The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 22, 1906, Image 8

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WOMEN HOTEL CLERKS. “THE SONG OF THE SHIRT.’ F.iirupe I in |ir«.%*r«l • mi Trn % i-ler, •>vtii luili'is III tlii> hiiiuII- •i i' is ii "l nl tin' desk ■I'- l "f i»y tiif ptiiiiic- iinliiir to AiikmIiiiu* at Ill's is Imciiusi? ii \vo- 1«. six . . ssful III the ni t '•r.vilHjr robbery. One liri'UI' llllllllt t||(> prices 'lulling little I nly, who •rtllig herself to tin ex- ■e one’s eomfnrt lull If one Inippens lo slops here ami there It inviiy suavity for the II I'nosd the Most Popular Tlilnic llooil Kier Wrote. During his Inst Illness Tom Hood In an idle inonient made itn imaginative Hketeli of Ills own tombstone, lie drew liims -If reclining at full length on a thick sla.i of stone, on the edge of which in large capital* he wrote. “He Sang .lie ‘Hong or the Shirt.’" This was the only Inscription, and. as he himself has said, Tom Hood needs no other. How much lie felt and prided him self upon the sing by which lie became known and loved by millions is shown by this mid the following fact: "If I were ennobled these are the arms I should adopt," said he one day. show ing a rough vignette to a friend. The sketch contained a very beautiful and pathetic Idea, it represented a heart pierced by a needle threaded with sil ver tears, and beneath was the motto lie had Inscribed on the Imaginary tombstone. "The bong of the Whirl” appeared in the Christinas number of the tilth vol ume of Punch. It was unsigned, hut every paper In the land quoted It. and It speedily became the tulk of the day. himself did not think It vet* re markable, but Mrs, Hood had saltl to him as she folded it for press: “Now, mind. Hood, mark my words, this will tell wonderfully. It is olio of the best things you ever did." Mrs. Hood was right. The song was translated Into French, Herman and Italian It was printed on cheap cot- t"n hatidlierchlcfs and parodied times without number. THE FIRST MONEY. i< It Is How Timur ti Worn In most Kuro C! places the \ by a wont- . a tory eh k so , home. | think man can be u.< of common c doesn't like Iti Willi H SWeel. stsms to lie e\ treme degree to mid happiness. In making short Is Wise to put time being lo the extent at least of an ts'easloiml nil Id priteslat loll. When Hindu me smiles benignly and tells you that the room yon have chosen, with everything Included, will be “i> francs it day it Is well to rcincruber that "everything Included" doesn’t In clude everything by any means. There are a Inin«lr< d anil one little "extras," like ten, after dinner coffee. colTee and toils in your room In the morning and such Ilk. limit’> s, to say nothing of service, which nittst be paid for first hand If It is to I at all. bu at "ti francs mndnuie is probably tak ing ■ Imnees eg:lust a | t ilest and will be enorinoiiKl.t ph ved with herself If hone Is forihroiliitig. It Is the same all np and down the s tile . t prices, bill I suppose thee who .. n afford to go up the settle • of cue p I ft letllil fly.— Klcillior Frail' I II In Leslie's Weekly. SOURCE OF SHELLAC. The Fast Intllo lo Thiit IVo<liicr lli«* Mr*I!»**•»* * • !,rtnnet*. India Is the It line of the t'oeetis Inc- ea. the Inserts that pro. I lire the I'OSlll- tuts substance known as shellac. The females pun. tme the twigs of several different kinds of trees, among them the ho. the hilinr and the bitten, and the twigs become Itieitisled with a hard, nearly transparent, nsldlsh, resinous substance that serves the double pur- pose id protecting the eggs and finally furnishing food for the young Inserts. The Inerttsied twigs are broken from the Iris's before the young Insects rs- iTpr and are thoroughly dried In the sun. Tlieite dried I w igs arc galled "Stl.jc-lnc." anil from them shellac and it dye analogous to cochineal are pre pared. "Seed lae" Is the resinous con cretion separated from the twigs, coarsely pounded and triturated with water in a mortar, by which nearly all of the coloring matter Is removed. To prepare shellac the sced-lnc Is put Into oblong cotton cloth hags and warmed over a charcoal tire. When tlm rosin begins to melt the bugs are twlst- ed, anti the pure, clear rosin Is allowed to flow over tig wood planks or the smooth stems of the hniiynn tree and mmiIb In the thill plates nr shells which constitute shellac. Pure shellac Is very valuable. It Is much harder than colophony and Is easily soluble In alcohol. FIGHTING FISH, Pernllnr