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\OL. Or,|i nnry>s0mc(;
NO. 18
The Merchants Who are Advertising in THE NEWS Say That Advertising Pays!
Hoke Smith Spoke in Newnan
Saturday and Dick Russell
Appeared Wednesday.
city. The senior Clark-Dick pen-
oil shover had a horse and buggy
TWO SPEECHES hidden out somewhere in the
neighborhood of Merck & Dent’s
shop. Richard and his companion
climbed in and the candidate Ih>-
gan his triumphal inarch to the
Virginia House. The streets were
111 ” lined with people, the vast proces-
The Hoke Smith men and the sion (composed of Dick,the editor,
Howell-Russell men of Coweta the horse and the buggy) traversed
have “rallied” in Newnan and the the streets unheralded and unsung,
two occasions contrasted furnish a The crowd viewed the moving
striking index to the political sit
uation in this county.
The Smith forces are enthusias
tic and confident; the Howell
Russell forces lack enthusiasm,
lack confidence in their candidate
and his campaign and realize that
they are waging a hopeless con
With nothing but Hoke Smith’s
speech to draw the people to New
nan. and the weather very unfa
vorable and threatening, one of
the largest crowds ever seen here
gave Smith the greatest ovation
ever tendered a gubernatorial can
didate in Newnan on last Satur
multitude with complacency. Not
an eye was wet with teal’s, not a
groan escaped the lips of breath
less thousands when the Hon.
Richard B. Bussell, accompanied
by the Hon. .lames E. Brown, had
finished that perilous journey and
safely landed inside the hotel walls.
Furthermore, not a shout or a yell
greeted the candidate on his jour
ney from the depot to the hotel.
Then the band played and the
crowd gathered in front of the ho
tel. It was a nice, well-behaved
Sunday school picnic crowd. Firey
Howell-Russell advocates spoke in
melodious undertones and nobody
dared disturb the circumambient
On Wednesday, a perfect day I summer atmosphere with the in-
from a weather standpoint, Dick tonations of a whoop.
The bund lined up, the candi
date and some of his backers fol
lowed in two carriages, the crowd
fell into line, and the march to
Mineral Spring began. Five feeble
yells were heard, from as many
overwrought supporters of Clark’s
first assistant candidate.
The funeral procession moved on
the helpless barbecue in solemn
silence, but with determination to
eat or perish in the attempt stamp
ed on the features of every grim-
visaged vwter in thcf'rowd.
Mayor Burdett presided in the
Hoke Smith meeting Saturday af
ternoon and presented Hon. W. C.
Wright, who introduced Mr.
Smith. The candidate spoke for
at 2,000 by many conservative cit- two hours; outlined his platform
i/.ens; Wednesday’s crowd at 1,000 of principles, answered the slan-
to 1,200 by both Smith and How- derous statinents of his opponents,
ell-Russell men. Weather condi- and thoroughly pleased and satisfi-
tions made it necessary for Smith ed the crowd. The ovation tender-
to speak in the Auditorium, where ed him in the Auditorium was as
only about one-half the people great as that on the streets. Only
could lie accommodated; Russell; two unpleasant incidents marred
spoke in the open air at Mineral the occasion. A couple of over-
Spring, where one-half the people joyful Smith men, one from Troup
manifested more interest in the and the other from Meriwether,
barbecue and band than in the persisted in “speakin’ out in
Russell, “other speakers” and a
barbecue only succeeded in bring
ing to town a crowd about one-
half as large as Saturday’s crowd;
and the enthusiasm was utterly
lacking and the ovation was con
spicuous because of its non-ap
Saturday’s crowd was composed
almost entirely of voters and was
a Hoke Smith crowd, not more
than ten per cent, of the voters
being opposed to Smith. Women
and children constituted fully one-
hall'of the crowd at the Ilowell-
Russell barbecue, and consider
ably more than ten per cent, of the
voters were for Hoke Smith.
Saturday’s crowd was estimated
Mrs. Edgar Meriwether Passed
Away Last Monday.
After three weeks’illness with
typhoid fever, Mi’s. Edgar Meri
wether died at her home in New
nan last Monday, aged about 47
years. The funeral was conducted
by Dr. .). W. Quillian at Emory
Chapel last Tuesday and was hu ge
ly attended by relatives and friends
of the deceased.
Mrs. Meriwether was a member
of the Methodist church for 25
years; her membership being at
the time of her death m the First
Church of this city. Mrs. Meri
wether was a woman of strong and
excellent Christian character; one
who was much respected and 1h>
loved by her relatives and friends.
She is survived by her husband,
two daughters and three sons, the
youngest child being seven years
of age.
Miss Clestelle McLeroy.
