The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 09, 1906, Image 1

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THE NEWNAN NEWS 'miry’s Office VOL. VI. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 9. 1906. NO. 48 For All the News of Coweta County Read THE NEWNAN NEWS ! COUNTY PRIMARY CALLED EARLY. April 28th is the Day Named by Executive Committee for County Primary. As tlu* News predicted lust week the primary lor nomination of can didates for county cilices in Cowe ta will occur on the last Saturday in April, the 28th day of that month. The date was named last Tuesday at the meeting of the Dem ocratic Executive Committee of Coweta county. All members of the committee except the repre sentative of Panther Creek district attended the meeting, the follow ing named members being present: 1st district, Wm. Keith; 2nd, J. T. Chestnut; did, J. T. Brooks; 4tl , *\ . P>. Martin; 5th, W. L. Stallings; (ith, R. A. Ingram; 7th, R. N. Winkles; Cedar Creek, T. N. By rani; Gruntville, W. A. Bohan non; Haralson, W. O. Herndon; Hurricane, B. H. Dial; Turin, Fred Hunter. Chairman Stallings and Commit teemen Martin, Bohannon and Herndon were constituted a com mittee to assess candidates and ar range the details of the primary. name does not appear on said list shall not be allowed to vote; nor shall any person whose name does appear on said list be denied his right to vote. Resolved: That all voters who reside in the Militia District where there is an incorporated town, in ; which said town is located a pre cinct, shall be required to vote at one of the voting places in said district. Voters from all other districts may vote at the Newnan precinct. Resolved: That this committee shall have printed tickets contain ing the names of all the candidates for the various oilices heretofore mentioned, and the expense of printing such tickets, and the ex- : pense of holding said election, shall be borne by said candidates. Nor shall any candidate's name be 1 placed on said ticket who*does not, ten days before said election, de- j posit with this committee whatev er amount may be assessed against him for said expenses. That no tickets except those prepared by this committee be used in said elec tion. That this committee shall furnish all managers with tickets to be.used by said votem. Resolved: That it shall be the duty of the committeeman in each district to see that the polls are [opened and the election conducted HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY Salmagundi Club. The largest social affair of the week was the entertainment of the Salmagundi Club by Miss Nclie Lou Walton and Mrs. W. A. Tur ner, Jr., Thursday afternoon. The pretty home was fragrant with a profusion of violets and lovely pot plants added beauty to the decora tions. Violet being the color motif, was carried out in every detail. The dainty score cards were bunches of violets, hand- painted, tied with violet ribbon. An interesting game of dominoes Mr. and Mrs. T. (1. Farmer an nounce the engagement of their sister. Miss (1 race Farmer, to Mr. (leorge Wyatt Jackson, the wed ding to take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, on the even ing of April the 25th. Mr. M. F. (’ole and Miss (’lllis- tine Cole will leave in a few days for a short visit to Baltimore, Mil. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. North an nounce the birth of a daughter, Martha Louise, Sunday, March I, Mrs. II. II. North and children Mooting of Commissioners. was enjoyed, for which some very have returned from a stay of some pretty trophies were given to the length with relatives in Atlanta, highest scorers. . Miss Virginia Freeman returned A delicious luitcheon was served Saturdav from a delightful visit to at small tables scattered over tin- house, carrying out further the pretty violet color scheme. The resolutions adopted and rules formulated for governing the [ lu ’oordimr to law ™ - follows: Resolved" That the returns of UUSOMJTIONB. this election shall Ik* brought to Resolved: That a white Demo-' N ' l ‘ wntt " tho HOth ,l «.V of April, cratic primary be held on the 28th 1000 ’ h - v 0,,c °’ <,lo( ' k ’ 1»- th « dav of April, 1906, for the nomi- executive committeeman of the do nation of the following officers, to- trict or om ‘ of the miU,a ^ rh - That wit: Representatives from Coweta ! ht ‘ ex(3cutivu committee shall meet County to the Legislature, Clerk I in the cou,t h(,lls ‘‘ > T «wnan on of the Superior Court, Sheriff, Tax 11,0 <kl >Y above named atone o’clock Receiver, Tax Collector, County i l 1, 1,1 •» 11,1,1 consolidate the votes Treasurer, County Surveyor, Cor- 11,1,1 declare the result of said pri mary election. Euchre Club. Mrs. Barrow was the cordial hostess of the Euchre Club