Newspaper Page Text
Our enormous clothing sales
attest the popularity of our
clothing. The clothing is right,
the price is right. We fit the
men and boys with clothes fit
to wear.
Full line Panama and Straw
Hats. We have sold more Pan
amas this season than ever be
fore. There are two good rea
sons for this: Quality and Price.
We have the largest shoe
stock in town and can fit you
in any style or last, and at prices
to suit all.
Full line ladies’ Skirts; Hats,
trimmed, ready to wears, and
sailors; dress goods, linings, lac
es, embroiderier, insertions. If
it’s anything to wear, we have it.
rr„r: bargains
You think
Johho Furitioi uikI < Lear I’lvsley went
down to Gruufvllh< lust Sunday.
Mr .1 I*.'iN, wlm I* very old mid
feeble, foil otT Ids front porrli lust Sun
day nftornooii mid ioooivod a tomldo
shook llo was uilOOilNOioiiH for noiiio
tilin', hut it is liopt'd Hint nothing soli-
ous will ri'snlt from tln> full
Mrs. Nimoy Sliaw tins been visiting
lior daughter, Mrs. Fannie Hurry, in
Carroll County.
Mrs. V. T. Ilitids wan cnnliiud to liur
lii'd for a low days tlm past wuok.
Mrs. Nauoy Hrown and daughter.
Miss Nollii', arn N)>»tiditig « low days in
l-nOningi' visiting tlm family of Mur
phy Spotmor.
Mrs. \V. I*. Avars is sink.
Mttlo .loo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Parker, has boon roal smk sovoral days.
Hiram Mobley wont to Grant villi* last
Arthur llmuriok and Miss Mnudu
Mohloy, and Wiloy ltrook and Miss Ola
Molilov wont to Matiudouia last Sunday.
Mr. dim Wollhorn, from Ho|>owo!t,
Alalstiun. visitod rolativos lioru Tnosdav.
Ada, lift Id daughter of Uohort Kiolno
mid wife, was smk a fow days last wook.
dim Asknw wont up to Palmetto last
Saturday evening to sou his fatlior.
Clovo Kiolno and wifo spout last Sat
unlay night and Sunday with tho lat
tor’s slstor, Mrs. Hob Kiohards, at Sar
Clmrlio Smith, from Madras, visitod
tho family of ,)oliu B (loins a fow days
last wook
Mis. Mollio Idiiortuan. from Hnntdng,
was tin guest of hor inotlior, Mrs. Tom
Samples, last wook.
Miss Mattio Kitdiio was oouflnod to
hor room by siokuoss sovoral days tho
past wook
Mrs. Jano Mohluy, from Hast Point,
is spending a wook with hor daughter,
Mrs. Niuituan Pitts.
Freddie, littlo son of Jno Wollhorn,
foil and hurt himsulf seriously Friday.
.1.1 Hendrix moved with his family
to Wuloonm last Saturday.
Mrs. dosopli Priuea is suffering with
a suooossiou of huge risings wliioli are
vary painful.
Wo would liko to oorroot a mistake in
last week’s letter in regard to tho Faster
egg hunt. It was on Saturday instead
of Sunday
Miss Fllu Bunn has been ill several
days with pneumonia.
Bro. lsivtnu was with us last Sunday
and prouoiied at II a. hi. and ?::)(> p. in
llo |iroaehod two interesting sermons to
very attentive congregations.
Our lino of wagon tun! Ituggy harness includes a sufficient
range of grades, styles and values to insure satisfaction to all
buyers. Kvery piece of the stock is lirst-class in material and
workmanship and is worth every cent asked for it.
We have in stock a large number of the old reliable
Gantt Distributors and Planters.
Our Sorghum seeds are priced at 91.2A per bushel. Other
dealers ask $1.50. We have “Speckled” and “Unknown”
Peas and German Millet—sound, clean, reliable seed.
Farmers, come to us for all kinds of supplies and general
merchandise. For cash or on time, our prices are right.
