The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 23, 1906, Image 1

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S> '.W ■ i:> Ordinnry's Office NEWNAN NEWS. VOL. VI. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. MARCH 23. 1906. NO. 50 For All the News of Coweta County Read THE NEWNAN NEWS ! Special Term of Superior Court. Adjourned Term. Ordered that an adjourned term ' of court be held, beginning on the Superior Court adjourned last 5th Monday in April, 1906. Saturday, after a two weeks ses- j Traverse and talles jurors who sion, to meet in adjourned term on j served during last week of the April doth, l!Mio. During the March term are ordered to serve March term both civil and criminal ilt the adjourned term, dockets were cleared ol a number (irand jurors drawn to serve at ot eases, but the number remain- the adjourned term are as follows: ing on the dockets justifies the Jack Powell, F T Meacham, Hen holding of a special term. Taylor, S I. Whatley,W .1 L Hern- Several big eases disposed of at don, .1 1> Simms, J A Phillips, T March term occupied much of the |-; Cellars. W I' Waldrop,.! A court’s time and the number of small cases disposed of was not as large as usual. Lubie Stephen! Sentenced to Hung. Imbie Stephens, the negro tried for the murder of Simon Seroggin, 1 the old negro who was killed in i the Fourth district, was found guilty of murder and sentenced to be hanged on Friday, April ‘-’Tilt. | between the hours of H>:00 a. m.j and 4:00 p. m. Fred Grimes, Stephens' accomplice in Hit* com mission of the crime, was senten ced to the penitentiary for life dur ing the lirst week of court. Hunter, A II Voting, <! () Hailey, I. T Moses, T (i Hurpco, Frank Wilkinson, T N Byruin, A Pope, .1 D Johnson, Judson Harris, S R ('rain, (’ll Newton, l> I! Lambert, Z Christopher, TJ Wilson,.! W Willcoxon. A S Carmical. .1 I! Walker, M 15 Lambert, <i P Hurst, (hveii Steed. Sonoia. Miss Olcstelle MoLuroy, of Nvwtmti, was in St'iioiii Friday and Saturday Miss McLeroy lias many admirers here wlio appreciate her marked talent for oratory. Charlie Kirkland spent last week here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. .1, C. Carmichael, of Gilmore, is , visiting her parents at this place. Mr. John Askew, who is a candidate for tax receiver, was mingling with his trust; defendant dis- Senoiti friends last Thursday. Walter Carmichael, who is a student nt Emory College, was at home fora short visit several days ago. Jackson, assault with in- y, p, Knloe and H H. Harrison at- .Summary of Business Disposed of Last Week. State vs Sam Holland, murder; nol pros,set!. State vs 1*1 W Sattenvhite, lar ceny after charged. State vs All'Green, Luke McCoy and i'ld Complimentary to an April Bride. Miss Katie Arnall was tin* pret ty hostess at a party last Thursday night given to .Miss Alma Salbide, whose wedding to Mr. Clarence Ivestler will be one of the most in torosting social events of April. The party was the most unique, ns well as pretty affair of the sea son. Miss Arnall received her guests in a dainty gown of yellow elaborately trimmed; and Miss Salbide. with her brunette beauty, was striking in a white broadcloth suit, trimmed in bine and the sheerest of lingerie waists. The house was very attractive with its decorations in yellow. The game of hearts was played --the score being kept by drop ping yellow lion bons in a liny yel low bag. The lirst prize, a beauti ful silver belt, was won Ysabol Salbide; and tin man's prize, a pearl handle knife, was won by Mr. Cleveland <>rr. Miss Salbide was presented with a special prize, a beautiful box of lingerie and sachet; while Mr. Kcstler was given a pretty tie. In the dining-room, where an Mr. lb ('. Moore and family are planning a trip to Florida and will probably leave for the Land of Flowers about the lirst of April. Miss Mollie Rowel, who spent Hie winter in Florida, arrived Tuesday on a visit to her