The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 16, 1906, Image 1

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1 THE NEWNAN NEWS. VOL. VI. — : NEWNAN..GA., FRIDAY. MARCH 16. 1906. NO. 49 For All the News of Coweta County Read THE NEWNAN NEWS ! Grand Jury Presentments. j General Presentments of the Gram! Jury chosen ami sworn for tfyie March term, 1006, of Coweta Smperior Court: Vwe, the Grand Jury, chosen and swjorn for the March term, 1006, of/Coweta County Superior Court, Waving through our several com- mHtees, examined the records in the various county olliccs, tvs well as the condition of the public buildings and other property be longing to the county, beg leave to make the following General Pre sentments, towit: PUHt.IU HUH,DINUN. \Yi> have examined the court house and find it to be in good <<oudition, except when raining the water runs into Bohunnon's oilice. We also recommend that County Commissioners investigate the dome which the city clock is in, as there is some danger of some of They now have four well trained dogs, and have sold #100 worth of dogs. There are only two guards. We think that there ought to lie an other employed. COUNTY POOtt FA KM. After examining carefully and thoroughly the county poor farm, we find it in excellent condition, and the inmates on it in cheerful spirits. They seem to be delighted with their house and surroundings. We think the commissioners, in deed, made a wise choice in selec tion of their superintendent, who seems to be very dear to his (lock of people, which numbers twenty in all. White male, two; white female, eight; colored male, six; colored female, four. We furthermore recommend the repairing of the dwelling houses; most especially the Superintend ent’s home, as the paint seems to la* scaling off of this one more rapidly than the others. Me is the cables giving away,and weight falling and damaging the building. | n] so j tl much need of a larger stor- \\ e find the jail building in k| nge room for his provisitios. We fair condition, but there could lx* | congratulate? most heartily Coweta many improvements made. The j ( * 0Ulltv iM having such a charitable sanitary condition could be greatly institution for poor, forlorn ami improved,and ask our county com-1 helpless people. We would be inissioners to look after the matter. g] a( i km,w that there was one county records. I in every county in our grand old We have examined the records State, of the Clerk, Ordiuury, Sherifl, lax rucommkndationw. Collector, Tax Receiver,and Treas-1 Wm F Tlli lo lrt . appoint- urer,County School Commissioner, | (i(l N ,, a|U , Ex . ()fllclo j, j>. 7B2 district. G. M.; C. B. Grimes to la* appointed X. P. and Ex-Officio J. P. 647 district, G. M. J. C. Sew- County Commissioner’s books and Justice of Peace books. We beg leave to make the following report: We find the above mentioned books kept in a neat and business like manner; and as we have had only a limited amount of time to do this work, the grand jury of the Septemlier term, 1605, recoin- j mended the employment of an ex pert accountant to examine all the I court house books. The above re quest was granted and all of the court house books have been ex- i amiued by experts and the same were found in good corn! tion, with I some small errors. We recoin-1 mend that the county commission-1 era see that the above errors are! corrected. Hi:POUT ON COUNTY (TIAINOANO. I Live stock, 18 mules, 6 pigs, 4| dogs; 2 portable cars, 7 wagons, fi | 15 •> *< •• 11,000 00 Tan. 2 *• J W Willooxon, TO 10,718 30 4 “HR Davie*. TO, 6,926 07 Feb. 2 “ L Turner, Clk, 29 62 ft “ W L Stallings,Clk, 187 74 10 II II II 15 00 Total 88,949 37 190ft CHUCKS. | Sept. 