Newspaper Page Text
For this beautiful
Top Buggy, manu
factured by us here
iu Atlanta’Georgia.
A Southern Buggy
. _ . . for Southern trade.
"** • " n * Quarter Top. has genuine
weather, Ppnii* Bottom Cu.hion, and Lmthrr
Back, ta alpRiuitiv paintrd and fullv guarauteed.
Regular retail price $05 ft) to J76 00.'
90 F° r tld* fine Collar and Tlame,
w“. mckc l mounted Harness, sold with
er-ery GOLPFN HAGI.U BUGGY, regular retail
price *12.50to *15.00
Catalog anti full description sent on request.
158-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
The above illustration, drawn from
I life, shows a Knickerbocker Fountain
Brush in use. The brush is made of fine
velvety India Rubber and is so perfectly
pliable as to easily fit every curve of the
human figure. It can be instantly at
tached to any water faucet, and but the
turn of a faucet Is needed to regulate the
temperature of the water to please the
bather. The water flows out through
595 tiny pliable rubber teeth to the bath
er’s infinite delight and perfect satisfac
tion. It Is a happy Invention, vastly
superior to all other bathing devices, and
is endorsed by Physicians, Ministers,
Physical Directors, Health and Beauty
Specialists, and people In all walks of
life."* Every brush is fully guaranteed.
For sale by
W, Jj. sexton.
The Newnan Plumber.
New Arinill Building, Phone 151)
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Receiver, subjeot to the Demo
cratic primary. 1 am iu the race to a
finish this time, and will appreciate the j
support of my friends nnd fellow-oiti-
zons. F. O. Watkins.
Iain a candidate for Tax Receiver,
subject to action of the Democratic pri
mary. Am not physioally able to per
form Timmml labor but, oon attend to
duties of this office nnd feel that lam
qualified to iill it. Will appreciate the
support, of all my fellow oitizens.
J. H. Young.
I hereby announce myself n candidate
for Tnx Receiver, subject, to the Demo
cratic pi ininry of Coweta Comity; and
will appreciate the support and influence
of my friends and fellow citizens.
John Askew.
I take this method of notifying un
friends that I am a candidate for Tax
lloceiver, subject to the Democratic pri
mary, and shall be deeply grateful for
the support and assistance of my friends
and fellow-citizens.
T. J. Wilkinson.
I I am a candidate for the office of lnx
IT jjjj! Receiver, subject to the aotion of the
gj « BJ II H DTI II rC Democratic primary, nnd respectfully
Hj | s RR, M A K I IN H j solicit the support of my friends and
.■i i I fellow-citizens. C. H. Newton.
Does all
kinds of
Tin Work, Roofing
Plumbing and
Expert work nnd low
® ,,,
i~| prices Win. Shop op-
L posite Pinson Hotel.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tubules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 6-cent packet is enough for uhuhI occasions
Thiffninily bottle (DO cents) contain* a aupply
for a year.All dr iggists well them.
i S. C. CARTER i CO., 1
when you want them i
izi cleaned, pressed, repaired g
| or dyed in the best manner i
il and at the most reasona- g
I ble prices. j]
FOR TAX collector.
I hereby announce myself n candidate
for Tax Collector, subjeot to the Demo
cratic primary. If elected, I will dis
charge the duties of the office to the
best of my ability. Will employ help,
where help is needed. J. H. Hyde.
Mr. J. H. Hyde bus suffered for years,
and is now suffering from chronic ulcer
of left leg, which renders him unable to
perform manual labor.
A. A. Barge, M. D.
G. W. Poddy, M. D.
Josiah L. Burge, M. D.
To tho Democratic Voters of Coweta
Having recently been elected to till
tlie unoxpireil term of Rev. H. R. Da
vies, late tax collector of Coweta county,
and having less than one year in which
to (ill the office and feeling that in jus
tice to myself, I should tie given a full
term, I hereby respectfully announce
my cniulidaoy for tax collector for the
long term, subject to the rules and reg
ulations of the Democratic Executive
Committee. Thanking my friends for
their past support, I hope by diligent at
tention to the duties of the office to mer
it their continued confidence and esteem.
W. S. Hubbard.
Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls.
Residence Telephone No. 64.
Drs. Davis & Turner
Physicians and Surgeons
Newnan, Georgia.
Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner
College and Hancock streets. Tele
phone No. 5-2 calls.
Z. Greene, D. D. 8.,
Office on Second Floor of
Black Bros. Co.’s Building
L. M Farmer,
I mn a candidate for re-olection to the
oflioo of Sheriff of Coweta county, sub
jeut to action of the Democratic white
primary. The support and votes of all
my fellow oitizens will be appreciated.
Joseph L. Brown.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Sheriff of Coweta County, subject to
the action of the Democratic primary.
I have liad experience in tho sheriff’s
office and, if elected, promise to faith
fully and impartially discharge the du
ties encumbent upon me.
J. A. Stephens.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Sheriff, subject to the Democratic
primary of Coweta county; und will ap
preciate the support of my friends and
fellow citizens. As to my ability to fill
the office, I respeotfnlly refer to my
record as a member of the police force
of Newnan during the past ten years.
for county treasurer, subject, to notion
of the Democratic primary.
To My Friends nnd Fellow Citizens:
I nni a candidate for County Treasurer
—nrn poor, infft'in, and need the office.
I submit my onndidncy to tho people
subjeot to the Democratic primary, and
8lmll appreciate all the help I enn get.
W. H. W. Dent.
I hereby announce my onndidncy for
the office of County Treasurer, subject
to the action of the Democratic primary.
Iam an ex-Confederatc soldier, 76 years
of age; having served four yenrs in First
Georgia cavalry, in which I received
wounds permanently disabling me. 1
will appreciate the support of my
friends. Samuel Hekki*ii.
I hereby announce myself n candidate
for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject
to tlie notion of the Democratic primary ;
it ltd if elected, promise faithful and ef
ficient service in discharging tlie duties
of the office. Henry L. Banks.
I hereby announce my c'-didnoy for
re-election to tho office of Clerk of the
Superior Court, subject to the notion of
the Democratic primary election, and
will appreciate the hearty support of the
votors of the county.
Lynch turner.
I am a candidate for Representative,
subjeot to the Democratic primary, and
will appreciate the support of all voters
of tlie county. M. H. Couch.
I am a candidate for re-election to the
Lower House of tlie Georgia Legisla
ture, subjeot to nction of tlie Democra
tic primary, and solicit the support and
votes of all citizens of my county.
I. N. Glut.
I am a candidate for Coroner of Cow
eta county, subjeot to nction of the
Democratic white primary, and will be
glad to have all the voters consider my
claims and give me their support.
J. W. Kelley.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Coroner, subjeot to aotion of tho
Democratic primary of Coweta county.
The support and votes of all my follow
oitizens will be appreciated.
C. A. Buiikkh.
streets, and running north along the side of said Jackson street tho dis
tance of sixty-eight feetand nine incites,
nnd said lot miming bnok east, snme
width, one hundred and two feet, more
or less, to line of wlmt. is known as the
Palmer place. Also a vacant lot iu the
city of Newnan, Coweta County, Geor
gia. the line of said lot beginning on the
east side of Jackson street at a point one
hundred nnd thirty-seven feet and six
inches north from the corner of Mndi
son nnd Jackson streets and running
north along the east side of said Jackson
street, a distance of sixty-eight feet and
nine inches, mote or less, to Wesley
street and said inf. running back east
from said Jackson street and along
Weslov street tlie distance of one hun
dred and one feet, more or less, to line
of what is known us the Palmer place,
and so that east end of said lot will be
only sixty-seven feet an# nine inches
wide, more or less.
The first two lots above described be
ing the Hunter property, and tho last
three lots being the Bradley property.
To he sold ns tlie property of Mary E.
Sims, deoensed. for tlie purpose of mak
ing distribution amongst the heirs at
law of said deoensed. The order from
the court of Ordinary of Cnmphell Coun
ty authorizes tlie sale to take place in
Coweta County, where tho property lies.
Terms: One-third cnslt, hnlntiuo pay
able 1st day of November, 11106, with
interest from dale of hiiIo at six per cent
per annum; purchaser to give note and
reoeivo bond for title, or all cash if pur
chaser prefers. Purchasers of tlie two
houses and lots will not. get possession
till Nov. 1st, 1006, init will reoeivo the
rents thereof in tlie meantime. Tills
April Urd, 11)06. W, T. Sims,
S. R. Sims,
Adtnr’s. of estate of Mary E. Sims.
