The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 02, 1906, Image 5

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Do You Believe Our Seed Claims? \ mi have probably seen sutno ol (lie seed advertisements we have published and possibly have read one or more of them, hut the great queslion with ns is: Have you BELIEVED THE STATEMKNTs MADE? If you lmVO WO feel sure of at least a trial order lor our seeds, and when you have once tried them we are certain of your future busi ness, for every statement and claim made for our seed and for our method of selling has been accurate and true. Nothin!' Inis been exaggerated and in no instance lias our proposition been made more attractive than it actually is. to get. the best results from your garden it is certain that you must plant the best seed: this means, seed that are strictly tresh and seed that will grow superior vegetables—larger, finer and more productive. Both of these qualities are found in our seeds. When you buy them you secure the following important advantages: Strictly fresh, new crop seed, not mixed with old or left over seed, in dated packets. Seed mown hv specialists in the business, from selected stock and superior varieties. These will produce the fin est vegetables. Libiaal measure. Knob of our packets contains more seeds than other seedsmen givo for the same price. In some varieties the extra quantity is small and in others it is twice to three times as much; yet in every ease our packets contain more seed. Rex Riggin litis returned to his home in Maryland, after being em ployed in business here for several months. John Morris is again tit his post at I>. W. Boone's, after spending a couple of months at Hot Springs, Arkansas, for the benefit of his health. Messrs. Amos, J. R. and R. B. Wilkinson and Mrs. Frank Wil kinson. all of Newnan. To the Public. QUEEN Of ACTRESS PRAISES PE-S^f ^OOOOCVO ^OCVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0-00-00-0 OOOOOOOO-OOOOo^PU Hr. J. W. Quilliuii, Rev. W. S. Haines ami (’ol. W. U. Post are at tending the meeting of Methodist pastors of the I,aHrange District, now in session at Hraiitville. Al seeds except ('on, Beans and Peas sent by mail without extra charge. Send us your list and order. HOLT & CATES. i local News of Hewnan f Dr. Anderson, Dentist, Salbide Building. tf Bowman’s Tastless Castor Oil at Reese’s Drug Store. Order fresh meats front J. K. Smith, telephone No. 65. tf * l ’ <> *‘ give the music between Miss McLeroy’s numbers. A lot ot hand bags at ret need , fl . " l Mr. Robert Lovejoy will give a prices at Reese’s Drugstore. ( n* ,, , * \oral selection; Miss Mary Hibson W. Cl. Russell, Esq., was lip; accompanist, from Turin last Monday. Messrs. Buford Sharp, of Car rollton, and M. D. Watkins, of Whitesburg, were in the city Wednesday enroute home from Lad range. Dr. H. II. Bernard, of Atlanta, filled the pulpit of the First Bap tist church last Sunday morning and evening, in the absence of Dr. Numiallv. Mr. Quill inn, the young son of Dr. and Mrs. .1, W. Quillinn, who is a member of the class of 11)06 at Emory College, spent the first of this week with his parents. Miss Itae Lowe Spondee was brought home from Atlanta this week and is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heorge K. Sponcler. She is still reported in a critical condition. 1 am now in m\ large, new shop ami am well prepared to do first elass buggy and carriage painting; also put on new wheels, bodies, tops and dashes. I keep on hand buggies for sale or trade. Come to see me and I will save you money on any job in my line. C. ,1. Butitox, Newnan. Ha. In rear of Burdelt Warehouse. Notice. Mrs. W. Tom Brooks has been dangerously ill for several days at the residence of Sheriff and Mrs. J. L. Brown. Mr. Brooks, who is with the Central Kail road, was called to this place by his wife’s illness. A tenant house on Mr. Walker Jack frost has not gone, neither i A mail’s farm, about three miles hasOoodwyn’s coal pile. -it from town, was destroyed by lire Mr. Robert Barnett, of Atlanta, •“^ Tuesday. The house was oc- was in the city Tuesday. cupied by negroes. Fresh Harden, Field and Flower ’^ ll ’dwolutely new Seed, at Keese’s Drugstore. Call No. 65 by telephone when the best fresh meats are wanted, tf For best quality fresh meats telephone J. E. Smith, No. 65. tf The Comity Commissioners are in regular monthly session today. Furnished Rooms for rent to men only. Apply to Box 41), City. 4t Bowman’s Headache and Neu ralgia Tablets at Reese’s Drug store. stock of Furniture to select from at our store, under the Telegraph School in the Reese opera house building. Southern Furniture Co. tf Ho out and spend a delightful evening at the Auditorium Friday, March 2nd. Tickets on sale at Bradley’s Drug Store. Brices 25 and .45 cents. “Syrup White Pine with Tar will cure that cough. At Reese I b ug Store. AV anted—Guard for Coweta county convict camp. Young, un married mail preferred. Com municate with Jos. T. Kirby, < ihairinaii, Newnan, <ia. Miss McLeroy’s monologues Fri day evening will be altogether different from the entertainments given at the Auditorium before. Do not fail to hear them. ! All citizens who desire to vote, i cither in primary or general elec- Lost In this city, three *5 bills tjo|| this yogp> lniIHfc ^toter. Tuv rolled together. Finder will please; ( : ollector NV> s Hubbard is „ ow return to < . L. Baker, City. 