The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 15, 1906, Image 8

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GOING TO 1010 EXPOSITION jJ i to sue what’s “doim**” in the vehicle world is a waste of time and coin, for we are showing today just mssibly more op- what our competitors will find there. There is portunity for misr<‘presentation in vehic les than in any other line. Take a cheaply made body constructed of cheap woods nailed together any old way, skimped here and there, and after the expert painter and varnislier gets done it is hard to tell from a higher priced job. The same coat of paint and varnish hides the bad qualities of the cheap job as thoroughly as the good qualities of a better job! The most expert examination on the floor of a re pository cannot reveal tne wearing qualities of the ve hicles. You can tell the shape of the body and springs, the make of the coupler and the height of the wheels, but that which makes the difference in value between buggies must be left to the dealer who has made a study of the business for 20 years, and whose honesty no one questions, or to that expensive teacher, Mrs. Experience. When we know the pride of the manufacturer—know that he watches every stick of wood, every piece of metal, every axle and every nut; and when the experience of our customers has invariably ver- efied this, no one is surprised that our trade is growing so rapidly. When you see our line you see part of the 1910 Exposition. EIGHTY-NINE SETS OF HARNESS. ORR AND POWELL Newnan, Georgia.. m Whitesburg. Minn Eugenia Watkins, who had Just ret unit'd Irani I tiGrattgn Komiiln Col lage, left for Asheville, N C , wlmre Him goon hh it delegate to tilt) Young Wo mens Christian Association Convention. Miss WntkhiH iiiprcseiitH LnGriuige F'n- male Col logo. She lm* heou u Htuiiont nt Huh college for tlm past two years and has won iniiny houont. She was oIiokoii onn of four |inoiIk out of ir>() girl* to HjM'iik In it public debate given lit com- luonoeuioiit thin your. She nil*I another young lady won tlm debate, which was quite a distillation. Her many friends wherever she Is known, rejoice with her in the many merited honors slip has won. Hon. ,1. I*. Jones, of Kiversido, has bought the tract of hind owned hy J. C liass, of Carrollton, ell the Chnttiihon- olme River at tlm railroad bridge. Mr. Hass has linen tanking a hit of line brink here, and Mr. Jones will greatly enlarge the yards and prepare to do an extensive business in tlie nianiifauture el brick. K. I,. Wager el this place will superin tend the work of milking brick Fanners of tins community are gen erally well up with their work. Crops are locking line an I the outlook Is much more favomhh then it usually is nt this time of year. Wheat anti eats have been harvested and the yield is good. At (he monthly meeting ot the Bonrd of Trustees el Hutcheson College lust Saturday. 1’rof. V. D Whatley was en dorsed. Ilis di ction was virtually as sured, though tie dciluito action was taken. So there is little doubt hut that Prof. W hat ley will lie with us another year, which Is very satisfactory to tlm people of Whitcsliurg. Utile Nancy Edgeworth, who Ims been sulVcring with one of her eves sev eral months, continues in this sad con dition. Her father will carry her up to Atlanta this week to he treated. ■I F. Shell, ol Culpepper, Va., was in town a few dais last week, visiting rela tives lie spunks of locating in Whites- burg. Mrs. H. T. On wry, of Williamsburg. I\v spent scv> ml (lavs in Whitcshurg last week, with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Lipscomb. Mrs \ I) Holloway and children, of Mineral Spring, \ln . live been spend ing several days with lu-r parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N Kilgore Miss Oncta Askew, of D-ieula, On., visited her sisters, Mrs. W II Parks and Mrs. W H. Kelly, last week. Miss Oleo l.)rewry, of Williamsburg, Ky.. is expected to visit relatives in the city this week. Prof. Y. 1). Whatley returned home Saturday, after spending several days at Lilievillo, Ala Presiding Khler B P Allen, of La- Grunge, was in Whitcshurg Friday and held quarterly conference at tlie Metho dist church. The friends of Miss Mary Lou Good man will be glnd to know she is much improved. Walter Herrin and Prank Webb, of Clem, were visitors m our town Friday F. L. Wager went down to LuGuinge on business Saturday. J. A. Sims, otic of our enterprising merchants,made a business trip to New nan Saturday. Mrs. W. L. Duncan and children, oi NeWuan are spending the week with relatives in and near town. Mrs. 1. S. Ausley visited Newuuu last Saturday. it li Haines tindwi'i visited relu tives at Sharpsburg lirst of tin* week. K. M. Stevens and H. T. Lipscomb visited at Villa Rica Sunday. Henry Stevens wont over to Newtmn Saturday. James A. Kelly, who lias been