1. Ovordraft<>, *1,657 80 Jury Scripts Supr Court 1,344 00 •• “ City court 608 00 " " Lunacy 32 00 Expense Lunacy 220 70; *• Bldgs & Repair 2,421 32 Courts 1,851 46 •• Prisoners 879 54 •< Paupers 1,379 99 *• Contingent 2,798 21 •* Witness Fees 59 56 “ Inquests 36 50 •• General Fund 11,088 73 •* Salaries 150 00 <• Interest 231 59 Balance 3,191 91 Total 33,919 PUBLIC ROAD FUND. ell, J. T. A mail, E. P. Floyd were appointed on County Board Edu cation. We ask the Clerk of the County Board to furnish the coun ty newspapers a full statement of amount, to whom paid and for what purpose, at each monthly meeting. Said papers will be glad to get such news and publish same free of charge to the county. We recommend the following bill la; paid to E. Turner, 1005, Superior < -ourt: Muroh, to recording general present ments #5 00 “ Entering 7 orders on inm ates 5 25 March Adj. term. Entering 3 or ders on minutes, Sept. term. Eutoring <1 orders on minutes, 4 30 11105 DEPOSITS. Sept. I. Balance 2 By .1 I) Starr By .1 8 Hummock By .1 8 Hammock By T L Lambert By VV A Scars By .1 W Trammell By .1 P Bolin mint i By It N Winkles By .1 W Trammell By K P Davis 5 By W C Ragsdale By T B Sanders By J A Davis By W L Stallings 3y J P Bohannon Oct. I By W L Stallings By It P Davis By W C Ragsdale By W O Herndon By .1 A’ Davis By W A Sears By J F Dial By .1 W Trammell By R N Winkles 1,1*11 70 is 00 llll) 50 27 00 40 50 88 IK) 25 IK) 105 00 21 50 21 00 81 00 05 75 horse. Also to our Clerks, R. H. Ware and E. Dominick, and M. I>. Millians, bail ill'. Same respects to our door-keeper. We recommend that these pre sentments be published in the Her ald and Advertiser, Newnan News, Senoia Enterprise-Gazette, and each of tin* papers be paid #10 for publication. We also recommend that jurors and bailiffs lie paid #2 per day for the ensuing year. We recommend that the County Commissioners have the seats ar ranged in the grand jury room uc- Also, (hat Chairman of Hoard of County Commissioners receive #100 for >eur 1000. Also, that our Legislature pass u law al lowing Count) Commissioners to — levy u tux of 2 mills for road pur i poses. coMI’I.IM ENT A K V. We congratulate our fellow citi zens that we have such un able jurist as .Imlgc If. W. Freeman to preside over this court. Wo thank him for It is clear and forceful charge, and trust we shall have tlie lamellt of his eminent services for many ,veins to come. Our association with Solicitor General Terrell lias been exceed ingly pleasant; lie has been ex- the Prison Commission recom mended commutation and on Thursday Governor Terrell accep ted the Commission’s verdict. Patterson’a sentence was com muted through the influence and efforts of Mrs. Avis Boyce, an At lanta lady who enlisted herself in his behalf. Child Killed Playing With Cun. Whilosburg, Ga., March l.’t.— John Treadwell’s twin boys, 5 years old, had been playing with an old gun barrel by blowing their breath through it to hear tin* noise us it came out at the tube. It hud been taken away from them and hidden. When tho boys were alone they limbed upon the lied, took down their lather’s loaded gun and, it is apposed, was blowing in it when the weapon was discharged and one of tin* Ixiys killed. The whole load entered at his mouth, passed through his head at the top. lie died instantly. (I .*:) presentments Recording 117 bills of indict, at 50c, City Court of Newnan, April term. Recording 2 orders on minutes, July term. Recording 5 orders on minutes, 6 00 83 50 3 75 1 50 2 25 lit 25 15 50 12 00 11 70 21 00 31) (Ml 31 75 !» 