Newspaper Page Text
Ordinary 1» Oftl c
5 #
NO. 8
Newnan Will Get Mail
Delivery System on
That Date.
Directors Adopted AboVe
Name for Newnan’s
New Cotton Mills.
Thi> First Assistant Postmaster j 'Pile Directors of Newnan’s new
General has notified Mrs. W. Y. cotton mills company held a itffcet-
Atkhison that the Poostofliee l>c ing in the courthouse last Monday
partment will establish a city mail morning and adopted a name lbrj Tuesday
Closing exercises of the Newnan
i public schools will largely occupy
public attention next week. The
exercises begin Monday morning,
June 4, and close Friday evening,
dune S.
Public oral examinations in all
I the grades will occur Monday and
mornings, beginning at
delivery system in Newnan, be
ginning on August 1, DHhi. The
matter has been settled, Newnan
gets city delivery on that date, and
the necessary preparations are now
the new mills. They will be known i „ine o’clock and concluding at
as the “McIntosh Mills.”
At this meeting 11. A. Hall, W.
(’. McHride and W. A. Steed were
appointed a committee on charter
being made for the
of the system.
The city delivery service will re
quire three carriers and a substi
establishment I and by-laws. A meeting of stock
holders was called for the first
Tuesday in dune, to be held in the
| court house, at which time charter
I2:.'K) o’clock. 'Pile public is cor
dially invited to attend these ex
aminations, and parents of the
pupils are especially urged to be
On Wednesday morning literary
exercises will Ik* conducted in all
the grades. At the close of those
tute carrier. Twenty-three steel and by-laws will be approved and exercises promotion cards will Is
mail boxes will Is* a part of the application made for charter,
equipment of the service and will!
be placed at various points Notice of Local Legislation,
throughout the city. ■■■■■
The Civil Service Commission I Notice is hereby given that at
has announced that an exannna-1 the next session of the General As-
awarded and honor rolls announc
ed. This will mark the formal
closing of the work of the school
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
in the Auditorium representatives
of the Stephens Society of the
boys’ high school will deliver orig-
tion will Is* conducted in Newnan sembly of Georgia there will Is* in-
on Jane 16th, when applicants forjtrodueed a bill to be entitled, An
carriers’ positions will lx* examin- Act to amend An Act to establish biul speeches in the contest for a
ed. Applicants must be between | a system of public schools in'the gold medal offered by Mayor A.
the ages of IX and 45 years,at least i City of Newnan, Georgia, and pro- k. Burdett to the winner of the
5 feet and 4 inches in height and vide for the maintenance and sup-! eon test. Program arranged for
port of the* same, to provide for this contest is as tollows:
the issuance of bonds of said city
for the purpose of purchasing
school property, building school
houses, and for other purposes, af
ter submitting the same to the
qualified voters of said City of
weigh not less than 125 pounds.
Examination is open to all citizens
of the United States who comply
with the requirements, but no ap
plication will be considered unless
it is tiled on or before June bill
with George S. Donnell, Secretary
of the Fifth Civil Service District, Newnan; approved December 27th,
Atlanta, Ga.
Salaries of carriers in cities of
Newnan’s size are SiiOO and
per annum. Appointments are
made to the si ton class, and promo
tions to the*850 class may be made
at the expiration of one year’s
Examination for carriers will
consist of exercises in Spelling,
Arithmetic, Letter Writing. Pen
manship, Copying. Geography and
Heading Addresses.
lss<;, so as to fix tin* matriculation
fee for resident pupils entering
said schools; to define what chil
dren shall be entitled to the privil
eges of said schools; to provide for
the issuance of bonds thereunder;
to regfilatc the registration of vot
ers and the holding of election un
der sail 1 bill, and for other pur
A. II. Freeman,
City Attorney,
Wednesday’s Griffin
News and Sun.
‘Singer” Picnic at the Park.
M. L. Duke, district manager
for the Singer Sewing Machine
Company, entertained his employ
es at a delightful barbecue at Pearl
Spring Park last Tuesday. An
Rev. W. A. Sears, of Senoia.was
in the city yesterday to visit his
father, Rev. A. T. Sears, who
broke his right hip Sunday night.
Misses Willie B. Smith, of Pow
der Springs, and Maude Pinson, of
Program Oratorical Contest.
