The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 13, 1906, Image 4

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Boone’s tt HIGH ART” CLOTHING Make well-dressed men. The clothes that are right when you huy them and stay right when you wear them. “Perfection” Clothing for boys and young men. Boys’ suits from $1.50 to $5.00; men’s suits from $5.00 to $25.00. BOONE’S HON. HOKE SMITH TO BE AT PALMETTO Gubernatorial Candidate Will Address People of Three Counties on Saturday Afternoon. Hon. Hoke Smith, candidate lor governor, will speak in Fairbnrn Saturday morning at ten o’clock, and Saturday afternoon at 2:50 o’clock lie will speak in Palmetto. Citizens of Campbell, Coweta and Fayette counties will hear him at Palmetto. A large numlter of Newnan people will go up to Pal metto to hear Mr. Smith. Milltown. Dodson Rev. W W. Hoop (till'd Ion regulnv ii|>1 miinI mi■!11 nl Macedonia Iiim Saturday unit Sunday. Mm. Huon King, ol Colunilmx, is Hpundiiig ii few du.vs with her piirciitx, Mr. mill Mix. A. .1. Sewell. There will lie nil all din singing at Mi.cednnut next fourth Sunday. Kev. \V, W. Hoop preached at New Ix'hiiiiiin church lust Sunday iiflernoou. I Ixxle Madias, visited at Mrs. Altec Sewell's Sunday. There was a prayer meeting at the Hexene school house last Sunday night. The next meeting of die (>. L. A. D. Hint) will lie ut (I. T. Hyde's May fdh. Miss Mary Sewell, of Harrell enmity, who has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. H K. Tarleton, re turned home the second, lust. Little Will Bennett Sanders, who has been siek a few days, is doing fairly well. Mr. Bull Hnrmioul went to Atlanta last week and purchased a nice home. Mr. .1. O. Sewell, of H. spoe, is going to try to make one hundred bushels of corn on one acre of upland this year. .1 iin Hannieal and Tom King, of New- nan. visited near Hoxene Sunday. "Uncle Burney" Newton is on the sick list. The farmer's meeting at Macedonia school house lust Saturday afternoon was very much enjoyed by all pit sent. There Mill he another meeting the fith, prox. Misses Houston, aeconipauied by their bryther, of Ha mill county, spoilt list Saturday night with Miss Bern Morris. An entertainment was given by Miss Morris Saturday night, complimentary to her visitors Miss Louise Sewell, of Sand Hill, who visited relatives near Dodson hist week, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Sewell is visiting her son, Mr. Han Sewell. Several of our young people attended Children's Day at Mt. Hurmel last Sun day. The masquerade party which was given by Prof H. K. Sewell on March lllst, was much enjoyed by those present. W. It Summerlin and l) H. Sewell have purchased an engine and boiler from B. L. Kedwine and set it up at their saw null near Mrs. Alice Sewell's. WAGON AND BUGGY HARNESS Our line of wagon and lutggy harness includes n sufficient range of grades, styles and values to insure satisfaction to all buyers. Kverv piece of the stock is tirst-class in material and workmanship and is worth every cent asked for it. We have in stock a large number of the old reliable FARM SEEDS Our Sorghum seeds are priced at #1.25 per bushel. Other dealers ask #1,50. We have "Speckled" and "Unknown” Peas and German Millet—sounrt, clean, reliable seed. Farmers, come to us for all kinds of supplies and general merchandise. For cash or on time, our prices are right. STEWART & PARKS We Sell the "DOMESTIC” Sewing Machine. Mrs. W. H. Dewberry had another bad sjielI last Friday and lias been con fined to her bed since. John Christian and wife came from the country to spend last Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. Lon Jordan and wife. Mrs. Babe Howard and daughter, Miss Bessie, came from Sargent lust Sunday Jo visit Mrs. Sam Weir. Osrnr, little son of Joe Gondrnw and wife, stepped on n piece of glass last Friday and inflicted an ugly wound oil one of his feet. Miss Lulu Pitts was on the sick list , several days last week. Mis* Temple Giles suffered severely with rheumatism last week. Mrs. George Burrcnthm, from Sargent j 8|H'iit last Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Hendrix. Miss Odessa Bryant, of Grantville, j was the guest, of Mrs. Sam Weir last | Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ola Mobley was sick several days 1 last week. Mr. Jim South and \)(ife were in New- < nun last Saturday, euroute to Grant- \ villo to visit their son, Jndson. Mrs. J. K. Farmer, after getting able to sit up, had a relapse last Friday Hiid is quite sick again. .Mr. Jesse Futrell and wife oaine from the country to spend Sunday with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Joseph Smith. Miss Nellie Brown has been suffering for severs! days with erysipelas. “Grandmother Giles," who had been uoilfhicd to her room for a long time, is able In walk out. Alonzo Allen is out again, after suffer ing two weeks with pneumonia. Mrs. Tom O/.iuoro and children spent last Sunday in the country with friends. Bro. Layton preached last Sunday morning and at night, to large congre gations. Bro. (tallies preaches next Sunday morning and at night at Love- joy Memorial. Hoscoe, little son of J. II Heynnlds and wife, was sick several day's recently. Holly Peyton and wife visited in the country last Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Smith