The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 13, 1906, Image 1

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THE newnan news. VOL. VII. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1906. NO. 1 The Mission of a Newspaper is to Print the News; That’s What “The News” Does —— ATLANTA PRESBYTERY IN SESSION HERE Seventy-ninth Stated Sessions are Being Held in Newnan This Week. The Seventy-ninth stated sions of Atlanta Presbytery now being heiil in the Presbyter ian church in this city. The open ing session was held Tuesday even ing, the opening sermon being de livered by l>r. Theron H. Pice, of Atlanta, after which the Presby tery was called to order and the following otliccrs were elected: Moderator, Rev. L. K. Walker, Recording Clerk, Hev. J. B. Hick- In 1SII8 Mr. Colley enlisted under Cupt. Burris, of Columbus, in 5th Geor gia regiment and served ns a fnitliful soldier to the oloso of the wnr; being in several noted battles. After the close of tlie war lie returned to Georgia, bought land in Coweta county and settled down to farming, where his efforts were crowned with success. Being blessed with this world’s goods and having only scs- | one son, he reared and educated many arc orphan boys and girls, who but for his aid would have been deprived of an edu cation. After the death of his son in 1 SH>g, he still made his home with his daughter- in-law, Mrs. Colley Leigh, where he was a beloved iumnte. He will be sadly missed in the home which was made brighter by his kind disposition and un complaining ways. While he was loved and tenderly cared for by all his family, the strong affection existing between him and his eldest grandson, Charlie Miss Spender's Success. Miss Hue Lowe Spender, of Newnan, who has made a wide reputation as an artist in her line —organ music—has accepted the position of organist in the Hirst Baptist church, of Augusta. Of her ability The Augusta Chronicle comments as follows: “The First Baptist Church has engaged Miss Hae Spender, of Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold and DDAf II K 1 DlPIfL <l l*| l little daughter have returned to * ’ ** ™ILIUjI I ■ their home in College Park, after a Miss Turner was a charming pleasant visit to the tormer s par- hostess, receiving her guests in a cuts. beautiful lingerie waist and light gray skirt. Miss King was stylish in a clear., voile over silk. The house was attractive in the colors of white and yellow. Miss Bessie Powell making the highest score in an interesting game of dominos, received a loveh Newnan, as organist and director jgnnze tan, which she presented to of the choir. Miss Spender, Bie bride to In*. Miss Lttcile though quite a young woman has j Thompson drew the consolation— Ion. Reading < ’lerk. Rev. H. C. I 8tow * rt Uollo - V ’ WIW louchill « » ud bl * au ‘ ,, 1 tiful iu the extreme. Ho was u good Hammond, all ol Atlanta. ' ... , , . „ .... „ , • .. I citizen; esteemed by all who know lum. At the 1 htirsday morning ws- ] leaves a large estate to Ids three sioti Commissioners to the General , grandsons, Charlie Stewart, Thomas Assembly, which meets in" May in Nelson and James William Oolley. Greeneville, S. ('., were elected as follows: Revs. T. IF. Rice and J. G. Patton; alternates, Revs. J. G. Herndon and FF. C. Hammond; Elders J. G. Earnest and C. I). Montgomery; alternates. Elders 1>. Gailliard anti E. A. Davis. Rev. FT. C. Hammond was elect ed treasurer of the Presbytery; vice Major W. A. Powell, who re signed on account of physical in ti rmities. Sermons have been delivered during the sessions by Revs. Ho mer McMillan and R. O. Flynn anil Dr. T. E. Converse. This (Thursday) evening at7:30 o’clock The funeral services were held at the residence of Mrs. Colley Leigh, Tues day at 11 p. m., and were conducted by Rev. V. A. Hum, of Newnan, prayer be ing offered by Rev. A. H. S. Bugg; af ter which lie was earned to his last rest ing place and laid by the side of his Be loved wife to await the resurrection morn. Wc extend our sympathy to Mrs. Col ley Leigh