The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 13, 1906, Image 7

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$49.22 For thin beautiful Top Bugay, manu factured by u« heTe in Atlanta,'Georgia. A Southern Buggy for Southern trade, hat a fine Leather Quarter Top, ha* genuine Leather, Spring Bottom Cushion, and Leather Back, ia elegantly painted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $05.00 to $75.00." 90 * f ° r 'hi* fine Collar and Hame, nickel mounted Hnrncs*. aold with every GOLl'PN HAGLU BUGGY, regular retail price$12.50to $15.00. Catalog and full description sent on request. GOLDEN EAGLE Bl’GUY CO. 1B8-160 Edge wood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. KNICKERBOCKER roUNUlM BRUSH The above illustration, drawn from life, shows a Knickerbocker Fountain Brush in use. The brush is made of fine velvety India Rubber and Is so perfectly pliable as to easily fit every curve of the human figure. It can be instantly at tached to any water faucet, and but the turn of a faucet is needed to regulate the temperature of the water to please the bather. The water flows out through S95 tiny pliable rubber teeth to the bath er's infinite delight and perfect satisfac tion. It Is a happy invention, vastly superior to all other bathing devices, and is endorsed by Physicians, Ministers, Physical Directors, Health and Beauty Specialists, and people In all walks of life. n Every brush is fully guaranteed. For suit 1 by W. Ia. SEXTON. The Newnan Plumber. New Am,ill building. Phono 161) Insurance ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR TAX It 1XT.IYKN. I hereby announce myself n candidate for Tax Receiver, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I am in the race to a finish tins time, nnd will appreciate tile support of my friends and follow-citi zens. F. O. Watkins. for county treasurer, subject to action of the Democratic primary. To My Friends and Fellow Citizens: I am a candidate for County Treasurer —am poor, infirm, and need the office. I submit my candidacy to the people subject to the Democratic primary, and shall appreciate all the help I can get. W. B. W. Dknt. I nm a candidate for Tnx Receiver, I hereby announce my candidacy for subjeot to action of the Democratic pri- the office of County Treasurer, subject nia-y. Am not physically able to per- to the notion of the Democratic primary, form manual labor but can attend to I am au ex-Confedcrate soldier. 7<l years duties of this office and feel that lam j of nge; having served four years in First qualified to till it. Will appreciate the j Georgia cavalry, in which I received support of nil my fellow citizens, wounds permanently disabling me. I J. H. Young. j will appreciate the support of my friends. Samuel HehhiMI. I hereby annouuoe myself n candidate for Tax Receiver, subject to the Demo cratic piimary of Coweta County; and will appreciate the support and influence of my friends and fellow citizens John Askew. FOR (’I,KitK. I take this method of notifying my friends tlint I nm a candidate for Tax Receiver, subjeot to the Democratic pri mary, and shall be deeply grateful for the support nnd assistance of iny friends and fellow-citizens. T. J, Wilkinson. I hereby announce myself a candidate j for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary ; i nnd if elected, promise faithful and ef- ; ficient service in discharging the duties : of the office. Henry L. Banks. | streets, and running north along the east, side of said Jackson street the dis tance of sixty eight feet and nine inches, and said lot running hack east, same width, one hundred nnd two feet, more or less, to line of what is known ns the Palmer place. Also a vacant lot in the city of Newnan. Coweta County, Geor gia, the line of said lot beginning on the east side of Jackson street at a point one hundred and thirty seven feet and six inches north from the corner of Mndi son and Jackson streets and running north along the east side of said Jackson street, a distance of sixty-eight feet and nine inches, more or less, to Wesley street and said lot running hack east from said Jackson street and along Wesley street the distance of one hun dred nnd one feet, more or less, to line of what is known us the Palmer pinna, nnd so that east end of said lot will he only sixty-seven feet and nine inches wide, more or less. The first two lots above described be ing the Hunter property, and tile lust three lots being the Bradley property. To be sold us the property of ,Mnrv 10, Hints, deceased, for the purpose of mak ing distribution amongst the heirs at law of said decc.ised. The order from the court of Ordinary of Campbell Coun ty authorizes the sale to take place in Coweta County, where the property lies. Terms: One-third cash, balance pay able 1st day of November, mod, with interest from date of sale at six per cent per auunni; purchaser to give note and receive bond for title, or all cash if pur chaser prefers. Purchasers of the two houses and lots will not get possession till Nov. 1st, 1110(1, but will receive the rents thereof in the meantime. This April !ird, 11)00. W. T. Sims, H. R. Sims, Adnir's of estate of Mary E. Hints, deceased. Musical Instruments A ‘'talking liiaoliim*” furnishes lots ol amusement anti pleasure. We sell all the best machines. Have in stuck Columbia ami Victor grapboplumes, “Talkophoncs” ami “Zoimphoncs,” ami records for all J of these machines. V isit our store and we will entertain you with our “talking machines.” ami quote our unusually low prices for them. We sell Organs, Pianos and all kinds of musical instruments of the best manufacture. Foreash purchasers or on the installment ' plan our prices are the lowest and our terms the best. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, 6A. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. I am a candidate for the office of Tnx Receiver, subject to tho notion of flic Democratic primary, nnd respectfully solicit tho support of my friends mid fellow-citizens. O. H. Newton. Fire, FOR TAX COLLECTOR, Life i Accident, Lursrlary, 1 I hereby announce myself a candidate , for Tax Collector, subjeot to the Demo cratic primary. If elected, I will dis- 1 charge the duties of the office to the I best of my ability. Will employ help, 1 where help is needed. ,T. H. Hyde. Mr. ,T. H. Hyde has suffered for years, and is now suffering front chronic ulcer of left leg, which renders him unable to perform nianunl labor. A. A. Barge, M. D. G. W. Poddy, M. D. Josiali L, Barge, M. D. Tornado, f\J Lrj fxJ Ir; f\J O-'fiJ ir |~3t?j fi] Cord if) fd DTfd Cfljd1 I hereby nmiounoe my candidacy for re-election to tho office of Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the notion of tho Democratic primary election, and will appreciate the hearty support of the voters of the county. Lynch turner. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I nm a candidate for Representative, subject to tlio Democratic primary, and will appreciate the support of nil voters of the oouuty. M. II. Couch. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY Alljwork guaranteed to he first |class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are rtquested to call, examine work and get prices. GEOR( i l A—Coweta County. T. F. Rawls, Aiimr. of Mth. Gitssie Weaver, deceased, having applied to tho Court, of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the land of said deoeasod, all jtersottH oonoorued are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in May next, if any they can, why said application should not tie granted. This April 5th, lilOil. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE NEWNAN, GEORGIA MUNCTION MERCK & DENT IMPROVED HIGH GRADE BUGGIES I am a candidate for re-election to the Lower House of the Georgia Logisla- [ ture, subject to action of the Democra tic primary, and solicit the support and votes of all citizens of my comity. I. N. Oku. Ft lit t'Olft »N Kit, Policies MRS. W. Y. ATKINSON & CO. Newnan, Ca, T. M. MARTIN Does nil kinds of To tho Democratic Voters of Coweta County: Having recently been elected to fill, tho unexpired term of Rev. H. li. Da vies, Into tax collector of Coweta county, mid having less than one year in which to fill the office and fueling that in jus tice to myself, I should lie given a full term, I hereby respectfully announce my candidacy for tax collector for the long term, subject to I lie rules and reg ulations of the Democratic Executive Committee. Thanking my friends for their past support, 1 hope by diligent at tention to tho duties of the office to mer it their continued confidence and esteem. W. H. Huhhahij. I am a candidate for Coroner of Cow eta county, subject to action of the Democratic white primary, and will lie glad to have all the voters consider my claims nnd give me their support. J. W. Kelley. l-t lit HII Kit IFF. Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work nnd low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Coweta comity, sub ject to action of the Democratic white primary. The support and votes of all my fellow oitizeus will bo appreciated. Joseph L. Brown. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Coweta Comity, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I have had experience in the sheriff's office and, if eleoted, promise to faith fully and iiiqmrtially discharge the du ties encumbent upon me. J. A. Stephens. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Democratic primary of Coweta county; and will ap preciate the support of my friends and fellow citizens. As to my ability to fill the office, I respectfully refer to my [ record as a member of the police force of Newnan during the past ton ycurs. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind ThtffHmily bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for « year.All dr-iiritlstH sell them J. D. BREWSTER, FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for Treasurer, sub- j jeet to action of the primary on April 28, 1006. 1 have been disabled for eight years and cannot see the people person ally, but will be pleased if the voters j will consider my claims and give me their support. ,T. S. Stephens. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner, subject to notion of the Democratic primary of Coweta county. The support and votes of all my fallow citizens will be appreciated. C. A. Buukeh. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Campbell County, Geor gia, granted at the March term, 11)0(1, there will be sold before the court lions* door of Coweta County, in tho city of Newnan, within the legal hoars of sale, oil the first Tuesday in May, l'.iOtt, to the highest bidder, the following property, towit: A certain lot in the city of Newnan, Coweta County, Georgia, beginning at a point on tho enst side of Perry Street ill the center of a wall dividing said lot from the lot of J. T. Williams (formerly T. B. Davis) and running north along the east sine of said Perry Street the distance of fifty-four feet and seven inches, and said lot running hack east from said street, same width, two hun dred and twelve feet, more or less, to line of property of R. I). Colo Mfg. Co. Also, u certain house nnd lot in the city of Newnan, Coweta County, Georgiu, t ho line of said lot beginning ut a point on the east side of Perry Street fifty-four feet iiixl seven inches north from the center of the wall on the north side of lot of J. T. Williams (formerly T. B. Davis) and running north along the east side of said Perry Street the distance of fifty-four feet and seven inches, and said lot running hack east from said Perry Street two hundred and twelve feet, more or less, to line of property of R. I). Cole Mfg. Co.; but