The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 02, 1906, Image 2

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JTTS and parks WOOLEN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. You can find the correct styles here in both medium and fine materials. We have just opened our spring line of both black and colored dress goods and invite you to call and inspect them. BLACK GOODS There js nu 1 tel ter 11L A (’ h than “< ioltl Mctlui” ami w carry a complete line in fan cy ami plain "eaves etnbrae ing Mohairs, linperia Serges, I’aindincs ami Sieili ans, priced, per yard 5Uo tt SI.5 metal. Is inches SI.25 CREAM GOODS Most c\ cry ln\ er of style will want a \\ liite or cream suit or 1 shirt this spring. We show tt line range of weaves, per i yard, from 25c to SI.00 1 —. COLORED MOHAIRS Many combinations in fancy neat figures, .‘tfi incites with per. yard SO I’lain Mohairs, 5t) inches 50 SILKS All that is stylish is found 1 here in Silks, iu black, white or colors. Chiffon Tu licit a in black or white, :tii inches wide, per yard SI.00 t*. Black or whitcj llabnti, .‘10 GRAYS THE FAD Chesterfield Suitings in nev shades of gray and] gun 1 inches with*, per yard, 50c to 1 * 75c .lap Silks, in all shades, 27 inches, per yard 50c m „ pose;it is a dodger as long as dodg- lltWj j n g is practicable. In the present gubernatorial campaign it has worn both the bluffing and dodg ing games to a frazzle; but tin* News proposes to corner the II. and A. and compel it to put up or shut nit. At present the Herald and Ad vertiser is making a great show of supporting Hr. Nunnally in his race for governor, and is cracking its whip over the heads of < 'oweta voters in the ostensible effort to line them up for the home candi date. As to Hr. Nunnally and his candidacy the News now has noth ing to say. When we have finish ed with the II. ami A. we may notice l>r. Nunnally and his race and other matters. At present our business is with Dr. Xinitial ly 's self constituted newspaper champion in Newnan. In order to bring this little mat ter to a focus, the News prefers this indictment against the Herald and Advertiser: The Herald and Advertiser is for Clark Howell; it has always been for Howell; and since the present campaign opened it has In answer tothe News’questions been recognized as the head and of last week the Herald and Ad shoulders of Howell’s strength in vertiser lired at this paper a hand Coweta county. It has realized fill of scattered and meaningless for months that the opposition to adjectives. After posing for a Howell in this county could not be <|iiarter of a century as greatest defeated in a fair, square fight;and and wisest weekly in Georgia, the it has sought by all means known ancient Agonizer makes public; to professional politicians to win j ' confession of its inability to either ! the county for Howell—or,at least, The Newnan Issued Every Friday, j. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE. $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. ’Phone No. 20. 1FFICE UPSTAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLOG It is c\ ident that the Herald and Advertiser is not possessed by a burning desire to engage in a dis mission of |iol 1 \ticks and pollyti elans. Dr. Nnnnalh evidently believes that Hoke Smith is the man who is blocking his path to the gttber natorial mansion, as lie devotes a large part of all his speeches to at tacks on Smith. The News is not lighting Dr. Nunnally. It is merely exposing the duplicity of the Herald and Agonizer and causing that staid and stately journal to make a noise like a cage of monkeys, for the amusement of the public. WE STILL CLAIM That you ought to buy furniture and house furnishings at this store; because the stock is the largest, and the prices the most reasonable in the city, if quality is considered. Our claim will be verified if you will give us the opportunity to show the stock and name prices. DEPOT ST. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. I assert itself or defend itself. POTTS <S PARKS ? Phone 109 Canned Goods Season . . This is the si>jisuii when housewives resort to (tanned (.binds in order tu supply their tallies with edibles and culinary delicacies. Wo do not hesitate to assert that this store but the most varied assortment of fresh, reli able <'antied Goods in the city. Housekeepers are cor dially invited to \ isit the store and see the stork lor t hem selves ; or nil order via the telephone will ho prompt ly honored. A small part of our canned goods stock is montiouod below ; Threc-piumd onus Simp Heuns, Knglish and French Pens, Pork mid Heim.-, t'oiieeiniaft d Vegetable Soup, Hein/. Tomato Soup, \toek Turtle Soup, Cliiekeii Soup, Cream of Celery Soup, (’aimed Asparagus. White Cherries, Pie dairies, California Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Gooseberries. W’e Imve an elegant stock of Olivos, Pfhkles and Cantaloupes C. P. STEPHENS & CO., The Prompt Service Grocers. Telephone No, 31. To Publishers and Printers. The Herald and Advertiser pro- i fers against the News a grave charge in reference to this paper's mind. The News waives argil - [ ment and admits that the II. and A. has a corner on all the mind in this section of the country. At this point, however, the difference , is plain: The News is always in condition to make the licst list* of its limited mental capacity; while tin* Herald and Advertiser, more often than otherwise, is so befud dled that even its boundless men tality cannot enable it to deter mine whether it is right end up or wrong end down. THE HAND HOLDER OF THE HOME CANDIDATE. to wrest it front Hoke Smith. The Herald and Advertiser’s latest and greatest effort in this direction is the manifestation of t its sudden and ardent attachment for Dr. Nunnally. Without en tering into a discussion of the various phases of this unaccouut- aole attachment, the News charges that the Herald and Advertiser’s ostensible support of Dr. Nunnally is merely one of those political games which that journal prides itself upon being able to play with the most finished machine made politicians. The Herald and Advertiser is still for Howell; and its support of Dr. Nunnally is, either a ruse to divide the Smith vote and enable Howell to carry the county, or an attempt to throw the county to Dr. Nunnally and indirectly give it to Howell by weakening Smith. These are the charges. The Herald anil Advertiser is cordially invited to meet them and defend itself. The News is prepared to prove its charges; and whether the H. and A. squirms and dodges and equivocates, as it lias done l heretofore, or attemps to defend ! itself in a fair light, the News ex pects to give the public the facts. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY All'work'guaranteedito be first |class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, GEORGIA Careful Inspection •••• \\ i* have an entirely now process, on which patents are pond ing, whereby wo can reface old Brass Column and Hear! Rules, 1 pt and thicker and make them fully as good as new and without any unsightly knobs or feet on the bottom. PRICES. Kefacing Column and Head Rules, regular lengths, 20cts each. !-• S. “ and “ Rules, lengths 2in. and over 40cts. per lb. A sample of refaced Rule with full particulars, will he cheer fully sent on application. M A N l FACTT RERS OF Type and High 39 N. NINTH 8T„ Material, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The spectacle of a candidate for Governor being denied the sup port anti encouragement of his home papers is without precedent in Georgia polities, so fur as the records show; anti yet Dr. Nun- null) bus but one newspaper in his hometown with the courage and fairness to hold up his hands in the brave light which he is mak ing for civic righteousness and re form in this State. Wail from last week’s Hero and Agonizer. My! My!! Seethe Heroic Agonizer, fairly swelling with local pride, patriot ism and courage, as it holds up the hands of good Dr. Nunnally in “the brave light he is making for civic righteousness and re form.” See with what charming naivete and admirable aplomb it assumes the new role of apostle of civic righteousness and reform! Isn't it lovely The Herald and Advertiser, the faithful, zealous, enthusiastic pur suer of political pie for the past twenty years with its insatiate appetite for pie yet unsatisfied wrenches itself away from such base things as pit* and henceforth and forever declares itself the meek, humble, lowly hand holder of good and great preachers of civic righteousness and reform. Such unselfish conduct impress es even a bold, bad newspaper like tin* News; and if the Heroic Agonizer holds its new course long enough, possibly its shining example will effect a reformation and 8at dowu to the work . nnd nex , in this quarter, aud some line day morning ‘The Devil’s Code' was finish- the News may hope to aspire to ed, the monk^being found dead. The ,, ... , , copying clerk from the Infernal re- the position ot loot washer tor ^ ons presumabIy fled away with the promulgators ot the reform gospel, noor man's soul as soon as the ivickeil Yes; tlu> Herald and Advertiser eom P act finished.” - Pearson's) is making a wonderful exhibition of fairness and courage in support ing Dr. Nunnally ; ami about this I.t'Kt'iitl of ;i Monk, Sitt■■ i> ttntl n Oniric Ma li IWork. Stockholm's public library contains .; wonderful work which is called "The Devil's Code" and which. In addition to its extraordinary name, is said to be tin* biggest manuscript in tin* world. Every letter is must beautifully drawn, and the magnitude of the work is s i great that it scents Impossible l'or any single monk to imve done it. The story of tin* origin of the manu script, however, not only gives it a; tin* w ork of out* man, but also states it to tie the work ol' a single night. The story runs as follows: ”A poor monk had been condemned to death, but was told mockingly by his judges that if he was able to copy the whole ‘Code’ between darkness and i dawn lit* would be saved. Belying up on the Impossibility of the task, those who sentenced him furnished him with the original copy of the 'Code.' with pen, ink and parchment, and left him. "Death must have been as little liked iu tlte middle ages as it is now, for the monk, forgetting the hopelessness of his task, commenced it. Before long, however, he saw that he could not save his own life by such weak exertions, and, fearing a cruel and horrible death, he invoked the aid of the prince of darkness, promising to surrender his soul if he were assisted In the task. ''The levll kindly obliged by appear ing on the spot, accepted the eontrac of the work we do—no matter how small the job—has a great deal to do with our success in repairing vehicles. We are not content un- til)we feel sure you will be con tented. So if you have met with a break down or a shake-down come to us. What we can’t do in carriage or wagon repairing can’t be.done any where by anybody. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. Legal Blanks A stock of all kinds of Legal Blanks will be found at the NEWS OFFICE. The stock in cludes Notes, Mortgages, Deeds, Bonds and all blanks used by business men, as well as those used only by justices, constables and attorneys. All of these blanks are regular in form, and the paper and printing are exceptionally good. InSfact, no blanks printed in the State look better or will give the users better satifaction. Prices are the same as other printers charge for blanks. THE NEWS solicits business in this line; and guarantees that users of these blanks will be entirely pleased with them. DR. T. B. DAViS, Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls. DR. W. A. TURNER Residence Telephone No. 64. Drs. Davis & Turner Physicians and Surgeons Newnan, Georgia. Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner College and Hancock streets. Tele phone No. 5-'.' calls. Z. Greene, D. D. 8., Office on Second Floor of Flack Bros. Co.’s Build in 0. L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Office on Second Floor of the Arunll Merchandise Co.’s Building Weekly. Sleeplessness. Disorders of the stomach produce n matter the News proposes to speak nervous condition nnd often prevent anil present to the public the in- sleep. Chamberlain’s Stomach and sitle facts. Liver Tablets stimulate the digestive -pi. . tt . . • . , ... organs, restore the system to a healthy me it. ami A. is a bin tier as . . „ , , c condition and make sleep possible. For long as bl nth tig will serve its pur- by jy r p au i Peniston, Newnan, Ga. A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cougli Rem- i edy a favorite with the mothers of I — small children. It quickly cures their ] Treats all diseases of domestic animals Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. coughs and colds aud prevents any dan ger of pneumonia or other serious con sequences. It not only cures croup, but when giveii as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. tor anything in music or musi cal instruments telephone No. 190.