Miss Clestelle McLeroy appear
ed on the program at the Griffin
News and Sun’s correspondents’
picnic held at Mt. Zion last Satur
day. In speaking of the success
of this annual atla r, the News and
Sun threw this boquet to Miss Mc
“One of the most delightful fea
tures of the occasion followed
when Miss Clestelle McLeroy, the
beautiful young impersonator who
had come all the way from New
nan to entertain this favored as
semblage, gave two humorous
character impersonations that sim
ply swept the whole audience oil'
its feet. Miss McLeroy lives in
Newnan and had been one of the
attractions of the Chautauqua
there the first part of the week.
She 1ms appeared;at the (Jriltin op
era house once the past season,
and while comparatively a new ac
quisition to the public stage, has
become a great favorite in this sec
tion and was the toast of the day
at Mt. Zion Saturday.”
Rules Adopted by County Ex
ecutive Committee.
The Smith crowd came to hear
Smith speak; the IIowell-Russell
crowd came to attend the barbe
cue and picnic.
Mr. Smith arrived in Newnan
from Atlanta via the A . & W,
Railroad at 2 o’clock Saturday
meetin’ ” more frequently than
was necessary; and a young man,
who said his name was Smith, and
who is reported as being a resident
of the Sixth District, created some
excitement by interrupting the
P. speaker.
af- As this incident is bein
ternoon. Hundreds of enthusias- misrepresented and distorted by
tic supporters greeted him at the the opposition, the News gives the
depot. They filled the depot, the facts in the case,
platforms, the street, climed to the! The young man was seated in
tops of freight cars anil overran the rear of the Auditorium. When
the railroad tracks. They escort-, the speaker was discussing dis-
ed the candidate through the I franchisement he yelled something
streets to the Virginia House witn about Smith having helped to edu-
a display of enthusiasm which has cate negroes. Mr. Smith asked
probably never been equalled in i the questioner to stand up; he did
Newnan. j so; and the speaker stated that the
Mr. Russell arrived from At-1 young man’s statement was false,
lanta at nine o’clock Wednesday j but said he had evidently been
morning, via the A. & W. I*. Rail- reading Howell’s negro circulars
way. He was greeted at the de-j and that if he believed such false
pot by “General” Arrington and and slanderous statments and lie-
two gentlemen who were strangers lieved negroes should lie retained
in Newnan. Seeing that no howl- ' in politics and enjoy all the rights
ing mob appeared to take the can- 1 and privileges of white people, he
didate in tow, the gallant “Gen- ought to black his face and lie a
eral” moved forward and extended , negro.
the glad hand to the palpitating | ^ t Mineral Spring, Wednesday,
Richard. Then the pair of stran-j Mr. Russell was introduced by
gers ditto. Mr. Russell had just' Hon. H. A. Hill. He spoke quite
succeeding in catching his breath as long as Mr. Smith did on Satur-
long enough to ask, “Is this New- day. As the speech was being de-
nanf” when the senior editor of
Ordinary’s Court.
At a meeting of the County
Democratic Executive Committee
held August 4th, rules governing
the Democratic primary election to
beheld August 22d, were adopted
as follows:
Resolved, That a Democratic
primary election be held on Au
gust 22d, UlOli. for the purpose of
nominating Democratic candidates
for governor and other offices in
accordance with rules made by the
State Democratic Executive Com
mittee on April HOth, 1 DOG. That
said rules made by said committee
shall Ih i enforced in said election.
Resolved, That the polls shall 1h*
opened in the thirteen districts of
the county as follows:
In the First in Henoia; in the
Second at Young’s Tanyard, More
land and St. Charles; in the Third
at Corner Branch School House
and Kirby’s Store; Fourth at
Handy; Fifth at Newnan; Sixth at
Shurpsburg: Seventh at Court
Ground, Coweta; and Lewis’s
Store; Cedar Creek at Court
Ground and Madras; Runthor
Creek at Rescue and Sargent; Tu
rin at Turin; Haralson at Haral
son; Grantville at Grantville; Hur
ricane at Newman’s Store. Voters
from following named districts can
vote in Newnan:
The Second, Third, Fourth,
Seventh, Cedar Creek, Faultier
Creek and Hurricane.
Resolved, That polls will be
opened at I o’clock p. m., and
close at 5 o'clock p. m., at all vot
ing places except Newnan. Senoia
duct said election according to the
laws of this State in reference to
primary elections and according to
all rules of the State Democratic
Executive Committee and this
committee governing said election.
Resolved, That the county pa
pers be requested to publish these
rules and also the rules of the
State Democratic Committee for The citizens of Newnan havejde-
the benefit of managers and voters, cided that they do not desire a new
This August 4th, IftOfi. ! charter for the city and do not de
W. L. Stau.inus, Chair. sire that any changes be made at
At Meeting of Citizens the
New Charter Bill Voted
Down and Out.
