The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 02, 1906, Image 7

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<■,■»■ n»m For this Fenutifut Top Burry, mami* in Atlanta'Georgia. A Southern Burry for Southern trade, nna a fine Leather Quarter Top, has genuine Leather, Spring Bottom Cushion, and Leather Back, is elrgamlv painted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $iifi 00 to $75.00.* *' or ^ inr Collar and Tfnme, ^ nickel mounted Harness, sold with every GOI/'l-N 1 A(.1.1. BUGGY, regular retail price $12.50 to |1.Y00 Catalog aud full description sent on request. GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO. 16M60 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Land of Promise (C’oiitituied from page It.) KNICKERBOCKER FOUNTAIN BRUSH The above illustration, drawn from life, shows a Knickerbocker Fountain Brush in use. The brush is made of fine velvety India Rubber and is so perfectly pliable as to easily fit every curve of the human figure. It can be Instantly at tached to any water faucet, and but the turn of a faucet is needed to regulate the temperature of the water to please the bather. The water flows out through £95 tiny pliable rubber teeth to the bath er's infinite delight and perfect satisfac tion. It is a happy invention, vastly superior to all other bathing devices, and is endorsed by Physicians, Ministers, Physical Directors, Health and Beauty Specialists, and people in all walks of life. ‘ Every brush is fully guaranteed. For Halo by W. L. SEXTON, The Newnan Plumber. One evening we were treated ti> regular festival of good things accompanied by colored light pro cession of stewards and call boys bearing the goodies on parade style cpiite unique, as only the North German Lloyd cuisine can get it up, at the dinner hour Later in the same evening came a most pleasing and enjoyable con cert aboard for the benefit of the Sailors’ Widows and Orphan fund, | that netted a round sum. About the same hour we entered a ver\ dense tog, the foghorn being blown at frequent intervals through the night, while the pace of the vessel was slackened con- s derably; this in the region ot the j Newfoundland Hanks. We learn- ; eel thereby a fruitful lesson—the 1 note of danger to others involves 1 frequently the safety of self, i How we n.issed on the return New Arimll building. Phone 15»' trip the delightful company of j Judge Joseph W. Martin (the ex Moderator of the Southern Pres byterian General Assembly), which we had enjoyed so much as :; far as Rome; but he had tarried in Europe to attend the Pan-Presby Insurance Fire, Life, Accident, Bursrlary, Tornado, Policies MRS. W. Y. ATKINSON & CO. Newnan, Ca. ^ aboard ship (Tuesday, June 7th) terian Council at Liverpool. Since his return to America he has been called up higher: •‘He wont to hoo the Holy Land; He Iiiih gone to the Land of Holiness it self.” We still have in our possession a little silk flag of the U. S. which he gave us on the way to the earthly Jerusalem. He is now serving under the flag of a Higher Power in a greater country. Re- ciuiescat in pace. A noble man, indeed. On Sabbath, June S'.h, we cn joyed a fine sermon from the head and heart of Rev. H. 11. Bell, 1). D., on Col. 1: 1718, topic, "The Pre-eminence of Christ,” in the morning, and later on in the day quite a helpful discourse from Rev. S. II Bowyer, D. D , on I John 3: 2, “Jesus as He is,” and a good talk on Rom. 12: 1-2 by Rev. Stan ley B. Roberts, D. D. And now dawns our last day visit the lands of the Bible that the Bible from an earthly stand point 110 less than a heavenly may be more real to us, and that through a visit to other lands we might appreciate our own State the better and be able to sympa thize with our fellowmen in the various conditions in which their iots may be cast. The trip cost us about 81500, derived from a de voted father and the author's own savings from hard work; but the results have been great in propor tion, especially in furnishing tor better Christian work for God's people and a lost world Yet for of our readers who can never make such a trip, let us say, you can read after travelers even if you can’t travel; and it is the individ ual more than any special advan tages that make succesi in life possible. Parents can contribute no little to the betterment and en largement of their children's lives, if they will but realize their op portunity; and children cun by their own studies and labors utilize their opportunities not only to the increase ot their own information but to the betterment of the world, if they will, Del Gratia. May we by this painstaking