contest were awarded to Mr.'I'. A. Farmer and Miss Lucile Green. Next the guests were ushered into tin* din ing room, where hot chocolate "as served by Mrs.J. P. Camp. The table was decorated with red hearts and the bon bon dishes were tilled with red and white confections. Delicious fruits were plentifully in evidence; and the ices served were in red and white. Miss Camp was lovely in a pink silk trimmed in lace. Miss Katie Sue Drcwstcr, who assisted in re reiving, was beautiful in white point de esprit over red. About forty young people were the favored guests of the occasion. Burrell Patterson’s Case. Veterans Elect Officers. In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mattox. Mrs. Wade Dent entertained at tea most delightfully Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mattox, of West Tocai, Fla. The table with its suggestions of yellow and a mass of jonquils guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. The ladies of the Home Mission McLoud, Oklahoma, last October, Society ot the hirst Methodist died Thursday , the 15th inst. He Church have elected officers for , was sick only two or three days, the year, as follows: j Deceased was 52 years of age at Mrs. J. E. Dent, president; Mrs. the time of his death, and is sur- J. F. Lovejoy, first vice president; . 1 i«uuc Shenhens vived by a wife and five children. Mrs. W. G. Post, second vice | or a centerpiece, was very attrac- Isaac »SU phtim. Mr. Driskill was a brother of Supt.! president; Mrs. J. T. Kirby, third u ^- Miss Grace Harrow, ol Atlanta, vice president; Mrs. Will Dlack, I hose present were Mr.and Mrs. spent .Sunday with her sister, Mrs. connectional treasurer; Mrs. M. G. Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. .Sanders Allers Ilcrtel. i n number of years, and leaves Keith, local parsonage treasurer; Gibson,Mr. and Mrs. J. J . Kirby. [ many friends who will regret to Mrs. G. It. Bradley, local home mission treasurer; Mrs. R. J. Bar nett, recording secretary; Mrs. The Euchre Club enjoyed the: W. J. Driskill of the Coweta Fer tilizer Company. He resided here a number of years, and leaves many friends who will regret to learn of his death. Euchre Club. The Euchre Club enjoyed For Sate. Ella Leverett, corresponding sec- hospitality of Miss Ina Kirby on retary; Mrs. M. D. Mooney, agent Wednesday afternoon at the home Three hundred bushels improved for homes. of Mrs. Edgar Croft. After an Hurt and Peerless, 90-day Oats, | Mrs. J. E. Dent will goto At- enthusiastic game the prizes were Mrs. Steve Powell and daugh ter, Miss Lutic, visited Atlanta Thursday. Mrs. J. M. Miller returned from a visit to New Orleans last. Thurs day night. The Confederate veterans as sembled at the court-house last Saturday morning for the annual election of officers and transaction of other business. Dr. G. A. Nunnally delivered a stirring address to the veterans and short talks were made by W. T. A mail, W. S. Askew, W. A. Turner and J. D. (loodwyn. Coweta Camp, No. 1101, then elected the following named offi cers: J. B. Goodwyn, Commander; Dr. A.C. North, Vice-Corn.; J.L. Drown, Adjutant; Dr. G. W. Pod dy, Burgeon; Rev. J. W. Cotter, Chaplain; W. S. Askew, Treas urer. Delegates to the annual reunion in New Orleans, April 25, 20 and 27, were elected as follows: Capt. J. D. Goodwyn, Dr. A. C. North, The railroad commission was not fully satisfied as to the case oI Burrell Patterson,the young white man from Heard county, who is under sentence of death for the murder of William Htewart, and recommended that the governor grant a respite until a more com plete investigation could be made. Ilotli Patterson and his father were convicted of this crime, and father, .Mack Patterson, was sen tenced to life imprisonment, lie is now confined at the camp of flic Palmer Brick Company, near tills city. Burrell Patterson’s mother ap peared before the commission, and some strong influences were brought to bear in behalf of a com mutation for the young man. It is claimed that Mack Patterson was the principal in this murder, as if was he who desired to get rid of Stewart, though the actual crime is said to have been committed by Burrell. The commission will take the case up and pass on it finally at ils March meeting.—Atlanta Consti tution. Notice. The County Democratic Execu tive Committee will meet in the office of County Commissioners in the court house in this city on the lirst, Tuesday in March, next, at 12:M0 o’clock p. in., for the pur pose of discussing the advisability of fixing, at said time, a date and rules for a primary election for nominating candidates for the Legislature and county offices, and to fix a time for said election and to adopt rules for same, if deemed advisable. A full attendance is urged. W. L. Stallings, Clirm. Co. Dem. Ex’. Com. Newnan, Ga., Feb. 22, 1906. Mrs. H. II. North and children -Messrs. W. S. Askew, John Aus- are the guests of relatives in At tin and II. V . ( ainp. [pure and fine, at only 75 cents per lanta in March to attend the an- won by Miss Lizzie Arnold and bushel. Cook’s Improved, Toole’s nual conference of the Home Mis-j Mrs. Allers Hertel. The next lanta. ” * Prolific, Christopher, Culpepper, sion Societies. meeting will be held Wednesday Mrs. W. B. Pringle is confined Verno Cavendor Acquitted. Schley, Russell's, Green’s Early ■ ■ ' afternoon at three o’clock with home with an attack of lagrippe. t and Tatum’s Improved cotton seed, 1 Miss Julia Lowe will have a Mrs. W. A. Turner, Jr., and Miss, . , \ erne < avender, the young man 1 Mrs. Hieb returned .Saturday f . hal .j, (;( j w ; t h s ,.]ij„ K liquor, who i night to Montgomery . was arraigned before Mayor Bur- Mrs. Ernest Powel is visiting deft last Saturday morning, was a'osolutely pure, at 75c and *1 per dwelling erected on the lot oppo- Rowena Turner. bushel. 2t R. D. Tatum, Fairview Farm, Palmetto, Ga. site the residence of Alderman G. I'. Sponclcr. Work on the house will begin at an early date. Mrs. Jesse Holt is recovering from an attack of grippe. relatives in Atlanta. I acquitted of the charge. Sargent. Tin- f’urmern lire busy preparing their laud for another crop. Rev. J. B. 8. Davit) filled his regular appointment at this place Sunday, preaching an excellent sermon. George Bridges, who has been visiting in Alabama, lias returned home. Miss Mary Garter is visiting relatives at Hand Hill. Mrs. L. J. Nolan, of Atlanta, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. if. Morris. Sunday school will be reorganized at this place next Sunday evening at !l o’clock Everybody invited to attend. Train No. ll ran past the station lust Friday night. Paul Warren, who was aboard, thinking it was not going to stop, jum|>ed off, striking his head against across tie. cutting a gasli about six inches long and rendering him un conscious for some time. We wish Ola.k Howell, or some one, would explain to Hoke Smith the power he would havo as governor of Georgia. We are afraid lie is promising tne poo- ple a little too much.