brother, and family. Miss Etta Conklc, of Atlanta, the popular trimmer at Miss Fan nie Unit’s store, has returned to New nan for the season. plants, and in the dining room, where the supper was served, tin color scheme was pink. The tubh presented a rich and beautiful ef fect with a mass of poach blossoms (* a p( r |\ \v |> mv , for a centerpiece, and in several courses of the menu the color motif was visably brought out. The supper w as characterized by the good taste that marks all the entertainments given in Mrs. ('amp's hospitable home. Those present were: Misses Net tie Oit, Kate Snead, Katie Arnall, Hcssic Powell, Sadie May I’owel. Julia May Hackney and Kate Favor: Messrs, Raw sou I lent, I lob (>rr, ('icyeland Oit, Jack Powell, Frank Lee and P. (i. Stanley . Clearing; the Jail. tent to murder; plea of guilty of tended divine service nt Turin last Sun- stabbing entered by Green and day and heard Rov. O. O’N. Maitindale Jackson; Jackson was lined #50 and costs, or <S months in chain- gang. All' Green was fined SOU and costs, or 10 months in ohaingang; McCoy was not brought to trial. State vs Will Harper, murder; day and heard Rov. O. O'N preuoli. Mrs. \V. E. Jones and little daughter \ came over from Woolsey last week and were the guests for a lew days of the former’s mother, Mrs. G. W. Perdue, i Unole •'Doe” Hailey 1ms been recently ^ tried and adjudged insane. Hi* was car- . ried to the State Sanatorium, at Milluil- guilty ol voluntary manslaughter; Kevill0) rt f ,. w flliys 8ill0 „ six years in penitentiary. Misses Eunice Stroud, of Baruesvillr, State VS Roll Ball, assault with and Clyde Boynton, of Giillin, were the intent to murder; guilty of shoot- popular guests of Mrs. J. S. Shepherd ing at another; #(50 and costs, or lftKt wo,,l{- .. , . Misses Mary Id months in ohaingang. State vs Henry Bailey, misde meanor; not guilty. State vs John Wesley, burglary; verdict with recommendation to misdemeanor punishment; #100 lint* reduced to #75, or Pi mouths in eliaingang. and Edith Culpepper spent Inst week with their aunt, .Miss Mattie Culpepper, at Fort McPherson. Mr. W. T. Nolan 1ms returned to his home in Arkansas, after a two week's visit to his brothers in Heuoia. Miss Charlie Maude Hamilton was in Atlanta Sunday of last week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Guy Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Lovelace .> Salmagundi Club. Mrs. J. T. Kirby was the charm >y Miss ing hostess of (lit* Salmagundi Club gentle Thursday afternoon at her lovely home on Temple A venue. The house presented a prctl,\ appearance with its cut Mowers, ferns and pot plants. Tin* score Mrs.'I'. P. Zellars has returned cards were the shape of four leaf to her home in Palmetto, alter a clovers, with a tiny head in the delightful visit to Mr. and Mrs. center, edged with gold and tied George Wynn. Miss P.lla G. Dillard, of Lynch burg, Va., a noice of Major !>. P. Wood roof, is the guest of Major and Mrs. Wood roof. Mrs. Wade Dent and littU daughter, Helen, left Siltnr<lay for New York for a visit of several weeks to M r. I lent. Mrs. Ham Banks has as her guests Ibis week Miss P.dna Fred crick, of Marsludv ille, and Miss Rile.v. of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. C. lb Turner, of Carrollton, spent. Friday and Sat urday l lie guests of Major and Mrs. W. A. Turner. Sheriff Brown has been clearing the jail ol prisoners since court adjourned and lias reduced tin* number in confinement to five. Fred Grimes was carried to Bis ing Faw n last Tuesday. Sam Lowe and (Men Grillin were placed in the. county eliaingang. Balcigh Parks, a live year convict, was turned over by the Stale to lliis county mid was also placed in the gang. Sam Owens, Hubert Ball, A If Green, I’.d Jackson and John Wes ley paid their lines and went free. All the above named prisoners are negroes. Will Harper, sentenced to six years in penitentiary, lias appealed fora