and little son Llewellyn, were sick with lugrippe Inst week. Miss Jennie Bowen is improving the kindergarten grounds by planting trees and flowers. She is mi excellent teach er and knows how to interest the little folks and win their love. Public inter est in her work is growing. Mesdames J. M Jones and John W Allen have subscribed for our paper, having decided they want to know what is happening in tin* county and knowing the way to keep posted is to read u News-y paper. Mrs. Frank Barton is no better. She has been sick more than a year. Mrs. J. B. Goins, of (iritlin, is with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Parker, and has been siek since last Sunday. Mrs. Joe Goodrow is still siek. Harvey, infant son of Hiram Mobley and wife, has been sick the past week. Frank Hanson has returned to Now- nan with Ids family, after living at Ban ning for two years. Mr. A. U. Thompson and wife, from Griffin, spent lust week with Mrs. Hugh Parker. Jim Brown spent last Sunday with relatives at Madras. THE PLANTING SEASON Calls for Corn Planters, Guano Distrib utors and Cotton Planters. We have a complete line of these machines—the very best made. We can still supply you with High Grade Fertilizers. A fresh lot of Purina for horses and mules. This is fine feed. P. 8.—Seventy-five up-to-date Ve- « hides. Come to see us. BRADLEY AND BANKS I Mr. M. H. Sims visited his sisters in Semiin last week. Mrs. J. M. Ariintl and two daughters, Missus Sudie and Georgia, expect to re move to Seimin ns soon ns their new home is finished, work having been be gun on it a few weeks prior to Mr. Ar- null’s dentil. We gladly welcome these good people to our town. Miss Bessie Carmichael Imd us her guest last week Miss Inez Anderson, of Vnughnn. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Adams are now making their home in Senoia, Mr. Ad ams having bought Mr. Trnvis’s interest with Dr. Edwards, and the firm will now be known ns Edwards and Adams. Mr, and Mrs. Adams are most cordially received into our midst. Mrs. L. E. Wood, of Slmrpsburg, was in Senoia Wednesday. Mr. J. B. Walker, of Turin, was with friends here several (lays ago. The Girl's Missionary Society met last Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Evelyn Carlton. Kev. W. A. Davis was called to Fay ette Tuesday to conduct the funeral ser vice of Mr. Robert Morrow, who was killed Sunday night by A. L. MoKueely. J. T. Holmes, Real Estate and Rent ing Agent. Office over 1st Nat. Bank. Senoia. Mrs. B. H. Bridges and daughter, Miss Verna, of Sliarpsburg. spent Monday with Senoia friends. Mrs. M. J. Bates, who lias been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Davis, re turned to Atlanta last Friday. Our citizens are putting forth their best efforts to secure the A., B. & A. Railroad. Pi of. W. S. Sanders, principal of the school at Moreland, recently visited his sisters here. The aunual protracted meeting will begin nt the Methodist church on May 6th. Rev. Stanton will assist the pas tor, Rev. G. W. Farr. Rev. W Harvey Clarke, who spent the post seven years in missionary work in Japan, preached to large and appre ciative andicuees at the Baptist church last Sunday and Sunday night. He also addressed the Woman's Missionary So ciety Monday afternoon at tlie home of Mrs. E. H. Powers. Misses Mary Lofton and Lucile Cog gins, of Griffin, speut a day or two lost week with the family of Col. J. W. j Shell. OPEN! My new store in the Harda way bank building is now open and I am prepared to do all kinds of watch, clock, jewelry and bicycle repair ing. Ten years in this line in Newnan is a guarantee that all work done will be turned out in first class con dition. The patronage of the people of Coweta county is solicited, with assurances that it will l»e appreciated. 1 am prepared to re-tire baby carriages for the small sum of #1.50 per set of four wheels. Only first-class rub ber tires used, and workman ship the best. Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jeweler. Get Yovr Spring Clothing NOW For I lie fest ive Eastert ime, the day of all days when the whole world dresses anew. You most assuredly want to he among the joyous throng fittingly attired. To make sure that your spring garments will be fashionably correct and lit you perfectly, i t 1 j a t is very important here for the note, burger Bros. A Ci clothing, which most stylish and best tail ored clothing to he had at moderate prices." In fact, a good custom tailor could not give you better styled, belter finished or better fitting clothing at double our prices. For proof of this come and see our spring sack suits at #10 to #20. All the new single and double breasted cuts in the new lengths, with shaped back, are here in the new patterned grav worsted, also in fine final ity black t-hibets and un dressed worsteds. Wheth er you prefer an extreme or conservative style, you can be absolutely sure of finding exactly what you want in our great collec- tion °f spring suits. All the up-to-date fashions in spring hats, Oxfords and haberdashery at prices that will save you money. Give us a call; we will show you a great line spring goods at prices that will astonish you. ^wihittiw f fBfnrt—i., MICHAELS-STERN \rINK CLOTHING/ IBICMA(L*. «T1 AN '4 C0*J of BARNETT, ST. JOHN & CO. Greenville Street.