Piano Quartet, “The Graces,”
(Paul Wachs)—Misses Conic and
Stella Wadsworth, Mattie Hutch
ens and Jennie Lou Hunter.
1. “The Anglo-Saxon Pace,”
Ihiwson Stewart.
2. “Our Defeat not a Disgrace,”
Pichard Hardaway.
Vocal solo, “Robinson Crusoe’s
Isle,” Miss Emily Wright.
“The Greatest Crime of the
Nineteenth Century,” 11 rad ley
I >avis.
4. “Our 'Reunited
Mill Joe Nunnally.
Piano solo, “The Flatterer,”
Miss I torn Mrittain.
5. “Napoleon,” Stanford Ar
(i. “Patrick Henry and the Rev
olution,” Stacy < 'apers.
Vocal solo, Selected, Miss Oth
ello < ’armichael.
7. “The Evils of Emigration,”
Raymond Crane.
‘Thomas Jefferson,’
Presentation of Diplomas, by
Mr. T. E. Atkinson, President of
Hoard of Education.
Benediction,by Dr. James Stacy.
Senior Class Roll.
Christine Arnold, Mary Fox
Camp, Thomas Stacy Capers,Brad
ley Burns Davis, Jewel Faver.
Richard Eggleston Hardaway,
Mary Susan Milner, Frank Broeh
Orr, Mildred Lee Powel. Robert
Rawson Stewart, Cary Pelham
The Milkmaids’ Convention.
Under the supervision of Miss
Helen Long, this novel corps of
entertainers held in tense delight
a large audience on Tuesday even
ing last. Rollicking Comedy was
in high feather, and held both of
his laughing sides, while Dull Care
crept clear out of town, abashed
and defeated.
This sparkling success was given
by twenty-five lovers of laughter.
The mock pathos was irresistible,
the humor in the local hits was
fine, and all the arrows at poorly-
conducted conventions found the
desired goal.
Miss Long was the ideal leader,
and thceuplionious, sonorous tones
of the classic cow-bell invariably
induced order among the lasses of
the milking pail.
Mrs. Z. Greene was spicy and
original, and shook tin* social pep
perbox of retort to finely telling
purpose. “If you Imd found her
without an answer, you would
have found her without a tongue.”
The costumes of the milkmaids
were studies in the antique, and
the bats were far beyond the vvild-
Country,” est dreams of the Parisian millin
ers. Plumes stirred the air till we
Candidate for Governor
Will Speak There Sat
urday Afternoon.
lion. Hoke Smith lias accepted
the invitation of citizens of Senoia
to speak in that town and will de
liver an address there next Satur
day afternoon, June 2nd, at 2:110
His Senoia speech will be Mr.
Smith’s lirst address in Coweta
county, and it will doubtless draw
a large crowd. Voters from every
section of Coweta and from Mori-
elegant, dinner was served, the | Newnan, who are attending school
barbecue having been prepared by Monroe Female College, were
Mr. Moore, the ’cue artist oi New- the guests of Miss Hattie Kelly last
nan. night.
The Singer me,, present wor C H i ctate ,i e McLeroy, the
T. Phillips ami h. <.. Newmaip ol [ W(mtol ^ e|o ,; utlonirt
impersonator of Newnan, was in
I )a\'is.
Piano Duet, “Butterfly Galop,”
Miss Ruth McClure and Mrs.
Awarding of medal.
Navarre, and the sacred contents
of our great-grandmothers’ cedar
chests were a least to the eyes of
the lovers of olden beauty. Among
the piost striking were those of
Miss Long, Mrs. Goolsby, Mrs.
Greene, Miss Snead, Miss Cotter,
Miss Orr, Miss Bessie Powell ami
a dozen others whose quaint attire
Newnan; B. A. Winkles, of Bre
men; H. T. Henderson, C. A. Fos
ter, E. G. Mitchell, J. G. Camp
bell, of Carrollton; W. (’. Hop
kins, of Fairburn; W. A. Wallace,
of Palmetto; W. H. Brown, of
Senoia. Several Newnan gentle
men were also among the guest- .