T ues day afternoon. Miss Ina Kirby won the first prize, a beautiful vase; Mrs. Wade Dent drew the consolation,a pretty picture; and the booby fell to Mrs. Henry Arnall—a dainty Dresden ( himi cup and saucer. After the game a delicious luncheon of two courses was served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Henry Arnall. Jr., Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock. oner, and for the election of thir teen members of the Democratic Executive Committee, one from each district. That said commit teemen so elected, shall hold office for two years, and their term of office shall begin January 1, 1907. Resolved: That the polls be open ed at all the regular precincts in said county, and also at Roscoe, Madras, Moreland, Coweta, Wel come, Ht. Charles, Corner Branch School House and Sargent. That at all the voting places the polls shall be opened at 1 o’clock; p. m., and closed at 5 o’clock, p. m.; ex cept at Newnan the polls shall open at 7:80, a. m., and close at 7, p. m., and at Senoia add Grant- ville the polls shall close at 6:30, p. m. Resolved: That any three Demo crats, after first being duly sworn, Resolved: That in the event any candidate shall be dissatisfied with the result, and desires to contest the correctness of the same, he shall on the 30th day of April, 1906, and before the executive com mittee adjourns, file in writing with this committee notice of his intention to so contest, and set forth in said notice the grounds upon which he relies; and in the event any person shall file such notice, then this committee shall proceed to hear and determine said contest. W. L. Stallings, Ohm. W. B. Martin, Sec. Pro Tern. Sans Souci Club. Miss Lida Brown was the charm ing hostess of the Sans Souci ( Tub last Friday afternoon. All the members were present and the hours were pleasantly passed in playing “Trail” and “Five Hun dred.” The score cards were the daintiest of hand-painted Japan- |ese lanterns, the artistic work of (the hostess. A delightful lunch eon of two courses was served. The next meeting will be with Miss Ida Bowel. Captured by Deputy Sheriff Entrekin. Deputy Sheriff' J. T. Entrekin, can hold said election. That they | ol Senoia, on last Sunday effected shall take and suliscribe to the * lie capture of a fugitive from jus- Miss Allene Bradley, daughter o*' Mr. Tom Bradley, of Garrollton, and a neice of Messrs. G. R. and I. P. Bradley, of Newnan, was day for a visit to Atlanta Mrs. (i. I’. Harrison in Opelika. Miss Ida Williams came down Tuesday from Atlanta to visit her her sister, Mrs. Byrd Parks. Miss Grace Barrow, of Atlanta, is expected to spend Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Bertel. Mrs. Banks David, of Galhoun, Ga., is tin guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Sewell. Mrs. Fannie Brook, of llogans- villc, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Loui Close. Mrs. II. II. Revill,of Greenville, is expected to visit friends here next week. Miss Lily Joe Smith, of Atlanta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. L. Sutton. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. II. ('. Glover, Tuesday, March (Ith, a daughter. Mrs. T. P. Zellers, of Palmetto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George ! Wynn. Miss Johnson, of Palmetto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edwin Parks. Mrs. I. T. Stanley has returned from a visit to relatives in West Point. Mrs. J. C. Anderson and baby arc visitingjrelatives in Columbus. Mrs. Roy ('ole will leave Satin oath required of primary election managers under the laws of this State. Resolved: That all white Demo cratic registered voters, who have registered during the year, 1906, and whose names appear on the list of registered voters, up to and including April 21, 1906, and who have paid all State and county tice for whom rewards amounting to #250 were offered. The party was James Parks, a prominent white citizen of Molena, Pike coun ty, wanted for killing Will Brooks, another white man. The killing occurred early in January of this year, and Parks had been in hiding since. Mr. Entrekin located Parks in a married a few days ago to Dr. Boykin, a young dentist of Car rollton. Mrs. Boykin has been a frequent visitor to Newnan and her marriage is of interest to many friends here. “The Twelve” were delightfully entertained by Mrs. Tom Goodrum Friday afternoon. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, several of the members were absent. The next meeting will lie with Mrs. Mike Powell Friday, March 16th. Miss Miriam Atkinson and her little niece, Marguerite Atkinson, after spending several days in Newnan, returned to Milledgeville Tuesday. Miss Linda Himril has returned from Gadsden, Ala. taxes prior to 1906, and who are i rem0 ^ e section of Meriwether coun qualified, shall be entitled to par- ^y ai *d went down Sunday atter- ticipate in said primary; provided, 11,00,1 > accompanied by Marshal that all white voters otherwise j ljee ^ anks a,,<1 ^ ^ • Cook, ofSe- qualilied, who will, if their right ,loia - The y bagged the game and to participate Lie challenged, prom- turned Parks over to Sheriff Mil- ise to support the nominees, are nei 01 1>lke cciunty. entitled to vote therein. 1 ^ llie rewards offered for Parks Resolved: That the County Reg- ™ P ut U P by the State and . . ., *L>0 by the murdered man’s rela- lstrars be requested to furnish the tiyes Mr Entrekin is being managers ot this election at the warmly congratulated by many several precincts a complete list of citizens on his clever work in lo ad the qualified registered white eating and capturing Parks. Democratic voters for the several — ■ 1 Militia Districts of the county, for 1 Seed Corn For Sale, use in said election. That said I have grown 75 bushels of registrars shall prepare said list Marlboro Corn on one acre of land, and turn it over to the election Have first class seed corn of this managers of the several voting variety for sale at 50c per peck or places; that the said list shall lie *1.50 per bushel, at Reese Drug opened in the presence of said Store or at my dwelling, managers, and any person whose, 2t W. A. Turner, Sr. Sad Death at Sargent. Mrs. Eva Carter Warren, the young wife of Lovic Warren, of Sargent, died at her home last Monday morning at an early hour. The funeral occurred at Liberty church the next day and was con ducted by Revs. J. B. S. Davis and F. J. Amis. Mrs. Warren was about 20 years of age; and is survived by her hus band, an infant seven months old, her father and other relatives. She was a daughter of Rev. E. T. ('al ter, a well known and respected minister of the Christian denomi- Mrs. Gordon Lee has returned ! ,ia ^ on ’ living in this county. Mrs. W al ien was a member ot Lilierty church; a young woman of splen did character, loved and respected by a host of friends. i to Washington City, after spend- j ing several days in Newnan as the guest of Mrs. W. B. Pringle. Mrs. G. A. Nunnally has re turned from Opelika, Ala., where she was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. George P. Harrison. Misses Maie and Frances Her- Social Event at Turin. i Among the most delightful I events of the ante Lenton season i was the spend-the-day party given ring returned Tuesday to Shorter; by M) . s Fm] Hunter at her lovely CoHege, after spending a few days home Thursday, with their parents. j The co ] or ^cheinc was white and Mrs. R. J. Atkinson returned to green, the handsome table having Greeneville last Tuesday, after a as a centerpiece a cut glass vase of ! visit to Mr. T. E. Atkinson and white hyacinths and ferns. Cov- [ family in this city. ; ers were laid for fourteen and Mrs. Margaret Drewry, who was am(m * the K uosts w « re 1111,1 the guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Mrs. Ed. Dominick, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell, returned to Griffin last ,lu(ls0,i Garris, Mr. and Mrs. Monday. : George Urquart, Mr. and Mrs. J. I C.Harris, Mrs. Maggie Gay,Misses Mrs. A. M. Hartsfield is ex- j Mary e Hunter, Hattie May Bow j pected home soon from a lengthy den> Annie Harris, Love Carpe.i- ; visit to her son in \\ ashington, D. | ter, Ruth vVhatley and Frances IC. J Gay. County Commissioners, in regu lar session held last Friday, trans acted following business: May me Wallace, colored, was admitted to the pauper farm. J. II. Rollins was appointed road supervisor for the 2nd dis trict, succeeding J. W. Trammell, who resigned. .1 ohn Wilbur, Dan Aeey, Miller Jackson and James Alexander were released from road duty for the year 1906. Plans were perfected for placing a permanent road gang composed of free laborers, on the county highways. The gang will operate two road machines and consist of seven men. (). P. Payne was se lected for superintendent of this force. The entire county will be covered by this force; aim it is ex pected that this method will pro duce excellent results in aiding the maintenance of good roads tli rough- out the county. Littlo Girl Passes Away. One of the saddest deaths re corded in Newnan in some time was that of Alice, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Holmes, who died last, Sunday morning at. eleven o’clock. She left school Friday afternoon on account of be ing sick and Saturday a malignant case of scarlet fever developed, which resulted in her death. The funeral and burial occurred in tin* city cemetery Monday afternoon, the service being in charge of Dr. G. A. Nunnally. Alice was in her eleventh