50 23 (X) wheel scrapes, 2 grade plows, 42 y 0 p t term. Recording general Billiex shovels, 45 picks and 11-2 dozen pick handles, 8 axes. Bed ding and clothing: 42 mattresses, 02 blankets, 00 suits of clothes and I} pairs shoes. Rations: 150 pounds Hour, 7 bushels meal, 60 pounds meat, 50 pounds salt, 1-2 barrel. Oct. term. Recording 2 orders on syrup, 70 pounds coffee, 10 pounds' J” lu “ te8 ’ .. .. . J 1 ’ 1 , ’ , Jan. ’06. Recording 3 orders on sugar, 15 pounds soap, 6 pounds, miimtegi tobacco, 350 pounds turnips, 1 j cooking range, 2 small heating 1 Total $55 60 stoves. Stock food: 706 pounds (In Aocordanoe with Code Seo. 5402). corn, 20 bushels oats, 965 pounds j Ge ° r K ia * C° weta Cou T ut ^ hay. Number ot inmates: . 'i oat |, gay8 t | iat t n e above account is true, ony, 10 misdemeanor; total 35. JJjjngt, and unpaid, to the best of bis colored and two whites. ' knowledge aud belief. L. Turner. We find from investigation of Sworn to and subscribed before me, the Superihtendeut’.s books that it thi « March **«• L ' £ Perdue costs upon an average to feed the men alxmt 12 1-2 cents per day, or i #3.75 per month. To feed the stock, about 35c per day, or #10.50 per month. We also find that one portable prison car was burned at; Senoia and that efforts are beiug 1JK)5 made to collect the value of same 1 Oct. 3. By W. L. Stallings, Clk *132 50 from the railroad; also that there 1000 are two portable cars under con-' ' Jan - *-■ w L Stallings, Clerk struction. We compliment the j ° verdraft - superintendent ol the chaingang; Total, for the excellent management of. [checks same. The men are all in line g e p(_ j Overdrafts, condition and have no complaints Vouchers, to make of their treatment. The stock are all in excellent condition, showing that they are well cared for. We think that the blood; hounds are one of the most impor taut factors in connection with the keeping and guarding of the con- ^ victs. They are well trained. Originally there was only one Bill, s »*>..• which the county paid #75.'Dec. 6 Special tax collected *12.50. TREASURERS REPORT. By G. W. Gable, Treasurer. CHAINGANG FUND, DEPOSITS. By J D Starr 12 00 | Nov, 1 By R P Davis 20 25 By J A Davis 6 00 j By T B Sunders 12 03 By R N Winkles 3 50 | By J W Trammell 15 25 By W A Seals 1 00 7 By W L Stallings 7 20 By It N Winkles 6 00 8 By H R Davies, T O 453 31 Dec. 6 By “ “ 1,360 00 By J W Trammell 18 5! By .J 8 Ham mock 21 00 By R P Davis 1 00 By J D Starr 3 00 By T B Sanders 21 00 By W A Sears 7 46 By W O HerndojA 15 By H R Davies,TO 25 75 4.0C0 00 Jan. 2. ’06. By W J Willooxon, TO 3,897 ffl 3 By T B Sanders 11 00 Bv W A Sears 1 00 By W G Ragsdale 29 60 By R P Davis 5 00 Jail. 3 By J W Trammell 19 25 By J F Dial 1 90 By J D Starr 7 00 By R N Winkles 11 00 4 HR Davies, T O 3,518 56 5 By J P Bohannon 6 00 10 By W L Stallings, Oik 5 70 Feb. 7 By W A Sears 9 06 By J A Davis 6 00 By J D Starr 4 80 (X) By W O Ragsdale 18 00 By J F Dial 182 00 R N Winkles 66 00 R J Meeks 278 00 Total 16,968 83 CHECKS. Vouchers 8,063 04 Balance 7,925 79 Total 15,968 83 57 oo | eeedingly kind and obliging to this I body and of great assistance to us j in our deliberations. We regard j him as an aide and fearless proso- i cuting officer. J G Howell, Foreman; William I 1 Reese, Leroy B Mann, John H Hammock, James K I’oik, Henry I, oo I A Camp, .lames l> A mold,Millard 0 oo'C Farmer, George E Parks, Edgar 3 001 Dominick, James C McKoy, Bobt. ,1 Stewart, Jasper N Sewell, Smith C Bowen, Roliert II Ware, James I* Bohannon, Edgar Meriwether, Rufus L Hardy, Jos W Sewell, EppiucttiiH I* Floyd, Thomas A Andrews, Alonzo II Rawls, John N Austin. Ordered that tho within General Presentments be spread upon the ed as recommended. This March 10, 1006. It. W. Freeman, J. S. 8,909 93 9,343 13 2,401 49 6,938 69 Total GENERAL FUND. 1905 DEPOSITS. 