new trial through his after neys, W. G. Post and W. (’. \\ right. Liihic Stephens,sentenced to be hanged on April li71li, lias appealed for a new trial. Attor ney W. L. Stallings is his lawyer. Motions in these eases will be heard by Judge It. W. Freeman on April .tillli, ;d tin* special term of court called for that. date. Mrs. II. W. Dent, and children a delight fill visit, j.l.T. Kirby. Miss Belle to Mr. and Mrs. elaborate course luncheon was , with green ribbon. served, yellow was the prevailing An interesting game of dominoes u . ft Wednesday for Atlanta, after color. In the center of the table was played—tin* top scorer being were quantities of jonquils resting presented with a pair of silk on a centerpiece of hand-made gloves. The consolation was a lace. The place cards were the pretty pair of white hose. i Miss Belle \ ernon King arrived daintiest little wedding slippers Mr. Aslin added to the pleasure * lom<> b 1 htn.v, ultci spending lido- edged with gold. The same color j of the occasion with his delightful bglillul winter in Koine, (ta. music. Mrs. .1. J. Goodrum is on a visit An appetizing salad course and j to her daughter, Mrs. I.G. Me hot tea was served. Quite a mini- Crory, at College Park, ber were present. motif continued throughout the delicious menu, from the grape fruit in the lirst course to the orange ice in the last. Unique boxes filled with yellow bon bons, containing the ring, thimble and dime, were drawn for. Miss Kate Snead drew the ring, Miss Ysabol Euchre Club. Mrs. FJlison Richards entertain ed the Much re Club most delight- Salbide the dime and Miss Virginia j | u |ly Tuesday afternoon. Two tables of six hand wore cu rtate vs Harry Meacham, burg- J spending several days in Florida, before buy; nolle pressed. returning to their home in Greensboro, A K Martin vs II R Davies, I , Mrs. E. L. North and little daughter (’: injunction; V S Hubbard, I ( ; loft some days ago for their new home made party defendant in this case. R H Sullivan vs II R Davies, T C; injunction; AY S Hubbard, '1' C, made party defendant. in New Orleans, Mr. North having been put in charge of Martin &, Hoytt’s large publishing business there. His friends will be pleased to learn that Rev. W. P. Hemphill, of Gridin. Olio Nelson vs II I! Davies, 1 < ; has sufficiently recovered from his re- injunction; NY S Hubbard, T C, cent severe illness to be ont again, made party defendant. ; Dr. and Mrs. NV. R. McCrary are George G Bunn vs NY T Bunn; vi “ lti,, K ruIativ< ’ K ur Tifton. , h . , . 1 Deputy sheriff T. J. Entrekin, has alimony; defendant ordered to pay | rpceived ft $100 chGok and a very appro- amount ol alimony due Jan. Ij c;iati v »* letter from the Brooks family at Freeman the thimble. Miss Alma Salbide drew a box of rice, which was showered upon her. Those* enjoying the pleasure of the evening were: Misses Sadie May Rowel, Mary I’arrott, Kate Snead, Bessie Rowell, Julia May Hackney, Virginia Freeman, Ysa- <Jnortre bel Salbide and Alma Salbide; Messrs. I. N. Oit, Bob Orr, M. R. Dent, Frank Hughes, Cleveland Orr, Jack Rowell, Frank Lee, John Faver and Dr. Minerson Weems. joyed. Mrs. Will Turner making the highest, score, was presented with a china lion bon dish. Mrs. Barrow winning tin* second prize, was given a pretty linen hundker chief bag, hand embroidered. Mis. Wynn drew the consola tion, a dainty little china pitcher. A delicious salad course was served. The next meeting Mis. Will Turner. Miss Sadie May Rowel will leave Saturday for a visit to Miss Kditli I’owel at Rerry, (la. Mrs. Colquitt Carter spent Fri day in Newnan, the guest of sister, Mis. (lalhonn Hill. Mrs. Lucy I’inson will leave soon for a visit to her son and his wife at ('ordelc. Mrs.,!. 10. Dent, Jr., returned Wednesday from a delightful visit, In Atlanta. sjient, Miss Sadie May Rowe Thursday in Atlanta. Miss Frankie King spent Mon will be with day in Atlanta. Mrs. W. L. Stallings spent Fri i day in Atlanta. A Man in tho Case.’ A farce bearing the above cap lion ns a title will In* presented at, flu* Auditorium the evening ol April 12th by a company compos ed of Newnan young ladies. The plu,\ will la* given for lienelif of the local II. D. ('. Chapter. The east includes Misses Kale Snead, Liicilc Thompson, Katie Arnall, Louise Reddy, Bessie Rowell, Vir giniu Freeman and Sadie Mae I’owel. The Sans Souci Club. Miss Ida Rowel entertained the Sans Souci Club most delightfully Friday afternoon. The violet color scheme was beautifully carried out in every detail from the score cards through the menu. After an interesting game To tho Voters. his work in capturing; dominos, the* and thereafter pay #5 per month. Zebulon for J C Newman, head of a family, j Parka. The $150 from the Governor etal.vs Orr and Powell, injunc-1 wUl bo when tho party is convicted, ’ . , ,, ' , and there is said to be no doubt that tie tion; continued until 5th Monday j wm be oouvioted Mr# Bntrekiu de . ill April, lllOli. serves much creditfor liiseffective work Ordered that all bills of indict- as deputy sheriff, meat and special presentments re- The board of trustees of the Method turned by Grand Jury at this term of court, in which offense charged is of grade of misdemeanor, be transferred to City Court ol New nan. W F Thigpen was appointed X P and Ex-Oflicio J P for 755th dis trict, G. M. C B Grimes was ap pointed to same office for 647th district, to fill unexpired term oi NV B Martin, resigned. A H Freeman, George P Hod- nett and L M McGee were re-ap pointed County Registrars for a term of two years, dating from Jan. 1, 1905. ist parsonage have decided to repair the present parsonage, rattier than build a new one. Several hundred dollars will be spent for repairs, and no doubt,when the work is completed, we will fail to recognize it as being the same place. Claude Grier, who lives up in the Shakerag district of Fayette, killed a hawk last week that measured 71 inches fiom tip to tip. “Children’s Day for Home Mis sions” will be observed at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning, beginning at eleven o’clock. A special program has been prepared for the occasion, which will take the place of the usual morning service. The pub- M H Couch, X W Collingsworth, ‘ , T TIT T ’ . y a . • , , he cordially invited to attend this .1 NV Bowers and John M btnek- J service. land were appointed Jury Commis sioners for a full term ot six years. * There will be service at eleven from date. The Commissioners, o’clock and Holy Communion at with exception of Mr. Collings- St. Paul’s Episcopal Church next'Spring St worth, vyere re-elected. He sue- iSunday morning, conducted by supper, ceeds G E Cranford as a member Rev. 'A . J. Moody. The public of the body. cordially invited to the service. guests were invited in the dining room, where they were seated at one large table, Miss (iondrum io Entertain. (>ne of the most delightful morn ing affairs of the week will be tin* party given Saturday b\ Miss I will be in Newnan every Sal- Mar,y Goodrum in honor of Miss unlay until April 21st for the pm- Kdna Frederick of Marshaiville, l’»HC of registering voters who wish and Miss Riley of Atlanta, the <<> participate in the approaching of charming guests of Mrs. Sam county primary. Registration for Banks. Cm primary closes April 2lsf. A coterie of young ladies will Registration books will be found be invited and the party will be a : >» '".V office in the court house At First Baptist Church. The revival meetings in progress at tile First, Baptist church are arousing much interest. .Rev. VV. L. Walker, an evangelist of un usual power and ability, is doing the preaching. Dr. Nmmully is giving li is best efforts to tho meet ingsr and Mr. I/. R. Gilroath, who leads the singing, is rendering ex collenf service. The meetings will probably con tinue through next week. Two services are conducted "daily; the morning service at 9:40 o’clock and flic evening service at 7:40 o’clock. All the people of Newnan and surrounding country are urged to attend Hie meetings. All will lx* welcomed; and all will be prof it,oil by attending the services. which was particularly bright and compliment to the guests of every Saturday until Hint date, attractive with its lovelv decora- i ho,,OJ * i 11 V ' ' H ' Hu,,BABU » T ' (} ‘ Mrs. Kolb and little attractive with its lovely decora tions. The centerpiece was a beautiful arrangement of the palest blue hyacinths in vase surrounded by a mass of violets. Violets were scattered Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rope Bo- over the table and at each plate a hannon. Dr. and of Dodson a tall crystal son > 01 Arkansas, are expect ed soon on a visit to Mrs. Kolb’s small vase of the same fragrant llowers. The salad was served in small violet baskets, and the “sweet course” carried out further the pretty color scheme. Staffed dates and violet bon bons were placed over the table in small crys tal dishes and the whole occasion was a compliment to the club mem bers. The next meeting will be with Miss Marie Long. Mrs. Sanders Gibson and chil dren arrived home Saturday, after a delightful visit to relatives in NV'est Toccoi and *St. Augustine, Fla. AV. H. Hummurlin wont to Atlanta last Saturday. Miss Ora Copeland, who is teaching school in Campbell county, visited rela tives near Dobson lint Saturday and Sunday. Prof. Otis H. Dukee, of West Point, Hpent the latter part of liiHt week with hiH parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dukee, near Happy Valley. 1 Quarterly conference wae held at An- Mrs. Tullis, of Memphis, Tenn., j draws chapel last Saturday, who has l>een the guest of her sis- j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holmee visited ter, Mrs. J. J. Cruse, for two ■ tlie •atter’e parente Saturday night and weeks, returned to her home Sat- Sunday. unlay. Miss Susie Barr, Miss Conic Loftin and Mr. Will Gearrcld went to Atlanta Saturday to witness the performance of Sarah Bernhardt. Mrs. J. S, Miller has been Bird Supper. Mr. .foh n Faver entertained Monday evening at the home of, -VHS. ,1. » ( aimer lias Been in his sister, Mrs. T. L. Camp, on disposed this week, to the regret at a delightful bird of numerous friends. I Miss Nelie Lou Walton has been —— 1 he house was very attractive , at home for several days with an 1 He* Anderson, Dentist; Salbide with vases ol flowers and pot I attack of grippe. j Building. tl There will be a farmerH meeting at the district oourt Iiouhc, near Mr. C. T. •Sewell's next Saturday afternoon. Owing to the heavy ruinfull Inst Sun day and Monday old Cedar Creek was higher Monday afternoon than it law been in several years. Ed Copeland, who h«« pneumonia, is improving. Mrs. C. F. Tarleton, who has been ill for »i veial week.-,, i, much better. Whoelor Memorial Day. The Wheeler memorial occasion, in Atlanta, next 'Tuesday, March 27th, will doubtless draw a crowd of veterans and others from this county. The railroads have named one fare, plus 25 cents, for round trip tickets. The following local order will lie of interest in this connection: The following delegates have been appointed to represent Cow eta Camp, II. C. V., No. 1161, at Wheeler memorial celebration: Gapt. H. A. North, Go. K, 1st Itegt., Ga. Gav.jGapt. J.M.Strick- land, Co. B, 1st Regt., Ga. (Ja.; II. W. Camp, Go. B, 1st Regt., Ga. Cav.; J. I). Arnold, Co. K, 1st Regt., Ga. Gav.; J. B. Walker, Go. K, 1st Itegt., Ga. Cavalry. By order of J. B. Goodwyn, Com. J. L. Brown, Adjt. Wants Buchanan in Legis lature. As some of the people are look ing for candidates for Kepreseuta tive, J suggest Ed S. Buchanan as a suitable man to represent Coweta in the Georgia Legislature. Wo have no truer citizen than Kd Buchanan and naj>e better qualifi ed to reprefttiut tb.*‘ people in the Legislature. Coweta Farmer,