Animal* Thai Arp Konnil Only In Atnmpar Waters. A favorite recreation In Slam Is watching the lighting llsh, a species of tlsli found In the waters of no other country. The llsh cannot live In unity, mid If two are placed In a bowl they will Instantly engage In a struggle "to the dentil," It Is no unusual thing to see In the streets of Slam crowds of natives chat tering and gesticulating around a bowl containing a number of these flab, which they hot on In the same way as more elvlll'/.ed people do on moo horses. Intense excitement reigns among the natives ns they watch the flslt lighting within the bowl. These peculiarly quarrelsome flslt are very similar to the common pike In ap pearance, with the exception that they tire not In the possession of gills. Their tins, too, are remarkably sharp, and these they use with terrible effect upon one another. Blond mixes from their sides, and yet they persist In lighting mull perhaps only two are left alive, Old Workmen, and then the survivors turn on one an- Au Kngllshmau who is a large em- other until only one Is left out of per- . ployer of labor has boon Investigating haps a placed In the till). the arguments of those who say that a Although the lighting ttsh are ex- workingman under modern conditions ceptlonally good to eat, the majority of becomes at an early age valueless. He natives esteem them only for their has kept a record of all accidents that ttghtlng propensities, which affords have Incapacitated Ills men for throe them amusement and excitement every days and upward. The people engaged d*y In Ills employment are from fifteen to sixty-live years of age, and he asserts t.nndiin'a i.aat t'nWir Husaina. that more accidents occur to men uu- The grewsomc spectacle of a public der thirty thnn to those over fifty. Ho execution In Kngland Is happily a thing says. "1 would much rather lutrust an A LUCKY ESCAPE. quick Wit anil Darina Itusc of a ItuNsInn Revolution!*!. Nowhere outside of the pages of fic tion would we expect such au Incident us the following from the personal story of the Russian revolutionist Nn- rodny. Xurodny hud Just Jumped from a window to escape the police. “When I scrambled to my feet I discovered myself in the yard anti among half a dozen soldiers. I was without over coat and hat a very suspicious figure —and, having neither, I could not es cape even could I get liy the soldiers who surrounded me,” ho said. "I Jerked a card from my pocket—to this day I do not know what It was and blinded It to one of tlie soldiers. 'Here Is my curd,’ I said rapidly. ‘I am a member of the secret police. One of these revolutionists Is trying to es cape. I am after him. Quick! Hive me your coat and hat!' "He automatically obeyed. I slipped on Ills cout and hut and to all uppeur- iinees was a soldier of the czar. I walked past the guarded gate of the yard, out Into the street. Before me were thousands of soldiers. I saw my friends being brought down from the hah and put into the black vans, about which stood guards of Cossacks. I marched through my friends (all of (hut group are In prison today save only myself and the friend who os raped with me) with the air of a sol tiler on a very Important message and pressed on through the mass of other soldiers that filled the street,"—Amer ican .Magazine. HOW BEAST MEN ARE MADE. The lllili-oua and Cruel Practice of KIi'mIi Scnlptnre In Chinn. “Victor Hugo in ‘The Man Who Laughs.’ ” said an ethnologist, “tells of the sculptors of living flesh—those hor rible people of the middle ages who kid naped tender little children and turned them Into all sorts of monsters, dwarfs, hunchbacks and the'llke, selling them nfterwurd for jesters or for showmen's freuks. "The hideous and cruel practice of flesh sculpture still continues. There Is n tribe of Chinese gypsies who steal children and turn them Into so called wild men. The practice is, of course. Illegal. "A kidnaped child Is flayed alive, bit by bit, and the shaggy skin of a dog Is grafted on him. This takes a year. At the year’s end the poor creature Is shaggy, like a hear, from head to foot. "The child's vocal chords are destroy ed with charcoal In nn unspeakably cruel way. He can never speak there after. He can only growl and moan like a beast. "He Is Imprisoned in a perfectly black hole tint (I every vestige of reason leaves him. Nine months Is usually ii suf ficient confinement to accomplish this. “Finally, speechless, shaggy, lunatic, the victim Is sold to a traveling show man and Is exhibited throughout China ns a genuine wild man or beast man. I nm hound to say lie looks the part." Orr & Powell are Showing HOG MONEY. Origin BARBER SURGEONS. I l|M‘l i rr«|||«*i| |o tlio I.) ilinnN of Aulit Minor. 