nar ration have added some little to the understanding and advance ment of those who have been kind enough to follow us from point to point. In the writing of each chapter we have made it the pray er of our soul that somewhat might he said to direct the look of hu manky “inward” and “outward,” "forward” and “upward.” Our grateful thanks to editors and printers, readers and friends, are T. M. MARTIN The the Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. visits the iniquities of the fathers and mothers upon the children unto the third and fourth genera tion. Exodus 20:n. Yet there are fathers and moth ers who will allow gambling to be done in their homes (aud even take part in the games themselves) with perhaps a Holy Bible lying on it table nearby, that they might read and find out what our Lord and other inspired men have said concerning the e\ ils that are prac ticed in some of our homes of to day with people who pro I ess to be God's children. < »f course they belong to a church of some denomi nation; Imt does belonging to a church make one a child of God; We would answer no; for when a man or woman, or oven it child becomes a child of God they have no more taste for gambling or any other evil that is forbidden in the Holy Scriptures. We read a little article the other day right along this line, quoted from a man who was recently converted during a revival in some northern city, lie had been it notorious gambler, and in giving his testimony at an c\ porionoc meeting afterward, said: “I am not worthy to speak at this meeting; my life Inis been too black; I have led away many young men by my evil inllucnce; I can never make reparation for that. I shall try to pay back every dollar of my ill-gotten gains; it will bankrupt me, but my soul’s safety d e m a n d s it.” “My friends,” he continued, “1 want to tell you what led me to this wicked life. I did not start out with the intention of becoming a gambler. I wanted to lead an i honest life; but in my mother’s parlor 1 learned to play cards, and ' 1 to play fora prize. I eould noti I see the difference between playing j for a silver trinket and for the same silver made into a dollar,and iso my ruin began. Oh, fathers! I Oh, mothers! if you value the' highest, the noblest interests of your sons (and daughters too), put j far away from them everything that has any resemblance to the gambling table.” There is no difference in prin- I'or a hook j and playing for it dollar or a thousand dollars. Our young men and women should be guarded from this evil. They who are affording their chil dren games with prizes attached, the so-called progressive, whether it lie cards, erokinole or dominos, are doing that which may bar their souls from heaven. <'an parents afford to run the risk; chil- all Announcement 0 We beg to announce to our customers and friends that we are now in our commodious new store, with a full stock of General Merchandise, and have recently added to this a complete line of furniture, burial eases, etc. Also wagons, buggies and liar ness, mules and horses; all of w hich will lie sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or on time. We also carry a complete line of Fertilizers, which w e mix to suit, any and sill of our customers. \\ e also pay the highest prices for cotton aud cotton seed, and give the lowest rates on storage and in suranee, and make liberal advances on all cotton stored with us. Thanking you for your patronage in the past, we respectfully solicit n continuance l" the sillin'. V? MORI LAM), WOKGI A... H. W. CAMP CO. !—LlBgLgSg—MT^f r Atlanta & West Point Hailroad Co. The Western Railway of Alabama, Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. ItKAI> DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APR. 23, 1»0B. 111IV | A min 11 Iftu in iitiu in min I-.’IVii II Vftn I:.*IKI|I I mi| liJTp 2W|i II ni| ••!> 18 Mp, - -J(iil|it 11 :.‘ii| I-P II (Kip II nop Expert work and low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. R-I I’-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions The|family bottle (60 cental contains a supply for a year.All druggists sell them. asasasasssssas® if TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO | I s. C. CARTER S C0„ jl OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, when you want them jsj cleaned, pressed, repaired & or dyed in the best manner ft 1 and at the most reasona- j§| ble prices. Jj gsaciasssssasHssE igojaessssasssastn tog has been passed, j| morning is bright though slightly 11 cloudy, but little of mist remains. lj As our journey by sea draws to an jfj end we must