The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 15, 1906, Image 6

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Brief History of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. It was organized in Philadelphia, Pa., on the 5th day ol duly, 1845 Its inception was lor the purpose of protecting American mechanics from foreign emigration, and none but American mechanics were ad mitted to membership. On the 7th day of May, 1853, Reliance Council, No. 40, of U. A M. organized a council of young men between the ages of 16 and 21 years, for the purpose of pre paring them for membership in the parent order of United American Mechanics. The civil war almost obliterated the order; but on the Sth day of September, 1869, the National Council Junior Order United American .Mechanics was organized. Several years after wards the order severed its con nection with the O. U. A. M. and is now a separate and distinct or ganization. There are at present over 1,600 councils in the United States with a total membershi > of about 15,200. State councils are in active opera tion in all the states and territor ies. A national home lor the care and education of the orphans of deceased members, is established at Tippin, Ohio. This home rep resents a valuation of over *100,- ox». At this home we educate and rear the children of deceased members of our order and fit them for a life of usefulness. It has been in operation only a tew years, yet 190 little ones have found their way to it. What better cause can men engage in than educating orphan children. An active interest has been tak en by the order in legislation to restrict immigration and improve our public school system. We have been instrumental in passing laws in the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, providing that the children attending the public schools of thoie states, shall be furnished with their text books free of all cost, as a result the at tendance at the public schools has increased over 20 per cent in a short time, It has been instrumental in pass ing compulsory education laws in several states. We recently had a law passed in Pennsylvania pro viding that no teacher be allowed to wear the distinctive garb ol any religious denomination or organi zation. Laws providing that the American (lag must be floated over the public schools during the ses sion thereof, have also been adopt ed in various states through our instrumentality. We have pre sented over 3,000 American flags to the public schools throughout our land, and aie still actively en gaged in that work. We are de termined that our flag shall over every public school in our country, It is the largest, the best and one of the oldest patriotic orders in America; it has paid #4,716,757 in sick benefits; it has councils in 44 states and territories. Do you believe in the public schools? Do you believe in the restriction ot immigration? Do you believe in the payment of sick benefits? Do you believe in the carrying of life insurance? Do you believe in education and proper training of orphans? If so, join the J. t). I . A. M, 1'he word Junior in the title has no relation to the age of members. It was adopted to distinguish the order from the O. U. A. M , and has no other significance. Nor is the word mechanic to be construed literally. It refers in no manner to artisans, but embraces every pursuit- one language, one law, one citizenship, one non-sectarian. The | O. D A. M is the largest patriotic order in America. For some unaccountable reason, the objects and principles of the order are misunderstood by a great number of our best citizens This being the case, ours must be a cam paign of education. W'e must en lighten every intelligent citizen in our fair land as to just what our principles oie and 10 what extent we are endeavoring to carry them out. No true, loyal American, irrespective of surroundings or be who is not willing to pledge alle- lief, need be ashamed to advocate gience to our flag ,rnd nationality, the principles and objects of the and to place the allegiance due it J Q D A. M., since they are above that conceded to any other God's highest and noblest ideals of American manhood and citizen ship. At all times do only that which is right; to uphold the laws of our land and to be guided in all our conduct and deliberations by a profound belief in the wisdom of Almighty God. Fellow Ameri cans ail over the world, we hope and trust that the time will never come when we as nu mbers of one of the noblest orders ever con ceived of in the mind 01 mortal