year, being the youngest of a family of eight brothers and sisters. She was a sweet, affectionate and in telligent child; the light of a hap py home and idol of the family. Her untimely death wasasad blow to fond parents and relatives, and all who mourn her passing away have the deepest sympathy of the people of the entire city. Superior Court. Superior courladjourned Thurs day at noon, after being in session since Monday morning. Court will convene again this morning and the criminal docket will be called. This is a busy term and much business is being disposed of. Judge Freeman, Solicitor Ter rell and Stenographer Revill are in their accustomed places. The grand jury organized by electing James O. Sewell, foreman; R. II. Ware, Clerk; E. Dominick, assistant clerk. M. I). Millians is acting as bailiff' for the grand jury; Lewis McCullough for Solicitor Terrell, and R. P. Carmical, W. P. Dukes, W. J. Tarleton and J. If. Bailey are court bailiffs. Miss Turnipseed Died in Senoia. Shnoja, Ga., March 6.—Miss Sarah Turnipseed died late Satur day afternoon at her home, after a lingering illness often weeks. Miss Turnipseed was one of the most efficient teachers in (Joweta county, and was connected with some of the most prominent fami lies of the county. She leaves one sister, Mrs. W. F. Stewart, of Senoia, and two brothers, Messrs. Emmett and Rob ert Turnipseed, of Alabama, be sides a host of friends. The funeral was held at the Methodist church Sunday after noon and she was buried at Bethel cemetery a few miles south of Senoia. Bailiff' Langford went to Newnan yesterday and brought back Lon Brandenburg, a negro, who is wanted here by the court for gam ing.—Griffin News and Sun. DR. NUNNALLY IN NEWNAN. Candidate for Covernor Ad dressed Large Crowd Here Last Monday. Dr. C. A. Nunnally, candidate for governor, addressed a large crowd of Coweta voters at the court house last Monday, begin ning at 11:15 o’clock and speaking one and a half hours. His utidi nice tilled the superior court room and about two score persons stood in the rear of the room during the speaking. Among Dr. Nunnally’s auditors were about twenty-live ladies. Major W. W. Thomas presided and introduced Dr. Nunnally. His speech was similar to other speeches delivered by him during the past lew weeks. As the speech has been printed in the daily pa pers and commented upon at, length by them, the News will not attempt a summary of if. Dr. Nunnally devoted 30 min utes of his speech to introduction and to reforms favored by him; about as much time was given to pleasantry at the expense of four of his opponents; and during the remaining half hour he lambasted Hoke Smith. Mr. Smith was at tacked on account, of his connec tion with the Piedmont, Hotel bar, his position on railroad regulation, disfranchisement, etc., etc. Dr. Nunnally’s entire speech was received with enthusiastic ap plause by his supporters; and at its conclusion they unanimously adopted resolutions introduced by Hon. \V. A. Post, of Grantville, and read as follows: “Whereas, it is the sense of this meeting that the Governor of Geor gia should be a thoroughly qualifi ed, God-fearing man, capable of administering the affairs of the State with wisdom and justice—a man who is free from domination by political cliques or factious of any character—a man who would (ill this high office as a true ser vant of the people, holding it in trust for all the people of every class; and “Whereas, our distinguished fellow citizen,Dr. G. A. Nunnally, is such u man, therefore, lie it “Resolved by the citizens of Goweta county, in muss meeting assembled, That we heartily in dorse the candidacy of Dr. Nun nally for the Democratic nomine tiou for governor, and present him to the people of Georgia as a man in every way fitted for the office, and as one eminently deserving this high honor.” Haralson High 8chool. The following pupils of Haral son High Hchool having made a general average of 90 per cent in their studies, including deport inent, for the month of February, are entitled to a place on Honor Roll: Frank Garrison, Ruby Pope, Lois Counts, Ruby Taylor, Bessie Quigley, Wallace Gray, Evelyn Brandenburg, Lila May Callahan, Willie Addy, Jewel Brandenburg, Clyde Johnson, Jessie Chappell, Maude Callahan, Annie Washing ton, Lloyd Gray, Walter Callahan, Sadie Rawls, Muller Wingar<l,Nora Thompson, Walter Brandenburg, Mainye Foster, Wilbur Rawls, Frank Hod nett, Ross Brandenburg, Otis Thompson, Alva Callahan, Nellie Hutchinson, Homer Hutch inson, Ida Kempson, Mary Pope, Lura Addy, James Kempson,Olivo Swygert, j. D. Robinson, Zachery McGahee, Maud Quigley, John Callahan, Maud Johnson, Homer Nixon, Pearl Kempson, Estelle Addy, Earl Thompson, Bessie Thompson, John H. Hod nett. F. Roy Almou, Prin.