'engaged in registering the voters Sure as the wind brings you cold and the registration books will be Coodwyn's wagons will bring you found in his office, coal to keep you warm. See him! 4t Mr. W. M. Stamps, who lives out near Pearl Spring and who was so severely injured several weeks ago by falling l'roin a seal- fold, is able to go around on crutches. lie has the sympathy of many friends in his misfortune. Lost—Friday night, female pointer dog; close built, black head, white back with spots. Has black leather collar. Answers to name of “Nell.” Liberal reward for return of dog or information as to whereabouts. 2t Dr. Thus. Cole. Edward C. Courtney,of Atlanta, is here for a few days in the inter est of the New State Survey. lie lias been in consultation with a number of citizens in regard to a plan which will, if successful, be of much benefit to the community. John Me Waters, engineer on the Atlanta and West Point Kail- way, who was hurt in a wreck near the city some two or three weeks ago, has so far recovered as to be out among his friends, and will in all probability resume his work again in a few days.—A thin ta ('(institution. The old street, sprinkler was re commissioned yesterday, after hav ing come forth from the repair shop in the glory of red paint. The high wind and dust have been making things unpleasant in the city’s business center, and the sprinkler wus put into action again at an opportune time. Fincher-Wilkinson. Col. W. H. Post returned Wed nesday from a professional trip to South ('arolina. Mr. P. T. McCutehen spent Ins! week with sick relatives and on the recital lor I-riday evening, business in north Alabama, and is March 2nd, will be a miscellane-j now Franklin superintending nih program all. Lnteitainnient for the installation of new machinery and other accessories in bis news Mr. and Mrs. Irby White, of paper office there. Hraiitville, were the guests of Mr. and Airs. H. M. Hughs last Wed nesday. General S. W . Harris, of Car rollton, was in the city last Satur day mingling with bis numerous < 'oweta friends and admirers. Julian Astin, the young son of Prof, and Mrs. Charles Astin, has returned to Newnan from South We are going to make competi tors in the furniture business tired. Our juices and terms will do the work. An absolutely new stock to select from. Come to our store, next door to the white barber shop in the Reese opera house building. Southern Furniture Co. tf The Democratic Executive Com mittee ot Coweta County meets Georgia and will probably remain j nex j Tuesday to name a date for here. j the county primary and for the in I transaction of other business. It E. A. Sims, who has been Newnan during the jiast several j is probable that an eailj piimaiy months, will return to Atlanta will la* called and that the date about the 15th of Alarch to engage J will lie either the last Saturday in in business. 1 April or first Saturday in Alay. The Newnan Ministerial Asso ciation will meet next Monday, March 5th, at tb.'H) a. m. in the study of Dr. J. W. Quilliun. F. H. Hughes, See. WINDS AND DRAFTS. Tlio I'ltriii.M* Art* It.-nt-ll.-ii. I, lint (lie l.HUpr Arp IlfiiiKpr.itiN. By n draft is inenid die currents of all’ In mi inclosed space. Onr fore fathers attributed nearly all the evils that beset them lo drafts, and they would not have slept In uncurtained beds for anything. Of course their windows anil doors were shaky, and houses siood far apart, so drafts were nearly inevitable. But the modem sel- cntllie world tries to deny drafts alto gether and eulls them winds, which are harmless and even healthy to a certain degree. Any one who cares to lliul out the difference between a wind and a draft can do so in any apartment which lias windows on different sides of the house. Let him open a window on n windy day on the stile of the house toward which the wind blows. The air which comes In Is quite harmless If the person exposed to It be dressed lu warm clothes, and little children innj tuke the air In a room thus ventilated. But let him open a window past which the wind