uud his graud-sons and say, Weep not; God lms given his beloved sleep. The pallbearers were Hon. W. A.Post, Dr. G. W. Clower, Messrs. R. I. Sewell, W. T. Jackson, ,T. W. Smith and John Johnson. Miss Harmon, of Odessa, is the guest of Mrs. A. H. S. Bugg at the parsonage. Dr. Roy Hogg visited his parents at Scnoia last week. Rev. C. R. Nislfct will conduct the Mrs. H. Abner Campand Miss Emma home missions meeting. Friday | Belle Zellors spent Thursday with their at 11 o’clock Rev. J. B. Ficklen ! sister, Mrs. Will Word, in Atlanta, will preach; Friday evening at 7:30 I Mr. and Mrs. W. M. White and Miss o’clock Dr. J.B. Mack will preach; Gladys White si>ent Sunday with the family of “Uncle Russell” Sewell at and Saturday morning at the regu- Lo ue Oak. lar hour another sermon will be, Mrs. J. P O’Neal has returned from delivered. ] ft visit to her sister, Mrs. Delk, of So- Rev. Lynn It. Walker, Modera tor of the Presbytery, will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening, at the usual hours for services. Presbytery will adjourn Satur day morning. The sessions to (lute have been interesting and profit able- to the members and the large number of visitors in attendance. ut stylish booby, a chickens. I The score already had a brilliant career as a musician. Her early training was received at the Brenau conserva tory, where she won the grand piano offered the student making the best record. She was for two years organist at the Hirst Meth odist church in Atlanta, resigning her position there to prosecute her organ studies in New York under I blimllolded the celebrated teacher, PFenschel. | Fwautilul ’ “Miss Sponder has been engag ed to give a series of piano recitals at the Albany Chautauqua in April. Not only the Hirst Buplist Church, but the music loving people of Au gusta generally will welcome Miss; Sponder to the city.” Tlie Augusta Evening Herald is equally as complimentary in say ing: “Miss Sponder’s coming to Au gusta is the subject of general con gratulation. She is a rarely gifted musician and is an accomplished white belt and the nisket tilled with Easter ell to Mrs. Sum Hunks, curds were the daintiest Miss Hcsigiiol returned Satur day to her home iu Marietta, after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. M.T. Phillips. Miss Mary Lou Holmes return ed to Carrollton Monday, altera pleasant visit with friends and relatives in Newnan. Mrs. Ray Lee, of Atlanta, came down Saturday to spend several days with her parents, Cupt. and Mrs. J. II. Hassell. Mrs. George l\ Harrison and little son have'returned (oOjidika, altera visit to her mother, Mrs. G. A. Niinnally. Mr. L. J. Melson and family came down Saturday to spend Sun day with Mrs. E.S. Dent and Mrs. i N. E. I’owel. GOES TO BARNESVILLE. Superintendent of Newnan Schools Elected President of Gordon Institute. little slippers in white and gold, laced with gold cord and tied with yellow ribbon. After a delightful course of slier- lwrt and cuke, Miss King was and stood under a rile hell to catch the Miss Grace Barrow, of Atlanta, handkerchief that foretold the next I s pcnt Sunday in the city with bride. As the handkerchiefs were J Mrs. Barrow and Mrs. Allers showered upon her, she caught thei llertol. one given by Miss Alma Arnold., Miss Wenona Blackwell, of El- The occasion was thoroughly en- iHirton, Is the attractive guest of joyed and was a pretty all’air in every detail. The Sen* Souci Club. One of the most unique affairs of last week was the Sans Souci Club entertained Friday afternoon by Miss Eddie North, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Davis. The score artist on the organ and the piano, j cards and decorations were in Her presence in Augusta will lie a; keeping with Easter; the cards l>e- marked addition to both the social; ing the miniature rabbits, hand and artistic life and interests of painted. Augusta. While scarcely morej Dominos and Five Hundred I than a girl, Miss Sponder hus de- j were played throughout the after- voted many years to the perfection I noon. A delightful luncheon of and development of her musical j two courses was served at the close Educational Meeting at Buc hanan. Buchanan, Ga.. April 12.