R. A. Inuram, See
Stallings Appointed Solicitor.
Last Tuesday Governor Terrell
announced that lie had appointed
Attorney W. L. Stallings to be
Solicitor of the City Court of New
nan for four years, dating from
March 24, IffOfi; the Governor hav
ing allowed Solicitor W. G. Post
to hold over from that date until
this appointment was made.
Col, Stallings’ appointment is
received with high favor by his
friends and lie is being daily show
ered with congratulations.
Of course, Col. Rost’s friends
are disappointed because he was
not re-appointed to the solicitor-
ship, but that genial gentleman is
bearing his defeat in an extremely
philosophic and good natured man
Jury Lists.
The following jury lists
drawn and prepared by the
Commissioners while that
was in session this week:
Grand Jurors drawn foi
and Grantville. At Senoia and | regular Septum her term.
Grantville the polls will be opened Coweta Superior Court:
.1 ury
the local Clark-Dick newspaper
forced his way through the surg
ing, howling crowd, (composed of
“General” Arrington and the pair
of strangers) embraced the an ter
rified Richard, and proceeded to
escort him into the heart of the
livered for the tenth time in this
county, some people manifested
unfeeling indifference and declined
to hear it. However, a consecrated
band of ex-Howellites stood or sat
through the ordeal and furnished
the necessary applause.
In Ordinary Perdue’s court last
Monday the following business was
transacted, in addition to that
which is stated in his citations ap
pearing elsewhere in this paper:
L. M. Farmer was appointed ad
ministrator of Cornelia A. Den
nis, deceased.
\V. B. Orr, administrator on es
tate of A. \V. Hill, deceased,
granted leave to sell twenty shares
of cotton mill stock.
B. T. Thompson, guardian -of
Ruth Thompson, granted leave to
encroach on corpus of the estate.
W. H. Holloway qualified as
constable of the 1139th District,G.
M. ,
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our many
friends for the help given us dur
ing the illness of our precious boy,
Clifton Mandeville, aged fourteen
months, and for their loving sym
pathy after his death. We hum
bly and earnestly hope that God
may spare them such an experi
ence. W. H. and M. A. Burks.
this session of the Legislature in
the present charter. This decision
was manifested in a very emphatic
manner at a meeting of citizens
hold in the court house last Wed
nesduy night. Previous to this
meeting two other meetings of eiti
zons had been held to consider the
proposed changes in the city’s
charter; and it was determined
that the matter should linally be
submitted to a citizens’ meeting
and that the action of the meeting
should govern further proceedings
in the case.
The city council by a vote of six
to two approved the new charter.
Aldermen Good rum and Murphoy
opposed the passage of the new
charter bill. The mayor and coun
cil agreed that the voice of the
citizens’ meeting should be final
and that the bill should lie with
drawn from the Legislature if a
majority of citizens opposed it.
In the meeting Wednesday
night, T. E. Atkinson acted as
chairman and J. E. Brown as sec
retary. <’ity Attorney A. II.
Freeman read the provisions of
the proposed new charter. Attor
ney W. G. Wright stated his ob
jections to the bill, saying he op
posed it because it provided for
Col. George If. C’armical
Augusta this week.
afternoon, Hon. C. L. Moses, of
Turin, and Capt. Haliersham
King, of Newnan, addressed the
ciowd in behalf of Russell’s candi
In summing up the News’ con
clusions in regard to the two polit
ical meetings, this paper would
say that the Hoke Smith gathering
was a magnificent success, and that
the Howell-Russell meeting scored
a magnificent success—for a How-
Following the barbecue in the ell-Russel I gathering.
at 7:3<> o'clock a. m. and close af
<>:3<) o'clock p. m. In Newnan the
polls will be opened at 7:20 o’clock
a. m. and close at 7 o’clock ]>. m.
Resolved, That the candidates
shall furnish this committee at
their expense tickets which shall
conform to the rules of the* State
Democratic Executive Committee,
to be used in said election.
Resolved, That in view of the
fact that this committee has no
funds with which to pay managers
and clerks or for bringing in re
turns, managers and clerks are re
quested to conduct this election
without compensation.
Resolved, That the Executive
Committeeman in each district
shall procure and appoint mana
gers for said election ten days be
fore said election as provided by
the State Democratic Executive
Resolved, That the county reg
istrars be and are hereby request
ed to furnish this committee with
out compensation, a complete list
of all qualified white registered
voters in said county who shall
have registered in 11)05 or I DOG not
less than ten days before said pri
mary, said list so furnished to lie
used in said election; that no per
son whose name does not appear
on said registered list shall be per
mitted to vote in said election.