Annual concert by Mrs. Peavy’s
music class will occur at the Audi
torium on Thursday evening,
the city yesterday on her return, Fr! day evening at the A uditori-
home from Culloden, where she L m wi]] occur th<J exerdses of thti
delighted a large audience with j Kiaduatin{ ; clasH) when ^ follow .
one ol her original recitations.
She was accompanied by Miss Hula
Jones, who will spend some time
with relatives at Senoia.
Mr. W. B. Pringle was called to (’apt. W. G. Barrett, of Wilkes
Charleston, 6. C., last Tuesday by county, is in Newnan visiting his
the serious illness of his mother. son, E. R. Barrett.
Then successfully concealed their
j tity.
Mrs. Goolsby’s lirst song, “The
Louisiana Belle, brought down the
house. To the urgent encores, she
responded with a morceau equally
acceptable. The other vocalists of
the evening, Miss Emily Wright
and Miss Ruth Cole, were well re
Miss Long held an election for
the presiding officer of the next
meeting, and triumphantly elected
herself with one vote. Miss Belle
i Vernon King was also a candidate,
Invocation by Rev. J. S. Harda an<1 was much discomfited by her
way. j del eat.
Piano Quartet, “Impromptu j Last of all came the veritable
Galop,” Misses Otha Starr, Corrie second mother ol mankind the
Wadsworth, Mi’s. Brod and Mrs. I mild-eyed Jersey herself a inira-
ing program will be rendered:
Program Graduating Excrclm.
Southern Bell Will Spend
Thousands on System
in Newnan.
N. J. Mniierieb local manager ol
the Southern Bell Telephone Co. is
tintliorit\ for the information that
bis company will begin nt an curly
date to thoroughly overhaul and
improve the Newnan system. This
information is given out following
the recent v isit to Newnan of .Sup
erintendent Marpin, of Atlanta,
who investigated conditions here
and determined upon the improve
ments which will la* made.
The work of improvement will
begin as soon as material for the
purpose can be shipped to New
nan. An entire change in the sys
tem will la* made and a system
similar to that used in Atlanta will
be installed. This will mean the
removal of old ’phones and the
placing of new ’phones in the busi-
ness house or residence of every
Newnan patron of the local sys
tem. Hundreds of feet of new
cable will la* strung on the prin
cipal streets and all the lines in the
city will be placed in lirst, class
condition. Improvements will la*
made in tlie central office and an
j adequate and efficient, force of
| operators placed in charge of the
new system. In fact, the Soul hern
Bell promises to give Newnan a
! telephone system and service that
will equal in every respect the sys
tem and sen iee given Allautn and
the large cities of the South.
In addition to the improvements
to la* made in the local system,
several country telephone lines
will lie constructed nt an curly
date. These include lilies to Ros-
coe and Welcome and to the plan-
tat ions of I. I*. Bradley and I*. L.
Sutherland. < hi t ii e s e lines
, ’phones w ill be placed in the
homes of some of Coweta’s best
farmers and they will thus lie en
abled to make daily use of this
greatest of modern inventions.
— Other county connections are con-
Chautauqua Will be Discussed, templated; and if is quite probable
• that within a lew years telephones
The citizens of Newnan are re will lie as numerous in t,lie country
quested to assemble at the court i districts of Coweta as they are at
house next Monday afternoon ;il
three o’clock, for the purpose of
considering plans for this year’s
Chautauqua. All citizens inter
ested in this movement are urged
to attend the meeting. 4 \cw plans
will Ju* considered and new features
discussed. It is confidently be
lieved that the Chautauqua can lie
made a financial success without
detracting from its value as an
educational and entertainment as
sembly for the mid-summer season.
The News urges all the people
of Newnan to co-operate in this
movement, and to attend the meet
ing at the court house next Mon
day afternoon.
wether,Spalding and Fayette coun
ties will bear Mr. Smith's Senoia
speech. A large number of peo
ple will go down to Senoia from
Newnan on tile Central train which
passes through Newnan at two
o’clock in the afternoon. This
train w ill arrive in Senoia in time
for Hie speaking.
In all bis campaign speeches Mr.
Smith coniines bis remarks pi dis
(Mission of (In* issues before the
people and handles public (pics
tions in tin* masterly manner
stoned, for tin* martial music of which lias always characterized
Ii is public speeches and addresses.