— The Hirst Association of Secondary Schools of Georgia will hold its second annual meeting at Buchan an next Friday,' April 13, and a line program has been arranged. In the afternoon addresses will be made by Hon. W. B. Merritt, Prof. M. L. Brittain and Prol. J. S. Stewart. Miss Harris, of Montgomery, is the guest of Mrs. J. G. Smith. Misses Willie Jeter and Fnuline Stevens spent a few days last week in Moreland. Mrs. Glenn Arnold and Mrs. W. G. Sadler were in Newnan Thursday. Homer and Pope Arnold, of Atlanta, were guests of N. (). Banks, Sunday. Hon. W. A. Post spent Monday in At lanta. R. I. Sewell and L. S. Sewell are in Atlanta today. | Mrs. T. M. Zellors spent Monday with I her mother, Mrs. Fuller, at St. Charles. Miss Jennie Banks Arnold is home from several days spoilt in Atlanta. I .Miss Mattie Lou Rosser, of Hogans- ville, is spending tlie week with Miss Emmie Lee Bosser. 1 Wm, O'Brien, Jim Thompson, Charlie Davis, Jack Chufin and T. B. Ahnon at tended the meeting of the Odd Fellows in Hogansville Saturday night. The Ladies Parsonage Society will he entertained this afternoon by Mrs. J. E. Dean. A delightful menu will be served. | The hostess will be assisted fn receiving gifts.”—Sunday’s <'(institution. Reception. A lovely social event of the week was the reception given by Miss Louise Beddy of the game. Green and white be ing the color motif,was beautifully carried out through the menu. Miss Glotu Quiiliun. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Good rum announce the birth of a son, Tucs- dry, April 10th. Miss Clift llolliiigshead is the charming guest of her cousin, M iss Mary Parrott. Miss Mary Good rum hits return ed from a visit to her sister at Col lege Park. Mrs. D. 'I'. Mangel, and little daughter spent last Friday in At lanta. Mr. G. W. Harney and family spent Sunday in Newnan. Miss Nolle Russell has returned from a visit to Atlanta. Mrs. Irving Walker spent last Friday in Atlanta. Library Notes. Eaiier P.yn Hunt. Wednesday alter-1 very happy occasion for the noon, in compliment to Mis8 Cleta |j(,tle folks wits an Easier egg hunt i “ Quiiliun and Miss Kathleen Heath-^ crj v ,.|, |, y little Miss Carrie Dent A large number of Presbyterian erstou of Atlanta, and Miss We- Hichards Thursday afternoon. j ministers and elders have visited nona Blackwell of Elliertoii. j The green lawn was a pretty the Library this week and express The home was beautifully dee- sight to see, crowded with the lit- , ’' 1 themselves as pleased and sur orated in quantities ol Easter lilies j tie tots, eager for the hidden eggs, prised at the beauty ol the urehi and trailing vines. In the parlor, The little one finding the largest b-cture and the of hooks where the receiving party stood, number of eggs was given in re the walls were artistically lestoon- ward an Easter chicken filled with bonbons. The booby was a rab bit. A delightful course of cream and cake was served. Quite a number were entertained and Hie Burnesville, Gn., April J).—Prof. B. F. Biekctt, Superintendent of the Newnan Public Schools, has been elected president of Gordon Institute, and will enter upon the duties of the position at the close of the present spring term. President E. Albert Smith re cently handed his resignation to I lie board of trustees and the same was reluctantly accepted. Brosi dent Smith has been with the school for two years and under his administration it has enjoyed the greatest prosperity in its history. The work and responsibility of the position have impaired his health and lie was forced to give it up. Prof. Biekett is one of the most prominent and successful educa tors iu the State and the trustees are being warmly congratulated on securing him as the head of the institution. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and of the University of Chicago. He has been superintendent of the public schools in Newnan for six years, was superintendent of the schools in Tallapoosa for five years and was president of Douglasville College for two years, in all of which positions he has been emin ently successful. Brof. Biekett is a son of Major M. T. Biekett, of Atlanta, and was prepared for college in the West End High School, having liccn reared in Atlanta, lie is a magni ficent, specimen of physical man hood and in the educational circles of the State he is easily recognized as one of the best and ablest men in the profession. With the beginning of Prof. Blokett’s administration the trus tees contemplate a number of ini provemonts. It is probable that another college building will lx: erected and also a dormitory built for girls. At 7:30 iu tlie evening will be by Miss Emma BelleZellars, held the annual oratorical contest. Mpa - Jame8 Gilbert, who is suffering , , . ... , , from an attack of grippe, is still quite The schools entering this contest ■ k B 11 are: Dallas, Douglasville, Biemen,. j,j rH Mayfield, of Newnan, visited Tallapoosa, Cedartown, Ira Willi-! Mrs. Gilbert Monday, ams’ Model School of Carroll, Bue-. Do not forget the address of Grand hanan, and possibly one or two ! De Pa<* Thomas H. Jeffries, to be deliv- j. ered at the M. E. Church on tlie evening 1 _ „ _ of April 11), as a large attendance is de- Hon. W. B. Merritt, Prof. M. gired L. Brittain and Mr. J. T. Fain, I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aderhold and Mr. editor Of the Newnan News, have I Brown of Newnan, attended the mar- , 14.1,. ;rr„,„ ' nage of Miss Attaway and Mr. Torres been selected as judges. I wot - - J handsome gold medals have been purchased by the board of educa tion, and will l>e presented to the young lady and young gentleman winning the contest. Buchanan is expecting several hundred guests and the citizens are making arrangements to enter tain all visitors. Sunday afternoon. Torres-Attaway. Mr. L. J. Torres and Miss Al pha V. Attaway were united in marriage last Sunday at Grantville by Rev. W. R. Lambert, of Ho gansville. Several friends of the Grantville. jyoung couple accompanied them ______ to Grantville and witnessed the Mr. Maynard Nelson Colley was born j ceremony, in Wilkes county, Georgia, Feb. 18th, | Mr. Torres is a popular employe 18-25, and on Monday evening. April ii, , c jg ar factory 0 f D. T. Man- get & Co. His bride is a daugh- of this | occasion w as lliorou; Till ed with vines caught to the chan delier from each of the four cor ners of the room. The staircase in the hall was gracefully entwined with the same green vines and clusters of Easter lilies showing through them. The dining room, where a de lightful buffet luncheon was serv ed, was in green; the color motif carried out with originajity and taste. The round table was cover ed with a Mexican cloth, and in the center was a tall mound of Eas ter Iillies, surrounded at the base with blue hyacinths. The shades j to the candlelabras and chandelier were of green and the small crys tal dishes filled with green and white mints further carried out the color scheme. Assisting Miss Peddy in receiv ing her guests were Misses CletaJ ^ ednesilay Quillian, Virginia Freeman, Mary Goodrum, Misses Kathleen Feath- erston from Atlanta, and Wenona Blackwell of Elberton, and Mrs. Ellison Richards. Quite a number called during the reception hours and were en tertained with delightful hospi tality. and magazines for public use. The Librarian, at the instance ly enjoyed of the Book < bin mi ft,ee, would again call attention to the rough usage of Hie books by some bor rowers, such as turning down leaves, pencil marks and returning the books uncovered in bad vveafli er. School Election in Grantville District. An election has been called in Grantville district tor the purpose of voting on the question of local taxation for public schools. The election will "occur Saturday aft er - j noon, April 2ist. Sentiment is strong in favor of local taxation in I Grantville district, and advocates 'of the movement claim they will 1 win in the election. The Twelve. Twelve had a delightful Library readers are enjoying meeting with Mrs. Harvey North I “The House of a Thousand Can Friday afternoon. An interesting ^eholson, and game of dominos was ei, joyed, af-; Sll “f ? ,0I !