Resolved, That the returns of
said election shall Is* brought to
Newnan by a member of this com
mittee or one of the managers
the day following said election and
this committee shall meet at noon
on August 23d, 190fi, and consol
idate the vqtes cast in said election
and declare and certify the result
of said election.
Resolved, That two tally sheets
and two lists of voters shall lie
kept at each voting place and said
tally sheets, voters’ lists and all
other papers connected with the
holding of said election shall be
returned to this committee as re
quired by law on noon the day
following said election.
Resolved, That the managers in
said election shall, before the polls
are opened, take an oath to con
FS Cureton, \Y A Steed, II II unlimited corporation franchises
North, \V A Bohannon, G II Car- at the discretion of council and
mieul, lie A mail, Hr, .1 B Shell, I conferred upon council the right
Sr, LW Bowers, II G Bailey, \Y to open, close or give away streets
C Russejl, E M Y eager, E.I Bailey, at will. He stated other minor ob-
(' R Stephens, .1 \V Kirkland, M (i jections to the charter, but up-
Keith, Glenn Steed, ES Buchan- , proved of some of its provisions,
nan, \V BOrr.A Rope, C L Moses, j The crowd was almost unanimous
Bartow McDonald, D B, Lambert, : ly with Gol. Wright; and, without
W II Meriwether, J J Goodru I j further delay, voted to ask the
R Stamps, Lee Hand, S G Travis, 1 mayor and council to withdraw the
S vV Murray, Geo R Hurst, L |{| charter bill from passage at this
Rowell. j session of the Legislature.
. . .. .. Probably one hundred citizens
traverse Jurors drawn lor the 1
regular Wept, term, 11)0(1, Gowetal
Superior < 'ourt:
First week—O Z Graufprd, G W j
Kidd, S A Gallahan, A W Stubbs, i
Geo R Hod nett, G N Hurst, B Pj
(look, F J Flannery, J II Sum
mers, L. G Watkins, W R Gear
reld, R F Guttino, 'I’ .J Thurman,
Othel Morgan, W W Garmical, .1
T Harrison, W R Evans, A B
Copeland, W S Benton, Alvin
a dozen of this number appeared
to favor the new charter.
Books Catalogued by the Car
negie Library, Aug. 6.
Nights with Uncle Remus, J.
. Harris.
Thesaurus, Peter Mark Roget.
Fenwick’s Career, Mrs. Humph
Potts, C B Nixon, .1 A Hunter, J I n ’.V ^ a,,, L
H Jones, J B Goodwyn, T R Shell, I Silenced Dean Maitland, Max-
14 L Smith, R C Platt, R D Cole, I vve11 <>rey.
Jr, J R Camp, W B Baggarly, 11 t Over the Border, Robt. Barr.
B Sasser, E H Rowers, A M Nor
ris, S V Carpenter, J D Hunter, H
S. Cochran.
Second week—M R Story, R H
Ozmore, S W Woods, W L Allen,
A E Brewster, T W Cook, A I 1 ’
Sewell, C J Owens, A E Wilkin
son,.! I) Pearson, T II C’armical,
C M Davis, E N Camp,T F Brooks,
Geo II Urquhart, J I Scroggins, W
J Tarleton, .1 D Bexley, W J
Wood, D 4’ Manget, J C Cook, I J
Stephens, R A Herndon, DM Cox,
H E Taylor, G W St John, Z
Christopher, W 8 Carmichael,
Simeon Addy, J R Brown, G C
Grimes, W A Alien, W L Crow
der, W W Ingram, Geo N Sewell,
T. A- Brown.
E. Gary Summers succeeds W.
G. Arnold as general delivery-
clerk in the Newnan postoffice.
Mr. Summers is Coweta county’s
popular tax receiver and is one oi
the best known young men in the
county. He is a thorough busi
ness man and will prove a valua
ble acquisition to Mrs. Atkinson’s
force of employes.
The Battleground, Ellen Glas
gow. •
Role Baker, Will N. Harben.
Rupert of Hentzau, Anthony
The Maid of Maiden Lane,
Amelia E. Barr.
Wake Robin, Locusts and Wild
Honey, John Burroughs.
Rebecca Mary, Annie H. Don
Recollections and Letters of Gen.
Lee, R. E. Lee, Jr.
The Cast, David G. Phillip.
Reminiscences of Peace and War,
Mrs. R. A. Pryor.
The Rivers Children, Ruth Me
E. Stuart.
Seats of the Mighty, Gilbert
Tom Sawyer Abroad, Mark
Truth Dexter,
The Bow of
Amelia E. Barr.
The Packers,
Lines and the People, J. Ogden
Mas. D. B. Woodruff,
Sidney McCall.
Orange Ribbon,
the Private Car