The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 15, 1906, Image 3

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Shoes, Shoes. Don’t fail to see our shoes. It means a sale for you and us too. Prices will tell. The House Was A WONDERFUL WORK Clothing. Watch for the little red tick- Went on Here Last Saturday et on all of our clothing. It means a cut in price of 1 -2. Piled Fvll of People From One End to the Other The Whole City was Awake to The Situation It was a sale of real merchandise such as Newnan never saw before. This store never had a bigger jam, and never will have. It would be impossible for them to get on the inside, al though we expect them to be standing on the outside, with the inside full, in the next few days. In fact, we would like to have this house over-run each and every day of the Thirty Days’Unloading Sale. It commenced for thirty days last Saturday, June 9, and winds up Saturday, July 7; and nothing brighter under the canopy of heaven will ever visit your city than this great MERCHANDISE UNLOADING SALE of J. B. HUTCHENS. We Are the PEOPLE Who Are BEHIND the Gun. We are directing each shot, and they are shot into the enemies’ camp at a fearful rate. It is coming to all the people’s gain and not the favored few. THE FARMER AND THE WORKINGMAN have heard of it, and they are sending word to their friends and neighbors for miles around. You have been paying 50 and 100 per cent, profit to these mansion dwellers, but Hutchens has come to your relief, while others say it is his loss. The people get the benefit. The Sale has just fairly got started. The crowds are surging to and fro, and the only thing we lacked was eight or ten extra salespeople, which we promise to have here by next Saturday so you can get waited on without having to wait so long. We ask you to bear with us; be patient. Not one item will be held in reseave, and that kind, courteous treatment that yon received Saturday, Monday and Tuesday will be repeated here each and every day, only we are trying to do better. We are bidding you welcome under the roof where this great sacrifice sale is now in full blast. Clothing. Clothing. Clothing. Huy your Fourth of July suit now ami save enough to celebrate with. We sold more CLOTHING in the last week than we ever sold in two months before in our lives, and we are going to sell every suit in our house before this Sale ends. We have all kinds. The plain black and blue serges, the fancy mixtures and this season’s gray, all hand padded shoulders, hair cloth, self retaining fronts, excellently tailored through out, worth from $8 to 815, choice of the lot during this sale at 88.98, 85.48, 8(1.87 and 87.89. Our Furniture Sale Hats. Hats. Hats. A counter full of men’s and boys’ hats to sell at this big thirty day sale at 25c, 50c, (19c, 88c, and 98c. Come j in and look them over—your eyes ! never saw anything like it. Brown Sheeting. Two thousand yards of brown j sheeting on sale during this Big j Eclipse Sale, while it lasts, we will sell at 4 8-4e per yard. We want the cash and must have it, and want it within the next thirty days. Ev erything goes regardless of cost. Come in and look at the littld red tickets, they will talk for you. Appeals to holders of the family purse. Money goes farther now in our furniture department than it will ever again, for we are going to clonk out this line regardless of COST. <)ur 82.50 rockers sell at 81.95. Our 55c plain chairs sell at 47c. Our (! foot, all solid oak bedstead, worth 80.00, sale price 88.90. And plenty of other bargains that you will want when you see them. It must all sell —come early and get your pick. Overalls, work shirts and dress shirts selling at just about half the regular price. We are cannonading all along the line, pouring cannon balls into the prices at a fearful rate, for with us it is unload now, not later. The whole shooting 1 match in the i Notion Department is on sale. Baskets are full, shelves are full and counters are full. The j whole business is before you; com- j mencing with needles, going down to pins, walking up the iine and pick- \ ing up bargains everywhere. Wheth- ; er it is ribbons, embroideries, corsets, kid gloves, laces, neckwear, muslin underwear or anything you ever thought of in the NOTION line, we have them here and we have thorn at a saving to you and your family of 10 to 50 per cent. The distinct understanding with all the people is before you here in great, big, plain letters. At the door we bid you welcome, and any where under this roof, it is a certain ty you are welcome. We want to show you what a dollar will do. We are still talking Shoes, We are piling out shoes; we are put ting more of them in baskets, bins, on the counters and convenient places for you to look them over, where you can examine each and every pair. You will see that stamp here on them, made bv honest hands, and we believe we are telling the truth when we say to you that you can very near lit the whole family mil in shoes for what you pay for one pair elsewhere. It is the most golden opportunity that ever visited Newnan since t he first time she came on earth. All Is rael weeps, but they weep alone. Jones, he pays the freight, and the people get the benefit. Whether it is shoes you want for your wife, your mother, your daugh ter, for your sweetheart, the babies or anybody, they are here for you, and they are here at prices that are talking out loud. Dress Goods. Did you see the crowds that gath ered around our Dress Goods Counter, looking over the latest weaves, the latest designs, where nothing but fashion’s lutest is shown, and see them buying right and left on all sides. Everybody was busy picking out patterns. They were wrapping them up like chained light ning. What was the cause of it? It was simply buying Dress Goods at half what the other fellow sells them at. 25c and 50c goods go for less money than they ever saw them sold for, and the 25c kind went out like chained lightning, cheaper than dirt. We have them up to 82.00 and 82.50, what the other fellow sells them at, . but here they cost a little more than half. We believe you will be down : and look over some of fashions’ latest in our Dress Goods Department. The Notion Counter I is piled jam full of goods. It takes up an immense amount of space in here, but we are proving to the peo ple that 9c here in NOTIONS will do the work of 15c elsewhere. The Hosiery we are selling to the ladles at 4c, (ic, 9c and I Ic has set competition wild. They don’t know where to lay their heads. They are weeping, but they weep alone. The Handkerchiel Sale has eclipsed all former events of our lives. The penny ones went out like a house afire. The So, 4c, (i, 7c and 9c ones have set them all agog, and the I Ic kind and the l ie kind are the beauties of this man’s town. Everything in the cotton goods line, everything in the muslin line, as well as in the grocery line, all go in this Thirty Days’ Eclipse Sale. Ginghams Cost but little if anything down in this big store. The best machine thread is sold by us at 10 spools for l()c with all purchases of 85.00 or over in this house. We are still sell ing pins at 2 papers for Ic. You will want some of them. FOLLOW THE CROWD ANO COME TO OUR STORE Thanking you one and all a thousand times for your attendance at the Sale in the last few days, and trusting you will be here each and every day until the final wind-up, we are Faithfully yours, Furniture. Fix up your little home with furniture. We have it, all kinds, and must be sold re gardless of cost. J. B. Hutchens, NEWNAN, GEORGIA Dress Goods Are selling fast and cheap. Bolt after bolt has been sold, and much more to go must go and go fast. — —38ET - '■ —=■=» "1 I ~~»~wg|ini nugiMHi -'ciwnr -•Mwmimmmm SIT”'