«’ Ha(,, “ ,lk,r ' A1 ter which a luncheon was served. H0 Hk,,klanl * k ‘ ,!tumt aru vn >' The next meeting will be witli j P°P ll,ar - Mrs. K. O. Jones, Friday, April J 2Mh. Death of Mrs. O. T. Williams. Miss Ella Dillard came down Saturday from College Park and This estimable lady, widow of the late Oscar T. Williams, who Monday evenin 15)08, as rhe twilight was disappearing, Ins spirit took its flight and returned to . the God who gave it. He was united in ! ter ol Mrs. J. C. Attaway marriage Nov. 18th, isOO, to Mariah ; city. She formerly held a position j afternoon, which was a beautiful Jane Garrett, of Newton county, who in the local telephone exchange.! compliment to Miss Frankie King, Linen Shower. Miss Kowena Turner entertained at a. handkerchief shower Tuesday- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. died about two years ago, passed I). B. Woodroof. Miss Dillard j away at her home in this city last made many friends while on her ! Sunday. The funeral service was short visit to Newnan. She left! conducted Monday morning in the for her home in i First Baptist church by her pastor, Lynchburg, Virginia. I Dr. G. A. Nuiinally, after which Mrs. L. M. Farmer, who was 1 Uh ’ interment occurred in the city confined to her home by sickness ‘’cuietei .w for six months, was able to go ^ 1 age; a daughter of Mr. J. H. Hodge, of Newnan;aiid is survived by four small children between the ages of four and ten years. Viewed from this standpoint her death was a sorrowful dispensation of Mrs. Williams was 33 years of (fown to Moreland last week visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Camp. Her health is now steadily improving. The friends of Miss Ruth Cole will be glad to learn she is much better. Bhe was taken to Atlanta Monday to Dr. McRae’s sanator ium. Her mother is with her. Miss Kathleen Feat he is ton, of Rock Spring. J. H. Young and Samuel Herring, of ilic Second district, were cun vanning thin part of lint county lant Thursday. Minn Kfllo Landrum, accompanied by liar brother, Muik, of Flat Crook, pann ed through bore hint, Sunday en route to her school at bongntroet. John Stanford and Will Connell, of Corinth, visited relatives hero last Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A F. Parrott spout last Sunday with Mr. John Baker’s family iu Fuyetto County. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Harper, of Mc Collum, wore the guests of relatives hero last Sunday. Frank Ehorhart and Miss Willie Bea vers, of Madras, were among the visitors at Rock Spring Sunday. M D. Thurmond and A. F. Parrott made a business trip to Palmetto Inst Saturday. Misses Subra Hammett and Rosa Lee Hammock, accompanied by Will Ham mett and Willis Smith, of Springdale, attended the singing here Sunday. Luther Todd, of McCollum, and Leh man Hudson, of Shurpslmrg, visited in our community last Sunday. Boh Ingram, of Sharpsburg, was hero last Monday on business. The singing here last Sunday after noon was quite a success and largely ut- ‘‘G I tended. Those who directed were Tom Providence. Her children, how ever, while orphans, are not destitute, as Mrs. Williams pos- j Jucskson, Jim Brown, J. W. Cooper, Vir- sessed some property. ' K* 1 Brown and Ben Bomer. Mrs. Williams was an excellent I would like to correct *!i e^chilir was born .tos"TCoU?/ j' The y0ung ^P 1 ® have the best ' whose ww,din 8 10 Mr * Galvin i Atlanta, came down Tuesday to Christian woman and was respect- [sa^Re^rTLireLpoadeuts’ renT who-e death' occuir-d m Grantville "ishes of their friends for happy Holmes occurs next Tuesday even-; spend several days with her cousin, ed and beloved by nil her relatives j oll W(lH p ear i spring instead of Rock ijept. 2e, 1502. i and prosperous married life. ling- I Miss Louise Peddy. and acquaintances. .Spring,