Newspaper Page Text
Hutchens’ ONE PRICE Store
Glassware Department.
1-2 gallon uIiimh pitchers, each . . . 19c to 29c
7 inch butter dishes, each 10c to 19c
r» inch footed crnuniH 10c
ft inch spoon holder 10c
<1 inch covered sugar «1 ihIi 14c
(1 1-2 inch covered bowls 19c
H inch covered bowls 39c
II inch covered bowls 65c
8 ini'll fruit bowl. 10c
li inch preserve dish 10c
Crockery Department.
Imported dinner plates, decorated, the very finest ware made.
8 inch plates, old price 76e, our price now per set 50c
II inch white Krimite ware dinner plates, per set. only 47c
li inch breakfast plates, per set
II inch large white dish, each
0 inch r<^ind soup bowls, each
8 inch round soup bowls, each
10c to 15c
Try one sack of our Prince of Patent Hour at $1.
guarantee it t
:o please you, and if it doesn't your can
money bank.
We also guarantee our Queen of the Pantry Hour
anil give you
a pound of soda with each suck.
We have more granulated sugar at 26 Ihs. for #1.25
Wo have a
rousted coffee that, you should try at 15c
Dry Goods and Notions.
Good sheeting, per yard only
Very heavys
heel ing, per yard only
7 1 2c
C< it t oo check
s and p'aids at .
Bed t icking ■
Crash towels,
good size, per pair
<’rash towels,
large size, per pair
These guild
s are real bargains, and we will consider
a fa-
vor if yo will
let, us show you this line, that you may
ate it.
Remember the drawing on
the first day of May for $10 in
Gold. Every purchase of a dol
lar’s worth of goods gets a tick
et good at that drawing.
There are many kinds of toilet soap, but we have the one
that sells. Swift* Co.’s pure and delicately perfumed toilet
soap is the one. Three good size cakes to the box, put up to
sell from 15c to 25c a box, our price 10c a box. It s a seller,
try a box.
Clothing Department.
We have 50 choice suits in wool, worsted and cassimer, regu
lar values #15.00 to $7.00, that will go for thirty days at $8 98.
They are made in dark and light stripes, and if the style and
fit is what you want we have it. To see one of these suits
means that vou wid want it.
West Side Square
Newnan, Georgia
J, I). Brewster, oundtdato for sheriff
of Coweta county, was tu Benota Satur
l*rof. O. E. Nolan, of Marietta, spent
Hunday with the family of Hon. M H.
Charlie Brakelleld, of Atlanta, .ismI
Sunday with relatives here.
His friends will regret, to know that
Mr. Arthur Esles lias been unite til for
several days.
Mr. W.T. A mill I is oonlltied to his
room this week, Imt we Iio|m> to .ee him
out twain soon.
Mrs. J. W Arimll lm. returned from
u visit to relatives anil friends in Forsyth.
M iss Nannie Davies, of Turin, made a
short visit to Sonotu las! week.
Miss Ruby Drowry, of llrnoks, was
tho guest ot Mins Dollie Hob Hardy last
Mr O. I 1 ’. Sasser wi»s in Atlanta one
day last week.
Oapt. .1. D. Llnoli is able to be out
again after several days' Illness.
Miss laris Jones, ot brooks, s|smt last
week with Misses Susie ami Kittle No
Mrs. Iinoio DoArmaud has returned
from a visit tn Hast Point and Atlanta.
Mrs. S. J. Farr, of Roswell, and Miss
ICinma Farr, of Monroe, s|H>nt a few
i days last week with ltev. and Mrs. G.
\V. Farr.
Rev. G. \V. Farr is improving, after
several days illness.
Mrs. Mary Moses spent a few days the
llrst of the week with tier grand-daugh
ter, Mrs. Ia<e Hand.
J, K. MeKmght has recovered from
his recent illness.
Rev. J. R. Jenkins has made an ap
pointment to prenolt here next Sunday,
it being the fifth Sunday.
Miss Lilliv Fall will leave Thursday
lor Tifton, where she experts to spend
some time with her sister.