in New Orleans for some time, came home Sat urday t-o spend a few days. Dana Brantley und John Ausley, two of eur ciever Whitcshurg boys who are now expert telegraphers at Carrollton, were at home Sunday. Miss Mary Parks returned home this week, after several days visit to friends at Monte/,lima, Ga., Cumberland Island and dilVereut points in Florida. Miss Lizzie Watkins visited in Car rollton lirst of the week. Miss Mattie Ella Latimer,of Bantling, visited Prof. V. D Whatley and tainily Inst Sunday. Tuesday was one of those ideal rainy days, if such there could lie. It remind ed one strongly of Longfellow* poem on the rainy day. It was a day for study and meditation in tlm quiet mid unlm of the home circle gathered in doors. If snob days were tightly and wisely used by the voung men and young ladies of our country, for improvement of their imnds, thov would lie nobly spent lo the pleasure, imppiuessand pretit of nil. Grantville. Qunrteily meeting will lie held at the M K. Church Hiiturdnv and Sunday The Presiding Klder will prunnli at the eleven o’clock sendee Sunday morning The Ladies Parsonage Society will he delightfully entertained this iilternooti at the lieiue of Mrs, 1). Y Bryant (’like an-l Ice* will he served. This Society is n good ‘‘stand by” for the church and parsonage. A handsome now carpet purchased by them will soon replace the one now in use on the church floor. Mrs .1. i). Moreland spoilt a lew days Inst week ill Newimu. Miss Tommie White Ims returned from u visit to Miss Annie Jean Oul- breath, of Palmetto. Mrs. T! Y. Clower is spending some lime with her mother, Mrs Henry A. Camp. T. M. Zcllars und family will leave to morrow for a trip toCuinlierland Island Miss Mary Clower made a visit to relatives in Newnan last week. Capt T. E Zellurs is recuperating his health nt Indian Springs Charlie Stewart Colley, who lias been attending school at College Park, lias just returned home from an eastern trip, made immediately after the close of school Lindsey Whitehead, tin* adopted son of Rev. and Mrs. A H.S. Hugg, tioonui- pmtiod Robert and Paul Hugg home from Oxford, where nil three have been at tending Emory College. L D Sewell and little daughter, El len, spent Sunday nt the home of F. T. M enchain. Misses Janie Nall and Gladys White visited miss Marie Sewell at Lone Oak lust week. Mrs. O. K. Sewell is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. H. D. Pate, m Barnesville. Edwin Banks spent Tuesday in At lanta. Boo/.er Payne spent Tuesday night with liis imrents in Hogaiisville. Mrs. J. A. Bryant went to ImGrauge today. Mrs. Martha McClure has returned from a visit to relatives at Moreland. Miss Jennie Lou Gill is visiting friends at Fairburn. Mrs. John Robertson and family spent Sunday witli Mr. George Haynes at St. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Moore, of St. Charles, were guests Sunday of their mother, Mrs. Mattie Moore Mrs. J. P. O’Neal was in Hogaiisville Monday. Mrs. Will Ferret and Miss Nellie Fer- ril visited relatives at Curetou Springs Sunday. Misses Myrtiee Redding and Sophy Haynes, of Moreland, were at the home of Misses Love and Pauliue Stevens Suu- dav. Miss Ida Rosser spent Saturday ami Sunday with relatives at Moreland. Dr. O. W. Clower made a professional visit to Moreland Monday. Hon. W. A. Post was ill Atlanta Tues day. Howard Null, of Greenville, is in Grantville for n week or two. Col. W. G. Post, of Ni'wiinii, made a visit, to liis parents Sunday, Miss Annie I,ester, who is quite ill with fever, is slightly improved today. Mr. I,. J. Lowry, who lias been con- litiod to liis bod for some time, is able to sit up. Miss Ruth Null, of Sharpsburg, who was flit'guest fern few days of Miss Jollity Lester, Ims returned home. Capt. T. K Zcllars, R. I. Sewell, W. A. Bohannon, T. M. Zellers, Martin Lambert and Tom (>rr hoard Hoke Smith and Clark Howell speak in Atlanta Fri day evening John Burdette, of Lone Oak; Henry Hayes, R. V. Watson. Jim Gordon and Lee At tawny, of Moreland, were in (Irantville Sunday. John Camp is home from Atlanta R B. Russ*‘lt filled his appointment, here Monday at noon, speaking to about BO or 7B people While Ills talk was in teresting und fluent, we doubt whether it gained him any votes. We know Hoke’s supporters are still linn, while those on the fence only got off long enough to hear him; and if the non committal have committed themselves, we have heard nothing of it. James Priokott, Be PH Wise, Wilbur Sewell, George Cochran, John Barron and Jessie Fuller were nuiong these from Meriwether county who heard Russell here Monday. The Home 1\Iission Society will meet nt the M. H. Church Sunday afternoon nt l o’clock. All members requested to be present. Sunday morning at the meeting of the Juvenile Society the mite hexes for the past quarter wore opened mid contained $1-1.BO. This is tine, and