The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 22, 1906, Image 5

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}W' '■ * -. - W ' ’ ' ■ i; - ; ' 1 T. HOI.LEMAN, I’RKKIIJKNT. W. I.. KEMI’, VR.F 1M<RN. AND TRKAR. .1. \V. ANDREWS, SEl'RKTART. LOANS OF SI,000 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. iijs Atlanta, Georgia. Attorney Wanted to Act as Local Correspondent i Local News of Newnanj Dr. and Mrs. ,T. M. Couch, of 1 Moreland, wore among the visitors in Newnan yesterday. The appearance of the exterior of the Virginia House has been vastly improved by a coat of paint. A tew hundred ltix’JO frames to go at 75c. while they last. 12 Scroggin Furniture Co. Judge L. A. Perdue and Sheriff J. L. Brown went out to Mr. John Pearson’s, in the Fourth District, yesterday, to be present at a fish Baseball Goods The new Methodist church at fry. Corinth will be dedicated the first Lost—Fleur-de-lis stick pin, set Best toilet soaps at Holt & Cates. Buy your sidewalk tile from the Newnan Tile Works. tf Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Salbide Bldg. tf Scroggin’s is the place to have your pictures framed, cheap. 12 Attorney Henry Beeves, of La Grange, was in Newnan Monday. H. D. Owens was in Atlanta the first of this week. B. 11. Dial, Fst|.,was in Atlanta the first of this week. Col. W. C. Wright was in At lanta several davs this week. Sunday in July* by Dr. J. W. Quil- lian, of this city. White Goods Wash chiffons, French lawns, Persian lawns and Swisses, at Potts & Parks'. James P. Bradley, of New York City, is spending several weeks j where they attended the conven- among relatives and friends in ! tion of cotton oil mill men. Newnan and ( arrollton. J \ carpenter named Lunoeford, Corsets ' in the employ of the Co’e Mlg. Co. American Lady Corsets lit and fell from a scaffold at, the new cot- satisfy the wearer. Sold only by j ton mill yesterday afternoon and Potts & Parks. with diamonds and pearls, on streets of Newnan a few days ago. Finder will please return to Miss Benetta Orr, City. Messrs. W. J. Murphey and D. S. Summers returned to Newnan Wednesday from Lithia Springs, Miss Mary L. Hendrix, of (Quit man. Ga., has returned home, af ter attending the funeral of her little nephew, Vernon Me,Michael. Frank Hughes is spending the l)r. A. C. North has returned week with relatives and friends in from a sojourn at Borden-Wheeler Newnan. He has just returned Springs. * ,1. J. Good rum, Jr., of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the city with home folks. Dr. Thomas S. Bailey is at Bor den-Wheeler Springs for a stay of two weeks. Mrs. W. G. Post‘and children have returned from a visit to Woodbury. Vai. Lacks. Five thousand yards received this week at Potts & Parks’. Mr. A. II. Freeman, of Newnan, was tin* guest of friends in the city last week.—Carrollton Times. The finest toilet articles and preparations for complexion at Holt A (Jates. Paint for house or fence, floors, furniture, bath tub, porch furni ture, wagons,etc., at Holt A Cates. Lacks? Lacks!! See our table ofval laces; special at 5c per yard, next week. Potts & Parks. William and Larue Spence, of Newnan, are visiting their aunt. Mrs. S. J. Boykin.—(’arrollton Times. We Sklk Sikhs 27 inch Jap. silks, black, white or colors, 45c per yard. Potts & Parks. Frank Drewry, of Griffin, who held a position in Bradley’s drug store for some time, has accepted a position in Athens. Stacy Capers will go to Arcadia, La., at an early date to enter busi- from a month’s trip “on the road.” Hibiiuns Sash ribbons, narrow ribbons. Persian ribbons and velvet rib bons, at Potts Parks’. Services will be conducted at St Paul’s Episcopal Church next Sun day morning at 11 o’clock by Bev. |(j,. imn x«ws and Sun Robert F. DeBell, of Atlanta. was probably fatally injured. Miss Benetta Orr has been do ing some fine work in art during the past few months at Shorter College. Her oil and water color pictures and the pieces in china painting show fine talent, and the promise of great success in the fu ture. Mrs. Raymond Price, of Jack sonville, Fla., Miss Lucy Har grove, of Birmingham, Ala., and Miss Nettie Orr, of Newnan, will arrive in the city nest Monday and will be the guests of Mrs. 1>. F. Patterson for several days.