The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 17, 1906, Image 2

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SUPPORT SCOTT'S EMULSION itrvei at a bridge to carry the weakened and (tarved lyitem along until it can find firm support In ordinary food. Send for free umplt. SCOTT * IIOWNK, Cheminta, 409-41S Street, New York. 50c. end; all druggists. After the 22nd, inst., everybody agrees with those citizens wh > op- suffering public that Hoke Smith can settle |down to business. The posed the adoption of the new and Pat Crowe are one and the approaching fall and winter give charter bill and bases its attitude same? promise of unusual business activ- Can’t the Constitution get The Newnan News Issued Every Friday. J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publlaher SUBSCRIPTION RATE. $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETAtCOUNTY. ’Phone No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLOG Watch Newnan grow! Will, they send another hurry call to Slick Dick asking him to speak in Coweta again? It is said that Mr. Fairbanks re gards the fight on the ice trust as being in the nature of a personal affront. Don’t forgot that the News wants the news. If you have a news item of any kind this paper will be pleased to print it. Three assistant candidates and myself constitute the Democratic party in Georgia. Please quit punching the party’s ribs.—Clark Howell. As the 22u(l day of August draws near, the amalgamated gubernatorial candidates see their finish looming up as large as the Allegheny mountain range. Last week’s installment of the Newnan Howell-Russell indicated very forcibly that this ancient and esteemed political wind instrument s not in harmony with itself. Clark and his assistant candi dates are hearing the “come back" call every hour during these stenu <>us days just before the battle. Hut the Constitution hasn’t noticed it. ity. Newnan will be right in the midst of this hustle and bustle and will get her share of business In all lines. Judge Frank Harwell, of La- Grange, is a candidate forjudge of the Court of Appeals. It is said he has the unanimous endorsement of the bar of Troup county and that a majority of the lawers of the Cow eta Circuit have endorsed his can didacy. on the grounds already mentioned; some nigger chicken thief to make but News is emphatically in favor affidavit that h^ belongs to a chick- Whcre are those speeches Con gressman Adamson promised to deliver in the Fourth District af ter the adjournment of Congress? , ... , . , road,parallel with this road,to con- Since coming home our genial 1 ’ of building a union depot and re grets the fact that the withdrawal of the bill will block the plans of the railroads for the erection of a union passenger station at the junction. The railroads claim the depot they desire to build—the structure Newnan people want—cannot be built unless Savannah street is closed. If this be true (and The News is not prepared to disap prove the assertion), the News fa vors closing Savannah street. The railroads claim that the street can be extended on the west side of the Atlanta and West Point rail- Congressman has doubtless decid ed that it will be unwise to take the bull by the horns this time. Last week’s Newnan Clark-Dick estimated the crowd at the barbe cue at 1,800 to 2,000 and in the next sentence quoted “a well known and reputable citizen” who “counted the people as they came on the grounds” and found that the crowd numbered exactly 2,- 460 people. Such a modest'news' paper is the Howell-Russell. Placed its estimate 460 to 660 be low the number ol people present by actual count; and then sent a dispatch to the Atlanta Constitu tion saying thal 2,000 voters heard Russell speak here. Kverybody present knows that one-half the crowd waSj' composed of women and children. The exigencies of this campaign are a terrific strain upon some of 1 closing of this’street. faithful.” After keeping if a bill! of this kind had been nect with Salbide avenue at the bridge, thus eliminating a danger ous grade crossing and making of the western end of Savannah street a thoroughfare instead of a blind alley. The News believes that an equi table adjustment ot this matter can be reached with but little in jury to property owners on Savan nah street. Therefore, The News favors the preparation and pas sage of a special bill to enable the Mayor and Council to close Sa vannah street for union passenger station purposes. This bill should recite all the details of the trans action and specify just what the railroads are to give the city in re turn for the privilege of closing this street. The News believes the railroads ought to grade the street to connect Savannah and Salbide avenue, and ought to pay all damages (if any arise) result ing to property owners from the the rm * m f ,,r more than a year, our prepared by the friends of the un Carrollton neighbors, the Times and Free Press, have found it nec essary to double-quick to the res cue of the Democratic party; and en stealing syndicate and that Hoke Smith is the president of the concern? We can but admire the modesty ot this virtuous and un spotted newspaper and approve its leniency in refusing to publish all these things; yet stern justice de mands that the dear people should know it all. The Honorable Clark Howell is in deep water, but a straw might save him. Will the Constitution neglect to hand him the straw? The corporations are throwing in all kinds of life-pre servers, including Dick Russell, Jim Smith, Estill, etc. They are getting all kinds of statements, affidavits and slanderous cartoons and Tom Watson bugaboos to help their man to land once more, but these are so spongy and absorb so much woter, they are only drag ging the poor fellow down instead of bringing him up. Poor Clark; his case seems hopeless! The self- sacrifice of some of his friends is certainly commendable, especially the three so-called candidates for