power, civil or religious. We know our flag to be powerful enough to shield and protect them as well as us in the exercise of both civil and religious liberty. We afbrm our devotion to the American public school system and to compulsory e*( ucation thereunder. We hold that our schools should be con ducted in the English language; to the end that future generations may be able to take their place as English speaking citizens, of an man, whose qualifications for mem English speaking country, and that bership demands honest, upright, foreign languages should only be law abiding citizens, shall be called taught therein as incidental to a upon to deny our birthright. You liberal education. We declare it must ever stand shoulder to slmul to be a fundamental principle of der, with the banner of liberty and free government that every citizen freedom before us and the Holy possesses the liberty of worship- Itible for the rule and guide of our ping God according to the dictates faith, ever trusting in God, and the of bis own conscience, and pledge same power that preserved our 11a- ourselves to assist in protecting all tion will perpetuate and strengthen in the exercise of that liberty; but our noble order. This work is too we are unutterably opposed, and grand and magnificent to ever will most strenuously resist, the stop, interference of any church, of Let none but the noblest and whatsoever nature or name, with best into our fraternal fold, then the temporal affairs of our coun in a few short years we will take our place in an onward and up ward march for virtue, liberty and patriotism. No truly loyal Ameri. can citizen can join our fraternity and pass through our grand initia tory ceremonies without feeling a greater responsibility in the wel fare and prosperity of this grand republic of ours—"ours to support, ours to protect and ours to enjoy " Generations past and generations to come, hold us responsible for this sacred tilist. There are thousands of good, try, or the union of church and State under whatsoever guise. We recognize the Bible as the foundation of both moral and civil law, and believe that it should be read in our public schools—not to teach sectarianism, but. moral ex cellence. We should place a flag upon and a Bible within every pub lie school house within our land, that all might learn these to be a beacon light in every storm which may threaten our destruction. In all the foregoing we ask the cordial and hearty co-operation of High Class Druggists AND - OTHERS. The better class of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians’ prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of every package. They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or over-eating, that there is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to tho excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there are individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate to recommend and try to sell tho imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations sometimes have the name—“ Syrup of Figs”—or “Fig Syrup” and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, blit they never have the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of the package. The imitations should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of “Syrup of Figs” or “Fig Syrup,” which does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians’ prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that tho great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return any imitation which may Vie sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class of druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of every tiling in his line at reasonable prices. 1 true, loyal citizens who have never every good citizen. In the work heard ol the objects and principles which we have undertaken, we of the J 0. U. A. M. and many 1 need the assistance of all organi- that have heard of them have a zations holding similar views or most perverted idea of all con j professing similar principles, nected with the order. Every loy-1 There is no time nor place for al citizen, even though of foreign ' jealousies and bickerings as be- birth, will say "God spend you,” i tween such organizations, but when they fully understand the j with a united front we may march full import of all the J. (). U. A. forward shoulder to shoulder, ever M. stands for before the world. I remembering that “United we No applicant shall be eligible to stand, divided we fall.’’ We arc membership in this order except I cognizant of the presence among Ga., has been named as cashier of the “People’s Bank of Heard County." Slock to the amount of #30,000 has been subscribed for this bank, which will open for business oept. 1, 1906. Wanted. Highest cash price paid for old leather beds. Drop postal. Will call. Michie & Johnson, Newnan, Ga. Atlanta & West Point Bailroad Co. The Western Bail way of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. HEAD DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APR. 23. 1905. he be a white male citizen of the United States of America; born within its territory or domain, or under tho protection ol its flag; of us of groat and poweiful enemies to our institutions, and against these wc seek to array ourselves and are ready to this end to unite good moral character; a believer in with all who are at heart, indeed a supreme being as the creator and and in word Americans preserver of the universe; not en gaged in the wholesale nr retail sale of spirituous liquors as a bev erage; in favor of maintaining the American free public school sys tem and preventing any interfer ence therewith; opposed to the union ol church and State; of the! age of eighteen years and upwards;; able to earn a livelihood ; capable of giving all the secret signs and i words ol the order, or of explain-, ing the same, it unable to give | them by reason of physical mis fortune or defect. Objects of tne order: To maintain and promote the in terests of Americans and shield We pledge our allegiance to the objects of this order as paramount to any partisian relation and urge upon the membership harmonious, united and intelligent action in accomplishing those objects. Ota Pakkkton. Newnan, Ga. Not All One Way. With the Exchanges Mr. Jim Harrison and family, of Newnan, have been visiting in West Point.—West Point News. Mrs. J. N. Hicks has returned them from the depressing effects from a two week's visit to relatives ot unrestricted immigration, to as-; in Newnan—Griffin News and sist them in obtaining employ- Sun. mont and encourage them in busi We saw a statement somewhere that all the weeklies were for How ell. To ascertain the correctness of this statement we looked over our exchange list and made a tabu lated list of bow they stood on the gubernatorial question. We found that 17 were for Hoke Smith, 11 for Howell, 2 for Russell, 1 for Estill and 7 non-committal. We took them just as they came to our office and tried to make a fair and impartial list just for nur own satisfaction. In this list we gave Howell the Newnan Herald, Daw son News and Tifton Gazette, pa pers that we did not know who they were tor, but knew they were against lloke Smith. So it seems the weekly press is not all one way.—Campbell News. Nn 40 No ill No HO No HS I.vbvu Arrive No 85 H Ifip •1 12 p No »7 NO 97 No 88 H lftp 1-' H<>.1 .’’ll’ 0 2'>n 1 'Zip H lap 12 10a Lv New Orleans A r Lv Mobile Ar 7 15a 11 Ion 2 55a 7 87a 11^, 5 00a 1Z lip 11 Oftp Lv. Pensacola Ar 1 OOp 5 00a 1 1 OOp 5 00a Lv ... ...Selma... ..Ar 11 HOp 10 8Bh 0 Ion 10 o5a lo HOn 1 H0|> •2 27 p 2 V2p 081 p 0 Hop 7 Up " H Lip 0 .Vm Lv Montgomery : Ar Ar Mil.stencl. Ar 10 55a lo 05a 0 Ua 0 10a 0 20 p H 17a 0 20 p 5 28p 5 01 p 4 27 p 7 6811 Ar Clicluiw Ar Ar Auburn Ar s ‘Zap 7 Hip 1-’ !«p 11 'Zip 12 Hop Ar ...Columbus Ar 1: 85p » Sip 11 12 aop ~ 8 15p 1 OOp s '- ,; 'L 0 02 p H H7a u 12a Ar Opelika \r Ar West Point Ar •'H H7n 7 55a 7 84 p 0 58p 1 45 p 1 ion •1 lip 8 8Up 12 57,> 2 'kip - '-P illlOp 11 «)p I Ai|> 0 20|- II !M|. 7 nip 7 :mp 0 HOp 10.»7p 0 l’7n 10 Hfm Ar La Grange ...Ar Ar Newnan Ar Ar Fairborn Ar Ar.. Fast Point . Vr 7 00a 0 HI a 0 04 a 5 80a 0 28p 5 2Hp 42’op 12 Mn l'Z llll ii'iip a nip 'Z (Hip 1 asp 1 Oip 12 bin 11 Hip 11 ion Ar Atlanta Lv » Ida lo .via Li-Hp 0 Hp |i Slip 11 I7p •Z Zip A klo 0 12m lo lla 1 OOp Ar Washington Lv Ar Baltimore Lv Ar Philadelphia Lv Ar New York Lv 11 15a 0 12a 8 85n 12 10a lo |5p 0 lop 50 p •1 25 p 1 Hip 8 ulp .'I I'll 1 s Above train - dully. Connections nt New Orlonns for Texas. Mexico, California. At Chehf for Tuskegre, Milstead for Tullnliassi c. I.aliramte aci-onintoilation leaves Atlanta ilnllv, except Sunday nt 5:IIU p. m. Refurnl: leaves l.adrange at 'i:5n a. m. arrives Atlanta Mils a. 111. Trains SIS and ati 1‘nllmnu sleepers New York nnd New Orleans. Through conches Washln on and New 1 irlenns. Trains S7 and its Washington and southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, compartme cars, observation and dining ear-. Complete service New York and New Orleans Train !