— if HO in. adjustable window Hit in. adjustable window 2 -11 x (1-10 screen doors 3 x 7 screen doors 11 x 7 fancy front doors screens 45c screens 60c S1.00 1.10 and 1.25 1.75 Screen door hinges Screen door stops, D from slamming 15c. 25c and 40c keep your doors . 10c Rubber Hose. ()xKURDS New shipment ladies Oxfords opened today. Patent pumps, rib bon tit's and canvas, at Polls N: Parks’. If you expect to do any painting this summer, it will lie distinctly to your advantage to see Holt & Cates about their line of pure paints. Emiiroidkriks. The first cotton bloom seen in | the News office this season was sent in by J. R. Gaston, who lives on Col. W. G. Posts’ farm in the Third District. It was received Tuesday, and indicates that Mr. Gaston’s cotton crop is an extreme ly early one. Edgar Stephens returned from Rome yesterday, where he went to be present at the marriage of Mr. M. B. Taylor and Mrs. Edna Earle hose, piece Rc - nml A n-'w shipment of LEADER riihlier 5-ply, in 25 mid 5(1 foot lengths, every guaranteed, pi r foot ' Woven hose will) heavy rubber linings, II-1 sizes, in 25 and 50 loot lengths 9 and 10c Solid stream brass nozzles 25c 35c I split hickory and mounted scout SI. 00 Spray nozzle* maii< lose reel on wlu-i Is to eh Our New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stove is Giving Satisfaction. Newnan Hardware Company Mason’s l-(|t Masim’s 2-i11 Mason’s pon ruhbei'H, per d lino dozen jar nd Swiss llouncings and insertings, j Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ar rived in Newnan yesterday and were cordially welcomed by the former’s friends. Our ice cream for family trade, Milltown. corset-cover embroideries and all- over embroideries at Potts & Parks’. Yes, we manufacture picture i frames and make high grade por traits in Crayon, Pastel and Sepia. Newnan Picture Frame Works. Brewster Bldg. tf For Sale—ThreeHO-saw Winship gins; also complete Manger system. Will sell all or part; cheap, for cash or on time. B. H. Dial, Newnan, Ga., R. F. I). No. 1. Ray Crane, one of Newnan’s bright and energetic school boys, is in Atlanta to remain during the summer vacation and is employed by the J. L. Turner Printing Co. For Rent—Four-room house on Second Ave.; #7.50 per month. Apply at Mrs. Chandler’s, corner Mm. Nannie Brown unit daughter, Miss Nellie, went to Grantvilln 1hh( week, whore they will h|m>ik1 some time with friends mid relatives. Mr. and Mm. Waller Brown visited al made ot the purest materials, is Banning last Saturday and Sunday, wholesome and delicious. Gomes packed in porcelain lined vessels well iced; 50c per quart (enough for 0); #1.50 per gallon. Any size order promptly executed. Holt & (totes. Have your mules and horses in sured in the Mutual Life Stock In surance* Company of Georgia. Full face value of all policies will be paid. For information and terms, call on or write to J. W. Will- , Willder lBHt Saturday afternoon, when, coxon, agent lor Coweta and Meri- , hIic spent a week very pleasantly. She wether counties, Newnan, Ga. tf Mm. Sarah Horten, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Charlie Tom, and her son, Frank, went, to Palmetto last Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Horten’s mother. Mrs, T. A. Hamrick and daughter, Miss May, left last week for Hartwell, where they will spend two or three weeks with relatives and friends. Mr, Ephraim West was buried last Thursday afternoon. The funeral ser vices were conducted by his pastor,Rev. W. S. Gaines. Sam Weir, from Canton, visited mot her’s family last week. Miss Ruth McClure has been