11 iltfiilt lo realize ilia) prior to It. C. "ihi there were no true coins, that liigois or buttons of gold and silver were weighed at every mercantile iriinsactlon. The Lydians of Asia Ml nor are credited with having been the llrsi to east and Htnnip with an official device small oval gold Ingots of defi nite fixed weight, an Invention strange ly delayed, hut of Inestimable Impor tance to Industry and commerce. A coin has been described as "a piece of metal of fixed weight, stamped by nti thorlty of government and employed as a inmlhiiii of exchange.” Medals, though struck by authority, are only historical records ami have no currency value. The bright, far (lushing Intellect of Hreoce saw the Import of the Lydian Invention and adopted It quickly, and every Urcck slate, nearly every city, Island and colony, established a mint, generally at some one of the gront tem ples, for all early coin types are reli gions In character. They hear symbols of some god as a pledge of good faith. The offerings, tithes and rents of the worshipers were coined and circulated as money. Temples thus became both mints and hanks. Our word "money" Is said to have been derived from tbo Roman shrine of Juno, Monotn, the earliest Latin mint. The llrst shape of these early coins was that of an enlarged coffee berry, pnnehod on the rounded side with otii elal letters or sinkings, as they are called. Kitrtli (iirvntnrr and Vision. One of the “seven wonders of tile an cient world" was the Pharos, or light tower at Alexandria. If you have a popular account or that great structure lmndy. read It carefully and note that you are Informed that the tower could lie seen at a distance of from loo to 100 miles. Is*t us see If tills could pos sibly he true. The curvature of the glols> Is (1.1)0 Inches to the mile. This being true, we find that an object 100 feet high can only ho seen at n frac tion over thirteen ratios. Figuring on the basis of an earth curvature of even seven Inches to the mile, wo find that the light tower In question must have been over a mile In height If visible even at a distance of 100 miles. HIiimi lli<- lliizur nml III Were l.lnlii-il In Oni- 'I More tlmn -Itio years old Is the Royal College of Surgeons, Kdinhurgh. At the time It was founded the surgeons and barbers of the city were united as one of the fourteen incorporated trades of Kdinhurgh. on July 1, 1505, they received their charter from the town council. The charter of the bar ber surgeons was confirmed by James IV., an early Stuart king of great en lightenment and accomplishment, who took inticli Interest in the progress of the surgeons on account of the needs of Ills army In time of war. In the charter leave was glvpn to the Incorporation to control the medical education of the city, such as It was In those days, of bloodletting, to have the sole right of practice and to put down quacks. They were to get every year the body of a criminal who had been executed to practice anatomy on, and they promised In return to do "suf frage for Ills soul.” Of the first 158 members of the Incorporation hIx were surgeons to the kings of Scotland. As society Improved and medical sci ence developed the gulf between the surgeons nud barbers widened, and In 1772, nh the result of a process In the court of session, the connection was finally terminated. The deacon, or president, of the Incorporation of sur geons was for more than 820 years n memlier of the town council of Edin burgh, ex olficlo, and several of the deacons were members of the Scottish pa filament. which to he I lie Curio ll* Olil Rrnn* Coin* of III*mi mill. "Hog money" Is the Inline by the brass money which began struck In Bermuda in ldOO came to he known. On one face of It was a hog, on the other a ship of that period. These old coins are very rare and high ly prized by collectors. The history of this device Is curious and interesting. A Spanish vessel, commanded by Juan Bermudez, on Its way to Cuba with a cargo of hogs, was wrecked there. This was In 1515. Lat er In the same century, when tho Eng lish discovered this land, they found a country Inhabited by hogs. It Is also interesting to note that the English discovered It In the same way as the Spaniards, An English ship was wrecked there. Is It any wonder that the treacherous coast got from Spanish and English alike the name of Devil’s Laud? Yet It Is one of the most beautiful coasts In the world, and It has been claimed that In brilliancy Mediterranean effects are not at all equal to those of Bermuda, Bermuda Is said to he the Island of Shakespeare’s “Tempest.” The strange noises which mariners heard coming from this Island, and which they did not then know were produced by hogs, caused them to say that It was haunt ed and to report weird things of It.