blows, and It will bo found that the air in the room Is moved by a number of currents, all of which strive to reach the opening. It Is the passing wind which sucks up the air in the room and drawn It out, and tills causes the room to have what Is called a draft. The effect upon sensitive persons is Immediately felt, like the forerunner of pain to eonie. A draft will always be felt us colder than the wind. Very dangerous drafts are those that are produced In railway ears by ilic rapid motion of the train. It Is not wind (lull gels lnlo the carriages, lint the air of (ho ear which Is sucked out. A lighted match held lo the chink of the window will prove lids, as the name will be drawn toward the window, not blown from it. MISS JULIA MARLOWE Heartily Approves of Peruna For the Nerve.t. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWKKKIOOOOOOOO N a recent letter to The Poruna Medl- Digestion furnishes nutrit ion for tl . Miss Julia Marlowe, of Now York City, wrltos the following: “I am glad to write my endorse- ment ot the great remedy, Peruna, as a nerve tonic. / do so most heartily.”—Julia Marlowe. * ■-*-« rtiimii uttini- Nervousness Is very common among women. This condition is duo to aiinmle nervo centers. The nerve centers nro the reservoirs of nervous vitality. Those centers become bloodless for want of proper nutrition. This Is especially true in the spring season. Kvery spring a host of Invalids are produced as the diroct result of weak nerves. This can bo onslly obviated by using Poruna. PoruniwurlkcH at the root, of the dUUculty by correcting the digestion. the nerve centers. Properly digested food furnishes these reservoirs of life with vitality which leads to strong, Htcatly nerves, and thus nourishes lifo. Poruna Is In great favor among women,especially t hose who have voca* tlons that are trying to the nerves, Peruna furnishes the lasting vigor for the nerves that such people need. Thousands of testimonials from womon lu all parts of tho United Htates are being received every year. Much unsolicited evidence sorely proves that Poruna Is without an equal as a norve tonlo and a vital invigorator. Huy a bottle of Peruna to-day. I/ you do not receive all the bene fits from Peruna that you expected, write to Dr. S. U. Hartman, Colum bus, Ohio. If your druggist does mil keep Periimi in stork. send remittance to cover price of one bid lie, H .00, or six hollies, #5. tin to Tin. peritnn Drug- Mlg. Co., (’olnmliiis, Ohio, mid the medicine will lie forwarded to ,\oii by express prepaid. Rock Spring. ANNOUNCEMENTS. IN THE NITRATE COUNTRY. Moiintville, Ha., Fell. 20th, 11)06. Al the hospitable home of Mr. \V. T. Wilkinson a beautiful wedding occurred—the lull (lowering of bright hopes, which budded in happy school days. The marriage of Alias Annie Lou Wilkinson and Air. Charlie Frank Fincher, of .Macon, was solemnized. Key. E. \\ . Russell officiating. Preceding the entrance of I he liridal party , .Miss Addic Woodward sang with touching pathos, “Promise Me." Mendelssohn's wedding march was skillfully rendered by .Mi-s Gen ii' Trippe, cousin of the bride. The groom entered attended by his i berl man, Mr. Amos Wilkinson, ol Newnan. VI iss Wilkinson came in with .Miss .Mattie Woodward. Air. Fincher is the efficient as sistant auditor of the Macon and Birmingham Railroad, at Macon, in which city they will make their home, lie is held in high esteem by his employers; occupying a worthy and responsible position for one so young. .Miss Wilkinson is the second daughter of Air. W. T. W ilkinson and greatly loved for her lovely lace and winning manners. A complimentary wedding tour to Florida was tendered this popu lar couple by the M. & B. officials. —LaGrange Reporter. Airs. Fincher is a sister of .Mes srs. Frank, Amos, J. R. ami K. B. Wilkinson, of this city. Among the guests at the wedding were ImliiHtry of lliti I)umI>' 1 >>-m— itIh of Sou III A ini-r it'll, In Ills "Cummcrciul Traveler In South America" Frank Wlhorg writes: "We stopped nt u number ul’ the nllrnle towns— Pisiiguu, Iqulque, Aiilnfngiisla —mid I visited some of the mills, or ollleimiH, lu order to see something ol I lie Industry. Deposits of the crude I) Ill'll I e of soda, culled here Tldlelie,' lire found in (lie pinnim, or rolling pin tenu, beyond the lirsi range of foot bills. In some places this plaleau Is but leu miles from the const, In others us far as fifty miles. The pniupn Is an utterly barren desert. On the surface there Is nothing to ti nipt the liearl of man, bill a few feet down lies the ni- trnle stratum. This lire enls much the appearance of rock sail and varies in color, according to the purity of the deposit, from a whitish tint to a dark gray. The upper earth is blown