suffering with tonsilitis for several days, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Hendrix came down from Sargent last Sunday morn ing to attend the marriage of MissOla Mobley. The protracted services are in prog ress at the Chape! this week. All are invited to attend. Bro. Layton is heing assisted by Bro. Landers who is an able minister. Welcome. bis Rev. A. A. Williamson, a nativo of Kentucky, but, whose home is now in Florida, was at, the First Baptist Church daring the past week giving instruction in vocal music. The series of morning and night gatherings ended Wednesday evening. Rev. Mr. Williamson is an excellent vocalist and musical instructor and his singing lessons were beneficial to all in attendance.. 11 is services were seem ed by l)r. G. A. Ninitially lor the purpose, of giving instruction in congregation al singing to the people of the First Baptist < Jiurcli. ness. He will be accompanied t j ja Grange Street and Second Ave., by his sister, Miss Ruth Capers, who is at present visiting in New nan. Monday night or Tuesday morning. Own an Automobile Have you ever considered the question of purchasing an automobile? Without in vestigation. you have proba bly decided that an automo bile is an expensive luxury you cannot afford. Such is not the case. Automobiles purchased at figures so low that the prices are a revelation to the average man who is able to own one of these machines. If inter ested in the automobile ques tion, consult Flannery. He represents in Newnan lead ing manufacturers of auto mobiles, and will be pleased to discuss the matter with interested persons and pros pective buyers of first-class machines. Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jeweler. Mr. B. Capers and sons, Le- Gramie anil Kenneth, have re turned to Arcadia, La., after a visit to the former’s son, Stacy ! w ‘‘ 11 to ^'('attention to this point. (topers, and Dr. and Mrs. James Dr. R. I>. Lee has entered into Stacy. partnership with Dr. Paul Penis- ton in the practice of medicine and J. It. Newman and sisters, Misses! Pearl and Viola, wore in Newniiu liu-t Saturday. j Miss Florida Stanley, a popular young i lady of SaixlorBville, spent, Iasi week 1 Miss Dollie Wallace returned from | Il0S t, pleasantly with the Misses New- ■ man. Miss Janie Amis, one of our lovely was accompanied home by Miss Lena young ladies, is the guoHt of friends in Doggett. . Bowden this week. Tillman Dewberry and Miss Ola Mob-1 Wilber IS. Morgan, our clever men ley were united in marriage last Sunday j 0 liant, worked with J. B. Hutchens last morning. Rev. J. E. D. Taylor perform- Saturday in Newnan. Mr. Hutolieiis is ed t he eoremony. running an Eclipse sale, and selling Mr. and Mrs. Cornelious Neely, who ! everything away below the usual prices. H1 " 1L ‘ ' V<Jl1 *’*; used to reside in this place but who now w. H. Hutchens kept store during Mor- live at Oedartown, buried an infant | gun’s absence. baby is delicate, it will be girl last Friday. Tom Brown and sister, Miss Fannie, Miss Lena White and cousin, from j , tiu i Miss Bessie Cook, of Madras, were Banning, are visiting the former’s bro- 1 t | l(j KU ,. HtH „f Miss Maude (lavender last tie r, William White. J week. A party wasgiven in their honor Mrs. J. A. Robinson Ims been confined a t (j U y (lavender's. Fresh Infant Foods at Holt Cates. In accordance with our custom, we guarantee the fresh ness of every package of infant loud in our stock, none ever car ried from one season to the next. If your Card of Thanks. We desire to offer out sioc.erest thanks to our neighbors and 11 ic.nds for their assistance ami kind words of sympathy during our bereave incut in the loss of our little son. May Heaven’s richest blessings Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MeMic.hae Wanted—Lady or gentleman of fair education, with good refier- lias obtained an interest in the toiler bed for several days the past, week. W. H. Boatrigiit