— Pearson's. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. February I.i'kimiiI*. Why February has twenty-eight days Is explained In the legends of the past. One Is of an old woman, who, tending her flock, ridiculed the month of Feb ruary because he had dealt so lenient ly with her and her sheep. Then Febru ary felt Insulted nud made leap year and borrowed a cold day from March and froze her and her flock. There Is a Nortuau legend which makes it out that February had originally as many days as the other months, hut Februa ry was a confirmed gambler and lost at domino a day both to January uud to March. Strange to say, there Is au old story of Egypt, wherein the god of February plays forfeits with the moon and loses certain days. of the past The scaffold used to h« erected In the roadway outside the prison, and crowds would assemble to witness the sight, tho last time a man was hanged In public being when Mi chael Barrett suffered the extreme pen alty lu May. 1SU8, in Old Bailey, out- ehlo Newgate prison, for exploding a cask of gunpowder under the walla of rierkeuwell prison to releuse the Fe nian prisoners Burke and Casey, a mad get that killed several and Injured still more.—London Oraphlc. Why M. Liked It. "Do you mean to tell me that you have lived In this out of (tie way place for tea years?" “That's right, stronger Just ten years." “I'm surprised. I can’t see what you find here to keep you busy.” "1 can't find anything. That's the reason 1 like It."—Milwaukee Sentinel. exceptionally dangerous Job to a man over fifty than to one of thirty years of ago." Drew HI* Pietare. It Is told of Major General Sir Wll- 11am Oatacre of the British army that during the Sudan campaign he was one day- going the round of the sentries. Stopping before one he asked him what his orders were. "To keep a sharp lookout for the enemy and also for General Gatacre," was the prompt re ply. "Do you know him by sight " asked the general. "No. sir,” answered the man, "but I was told that If I mw au officer fussing and swearing and rushing about that would be General Gatacre." Aarataat a Snap Jidaatat. A. boy tu a Chicago school refused to sow, evidently considering it beneath the dignity of a ten-year-old man. "George Washington sewed." said the principal, taking it for granted that a soldier must, "and do you consider Not Whull y licnorant. Au applicant for a position in the public works department In a certain city was undergoing a civil service ex amination. With a view to testing his knowledge of history the examining officer asked him what ho know of the Funic wars. "The name sounds familiar,” said the applicant, “hut I can’t just remember when It was or where It happened." "Don’t you know anything about Sclplo?" "No, sir." "Surely you have heard about Han nibal?" "Oh, yes, I know all about Hannibal. Thut'a where Mark Twulu used to live.” Money Wisely Uxpemled 1* Safely anil PruHtnhly Kxpemli'tl. Beautified utility is never too costly. Over and over again the cost heneflts of public Improvements have been proved, defined, established. It is true of public betterments of a suuitury character; it Is true of public better ments that look to commercial ad vancement; It is true of public better ments lliut have primarily au nrt val ue. The practical and the ornamental betterment are alike lu this—that mon ey wisely expended for good purposes is safely and profitably invested. The limitations of expenditures for civic betterment are of course very ob vious. The work undertaken must he good In Itself and serve some good purpose. Money expended for a worth less filtration plant, for example, is money worse than wasted. Money spent for had art Is not always consid ered ns so completely lost as money that might he wasted for worthless sanitary apparatus. The statue causes no ill health and may he avoided by passing down the next, street, while an Impure water supply brings death and destruction to many helpless persons.