The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 08, 1906, Image 1

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k THE NEWNAN NEWS. VOL. VII. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1906. NO. 9 ,^IAN WILL HAVE A CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY THIS SUMMER COMMENCEMENT IN PROGRESS Newnan Public Schools are in the Midst of Interesting Closing Exercises. Commencement period in tin* Newnan public schools will end riday evening with the gradual .nV class program, which will he rendered in the Auditorium. Pub lic examinations and literary ex ercises at the Temple Avenue school w ere concluded Wednesday morning • the oratorical contest oc curred iin the Auditorium Wednes day evening, and Mrs. Peavy's music class gives the annual con cert at' the Auditorium this (Thursday > evening. The ijiedal contest Wednesday From Atlanta to the Gulf Via the Central and Newnan. HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY It is stated upon good authority that within the next twelve months or less Atlanta will he connected w ith the Hull'of Mexico by a now , and direct route via the Central of ’ SaUmlny atternoon at Salmagundi. Mrs. II. A. Hall and Mrs. T Parrott entertained the S. Salma (ieorgia Wail road. a beautiful Japanese tea. in honor The Central already has tracks Ve™ Coxier “»d in operation over the greater por- ’ ,ohnson > °* Columbus, and Mrs. tion of the distance. Contracts have been ltd for the necessary connecting links, and work will be pushed with all possible speed. The proposed route is from At- ] lanta to Newnan, the tracks of the 1 Atlanta and West Point being us ed for this portion of the journey, ! from Newnan Junction to Oreen- I ville, tlienee to Columbus, from [Columbus to Andalusia, Ala., and 1 thence to Pensacola, Fla., and the ! (iulf. Leaving Columbus the Cen tral will travel over its present evening was a splendid exhibition ; ll . a( , ks to Andalusia, Ala. T'ht of foren/sic ability and display of | distance from Andalusia to the i'' ori ‘ lillwl ' vith 'naiTrmuiU s and p) wls(m . „f the ride. Tl oratoriciil talent. 1 he eight young i jrnif j s only about 50 miles, and ' Slll,u ‘ lovely held blossoms ail d merrv voices were hei men »,w'no participated covered the contract has la-en awarded for ! doeoratud the spacious rounding distance uway. Springs, and received a cordial welcome from their Newnan friends. On account of the recent death ol the bride’s brother, the wedding was very quiet, only the immediate family and a few rela Lives of the bride were presold. Mrs. A mail has a brightness and charm that will make her generally popular in her new home, Mr. and Mrs. A mall will be at home to their friends in their new cottage on Wesley Street. They .. ... ... have a host of friends who will be \ ernon King. 1 he receiving party . ....... .i v. . : .... ; interested in their happiness. made a pretty picture m their 1 1 lovely while frocks ot lllmy mil- 1 terini and lace. ! s,r * w Kll,t 1 he house was artistically m- The young ladies and young men ranged with Japanese parasols.und , 0 f the Senior Class gave a straw lanterns placed over the chande ible Monday evening. The laniutv liers. Large bowls and jardinieres ()f (h|t a , l(lv ,| BmiU > to lh ;. The songs beard some Charles Tidwell, of Atlanta, at the pretty home of Mrs Hall. Assisting Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Parrott in receiving were Mrs. Tidwell, Misses Johnson and Co zier, Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mrs. Howard (Hover and Miss Itelle Closing Exercises of South Newnan School. The Lord is my themsel ves with honors, and each one received an appreciative ova tion fro m the large audience. After due deliberation the judges, Messrs. \V. L. Stallings,,1. L. Jones a ml T. S. Parrott, award ed the meohil to Stanford Arnold, the bright young son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. (L Arnold, The donor of the handsome gold medal was Hon. A. IL Burdett. Friday evening the graduating class will present an intensely in teresting program, and at that time the address to the class will be delivered by Mr. \V. I>. Up- shaw, of Atlanta. Tills evening’s program will mark the close of a most successful and pleasant com mencement season for the pupils, patrons and friends of Newnan's public schools the tracking of the tinul portion of! veranda where the luncheon was the route. When completed'this 1 «'‘ve«l Lanterns were thickly will be by far the shortest and ! Hwnin. 