visited his father's q to represent a large business ; * ‘‘ n ’ sto11 (l1 llfi stxmi ’ t * ,< ‘ P artrier ‘ family at Fairborn, last Sunday firm. Good salary for right party. ship being Peniston and Lee. Mrs. W. H. Dewberry, who was so Address, R. G., (tore News, New nan, Ga. Dr. Lee is a recent graduate in very sick at, our last writing, is very medicine and is a young man who lias a promising future before him. Mr. Sam Patterson, a young ci gar maker of this city, and Miss A number of Newnan people are t5e marriage of her cousin, Miss Oia Cora, daughter of Mr. R. Hughs, | sojourning at Borden-Wheeler 1 ^ Riohie R]M!nt lftBt SuildftV were united in marriage by Dr. G. I Springs, among the number being G m „t v iiie, the guest of Judson South A. Nunnally, Wednesday evening; Mrs. Egbert Snead and children, and family. of last week. Miss Kate Snead, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. Jesse Florence left lust Saturday (.’. Fisher, Mrs. J. T. Carpenter, for Riverview, to visit her mother, Mrs. Win. Byram, Mr. Mathew Cole, Mrs. W. ('. McBride and children. Rev. F. J. Amis was the guest of I friends in Franklin last Saturday and Sunday, filling his regular appointment ( at that place. Mr. Amis is a good man . for liis work. Allen Crain, of Newnan, working for much better. VV. \y Spence & Qo., was brought home i Miss Ida Attawny, from Graiitville, , Friday very sick with fever, but is came up lust Sunday morning to attend improving. A. E. Morgan, a clever young man from Newnan, spent last Sunday witli W. E. Morgan. Judge Thigpen, with a large number of our young jjeople, attended church at Sargent last Sunday morning. Most of the party took dinner with B. S. Witch er, and attended the singing in rhe af ternoon conducted by Prof. J. H. Lips- Grace. She was accompanied by her two children, Elmer and Murray. Mrs. J. W. Askew, who was confined j comb, of Whitesburg Tax Receiver E. Gary Summers t0 * ier by sickness last week, is very ; On last Friday evening at the hospi- , , . , - , .' ... . 1 much improved. j table home of Ooi. ,J. O. Newman, a announces that his books will close 1 The friends of Mr. and Mrs. (’. T. Bailey sympathize with them on account of the loss of their three months old son, who died last Fri day, after an illness of several • umi u. B win muse Kev. .James Shaw is quite ill at his j most enjoyable entertainment was given weeks. The funeral occurred Sat- on June 30th. He is not in bis of- home, and he is very anxious that j >'* h° llor of Mi « Stanley. urday at Whitesburg. lice today and will be out next friends shall visit him. friends Monday and Tuesday; but will be S . L Scott, from LaGrnnge, was visit-. Night School. in the office on all other days be- wuhe"ttjSai'Id ^children, from I Working boy, it is for you. tween this date and June 30th. gust Point, spent last Sunday with Mr. I You "k ,na n if your educational ad- Mrs. W. C. Wright’s will be pleased to learn that she is : recovering, after having an opera- , . „ —-. . . , . i tion for appendicitis performed by Persons who have not made their and Mrs. Arthur Gilman and other vantages ha^rebeen limited come. an Atlanta specialist. It is ex- tax returns may do so any day up relatives^ Jm'e^eTmr profiteisefulness a, ! peeted that she will be able to re- ’ llue o! 1 ax Banning to l^eud uwhUe with heMaro- j happiness. At my residence. ! turn to Newnau at an early date.. Receiver is open. ther, Cleveland Bryant, and family. | Daniel Walker. Special Bicycle Bargains One boy’s wheel and two wheels fur misses are among t he bicycles in our stock, and they are offered at extremely low prices for immediate solos. The three wheels are of stand ard manufacture and will give satisfaction to any purchaser, they are new models and beau tiful specimens of the bi',,oie maker’s work man ship. Gome and examine those wheels and learn just how low t hey can he purchasod. h. S. BANTA