Musical Instruments
A ‘‘talking; machine” furnishes lots of amusement anil pleasure.
\\ e sell all the best maellines. Have in stuck Columbia and Vidor
graphophones, “Talkophones” and “Zonophnncs,” and records for all
of these maellines. Visit our store and we will entertain you with
our “talking natchitics." and quote our unusually low prices for (Item.
\\ e sell Organs, Pianos and all kinds of musical instruments of
the best matiutncliirc. For cash purchasers or on Ihe installment
plan our prices are the lowest and our terms the lies!.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
Tlie return of the appraisers setting
apart, twelve months’ support to the
family of Jos. S. Plant, deoensed, hav
ing been filed in my office, nil persons
concerned are cited to show cause by the
1st Monday of May, 11)06, why said ap
plication for twelve months' support
should not tie granted. This April 2nd,
11)06. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
Mrs. Itnra R. Leigh, having applied ;
to ti e Court of Ordinary of said Comity
for letters of administration on estate of '
Maynard N. Colley, ib'eeased, all per
sons concerned arc required to show
cause in said Court by the first Monday
in May next, if any they can. why said
application should not lie granted. This
April 10, 11100.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
Office on Second Floor of the Arnall
Merchandise Co.’s Building
Dr. C. A. Smith,
I am a candidate for Treasurer, sub
ject to action of the primary on April
2H, 1006. I have been disabled for eight
years and cannot see the people person
ally, but will be pleased if tlie voters |
will consider my claims and give me'
their support. J. S. Stephens. !
I am a Candidate for County Treas
urer of Cowetu county, subject to ac-1
tion of the Democratic primary. Will
appreciate the support of every voter of
; the county, and promise faithful service '
l to the county’s interests, if elected.
John N. Neill.
Treats all diseases of domestic animals ; The friends of Mr. T. A. McCullough,
Calls answered day or night. Office j an old and worthy citizen of Haralson
at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. i district, announce him as a candidate
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
By virtue of an order from tlie Court
of Ordinary of Campbell County, Geor
gia, granted at the March term, 11)06,
there will bo sold before tho court house
door of Coweta County, in tho city of
Newnan, within the legal hours of sale,
on the find Tuesday in May, !!)()(!, to the
highest bidder, the iollowing property,
A certain lot in tlie city of Newnan,
Coweta County, Georgia, beginning at
a point on tho east side of Perry Street
in tiie center of u wall dividing said lot
from the lot of J. T. Williams (formerly
T. B. Davis| and running north along
the east side of said Perry Street the
distance of fifty-four feet and seven
inches, and said lot running hack east
from said street, same width, two hun
dred and twelve feet, more or less, to
line of property of R. D. Cole Mfg. Co.
Also, u certain house and lot in the city
of Newnan, Coweta Connty, Georgia,
the line of said lot beginning at a point
on tlie east side of Perry Street fifty-four
feetand seven inches north from tlie
center of tlie wall on the north side of
lot of J. T. Williams (formerly T. B.
Davis) and running north along tlie east
side of said Perry Street the distance of
fifty-four feet aiul seven inches, ami said
lot running back east from said Perry
Street two hundred and twelve feet,
more or less, to line of property of it. D.
Cole Mfg. Co.; but the north line of this
lot inclines southward enough so that
the east end of tlie lot will lie only forty-
nine feet and one inch wide. Also a
house and lot in the city of Newnan,
Coweta County, Georgia, the line of
said lot beginning at the corner of Madi
son and Jackson streets, oujtlie east side
of said Jackson street;, and running
north along said Jackson [street sixty-
eight feet and nine inches, and said lot
running buck east from said Jackson
street, same width, and along said Madi
son street one hundred and three feet,
more or less, to line of what is known as
tlie Palmer place. Also a vacant lot in
tlie city of Newnan, Coweta County,
Georgia, tlie line of said lot beginning on
the east side of Jackson street at a point
sixty-eight feet and nine incites north
from tlie coruer of Madison and Jackson
GEORGIA -Coweta. County.