the north line of this lot inclines southward enough so that the east end of the lot will be only forty- nine feet and one inch wide. Also a house and lot in the city of Newnan, Coweta County, Georgia, the line of said lot beginning at the corner of Madi son and Jackson streets, onjtiie east side of said Jackson street, and running north along said Jackson [street sixty- eight feet and nine inches, and said lot running back east from said Jackson street, same width, and along said Madi In Memory of Little Alice Holmes. | Whereas: God, in His provi dence, has seen lit. to take to Him self one of our numlier, little Alice Holmes, who had been a member of this, the First Baptist Sunday School, from her babyhood, there fore Resolved: That while our hearts are grieved over the loss of this lit- Uc one, we are thankful for her innocent life and affectionate dis position, and bow in bumble sub- mission to His will, who makes no mistakes and does all tilings for the good of 11 is children. Let ns follow her example of right living. She was always I truthful, and in her sweet childish way reproved older people of wrong doing. She has gone now to be with her Lord and let ns re member that at any time, we know not when, the Lord may call ns, and let ns ask ourselves the ques tion: Are we ready! Ily his grace let each of ns so live here day by day, at school, at home, in Imsi ness, everywhere, ho that when He comes we shall not be ashamed to meet Him. , "Not in cruelty, not in wrath, The Reaper enme that (lay; "L'wius an angel visiI«ol the earth And took the flower away." Resolved: That we extend to this bereaved family our tend crest sympathy and commend them to lour precious Savior, who feels for | them in this sad loss, and who “shall wipe away all tears from ! their eyes.” Resolved: That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Sunday school and a copy la* given to the family of our little sister. Her Sunday Samoi. Teacher And <'lass. CARR I AGE .^"BUILDING 5* REPAIRING I A Tip Top Job in the repairing of curriugefl, wagons and other vehicles is the only kind we uttempt or turn out. lienee our success in repair work. Wo want your business when you have any thing in oar line and we’ll satisfy you in price as well as work. We use only the best colors and varnish, thus getting the best results in bug gy painting. Get one. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. $150 Reward for Haines. Governor Terrell yesterday of fered a reward of SlfiO for the ap prehension ol d. W. Haines, of Coweta county, who is charged with having murdered his father in-law, ,1. W. Harrison, the last day of last month.—Tuesday’s At lanta < Constitution. Pickles and Canned Fruit This store has a superb stock of clean, fresh canned fruits, pickles and olives. Housekeepers can order anything in these lines with the certainty of receiving just what they desire. For example, note the wide range of prices for olives, bottled by II. ,1. Heinz Company. Thoy are priced at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 80c, 85c, 50c and 75c. Olives in bulk at 50c per quart. Heinz pickles in bulk and in bottles, sweet and sour mixed and sweet and sour plain, are always fresh and line if bought at this store. Pickled onions and chow-chow are included in Lit is line. In the canned fruits line we have peaches, pears, cherries, plums, apples, and pineapples for pics. Cherry, pineapple and peach preserves may also lie mentioned in this connection. Our canned stock is from the most reliable canneries of the country and is guaranteed to lie all right. C. P. STEPHENS & CO. Proprietors of the New B&Kery. Telephone No. 31. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Keiidence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls. DR. W. A. TURNER, Residence Telephone No. 64. Drs. Davis & Turner Do yon want to subscribe for any newspaper or magazine published in the United States? If so, your sub scription will be received at the News office. tf I am a Candidate for County Treas urer of Coweta county, subject to ac tion of the Democratic primary. Will appreciate the support of every voter of son street one hundred and three feet, tlie county, and promise faithful service ' or less, to line of what is known as to the comity’s interests, if elected. the p a |mer place. Also a vacant lot in John N. Neill, j the 0 jty of Newnan, Coweta Comity, 1 Georgia,die line of said lot beginning on The friends of Mr. T. A. McCullough, | the east side of Jackson street at a point an old and worthy citizen of Haralson sixty-eight feet and nine inches north district, announce him as a candidate from the corner of Madison and Jackson At Lovejoy Memorial, ('nine to Lovejoy Memorial next .Sunday (Easter) and hear our Isiys and girls sing and recite. Rally by Sunday School begins at 10 o’clock. Children will build text from which a short sermon will lie preached by pastor. W. S. Gainkb, Faster. Physicians and Surgeons Newnan, Georgia. Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner College and Hancock streets. Tele phone No. 5-2 calls. Smith’s Burs Kidney Cure. The only guaranteed kidney remedy. Buy it—try it—it costs yen nothing if it fails. Price 60 cents at Holt & Cates’. Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable A happy home is the most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. You throw aside business cares when vou enter your home nnd you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applying Chamberlain's Pain Bulm. One application will give you relief and its continued use for a short time will bring about a permanent cure. For sale by Dr. Paul Peuiston, Newnan. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure is Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if af ter taking one bottle you are not satis fied with results. 60 oeuta at Holt & Cates'. 6