Mrs. Myrtle Jones, of W'oolsey, spent
Tuesday with her mother, Mrs, i,. A.
Much anxiety was felt for several days
by Mr. K. H. Cooke’s relatives and
friends in Senoia, when it was lea rood
that he and his family were in Sail
Francisco during the recent lire and
earthquake. A message, however, from
Congressman \V. C Adamson last Fri-
I day born the gisul news that Mr, Cooke
and his family were unharmed
Mrs. 'ft. Greene and little daughter,
Martha, of Newnan, were tu Senoia
! Sunday.
Rev. J. M. Dodd tilled the pulpit at
the Baptist church last Sun,lay, both in
the toroiionn and at night, preaching
, two very forceful sermons. Mr. Dodd
has endeared himself to the people of
Senoii, and we appreciate the success of
his earnest, work umnng us.
Miss Florence Watts entertained sev
eral friends very pleasantly at Starr’s
Mill last Wednesday afternoon m honor
of her dimming visitor, Miss Louise
l.tunur. A light lunch was served dur
ing the afternoon, the happy party re
turning home about dusk
Sets Leather Harness
$7.50 to $50
>MWK«K!?Mra& -r-
l.ast Sunday was preaching day at the
Rnptist chinch Imre The pastor, Rev.
W. M. Dirvis, was present and delivered
one of his best sermons. The day was
delightful, the congregation large and
very attentive to the discourse. Bro. :
Davis is muoh esteemed here, not only
by bis members, but the people of all j
Miss Anna Foster left last week for,
Covington, where she goes to accept a j
position in tho Oovingtou public schools. I
Dr. J. R Sewell, of Carrollton, visited I
Dr. J. B. Wood, here, Saturday.
Mrs. A. H Rawls anil daughter, Miss'
Emmie, visited Senoia last Friday
We are glad to learn that Mrs. Henry j
Pope continues to improve.
There is very little sickness in this!
community at prtsent. I
Farmers will tiuisli planting cotton in
this section this week for the most part.
Some finished last week. It looks now
like mi etioromons crop is being planted.
The new railroad may or may not
come centrally through Haralson, but it
will doubtless come near enough for the
town's limits to extend across the right
of way.
Little Myra Callahan enjoyed a birth
day party Monday afternoon on the oc
casion ot Ins sixth birthday, to which a
number of his little school friends were
invited The children had a delightful
time and wish for Myra tuauy more sucli
happy birthdays.
Next Saturday mid Sunday quarterly
meeting will be held at the Methodist
church hetv. ar which Presiding Elder
Gleuu will be present.
Cups, Saucers, Plates
A few mure 0-inch White Plates, old Afln
price 60c 4UC
A few mure 7-inch White Plates, old
price 00c
A few more JtmlinierH cheap ns dirt.
We have just one more 100-piece Dinner
Set. A bargain for somebody. Come
and see it..
A few mure Toilets Sets, to go cheap.
We carry the hit'll grade Hours, Postel’s Ele
gant, Diamond, K. K. K., etc.
With every 50 ccoit Pur
chase of Crockery and Tin
ware we will sell a 48-ll> sack
of Patent Flour for $1.25, 24
lb. sack for 55c. This is an
unheard of price. You should
avail yourself of both crock
ery and tinware otters. We
guarantee everything we sell.
We carry a complete line
of Groceries, Fruits and Con
fectioneries—everything and
anything that you want. Call
to see us. We will supply
your needs at the very best
price that can be made.
Give Us a Trial.
A few more Cups and Saucers, old 7C ft
price #1, now IWU
A few more Butter Dishes, old price 1 C*
25c, now...... | jO
A few odds and ends of Tinware and Enam
el Ware that we must get rid of, and
you need them. First come first served.
A few more Mixing Bowls, cheaper than you
ever heard of.
We are agents for Chase * Sanborn’s Fam
ous Coffee and Teas.
Special—Force, per package. . . .
WANTED— 1 OOO lbs.
dozen eggs and 1 OOO
good butter,
The Bay Street Grocers
■iim i mu imm a
Telephone 55