T. F. Rawls, Admr. of Mrs. Gussii
Weaver, deceased, having applied to the ,
Court, of Ordinary of said County for.
leave to sell the hind of said deceased,
all persons concerned are required tu
show on use in Hiiid Court by the first
Monday iu May next, if any they enn,
why said application should not lie
grinned. This April 5th, 11)06.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
Smith’s Sure Kidnoy Cure.
Tho only guaranteed kidney remedy.
Buy it—try il—it costs you nothing if
il fails. Price 50 cents at Holt <fc Cates’.
J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor.
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds
of marble and granite.
All work guaranteed to be first class
in every particular. Parties needing
anything in our line are requested tu
uni I, examine work and get prices.
A Tip Top Job
in lilt* repairing of uui i'iagos, wagons
and other vehicles is (lie only kind
we attempt, or turn out. lienee oni
success in repair work. M e want
your business when you have any
thing in uni' line and we’ll satisfy
yon in price as well as work. We
use only the best colors anil varnish,
thus getting the bchl results in bug
gy painting. < let one.
Buggy Builders.
to Bryan in
The very men in the Democratic
party, especially those of New
York, who fought William .1. Bry
an so desperately in I SIX!, and
again iu 11)00, are now beginning
to turn to tiie Nebraskan to save
them from William 11. llcarst.
This from the New York Tribune,
'shows how the political wind is
blowing in New York: “William
.1. Ihyan will have the support in
the next Democratic national con
vention of the very men front this
! city, who fought him twice and
who finally nominated ex-,Judge
Parker at St. Louis, two years
ago. in the Democratic Club there
is talk of arranging a reception in
his honor on his return from it is
tour around the world. Deiancey
Xicoil, a week ago, at the Demo
cratic Club, eulogized Mr. Bryan
as an honorable Democrat. His
declaration at the time aroused a
lot of comment, but it was favor
able comment. Mr. Nieoil is vice-
chairman of tiie Democratic com
mittee, and will remain in that po
sition until the assembling of the
next national convention. In ids
speech he voiced the deep hostility
of Hie so-called Cleveland wing of
the Democratic party to William
B. Ilearst, who is regarded with a
rapidly growing dread by the con
servative Democrats of this city.”
Pickles and Canned Fruit
This store lias a superb stock of clean, fresh canned IVuils,
pickles and olives. Housekeepers can order anything in these
lines with the certainty of receiving just what llic,\ desire.
For example, note the wide range of prices for olives, bottled
by II. J. Hein/, Company. They are priced at, I0e, 15c, 20c,
line, !U)c, .’ifie, , r >0c and Toe. Olives in bulk at 50c per quart.
Heinz pickles in bulk and in bottles, sweet and sour mixed and
sweet and sour plain, are always fresh and fine if bought at this
store. Pickled onions and chow-chow are included in this line.
In the canned fruits line we have peaches, pears, cherries,
plums, apples, and pineapples for pies. Cherry, pineapple and
peach preserves may also be mentioned in this connection.
Oil)’ canned stock is from the most reliable canneries of the
country and is guaranteed to be all right.
Proprietors of the New B&Kery.
Telephone No. 31.
In New Orleans.
The Newnan Market A: Ice Co.
is serving to customers a fine
bunch of young cattle raised in
Coweta county. No finer cuts
than these are sold anywhere.
A number of Coweta people are
in New Orleans this week, attend
ing the reunion of Confederate
veterans and seeing the places of
interest in that charming Southern
city. Among the number are
Capt. J. B. Goodwyii, Walter
Holmes, Edgar Stephens, Charles
Deadwiler, Paul Smith, Mrs. .J. F.
Lovejoy and Mrs. .Melson, of New
nan; YV. E. Lindsey, IL B. Per
kins, Capt. K. H. Wood, Mr. It.
M. North and wife, I). T. Pope
and J. W. Caldwell, of Senoia and
Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable
A happy homo is the most valuable
possession that in within the reach of
maulumi, but you cannot enjoy its com
forts if you are suffering from rheuma
tism. You throw aside business cares
when vou enter your home and you can
be relieved from those rlii umatio pains
also by applying Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. One application will give you
relief and its continued ysc for a short;
time will bring about u permanent cure.
For sale by Dr. Paul Peuistoii, Newnan.
The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure
is Smith's Sur^fchlm-y Cure. Your
druggist will nmARryour money if af
ter taking one bottle you are not satis
fied with results. 50 cents at Holt &