1 the top °f the ver- qiiiekest route from Atlanta to the j I 11 " 1 T h .^ H "* hU * w “? il ( j n ll' jardiniere Idled with marguerites ' The road is doubtless destined IVom which extended a Japanese to come into great prominence and [ l Ml 'l , , W0 y , . , usefulness upon the completion of | I lie luncheon was served by a the canal, ns it will be ‘'"b’ric the most direct line from the Gulf ,, 1HSV * ,to the commercial centers of tlic' Russell, South and Hast. The author! ties of the Central have realized the possibilities of such a road for some time,but no active steps were taken until the success of the Pan Among those enjoy ing the ride were Misses Christine Arnold, Jewel Favor, Mary Fox (’amp, Mary Milner, Cary T'readaway; Messrs. Bradley Bavis, Richard | Hardaway , Frank Orr, Itawson ►Stewart and others. was of pretty debutants— | Jennie Hardaway, Nell Moonlight Picnic. Bulb Hardaway , Bessie \ jolly crowd of young Indies Whatley and Marie Long dressed mid y oung men picnicked at Pearl in Japanese kimonos, wearing Spring Friday evening,chaperoned colored shoes and hair ornamented | )v Mr. and Mrs. George Wynn, with miniature fans. j The party drove out In wagons at The entertainment was quite six o’clock in the afternoon, re- amn undertaking was ass'iVretL—-1 ,,ovt * 1 ^ l**rge crowd called lie- turning at ten. A delightful Atlanta Journal. tween the hours ol live and seven, luncheon was served, after which .. ..I- | rowing and other sports were en- Gorman-Gorman. Bridge Party. Mrs. Wade Dent’s bridge party A marriage of much interest to was a pretty affair of Friday even A t lanta portions of (ieorgia ijoyed. J. B. Copeland Won Honors |« ‘ oHViends in Athmta j K land in other portions ol Georgia imiium* pm< < >* V . ... at Mercer. w as that of Mrs. Birdie Thompson parlor mid reception hall, which " Gorman. to Mr.Ossian Daniel Go.- ! bright and attractive with a ,T. B. Copeland, the talented son I man, which look place Saturday 6owls ot nasturtiums and of W. 8. Copeland, Hsq., of New- levelling, June 2, at 8:30 o’clock at carried oil'most of the honors the home of the bride’s brother Surprise Party. jolly liea!ly decorated with a profusion of white and pink sweet pea bios sums, carrying out the color motif nun at Mercer HDiversity commence- meul this week. In tin* annual champion debate between rep re sentutives of the Ciceronian and Phi Delta societies he was - one of the two representatives of Phi Delta; and in the oratorical contest i of the wedding, pink and whit* fertile Hardaman gold medal he [ In the dining room the table was was the successful contestant for an exquisite mass of pink and that handsome prize. In addition I white blooms, which, with cut to winning these honors, Mr. (glass, silver, candelabra and bon Copeland has been selected to rep- I lions in the prevailing tints, was a resent Mercer in the annual ora- | beautiful picture. »torical contest with Wake Forest, j The ceremony was performed which occurs on next Thanksgiv- b\ Uev. Dr. Charles Dowman, of \ very jolly occasion was the surprise party given Miss Nancy which Clair Freeman Monday evening by- crowd of the younger set. Miss bemiti-I Freeman was ready fertile emer ful ferns. Mrs. Dent received her j gency and the evening was de friends in a most cordial manner. , lightlully spent. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. dressed in a lovely pink mull, a Smith. 