prepare our goods J| for inspection by the customs’ of i| ficer in alphabetical order, ere we j| can go home. Lesson—life here [| is a journey that must terminate, LI and at its termination there mnst j| be an examination -n o and judg | merit upon our lives and capacities. ls| ior which we can only find |] ation in Christ by the . pint. Am as the time must come whei friends must part, so the seasi n must come to us all in this worid when loved ones must part, griev ous on whichever side it be, wh -ther we will or no; for which separation we should school our selves by faith and love and hope as certain, and yet to which we may look with joy through Christ our Saviour as not final, for they that love the Lord Jesus Christ shall meet again in His abode— “Home, Sweet Home" in Heaven ave—where love for God and His glory will o’ertop our love for all else, while purifying and heighten ing it. Again we set foot on “terra firma”—with “less Hereby accorded with the author’s best bow and wishes. May God bless them all as each may have need, especially “the Jerusalem Cruisers.” From Hoboken Docks, N. J., ( where we landed at 3 p. m, and passed customs’ examination) by Barclay street ferry we went to New York City, and, after acting some business of import ancc there, secured passage on through tr'ains via Philadelphia, Washington, and Atlanta to our * li«*r«* is but one sale-guard respective homes in Georgia and 1 ( must, be taught to slum Alabama, where we are again evils, and earnest prayers be happy in the bosoms of our belov-1 offered in their behalf. 1 here are ed families. And still abides thej Hom< ‘ people who seem to be, 01 thought 1 who ought to be, the pillars of the “Homeward bound! Homeward bound! ehm ehes, who are willing to toler We sail the Sea of Time; Wo soon shall reach our Home above, In that celestial clinu T hough “we sail apart now, we will drop anchor in the same port by and by,” ii we follow the guid- mce of our Pilot Divine—-Jesus the Christ of God. THE END, a 1 III Mu I:.’-Vli. 11 :i|i II lift 11 1 2Ap 111 Ifip 1 001 0 Mop 7 14| H l*l| 11 25 p K 2T»|» H U lfp 1-2 I Oil 11 ofip 5 (Kill 0 r>. r m filln 0 Hop, 0 J’7n 10 27 p 10 II->11 11 :ir>i> 0 KOI I 'll I ••., 11 1T|I II 11)11 I.V. - Mobile. - I.v Poninooli hV ..Holdill I.v Montgomery. ... M il*li'«td Arriv . Ar ,\r Auburn. - Ar (?< >111 mi lit 1 h . _ Kr bn (Jruti jo \ 1 N< vn 111111 \ 1 Fiilrburn Ar IClIHt I'nlllt \i XI In lit 11 1; i.’>. \ 1 Wauhlntfton , . hi \i Haiti 10 1 In \ r Plilliitlolpbla 1 oop Ar Ni w York No Hf» No K7 No '.17 No HA s nip 7 Ifin II l.'ui r r.’i- 2 Mil i 7 117 1 (Nip ft IMIil ... .. 11 :ni|i In aftu IB ’hill Ii J0p| it 17h It JOp 10 0.HI fl Jitp S 'JOp ...... ft nip 0 ion 7 III). 1 :f7p 1 115]» t'8f,|.j- ■ s K7.I 7 -U|'| 1 K'l* 1 Iftl. ' • M » l n .i.i|i 1 Inn it .top ; min !»Hp 12 .In ; of.p 0 ill • Jnp U Ihi 'HI,. 6 "In j 1 :.‘Hp 1 or. 11 f» ill III 1 2opj II i p 12 Ifin II Ififl 10-16,. 1 Hip 6 l-.'M n 1 -*i |» K <d ]> ;t .1’ 0 .Op, 1.’ Hill 1 -Iftl, * Ml*illh Above truins dully. UoiiomdiooH lit New Orlouim for for TiiHkoRiM*, '<! IlHli'iid for T»iII»iIi'imhi , i*. I Hi (• m I IRC iti'HOliiUioibll loll Iciivck A t III 11111 'billy, exc Iioivcn li iGitiiikc III 5:fio II. III. nrrlvcH Atliilitu M: Ifi n. in. TihIiih IJfi mid MO I'u 11 until alccpcrH New York mol New Orlciuift. on mol New Orli'ini*. TruhiH H7 mtdjllH Washington mol Soiitfiw-D m bluilteil Pullinnii m|< < pi ours, observation mol Hilling our*, (’oinplot'' service New York mol New Orb Train 07 United State* fast mull. Through day o mo Iioh Atlanta and New Or'eaii* Writ,** for mans, schedules and liiforuinlIon. I\ M. I HOM I'HON, .1. I* HI Id Ups, T. P. A., Atlanta, (in. O. I*. A., Atlanta tin. Oil AH. A. WIUK ICKS If A M, I’res. and (Jen. M i Atlanta, On I’exiiH, Mexico. < *1111 foriltii. At Ohebnw pt Smolny lit r» :K0 p. in. Hetltruliig I'll rough eoa^he* Wiishitig •nmpiirtniei t Dr. Allen on Chinese Sltua* tion. Afflicted With Rheumatism. “I was and am yet afflicted with rheumatism,” says Mr. .J. O. Bayne, • ditor of tin- Herald, Ad lington, Indian territory, ‘bur thanks to dhamcrlnin’s i-'itin Halm am able once more to attend to business. It is the best, of liniments. ’ It troubled with rheumatism give Pain Haim a trial and you are certain to la- more than pleased with the prompt re lief which it affords.. One application relieves the pain. For sale by Ur. Paul Punist in, Newnan Ga. ate the above evils in the churches, and are opposed to dealing with such members; but what good are such members to it church; And what good can a church that tol erates such things hi 1 to anybody! The