— Homes and Garden. Tk» “iert" of 1942. It Is curious to find lu n "Dyetnry” of 1542 the information that "here le made of matte, of hopps and water. It Is a naturnll drynke for a Dutcheman. And now of lute dayes It is raoche used In Euglande to the detrymeut of many Engllsshe men.” The author waa speaking of “beer." the then now liquor distinguished from "ale” by being hop ped. In this sense a seventeenth cen tury rhymer says that “turkey, carps, hops, plecadel aud beer came luto Eng land all in one year." "pieeadel" being a kind of ruff or collar. UnilUh and Scoloh l’rftTilfoce, At the ooroDutlou of Charles I., the kingdoms of England and Scotland having been united during the reign of his father, considerable friction took place with regard to the order of pre cedence of the English and Scottish noblemen. An arrangement satlsfac-. tory to nil parties was finally conclud ed, In virtue of which English peers while in Eugland took precedence of Scottish peers of the same rank, while In Scotland this order was reversed, and the Scottish peers went first. The Shepherd's Creek. Although most people have seen a shepherd's crook, many do pot know the use of It. Some people think that all the shepherd carries It for is to use It as a walking stick when he tramps to aud from the fold. But the crooked end itself serves u purpose. It enables a shepherd to catch refractory sheep. If a sheep shows signs of running away the crooked end has only to be placed round his leg. and he Is a cap tive.—Loudon Standard. Only In Cfersulatry. Tommy—Paw, doesn't precipitation _ mean the same ns settling? Mr. Figg - yourself better than George Washing It does In chemistry, but In business 1 ton?" "I don't kuow. Time will tell, you'll find that most men in settling j ‘*ld he seriously.—Popular Education, don't allow any precipitation at all. | In Doubt. Ethel (who is not famous for her good looks)—I don’t see why you should on 11 Miss Whitmore plain. I’m sure I only wish I were half ns good looking as she Is. Fred—You are, Ethel; you know you are. (Aud Ethel is wonder ing whether he meant to compliment her.) A Long Way Of. Creditor (determinedly)—I shall call at your house every week until you pay this account, sir. Debtor (in the bland est of tones)—Then, sir, there seems every probability of our acquaintance ship ripening Into friendship. Ten Styles of Above. In All Desirable Colors MIDSUMMER MILLINERY. Midsummer time is near, but there is no unus ual decrease in the volume of our t rade. We are still selling millinery goods and pleasing all pur chasers with the extent and quality of the stock. Seasonable bats and millinery accessories are here in abundance and only await the inspection and orders of discriminating shoppers. Our goods are the newest and loveliest creations ot ex perts in the manufacture of fine millinery. We buy from the largest and most reliable houses of the country, and always know the quality and warth of the goods offered our customers. You cannot make a mistake by placing your millinery order here. Remember this fact. Mrs. Lela Adams Sold by All Grocers For Hot Tea ASK FOR OOLONG For Iced Tea BUY INDIA AND CEYLON For General Use BUY THE MIXED Nothing is more refreshing than a cup of iced tea; nothing more beneficial when tired than a cup of hot tea. Always the Same Please Every oue of us, whatever our spec ulative opinions, knows better than h« practices and recognises a better law than he obeys —Fronde. Klrwnr** of Purpose. Firmness of purpose is one of the most necessary siuews of character and one of the best instruments of Lot* of Chatter. "What is he playing?” “Oh. Mendelssohn's ‘Songs Without Words,' you know. For anything in music or musi-1 Fred McSwain spent last Sunday cal instruments telephone No. 196. ! in Atlanta. y _ We teel profoundly sorry for the One false friend can cause more "Hm! Well, the audience seems to child that is never allowed to make worry than a score of open ene- be doing their best to supply the defl- mud pies. Mau never fastened one end of s ebaiu around the neck of his brother „„„ UUICUlB ul that God did not fasten the other end success. Without It genius wastes Its c * eaoy ’ ~ Louden Bystander round the neck of the oppressor.—La- efforts In a mate of Inconsistencies — ^ ~ nisrtJne. Chesterfield. Tbe words of the good are like a staff raptditv after the young graduate J | in . slippery place.-HIndoo Maxim. j gets th ' e diploma> The world grows with amazing We have seen homes that we couldn t blatr. i the boy for avoid ing.