does credit to the officers of the Society as well as the children. Dodson. Miss Annie Newton spent n few days in Newtmn the past week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. T. Dukes. Regular services were held nt Mace donia Saturdny and Sunday. Good con gregations both days enjoyed the gospel and powerful sermons Bro. Roop de livered. Harry Register, of Atlanta, is visiting his cousin. Allen Palmer, Mrs. C. T. Sowell, of near Sargent, and Mrs. J. M. Glass, of Happy Valley, are quite sick. Miss Emmie Luck, of Fairburn, is now the guest of Miss Alioe Hyde. Miss Luek is a former teacher and frequent visitor here. Allen Palmer, who Ims heen suffering for the pnst six months from paralysis caused by a fall received just before Christmas, is very slowly improving. For the past two weeks ho 1ms had fever but his ease is more hopeful now. Misses Dean and Marie Sanders spent Sunday with the family of T.B Sanders. Mr. Joe Brown, of Roanoke, Ala,, was in Dodson Sunday, Mr. und Mrs. E. C. Palmer announce the approaching marriage of theirduugh- ter, Jessie Witt, to Mr. Luther M. Smith, of Atlanta, the wedding to take place on the evening of the sMtli. No cards have been issued. Palmetto. The "St Elmo Hotel,” one of the best equipped buildings in all this section, was formally opened to the public June Iflth. The management will be under tlie direction of Dr. Hill Johnston and liis sister, Mrs. Estes, of Atlanta, both of whom will do everything possible for the comfort of their guests. Children's Day exercises were held nt the First Methodist Church Sunday night. Quite n good literary and mu sical program was given bv the ohildren and a nice sum was realized from the collection. Misses Mary Johnston ami Katharine Reid leave next week lor Chicago. Miss Johnston will stop in Chiougo for t month, the guest of her mint, Mrs. J D. Clark. Miss Reid will goon to Mil waakee to visit college friends. Miss Agues Chapman,of Quitman,ant Miss Tommie White, of Hogivusvillo two very bright- and charming girli recently of Wosleynn College, are tin guests of Miss Annie Gene Oulbreatl this week. Miss Alleeu Tolbert, of Atlanta, is tin guest of tiie Misses Reid. Mrs. Annie Johnston Parks, of Now nan, is visiting her sister, MissMarj Johnston. Mr. and Mrs Boil Roan have recently returned from Trenliain Springs. Dr.G.L. Johnson is at Indian Springs Mr. and mis, Ed Duke entertained in formally one evening last week, nnc quite a delightful evening was spent bj the young people. Mr. Vedder Steed entertained a largt partv of his friends at moonlight pionit lust week. Mr. Steed is a very populai host, and leaves nothing undone for tin pleasure of his guests. Rock Spring. James Knowles, of Fayetteville,visit ed relatives here last Friday and Satur day. Mr und Mrs J. (’. Lewis mid son, J. C., Jr., visited relatives in Newnan lust Saturday mid Sunday. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Ga'.nel spent Sun day last with relatives at McCollum. Cicero and Tommie Parrott, of Flat Creek, were the guests of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. F M. Parrott last. Saturday and Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Millard Meeks and daughter, Miss Mildred, of Newnan, were the guests of Cite latter's parents here last Sunday. Miss Mary Bell Brown has been on the sick list for the past week. Messrs. Willie McGee and Frank Par rott visited relatives at Flat Creek last Sunday, Fred Brown visited liis sister, Mrs. Charlie Sooley, at Stop, Ga.. last Satur day. There will be a singing at Rock Spring the fourth Sunday afternoon iu this month. Everybody levs a special invita tion to come and bring their song books. The many friends of Mrs. I S. Shrop shire. of Atlanta, who formerly resided here, will be grieved to learn that there is no improvement in her case. John Roberts, of Palmetto, visited friends here Sunday afternoon. After several days pleasantly sjieiit with relatives here, Miss Mini Chandler returned to her home in Newnan last Thursday. F. M. Parrott and daughter, Miss Liz zie. and S. O. Houston attended the all day singing at Elienezer, iu Fayette county, last Sunday. M D. Thurmond visited relatives iu Palmetto last Wednesday, GOOD "Opportunity Knocks Once at Every Man’s Door.” IT IS KNOCKING AT YOURS. \\ e are ranking many changes in our stock, and new goods are re ceived every day. We oiler the highest quality in all kinds of Fancy and Family Groceries. Best Quality is what people want in everything edible—especially when they can get it. at no greater cost than inferior goods are sold by many dealers. You can always find ’’Best. Quality ’ here, and get prompt service and courteous treatment besides. If you are not now a customer, try us with an order and see how you like our manner of dealing. NVNNALLY & BARRETT, The Bay Street Grocers Telephone 55