church of God should be kept pure arid clean. We haven't any right, as 11 is housekeepers, to re tain in the eh 11 any who are nol loyal to II is cause. If we do, we lay ourselves liable to the curses that are pronounced against the seven churches of Asia, spoken of in the second and I hird chapters of Revelations. If the churches In a letter w ritten to <1.8. Prior, of the Albright Prior company, Dr. Young J. Allen, the well known missionary, of Shanghai, China, declares that these are stir ring times in China and that, until the Chinese exelusisn question and the consequent boycott have been disposed of nothing but riot and ro\olution can lie expected. “Things in China are consider ably stirred up and will continue so until some questions are settled among them t he exclusion bill and l lie boycott. But we are in for a period of agitation which will occasionally break forth in more or I ess of violence. China and Russia are running a race and it is hard to say which has the advantage in their revolutionary game. At all WANTED. To buy or uxcliatigo <! rop eries for one-liiill and otie- A 1st Ion igs. We LOO 25e 40c 30c elietlp : 20 Lbs. Sugar for 11! Bars Laundry Soap I Gill. Best. Git. (lane S\ nip I I ’on ml < 'hewing Tobacco Many ot her good tilings cheap. Call and gel oar prices. We will serve you right and give prompt delivery and appreciate your pat ronage. mM/j&xmsma The Harm of “Innocent’ Cames. Do you want to subscribe for any newspaper or magazine published in the United States? It so. your sub scription will be received at die News office. We often hear the following ex pression used; “I can’t see any world is holding up hypocrits as harm in playing an 'innocent’ examples of Christianity. Our game of cards.” There are no in- advice to church members, who terror 1 n0C ent games that have prizes at- cannot resist the evils spoken of, and much firmer.” In the famil- j tached to them. They are all would be to havetiieiriiamestak- lir words of C. A. White: harmful. In fact, it is gambling cn off the church-book, and wait just the same as going tb the bil- till they can quit, and not disgrace Hard room and playing billiards and staking money. The so-called iinnocent games are very harmful, and become much more so as the days go by. For we are taught in were kept pure, there would „ 0 L events, the end is not .yet for tlu be so many evil habits practiced; students of China, who are just for when the unsaved find out that now beginning to see and feel the the church of God is kept pure, depths >>"' «‘egra«lalion into then they will reverence it, and which their country lias been Christians will have some inil and the incompetence and over the outside .world. What few imbecility and helplessness of their Christians there are, don’t have present rulers, are more and more AIWay8 any chance, because the hypocrits clamoring for a change and reform ' far outnumber them, and the such as threatens the overthrow of the dynasty, and by ils accom- J. D. LAND, The Gunsmith. West Side <'mill Library House, Opposite < ‘orncr. Keeps Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in His Mouse. “We would not lie without Chamber- lain’B Cough Ready. It in kept on . . band continually in our home," hu,' h panyirig anil-foreign spirit pro- w . w. Kearney, editor of the lndi-.pend- cipitate collisions here and there, eat, Lowry City, Mo. That in juHt wlnit- if not generally, with foreign in*- every family should do. When kept at terests, political and eommerieal.” '“"‘'1 for inst. nt use, a cold may —Atlanta Journal. "I’m trav’ling back to Dixie, My step is slow and feeble, I pray the Lord to Help me, And guard me from nil evil. And should my strength forsake me, Then, kind friends, come and take me, My heart’s turned back to Dixie.” tf We have had our desire—to i the word of God, that the Lord the cause of the blessed Lord any longer by “Having a name to Jive, when they are dead.” Wake up, and be honest with God. Mkk. J. If. Sl'.mmKKK. Newnan, Ga. bo checked nr the outset and cured in much less time than after it lias become I he above is of especial interest settled in the system. This remedy is to Newnan people, as Dr. Allen is u | KO without u peer tor croup in ctiit- well known here. He is a brother ( |j„n t unU will prevent the attack when ol Mrs. Sam Arnold, deceased, ^j V nn hk soon as the child becomes late ol this city. ! hoarse, or even after this crotipy cough 1 appears, which can only be done when ,). T. Holmes, Real Estate and Rent-! the remedy is kept at hand. For sale ing Agent. Office over 1st Nat. Bank, by Dr. Baal Peniston, Newnan, On.