>; United States fast mail. Through day e.niches Atlanta and New Ur cans. Write for ill 1 is. sc Ill'll ill's mill illformiilion Write for m ... !•’. M THOMI’soN, T. I*. A., Atlanta, Ga. ihcduics and information. J. P. BILLUPS, _ s G. 1*. A., Atlanta Ga. (’HAS. A. Wlf'KKRsIIAM, Pr«*s. aivl G«*n M .1 . Atlanta. Gh EXBKI Standing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Will Perry anti children, of Newnan, are spending a few days with relatives in the city,—Carroll Free Press. Miss Mary Jones, of Turin, at- ness; to provide for the creation of .1 fund or funds, for the payment 1 of benefits in case of sickness, dis ability or death of its members, their legal dependents or represen tatives and to issue certificates ot tended commencement exercises membership for the same; to up- here this week, the guest of Mrs. hold the American public school Anna Moses.—Carroll broe Press, system, to prevent interference We congratulate our sister city 'therewith, and to encourage the of Newnan upon securing a city reading of the Holy Bible therein; mail delivery system, which will to promote and maintain a national be inaugurated August ist.—Car- orphans home. We recognize the landing upon our shores of the ignorant, the Rev E. A. Whip tilled his regular ap pointment liern Saturday and Sunday. (.Tiles Elmore lms a new boarder. It is a girl. There is a good deal of sickness in this settlement. The Farmer’s Union will meet here Saturday night. M. S. Morgan nnd Mrs. Mary Neill are attending the commencement exer- csses at Oxford this week. Annual Convention B. Y. P. U., Atlanta,June 19th to 21st. vicious and the lawless of the old world, as a constant menace to our institutions, and believe that it should be viewed with alarm by the loyal and patriotic citizens cl the country. We announce an honest welcome to all immigrants who come hither seeking to better roll Free Press. Mrs A. W. Calhoun and Mrs. Colquitt Carter will leave this week for a short stay at Wrights- ville Beach, after which Mrs. Car ter will go to Newnan, where she will spend the summer.—Sunday Journal. The Heard County Oil and Fer tilizer Co. at Franklin has just For the above occasion, the At lanta & West Point Route will seil round trip tickets, June iSth and 19th, at rate of one fare plus 25 cents. Return limit, June 22nd. 2L Conclusive Evidence-Actual Results Net Annual Cost AGE II, 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT, BASIS their condition and intending to c l° se d the most prosperous year in become earnest and. law-abiding * ts history, under the direction of citizens. But we maintain that President B. H. Ihompkins and there is no room in this land tor A. \\. 1 owers, Secretary and Gen- the anarchist, the nihilist, or the era ' Manager, escaped criminal, or for any one Trot. G, A. Adams, of Glenn, If you knew the value of Chamber lain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the dis eases for which it is especially valuable: sore nipples, chapped hands,burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itch ing piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. Paul Pcniston, Newnan, Ga. YEAR /ETNA State Mutual Penn Mutual New Em>. Mut. Nat. of Vt. 18S7 ,$984 40 *1015 00 *1030 20 *1015 00 : SI040 20 1888 KS<J si! 894 40 891 00 870 40 1040 20 1889 800 04 902 00 880 20 891 00 1040 20 1890 858 80 898 00 850 80 879 00 1040 20 1891 889 42 888 00 855 20 893 40 785 40 1892 s24 98 878 40 848 80 877 20 837 30 1803 8 )9 91 802 00 832 00 850 00 873 10 1894 794 32 851 00 HSU 00 878 40 809 02 1895 778 00 840 20 828 00 884 80 872 18 189(1 701 12 828 00 S20 80 887 80 900 80 1897 748 48 810 00 882 SO 877 20 896 96 898 725 00 S41 40 823 00 884 00 902 78 1899 705 82 884 so N20 40 924 00 899 02 1900 758 is 832 (0 820 00 917 40 904 12 1901 712 80 828 00 S77 20 915 40 928 80 1902 800 20 823 20 N72 80 911 00 927 40 1908 788 00 N10 00 809 80 912 80 923 62 1904 770 20 810 00 807 00 912 00 913 02 1905 708 20 820 80 804 SO 912 00 912 00 *15205 14 *10275 00 *10323 60 *17110 20 *17530 98 Difference in Favor of the ^Etna. (>ver the State Mutual 81070.46 Over the 1 ’enn Mutual 1118.46 < H er New ] dnglaiul Mutual .... 1905.06 Over National of Vermont 2325. S4 For anything in music or musi cal iustrumeuts telephone No. 196. The above policies were issued in November. IS,#7, upon the life of Mk. Wm. H. Scott, member of the well known firm of Allen, Lane & Scott. Railroad Printers, Philadelphia, (except that of the Penn Mutual, which was issued in 1886 at age 40. F. M. Bky yxt, Dist. Manager -Etna Life Insurance Company.