'Sept II. By W. L Stallings,Clk 9,313 16 26 Oct. 2s L. Turner, Clk, W L Stallings,Clk H R Davies, T C *10 00 16 6ii 28 33 21 00 10 00 1,246 06 3,740 00 Commandory Inspection. A special conclave of Tailored Commaudery, No. 11, K. T., is hereby called for Friday night, March 23rd. The Order of tin* Temple will be conferred. This will be also the occasion of the an nual inspection of the Command ery. The Sir Knights will as semble at their asylum promptly at 7:30 o’clock in full uniform. All qualified visiting Sir Knights art cordially invited. J. J. Keith, Acting E. E. W. S. Copeland, C. G. John Askew, Recorder. Death of Mrs. Molson. Mrs. S. A. McIsoii died Monday night at tin* home of her son,,), warren Melsou, near this city, af ter an illness of some length. She was a woman beloved by many friends, lien* and elsewhere. She was n sister of John D. Ray, Esq., of this county, and of Col. Laven der R. Ray and Mrs. E.R.Lowe, of Mhiidn; also,a cousin of Judge w. R. Hammond and mis. A. D. Adair and an aunt of mis. It. F. Shcddcn, of that city. The funeral aud burial ol mis. Molson was conducted Tuesday ai lernoon at Rose Hill cemetery, tlx service being in charge of Dr. ,las. Stacy, assisted by Dr. J. w. (Jn i I - lian. mis. Molson was horn in New nan, >111110 5, 1837, and was tin daughter of Judge and Mis. John Ray. She married, in 1871, Col. J. w. H. Molson, who died in 1884. During tho war between the States sin* lulsncil zealously to assist tin soldiers of the Confederate army aud their families, being president of the Soldiers’ Aid Society of this city. Pruett Acquitted. New Millinery. My line of new hats and season able millinery goods is now com plete, and the ladies of Newnan aud the surrounding country and towns are cordially invited to in spect the stock. Miss Grace Bush, bookh OF n. ph. and J. PH. i an experienced and artistic miJ- We have examined the dockets j ij ner from Kentucky,will be found of the J. P’s. and N. P’s. of the' i„ the trimming department. We county, and we find them all well j believe we can please ail who come, and correctly kept, except 902, i w jth the beauty and quality or 1393, 1358, 691, G45, 647, 3rd, 7th,; goods and reasonable prices. Hurricane and Grantville districts;j Mihh Turner,Milliner, and we are sorry to say that we!Corner Store Reese Opera House find some very grave errors, and t Building, we, as a laxly of sworn jurors, ask - these violators not to be caught in Burrel Patterson’s Son- this fix any more. tence Commuted. Resolved, that this grand jury — return its hearty thanks for the Burrell Patterson, the young able manner in which our fore- j Heard county citizen who was man, Hon. J. C. Sewell, has pre- sentenced to be banged for the \ Her a trial lasting three days Taylor Pruett was, yesterday after noon, acquitted of the charge of murdering J. w. Pinson, whom In shot, several months ago, in a dll' ficulty in this city. The jury was out alxmt an hour, after receiving Judge Freeman’s charge, and r< turned a verdict of “Not guilty.’ The verdict was received in tin crowded court room with a burst of applause. The demonstration drew from Judge Freeman astern rebuke upon those responsible for the applause. This was a closely contested casi from start to linisli and create) much popular interest; large nuni bers of people attending each ses sion of court during the trial, w G. Post, Esq., defended Pruett and is Ixjing warmly congratulate oil his able conduct of the case The Solicitor General was assist! in the prosecution of Pruett by At torneys w. C. wright and H. A Hall. The jury that acquitted Pruett was composed of E. 