Ilis Senoia speech will lie worth
going many miles to hear, and
hundreds of people will travel long
distance* to hear it.
present in the towns of the county.
cle of inventive cunning.
At the Presbyterian Church
next Sabbath at II a. m. Rev. C.
O’N. Martindalc will preach on
“Powcrlcsp Living,” and at 8 p.
in. on “Living with a Vim.” The
morning offeriug will Ik* for local
home missions in Atlanta Presby
tery. Let everyone come prepared
to give, something to this worthy
cause. And don’t forget the
prayer meeting on Thursday night
at 8 o’clock. Everybody welcome.
Philip Orr returned home yes
terday from Mercer University
for the summer vacation.
Messrs. 1. N. Orr, J. T. Wil
liams, J. C. Leach and C. A.
Merck, the Newnan Odd Fellows
Essay, “Chaucer,” Miss Mildred * w0 out-of-town reporters en-
Lee Powe), Honorable Mention. joyed the evening, and voted New-
Oration, “The Advantages of a , lia, ‘ K(i cond to no town in the scope
College Education,” Bradley and success ol its amateur enter-
The new 34,000 spindle cotton will add a population of perhaps Burns Davis, Second Honor. , tainments, and positively fiist in
mill of the Newnan Cotton Mills! 1,000 people to this vicinity; and Piano Solo, “Cavaleria Rusti- j exhil,it ol handsome ladies.
Co situated about 2 1-2 miles i while it is situated some distance, caua,” Miss Jewel Faver.
from this city on the Central Rail-1 beyond the city limits, it willbej Essay, “The Knighthood of the 1 Mr. H. H. Banta has .just com-1 who put up such a game tight for
way, is now the scene of active worth something to Newnan in u
building operations. Most of the business way.
excavating has been completed,and j The contractors for the erection
brick and lumber are being placed of the new mill are T. C. Thomp-
on the ground rapidly. An im- sou & Bros, of Birmingham, w'ell
mense amount of work is to be known cotton mill builders. The
done before the mill is finished, as work of construction is under the,
tM, wil, be one of .be 1.,,^ »pi„-| £££? ’ h ,. h
niug mills in this part ol Georgia. w jj 0 se headquarters are at the ,a ^
The new mill will contain 9,000 Virginia House.
principal opponent in the contest,
although several other cities made
strong bids for the home.
When it became evident that
Middle Ages,” Miss Mary Susan pitted the job of making the hand- j the orphans’ home of that order in | Newnan would secure the home if
Milner, Second Honor. Isome gold medal which will be
Vocal Solo, Selected, Miss Annie ■ awarded to the winner ol the Boys
Louise Widener. High School oratorical contest
Essay, “Modern Knighthood,” next week. I he medal is given
Miss Gary Pelham Treadaway, | >'.V Ntwnan’s generous and public
First Honor. spirited mayor, Hon. A. R. Bur-
Piauo Solo, “The Palms,”, dett.
Miss Gorrie Wads- For Sale—ThreeBO-saw Winship
worth. gins; also complete Monger system.
more spindles than this company’s
present mill in Newnan, which is a
25,000 spindle mill. The new mill
_____ Address, by Mr. W. D. Up-
Buy your sidewalk tile from the j whaw, ol Atlanta, Ga.
Newnan Tile Works. tf i Vocal Solo,Selected,Mrs.Greene.
Augusta last week at the meeting the question was voted upon, the
ol'the Georgia Grand Lodge, say I delegates who wen* pulling for
they had the contest won when the! other towns combined with a large
matter was sidetracked by defer- j body of delegates who opposed
ring action on it for another year, building the home, and succeeding
Eight towns and cities of the j in deferring final vote upon the
State were pulling for the home, matter until the next annual meet-
but Newnan’s generous offer of j i’ig of the Grand Lodge.
........ , ........ ii i Newnan Odd Fellows say they
* 0,000 lor the institution would . * •,
’ will not continue the contest and
Will sell ail or part; cheap, for I have won the contest d't hud been will make no bid for the orphans’
cash or on time. B. H. Dial, i P ut 10 a vote ljefore th « Grand ; home at next session of the Grand
Newnan, Ga., R. F. D. No. J. Lodge. Macon was
the Grand
Newnan’s j Lodge.