The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 13, 1906, Image 8

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Great Sale of Smyrna Rugs As a special offering we name a large lot of Reversible Smyrna rugs at the extremely low price of $1.49. These are guaranteed to be genuine Smyrna Rugs. They are 30 x 60 inches in size; the patterns are attractive, and the rugs are an immense bargain at $1.49 each. Rugs of same size and quality are sold by largest stores in Atlanta at special sales for $2.00. This is an indi cation of how low we have priced them when we let them go at $1.49 $1.49 We have opened up a full line of dry goods, groceries and general merchan dise at Welcome, and our friends and patrons will find they can make their money go as far there as anywhere else. We will also give Gold Tickets there, as we do in Newnan. Don’t forget that every dollar purchase gets a ticket good for drawing for $10 in Gold on May 1, at the store in Newnan. JAS. B. HUTCHENS West Side Square Newnan, Georgia Palmetto Ooutniotors mo hi'ginulng work on it now I>1111111■ ik to hi* orvotml oil t!ii“ prus- out situ of Knmnli Hiiptlst ohuroli. Tim now Iioumo of wotship will Ih< of Htout* mill will l>t>, wIioii oonipli'tod, ono of tlio IniiiitNOtiii'Nf oliimilii'R in tlm county. Ool. Gluts. Hold lull von tills week for t'levelmicl, (in , to visit reliitives. Mrs. Muliel Hnllitrd Irwin leaves next week for New York and Washington, and will attend the t'niitinciitul Con- Kress id Daughters ol the Anieneitii involution to lie held in Washington on the IMth. The many friends in Palmetto of Mrs. .1. H Miller are doe ply grieved to in nr of her extreme illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Kislier, in New- i m n Mr. Dean St it h. of Asheville, \.(\, was here last week on a visit in Ins pin cuts, Mr and Mrs .lames St it It Mrs. Duma Kohiuson was called to Carrollton last week, owing to the ex treme illness of her sister. Mrs. Hetty Penn. Miss Mary Johnson and Miss Emmie Young Conyers attended the "Viola Alton" matinee in Atlanta Thursday. Miss Sarah Davenport, one of the most highly respected ladies in the county, is dangerously ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Imagine. Mr. Hebert O’Doimolly and his sister, Miss Nell O'Donnelly, of Atlanta, were the guests of Miss Sophy Latimer last Sunday. Mrs. John Smith, of Atlanta, former ly Miss Nell Johnson of Palmetto, is the guest of Mrs Duard Hullard Miss Louise Heckman entertained in formnlh at dinner on Wednesday. Mr. Hoy Jordan, who has been in South Oeorgin for several months, has returned home. Mrs. M. A. Wiley is visiting friends in Newnan. “KNOX” America’s Greatest?Hat ORR AND POWELL Exclusively ORDINARY'S NOTICES. UHOKOIA— Coweta County. The return of the appraisers sotting apart twelve months' support to the family of Jos. S. Plant, deceased, hnv- ilig boon tilod ill my unite, all poisons oonoernod are oited to show cause by the 1st Monday of May, lUOtl, why said np- plieation for twelve months' support should not be granted. This April 2nd, HlOtt L. A. PERDUE, Ordinnry. GEORGIA—Coweta County Mrs. Itum R. Leigh, having applied to ti e Court of Ordinary id said County for letters of administration on estate of j May mi nl N. Colley, deceased, all per sons concerned are required to show 1 cause in said Court by the first Monday in May next, if any they can. why said application should not he granted. This April 10, lilOti. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Welcome Prof. W. J. Johnson will have a con- oert on the 20th, iiist. He is expecting help from Mr. Hnrdiiuan, his school mate while at Macon. The admission fee will be 10c for children and 16o for adults. Mt Carmel had a missionary rally Sunday. They had an hour’s program, which began at ten o’clock, after wliioli Rev. Gaines preached a missionary ser mon. After dinner, on the ground,they had other songs and recitations, after which Rev. Gaines gave a nice talk. About wivs collected for missions. There will be ail-day meeting at Emory Chapel on fifth Sunday. Will have two sermons. It is for tile Sunday school and the building up of the church. Miss Florence Moore Has returned to her home at Madras, after attending Mt. Carmel school for a mouth Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Mattox visited rela tives in Newnan Sunday Miss Fannie McKov is visiting rela tives in Turin tiiis week. Rev. F. J. Amis tilled his appointment at Bowdon Saturday and Sunday. He is now visiting Ids sister, Mrs. J. S. Mil ler, of Newnan, who is sick. F. O. Watkins, of Turin, was here : Sunday. Miss Katie Sue Moore and brother,Ed, ‘ from Madras, were here Sunday. Our school lias closed and Miss Col quitt lias returned to her home at Joues- boro. The school at Mt. Carmel has also closed. Rugs, carpets, mattings, art squares, law curtains, portierre curtains at P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. A FEW MORE COLD-BAND Cups, Saucers, Plates THEY MUST GO NOW A few more (5-inch White Plates, old >nce 50c 40c A few more 7-inch White Plates, old price 00c 50c A few more Jardiniers cheap as dirt. We have just one more 100-piece Dinner Set. A bargain for somebody. Come and see it. A few more Toilets Sets, to go cheap. We carry the high grade Hours, Postel's Ele gant, Diamond, K. K. K., etc. With every 50 cent Pur chase of Crockery and Tin ware we will sell a 48-1 b sack of Patent Flour for $1.25, 24 lb. sack for 55c. This is an unheard of price. Yon should avail yourself of both crock ery and tinware offers. We guarantee everything we sell. We carry a complete line of Groceries, Fruits and Con fectioneries—everything and anything that you want. Call to see us. We will supply your needs at the very best price that can be made. Give Us a Trial. A few more Cups and Saucers, old 7r n price #1, now. Iwu A few more Butter Dishes, old price 4 r _ 25c, now IOC A few odds and ends of Tinware and Enam el Ware that we must get rid of, and you need them. First come first served. A few more Mixing Bowls, cheaper than you ever heard of. We are agents for Chase & Sanborn’s Fam ous Coffee and Teas. Special—Force, per package ig c WANTED—1000 lbs, dozen eggs and 1 OOO good butter, Chickens. iOOO NVNNALLY * BARRETT, The ay Street Grocers Telephone 55