'J’. Evans, B If. Head, Ed Kirkland, E. 11 Kidd, N. w. Collingsworth, J. G Cannicul, J. c. Drake, M. G. Keith A. .;. HewelJ, O. H. Fincher, .j. w Story, w. S. Copeland. Four and a half panels were ex hausted in securing the jury. Negro Killed. sided over this laxly,notwithstand ing he was an unbroken colt, we consider him now a well broken murder of William Stewart, in April, 1004, will serve a lifqjpen- tence in prison. Last Wednesday will Dews, a negro, was shot and killed last Saturday night by John Bowen, on A.w. Potts’ farm j alxmt three miles from the city , Liquor and a woman said to hav I caused the trouble. Sheriff Brow was notified at 6:30 o’clock Hun day morning. He sent to the con viot camp for Capt. Nash and the county’s dogs, went to the scene of the killing, tracked Bowen fou miles and caught him at 0:1: o’clock, at his father’s home, near the home of Mr. P. M. waltom Court Proceedings. Following is summary of busin ess disposed of in Superior Court up to time the Pruett case was call ed: Rebecca Gottlieb vs Thus Got tlieb; total divorce granted. Ivey Shell vs Hunter mid Elder; (uuplaint for damages; deft, taxed till costs of suit. J E Johnson vs Agnes Johnson; total divorce granted. Florence F Simpson vs Lusenmls* Simpson; total divorce granted; plaintiff's former name, Florence N1 mu Fryer, restored. W A Bohannon was appointed and sworn ns a Notary Public. Willie Lou Mathews vs Hugh V Mathews; first ease set for trial it Sept. term. Wm Calhoun vs C A Hines; ap peal; dismissed and appellant Uix- I with costs. .1 .1 mid .1 E Maddox, Albright Prior Co, Frank E Block Co, E M ow Co, A C Wonley & Co, D A Collings i*t Co, Marell Grocery Co, Dunlap Milling Co vs .1 I 1 ' Hey Holds, twelve appeal cases; dis missed. .lohn Smith vs Ciinvess Smith; livorcc; first verdict. R \\ Hamrick vs .1 II Wynn; uni plaint; verdict for plaintiff in sum of #20; deft, taxed with cost. Nellie EiiIii Liles vs M W Liles; livorcc; first verdict. Piilizoc Hunter Drake vs Clnw Drake; total divorce granted; ustody of children, Annie Hun ter and Alfred Burch Drake, warded to plaintiff. State vs Olin Grilfin, larceny mm house, two indictments; plea of guilty; 12 mouths in cliaingang in each case. State VH*Sam Lowe, larceny from ouse; guilty;ten months in chain gang. State* vs Sam Lowe, carrying lonceuled weapon; plea of.‘guilty; #75 and costs or 8 mouths in chain- gang. State vs Sam Lowe, burglary; not guilty. State vs Raleigh Parks, simple larceny; plea of guilty; 5 years in penitentiary. State vs Fred Grimes, murder; guilty, with recommendation to mercy; life sentence in peniteuti- ary. State vs Olin Grilfin, larceny from house; nolle proHsed. State vs Wilkes Davis, rape; not guilty. State vs Raleigh Purks, simple larceny; nolle pressed. State vs John Wesley, burglary; guilty, with recommendation to punishment as for misdemeanor; #100 and costa or 12 months in chaingang. The Young-Lythgoe Co was chartered for the term of twenty years; capital stock #5,000; busi ness, retail general merchandise. Tho incorporators are R M Young and F II Lythgoe. HtaU: vs Lubie Stephens,murder; verdict of guilty. Following named traverse jurors were selected and sworn for the second week of this term: E T Evans, J F Lee, S S McCol lum, E G Cole, B H Head, R'1' Carpenter, C A Bolton, Ed Kirk land, E II Kidd, R B Thompson, J S Edwards, J T (.’ash, N W Col lingsworth, W H Hal), J J Mil lians, J G Cgi mica), B;L Stanford, .1 E Renfro, George Meyer, J C Drake, Win By ram, G E Jenkins, J W Attaway, D S Hummers. B H Glass, W E Widencr and A J Smith are acting as court bailiffs this week. State vs John Anderson More land, assault with intent to mur der; not guilty. State vs Sam Owens,assault with intent to murder; guilty of shoot ing at another; #75 and costs or 12 months in chaingang.