awn.’, with dynamite, and then the caliche Is dug out with pick and shovel. I" do I on iron carts and carried up lo the mill . ‘'Ib re the caliche Is lirsi broken into small pieces by heavy erashers ami then put into large boiling vats. Inside I'm o vats are coils of '1 e:;111 pipes, by means of which the temperature i m be r. ■: .. ted ncc'irnicly. Sea water is poured in, and (lie eiilielie Is boiled for ■i eerialn time. The liquid solution III"t re-nills is drawn off into seilllng vat-, win h are dxpoved lo the open air and the an. K aporation i- r., el I, and I lie pure nitride of soda soon I, hn ■■ or." Inhbing and settling to dm hoi tom. Alter this has gone on for some time the remaining liquid is drawn off and die crust of nitrate is scraped from the :i(!cs and bottom of the vat mid thor oughly dried in the sun. Then It Is graded according to quality and packed for shipment in ICO pound sacks. “Most of the nitrate exported Is used a a fertilizer, lull a part goes to the manufacture of powder and high ex plosives. The nitrate to.wns ure even barer and drier and less inviting than most of die other bare, dry towns of die coast. To some of them fresh wil ier is brought in pipes from a distance of more than 100 mile--.. Before (lie day these pines It used to be sold in the streets by die gallon. Thai water even now. though not. scarce, yet Is not plen tiful. is perhaps some excuse for the awful dust that blows, everywhere.” Miss [Ll/./.ie fI’miuli returned home last Sunday [ii I ter a week pleasantly spent with her brollicr's family lit h'lnt Creek. .1, W. ‘•'priivberry minion luisiiiesH trip to Troup county Inst. week, lb'is delighted with the county and will probably locate there in the HIM fill lire. Lutlier'/J'odd and VS'ill Hammett, of Springdale, visited ITiends at, Rook Spring Sunday. Mrs. A ii mt Caul roll, of L cighs Chapel, is spending several (lays with relatives mid friends here. .VI. D. Thurmond and tminlv mid F. M. mid A T Parrott und .1. W. Spray- berry attended the funeral of Edward (Ivei by, of East Point, Iasi Halurdiiy, al < kikes < ‘Impel, W. M.5".laoksou visited relatives al Paliael to Sal unlay Mr. mid Mrs. A. I\ I’annll entertain ed a IVw relativi s-’ and 11 n nil - a la quill ing'lasl 'i’lnilMlay, and also o Icbmlcd l b former’s bin Inlay. M II Overby, ol Piiliiictln, and Em met I'ndgeii, < I East i'oiut. pie- - d Saturday, enionle id l H( TAX K I'll 'Ml V I'.K . I hereby annotineo myself a candidate lor Tax Reei ivei. salijeel to tbe Ileino- ornl ie primary. ! am in I Im lo a linisli tins time, and will appreciate the support of my friends and fellow eiti- z.ens. f ii. Watkins. i nit sit ia: 11 i . I am n candidate for n -election lo tint olllce of Slu'i ill i,| Cowehi county, .-ab ject lo action of I lie Democrat if while primary. The supp ii imid vole-of all my fellow citizens will be apprerml* d JOSKI'H I, BltOVVN. Do You Sufforfronn Kirtnoy Trouble? We glutiamee one bottle ot Smith’s Sari' Kidney Cure to benefit, in cm e, or ! your druggist will refund your money. 1 I ’rice b(l ccnls at I lull A' Cates’. A. Laudi'i, Chapel tie vi-iled 111 I of ibi'ougb here la-l ( 'lilies Cluipel. Alr. slid , M is. .1 rein! iv. - in Iicigli the wick. < :i'|.|'o{ Ik noli, ol"1* 111C Creek,'spent be o; i• 11* ;i \ with relatives hero, *" E. R. Weaver of Goodes, Ha., visited fro ml- here la -I Wednesday. Tin* Southern Furniture Co. iu the Reese iqieru house building sells all kinds ol first class Furni ture. I'riees (lie lowest: terms I he most reasonable. tl Cards asid Wed- ding Invitations ;uocal Weather Report. •<’ Pursuant lo instructions from the Weather Bureau of the United Stales Department of Agriculture, Mrs. K, F. Milner, the local <>1 < server, will hereafter furnish I lie News for publicalion weekly re ports of weather conditions here. The readings are from the govern ment’,s standard instruments and are accurate. Doubtless these weather reports will be of much inferest to readers ol' the News. The report for week ending’ Feb. 1 2Xth, follows: Tempera! Te The Only Caarar.tood Kidney Cure ih Smith's Sur-' Kidney Cure. Yum druggist will r-fund vour m-mey if af ter taking one bottle'vou a, ■ ini antis- fied with resn.f.-. ;10 rn-nta at Holt A: Catch'. g i | o “ 1 X r. 11 day. ! 1 i'l ttu (Hear. 7:* iia Partly cldy ! im 4« .07 Clear. fu; 40 Clem. ct; i;.j as Clear. ■tf 70 aa .07 Cloudy. I 2H ^0 Clear. Leave your orders al this store for engraved cards and wedding invitations. All work guaranteed Lo be firstclass and prices probably a little lower you can get elsewhere. Bear us in mind when engrav ing is desired, and remember that orders left with us will al ways be filled satisfactorily. H. S. BANTA The Jeweler , - - i i — IK»•’»’» mPKW'K'W" 1 *