145 West Peachtree street .! color quite becoming 4o her style The attractive residence was artis- °* beauty ing Day Judge Russell Will Speak in Coweta. the First Methodist church. The bride's gown was of hand some white lace over while tatl'cla and her bouquet was of white roses. She was attended by Miss Louise Todd, Miss Lucilc Thompson, of Newnan, and her pretty little nieces, Misses Hliznhcth and Amelia Smith, all of whom wore soft white lingerie gowns, and ear- lion. I!. B. Bussell, candidate for governor, has named dates for ►eight speeches in Coweta comity , to be delivered on next Monday and Tuesday, June 11th and 12th. On Monday he will speak at More- lied bom plots of while sweet peas, land at 1) o’clock a. m., at Grant- 1 Mr. William II. Gorman, of ville at 12 o’clock m.,at Madras Geneva, Ala., brother of the at 3 o’clock p. m. and at Newnan l groom, acted as best man. The at S o’clock p. m. On Tuesday lie bridal couple left on the midnight will speak at Sargent at !• o’clock I train fora visit to Toxaway, the a. m., at Newnan at 1 I o’clock a. : bride wearing a silk suit, in black At the close of the game Mrs. j N. H.‘ I'owcl making the Lop score, received beautiful white ribbon girdle. The gentlemen’s prize, a pearl handle knife, was won by Mr.N. K. Bowel. The ladies’eon solution fell to Miss Syndic Mae I’owel, a pair of long white silk gloves. The gentlemen’s eon.sola tion was drawn by Col. Bawls—a box of cigars. Prof. Astin’s bright music was enjoyed while a delightful lunch eon was served. Among those enjoying the even ing were Misses Annie Powell, Noll Bolts, Sadie Mac Bowel, Liz zie Arnold, Mai Campbell; Col. Bawls. Mr. Frank Stephens, Boh Stanford, Stanley Bowel, Mrs. I Lillie Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Bowel, Mrs. Gordon Lee, Mrs. G. W. Barney and Mrs. Wilkes,of At lanta, ami Mrs. J. T. Kirby. in., at Senoia at .4 o’clock p. m. and at Sharpslmrg at X o’clock p. m. Taylor-Morris. Mr. and Mi’s. James B. King, of Rome, announce the engagement of their sister, Mrs. Edna Earle Morris, to Mr. Myron Brower Taylor, the marriage to take place June 30, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. King at Borne.—Atlanta Georgian. Mr. Tay lor is manager of C. B. Stephens A Co's, bakery and his Newnan friends will be interested in his approaching marriage to Mrs. Morris. and white check, with hat to match. Mrs. Gorman is a young woman of very charming personality, and sinca* her residence in Atlanta has drawn alulfut her a large circle of admiring friends. Mr. Gorman has already achiev ed for himself success in the social and business life of the city. He is now one of the tellers of the At lanta National Bank, and formerly held a responsible position in the bank at Tiftou, Ga. Many very elegant presents were received by the bride and groom, among which was a large idlest of silver from the officers and em ployes of the Atlanta National Bank. Fpon their return from their : bridal trip the young couple will Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ramey and family and Miss Christine Melson came down Friday and remained until Sunday as the guests of Mrs. K, S. 1 lent. Mrs. Guy Cole returned this week from a \ Fit to West Point, where she was delight fully enter tained as the guest of .Mrs. Hors ley. Mi--s Lucile Thompson and little iMiss Bulb Thompson went to At lanta Saturday to attend the mar riage of their aunt, Mrs. Gorman. Mr. and Mrs. Baphael Bowell and children, of Sa\annuli, are ex peeted in a few days to spend t he summer with the latter's father. Misses Elizabeth Barney and Christine Melson, of \tlanta, are spending the week with Misses Florence and Bessie Deni Miss Ada Williams, of Atlanta, I returned home Monday, after j spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Byrd I’arks. ('losing exercises of the South Newnan school occurred on last Wednesday and were highly credi table to the children and their teachers. Program rendered was as follows: MV HCiuioi.. Song, When He Cometh. Bible verses, Shepherd. Lord’s Prayer. I'lUHT lilt A 1)1'.. Song, God is Love. Child's Prayer, Bertha Walker. Recitation, Vorta Moore. Daisies, Albert Pittman. The New Baby, Billy Arnold. Our Baby, Eleanor Palmer. Song, A Ball for Baliy. Little Mischief, Mary Fuller. Baby Thankful, Lillian Senggin. What are the Stars? Anderson I hike. Surprised, Jesse Pittman. Lights, Freddie Leoru Dukes. What the Pets want, Eddie Neely. Harry and his Dog, Willie Brit tain. Come to See Me, Leona Krueger. Song, Up, Up in the Sky. The Mouse that Ate the Cake, Ruby Meadows. Johnny and his Strange Text, Sal lie May Meadows. Playing School, Emma Cole. The Happy F a m i I y, Irani Holmes. Song, The Mono. <Inward. Willie <'ole. Persevere, Paul Peyton. What are You Good Fort John Stacy Simms. A Farmer’s Hoy, Bryant Owens. Do You Wish the World Were Better.’ Guy Manning, Eugene Meriwether. How to be a Gentleman,William Spence. A Gentle Boy, Julian Carpenter. Speak the Truth, Julian Brittain. Song, The Golden Rule. How I Spent the Morning, Col- qiiit Perry, Leal Song. Concert Recitation, Wonderful World. Planting a Tree, James Hodge. Class, The Sword of Lee. KKCONI) AND Til Mil) (iKAIlKH. ( onccrt Recitation,Thc( 'hildreu. Their Birthday, Louise Allen. I low Nice, Virgil Taylor. If and Perhaps, Nora Wilkins, I bint’s,■ May A mold. Little “Bug Tag,” Mary K. Barks. The Book’s Complaint, Jennie Low Pittman. The Lightning Express, Win. Askew. Dorothy’s Muslu'ts, Dorothy Jones. The Village Blacksmith, 2nd (!raiic (lirls. A Secret, Rosa Neely. Best to be True, Lillie Mas I Mm CHAUTAUQUA IS A CERTAINTY Newnan People Show that They are Determined to Have Assembly Again. Newnan will have a Chautauqua this summer. That much has been settled, and the newly elected Directors are working on tin* proposition with a \ im that augurs well for the suc cess of this season’s Chuutunqtui. Two meetings of citizens were held last Monday , one in the afternoon and one at night, and tin* result was the selection of the following named directors who will manage the Chautauqua this season: W. (L Post, Chairman; W. P. Gcnrreld. Secretary; H. C. Glover, D. W. Boone, 1. N. Orr, Jr.. J. It. lloll, Franc Campbell, J. T. Fain, A. It. Burdett, T. S. Parrott, W. II. 11 utlhker, 11. M. Fisher, F. M. Lee, I>. T. Mangel. Tuesday afternoon the Directors held a meeting and discussed plans for tin*season’s Chautauqua. As a result of their deliberations, all arc busily engaged in securing pledges for the guarantee fund and in making other necessary prepa rations for holding tin* Chautad-. qua. Another meeting of the Directors will la* held Friday af ternoon at four o’clock in the grand jury room in the court house, and after that meeting dell- nit<* information itlsiut the Chau tauqua \i ill be forthcoming. The Chautauqua will Is* hold about the last of July. It will compare favorably with preceding assemblies; and the Directors,with the co operation of Newnan’s peo ple, expert to make it an unquali fied success in every detail. Miss Mary McCandlish, who was flic popular guest of Miss Ysabol Salbide, has returned to Salmagundi Club. Miss Lucilc Thompson and Mrs. Tom Goodrmn entertained the Salmagundi Club Wednesday af ternoon at tlic beautiful home of Miss Thompson on Washington Imt home in Atlanta Street, in honor of Miss Virginia Jones, who is the popular guest of Miss Thompson. Miss Jones and received their toilets of while Mrs. 'dike Bowdl will entertain at a delightful afternoon party Saturday for the societies of the Brcsbyterian church. Negro Murderer Caught Green Nall, a negro, who killed i immediately go to housekeeping at another negro, Walter Callaway, a home they have taken on Juni- at Moreland in Demcember, 1898, ; per street.—Atlanta News. Mrs. Goodruin, Miss Thompson friends in lovely linen and lace. The spacious veranda, where the tables were placed, was quite attractive with vases of sweet peas, nasturtiums and growing plants. An interesting game of dominos was enjoyed, for which Miss Liz zie Arnold won the (imt prize—a beautiful persian bell Miss Mar-, Mjss N - eUfc p inS on, who has just tin drew the consolation, an cm- [ „. tm tVom MoilPW Female brmdered while men hand-bag, (is the guest of relatives m and the booby tell to Mrs. Henry 1 t | M , ( . |t ^ Goolsby—a Japanese fan. Miss Jones was presented with a special Mrs. Henry Sicb, of .Montgom- gucst’s prize—a pair ol’black silk cry. is expected Saturday on a the Week, Maude Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker! and Miss Julia May Hackney left i Tuesday for New York and ot her I points of interest. Misses Vera Dozier and Alice] Johnson, of Columbus, are