We ScU the "DOMESTIC" Sewing Machine.
In the election held here Inst Satur
day to ascertain the wishes of the voters
of Grnutville school district on the ques
tion of local taxation,the following’ votes
Were cast: For Focal Taxation, 111;
Against F<»enl Taxation, 0. Messrs. T.
M. /Cellars, N. O. Banks end Ur. G. W.
(’lower were elected Trustees.
Thursday evening Grata! Deputy
Thomas H. Jeffries, of the Grand Lodge
of Georgia, was met af the train on his
arrival here by Messrs. Wm. O’Brien, J.
T. White, F. T. Meacham and Dr. Let-
son, who conducted him to the Masonic
Hall, where the Masons fell into line
and marched to the M. E. Church. Af
ter the preliminary exercises by the
Worshipful Master, Dr. G. W. Clowcr,
and prayer by the Chaplain. Rev. A. H.
H. Hugg. the speaker of the evening wns
introduced by F. T. Meacham He he
gun his lecture on Mnsonry, after nar
rating a few humorous anecdotes. He
s|K)ke of the ancient uses of Masonry,
which dates back so far that its origin is
unknown; of its existence in Hnhak-
kilk’s, Solomon's and Jacob’s day; ami
later of a building being unearthed in
tin* excavations at Pompeii with Ma
sonic signs and inscriptions, proving it
to be a Masonic temple. This in itself
proves its antiquity, as Pompeii wns de
stroyed in A. I). 71*. He followed its
history up to the present time, telling
of the good it had accomplished in all
ages; but not one of its secrets did he
make known. His lecture wns convinc
ing and strong; his delivery good, and
Ills words beautiful and well chosen.
“If all neighbors loved each other,
Lived in kindly brotherhood,
Life would be supremely pleasant—
If men used their gifts for good.’’
After the lecture he was accompan
ied by Dr. O. W. Glower and the com-
mitteo of reception, Messrs. O'Brien,
White, Meacham and Letson, to the
Nall House, where an elegant lunch
awaited them.
Saturday was a red letter day for the
little folks of the town. Three egg
hunts had been arranged—one given by
Mrs. W. (i. Sadler and Mrs. Glenn Ar
nold to their Sunday school classes on
the lawn at the neudemy; another given
by Mrs. James Gilbert, Misses Knmia
Belle Znllars ami Tommie Lou Lester in
T. 15. Arnold’s grove, also to their class
es in Sunday school; while the other
was given in Smith's Park by the La
dies' Parsonage Society. All were well
attended and thoroughly enjoyed.
The Parsonage Society will meet with
Mrs. N. (). Banks Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Lucile Banks left Monday with u
party of friends for New Orleans.
Mrs. S. F. Leigh and little sons, Tims
Nelson and James W. Colley, spent
Monday at College Park with Charlie
Stewart Colley.
Mrs. C. P. Glower went to Moreland
Mrs. Glenn Arnold and Miss Virginia
Banks Arnold were in Newimti,Monday.
Miss Fintnu Belle Zellers went lo La-
Grange Thursday.
Mrs. Belle Sallee of Keane, Kentucky,
is the guest of Mrs. Ktlle Hooker.
Mrs. Win. O’Brien mid Mrs. Mattie
Monro weft* in Moreland Saturday.
Messrs. W. I. White and Lewis Dean
attended tie* theatre in Hogansville a
few evenings ago.
Misses Anna and Willie Jeter visited
relatives in Moreland and Lone Oak last
Mrs. Mary Owneshy is at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Jethro Jones, in Whites-
Miss Mary Goodrum and 1. N. Orr, of
Newnan, were guests Sunday of Miss
Fniuiii Belle Ze liars.
Mix. Market, of 1-nGrangc. is visiting
Mrs.'W. M. White.
M essrs. J. H. Bryant, L. 1’. Bryant
and D. Y. Bryant and families ave at
tending the funeral of Kev. W. P. Bry
ant, in Newnan, today.