the, charming guests of their cousin, j Mrs. 11. Hall. is in the hands of the authorities at Camilla, Ga., and will be re turned to Coweta county to stand trial for the crime. There was no reward offered for the capture ot Nall. hose. A delightful and substantial luncheon was served at the small visit to her mother, M i • Herring. Hastings Annual Convention B. Y. P. U., Atlanta,June 19th to 21st. ! tabl Miss Rosadell Holmes is spend ing several weeks in Atlanta.visit ing friends and relatives. For the above occasion, the At lanta & West Point Route will seil round trip tickets, June 18:h and; 19th, at rate of one fare plus 25 es. About fifty young ladies and matrons were present, making a pretty group with their airy gowns of delicate shades. Arnall-EliiJ. Mrs. Samuel Wiikss.of Atlanta, left Monday, after a delightful visit to Mr. and Mrs. (i.l . Fisher. Miss Marilu Heavy, who has had a large music class in Hogansvillc, has returned home lor the slimmer. i Jays of Meadows. 3rd Grade, Robert of Lincoln. A Happy Little Girl, Mary Freeman. 2nd Grade Boys, A Good Boy. W hat Dolls Think, ('heston May Peyton. Tile Hick Doll, Mildred Lee. The Candy Cat, Emily Bowers. The Wonderful I’aint Brush, Dora Moore. Be Pleasant, LaBuc Spence. Compensation, Waft. Fuller. The Punctuation Children. 3rd Grade. roruTii and Kin'ii okadks. Lazy Lew, Berryman Fiiican- non. Jolly Joe, Win. Fincannon. How Two Birds Built a Nest, | Linnie Phillips. Jack in the Pulpit, Annie May Beyton. i)e Ole Plantation Mule, Robert Spearman. Christmas in Dixie, Martha (1 ret* n. Specially Jim, Lucilc Owens. To Mothers. Daisy Jones. Aunt Polly’s George Washing ton, Lanier I lodge. Jest, Before Christ,mas, Charlie Rose Simms. ('lass, Betsey Ross’s Sewing ('1 ass. Picnic Train Wrecked. Tlic Junior Order of United American Mechanics of Atlanta enjoyed the largest picnic of the season at IVarl Spring last Wed nesday. The train carrying the part y was mm posed of seventeen couches. The party spent a de lightful day id the park, and there was music and dancing and a gen eral good time. Some Newnan Juniors and their friends were guests of the Atlanta party dur ing tlie day. On the return trip to Atlanta the pleasures of the day were sad ly marred by a wreck in which one young man was killed and about twenty other persons were injured. The tragedy occurred in a rear end collison at the West Fair street crossing in Atlanta. The West Point picnic train had stopped at that point, when a Central pas senger train going into Atlanta on flic same track crashed into the rear coach ol the excursion train. Notice of Opening of New Road. Georgia, Coweta County. The Newnan Cotton mills, C. ('. Parrott and others have made ap plication for ti lirst class public road, commencing at a point on the lower McIntosh public road near the point of intersection ol the lower and upper McIntosh public roads, in the 640th district. G. M., of said county, and run ning thence in a southerly direc tion through lands of H. L. ilill and Newnan Cotton Mills; which said road has been marked out by the commissioners and a report thereof made on oath by them. All persons arc notified that said new road will on and after the lirsl Wednesday in July, next, by the Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of said county, Is* finally granted if no new cause lie shown to the contrary. This June 6th, 1906. By order of the Board. W. L. Stallings, < lerk. Cotton Statistics. Miss Belle Vernon King leaves Mr. and Mrs. Joe A mail arrived j Saturday for a visit of some cents. Return limit, June 22nd. 2t 1 Wednesday afternoon front Union 'length to relatives in Augusta. Messrs. Jack Bowell, Rawson Dent an<l Frank Arnall attended the Arnall-Ellis wedding in I'nioir Springs, Ala # , this week. / Mrs. Edwurd Adams, of At 1 ta, visited relatives in New/tan this week. Cotton statistics for Newnan up to June I, 1906, show as follows: Receipts to June Is! this year. 15,834 bales; last year, 15,499 bales. The stock on hand this year on above named date was 2,260 bales; last year; 1,665 bales. May receipts this year were 145 bales; last year, 168 bales. J. H. Summers. 1 Newn.ui, Ga.