Dr. F. H. Letson was ealled to Nor-
cross to be present at the funeral service
of his father. Dr. S. H. Letson, wiio
died Saturday afternoon.
Mr. J. F. Brasoh received a telegram
a few days ago notifying him of the
death of his mother, which occurred in
Misses Mary Clower and Willie Mae
Lambert returned Monday from a visit
to friends in Hogansville.
Mrs. O. P. Glower and Lottie White
are in Newmui today.
Mrs. Dalia Hodges, of Hogansville,
was the guest Saturday of Mrs. John T.
Miss Mnrtlm O’Hara, of Greenville,
spent Friday with Miss Martha Andrews.
Mrs. N. O. Banks and Mrs. J. F. Dean
were in Moreland yesterday.
Miss Virginia Arnold went to La-
Grange Friday.
Messrs. Bouyer Payne and Wm.
Banks are taking in the veterans reun
ion tn New Orleans.
Mesdnnies Arnold and Nolan,of south
west Georgia, are visiting their sister,
Mrs. J. P. O’Neal.
Messrs. Jones, of Atlanta, and Wat
son, of Moreland, spent Sunday with D.
Y. Bryant.
W. G. Sadler] attended services at the
Central Baptist Church in Newnan Fri
W. A. Bohannon weut to Newnan
T. M. Zellars wns in Atlanta one day
this week.
Lewis Dean went to Atlanta Monday.
S R. Sims, of Corinth, spent Sunday
with Kdwiu Banks.
Calls for Corn Planters, Guano Distrib
utors and Cotton Planters.
We have a complete line of these
machines—the very best made.
We can still supply you with High
Grade Fertilizers.
A fresh lot of Purina for horses and
mules. This is fine feed.
P. S.—Seventy-five up-to-date Ve
hicles. Come to see us.
Miss Nuuoy Shores is very low, not i
expected to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Drake are visit- j
ing relatives in Moreland
The revival in Masonry continues. J
Monday night the Master’s degree was j
conferred on Messrs. W. A. Bohannon •
and W. O. Jones by Mr. .lack K“ith, of j
Newnan. The visiting brethren were j
J. L. Keith, B. T. Thompson. J. L. j
Brown, P. T. McCutchen, B. J. Fry, J.
W. Owens, C. J. Owens, W. S. Cope
land, J. M. Mobley, J. W. Allen, J. B.
Kinney, Geo. Ongle, of Newnan; Turner
Sims nnd Tom Sims, Hogansville; J. L.
Prickett, Lone Onk.
Gran*ville baseball team number two,
will play White Oak at Moreland Satur
day afternoon.
Mrs. (’. Ii, Pentecost, of New-
nun, was in the city Saturday on
her return home from a visit to
her sister, Mi’s. ,1. A. Manning, of
Jenkinslmrg.—(iritlin News and
Hawes hats. “None better
made.” New spring styles just
opened at P. F. (’uttino & Co.’s.
Special orders for jewel
ry, silverware, watches,
diamonds, etc., receive
prompt and careful at
tention at this store.
Purchases are made from
the largest and most re
liable manufacturers and
dealers in the United
States, and satisfaction
is guaranteed in every
case. Prices are always
placed at the most rea
sonable figures.
Frank J. Flannery
Watchmaker and Jewckr.
Dress Well!
Look Distinguished!
Be Contented!
I here s one sure way of accomplishing these tilings, and
tlmt is to wear the smart new spring models we are showing
this season. Sack suits for men and young men S10 to #25,
in single and double breasted styles, faultless in (it, perfect
<«*»vaiaMT i t0 » mr thi mamim mJ
in finishing, with coat cut fashionably long, trousers grace
fully modeled, made ot line worsteds, cheviots and tweeds.
Everything you want in hats, shoes, shirts, underwear, ties,
etc., at extremely moderate prices. We have juct received
a line of odd trousers, (’all and see our line of goods.
Greenville Street.