governor, who are running the race for him. Fverybo ly admires the wisdom of Dr. Nunnally, who, when he as certained that his candidacy was to be in the interests of another, calmly withdrew, showing himself to be a true gentleman and an honest Democrat. The Constitu tion has encouraged every candi date who would oppose Hoke Smith, and used its most persua sive arguments with the Populists to get them to put a candidate in the field, hinting at a probability of their candidate winning. The Re publicans also have been covertly invited to enter the race. Well.all this is slick politics by the Consti ion depot movement, The News tution and used to gain time in the believes a decisive majority of our confusion produced but the peo- citizens would have approved it pie have caught on and refuse to be confused. The last defense has been reach- • and it could have been passed at last week they opened up against , this session of the Legislature. As Hoke Smith. Ihese illuminating the matter stands now, no bill can | ed; the other defenses have failed; defamation of character is the only hope; material for slander and sentences from last weeks I* ree he passed before next summer. Press will serve as a fair sample of POTTS AND PARKS Dry Goods, Dress Goods, No tions, Midsummer Specials. I Tmhrf»11dC " e now have the greatest value in la- 1 dies’ umbrellas to lx* found in any market. Good frames, nice covers, pretty handles. Gome and see this arrortment at 1.00, 1.75, 2.00 and 2.50 each. Hand Bags Ribbons t Leather or canvas at 25c to 1.00. hand hags going All kinds, shades and grades of ribbons from No. 1 for headings to 8-incli sash widths, priced from lc to 75c per yard. Special new lot Swiss edges and insertings for white dresses, also extra value wide cambric edge for corset covers at 25c yard. Embroideries extra value wide cambric e< White Lawns Little Joe Hrown serves the railroads well. These corporations ought to add some valuable per quisites to the sum Little Joe However, The News favors this that paper s scathing arraignment I as the most equitable plan for ad-liaise affidavits are always avail of the hold, had candidate who is bent on wrecking the Democratic such a hill at the next session of the Legislature. Newnan must have a union pas senger station. Hoth the people r —- == - of Newnan and the railroads recog IS THE UNION DEPOT LOST? Inize this fact, We should face the proposition in a spirit of can- India lawns, 5c to 18c, extra values; Persian lawns, 10c to 25c, .82 to 45 inches wide; French lawns, 40 inches wide, 20c to 40c per yard; Wash Chiffons, 48 inches wide, 25c to 50c per yard. I " e llia k ft closer prices on laces and carry the largest assortments in Newnan. See our table containing 2,000 yards vals at 5c per yard. We also show more laces of all kinds than you find at any other store in this city. French vals, round-thread vals, Point de Paris, Normandy, Platt vals and oriental or nettop laces. In heav ier laces we show linen torchon and Smyrna laces, German and English torchons. Colored Lawns and Organdies New shipment opened today. Beautiful patterns, shades and qualities, and prices always right. WE SELL Gold Medal black goods, Krippendorf Ditt- mann Shoes, American Lady Corsets, Butter- ick patterns. POTTS €s PARKS l Phone 109 Bay Street Newnan, Ga. a patty: “Where and when did Mr. Smith ever claim that he was run ning as a Democrat? Not whore, nor at any time.” justing this matter and stands able to the unprincipled, and un- Atlanta & West Point Bailroad Co. | ready to advocate the passage of principled men have no qualms of conscience in using them. If the affiants are afterward convicted of any- ly it is good politics to hatch up a few suits for damages and mal practice against a candidate just a The Atlanta and West Point < * or an< * fairness, and no needless little too late to be possed on by draw# from the State as his salary alul Central Railroads claim they in the office of Railroad Cornmis-! cannot erect a union passenger sioner. station at the railroad junction in Newnan unless they are allowed to j close Savannah street at the point where it crosses the Atlanta and West Point; and one of the main obstructions should be placed in the way of the consummation of our hopes and plans, by short- the courts betore the election. Just such a case defeated a can didate for governor in Alabama sighted or over-zealous citizens of once, although it was’afterward this city. Let us meet the railroads at least half way in this matter, and proven to be a concocted scheme ot the politicians and dismissed from court, but the damage was The News’ advertising patrons are pleased and satisfied with the results they secure from advertis j . contomp ] ate( | j n revising demonstrate that Newnan is will-1 done and the people defrauded ing in this paper. That 8 the “""h 8 euim.iiqji.ucu m revising r r nossihle argument n. I this city's charter was to confer I ! n e to make vaiualde concessions! Can the railroad monopoly upon the Mayor and Council pow er to close this street at that point. The mistake of the friends of the new charter bill (as The News strongest possible argument as to the value of advertising space in the News. and Mr. Business Man of Newnan, j understands the provisions of the please remember that an advertise ment planted in the columns of the News will help you to produce a large crop of fall business. The time is short. Better contract for space now in order to secure the union senger station. pas- measure) consisted in making its provisions too sweeping and powers conferred by it upon Mayor and Council too large, majority of our people, looking to the future, were unwilling to have unlimited power over the city’s “What is a Hart” asks an ex change. The Atlanta Constitution may In* pointed out as a horrible the example and the questioner can the form his own conclusions and A readily answer his own question. •Don’t After next Wednesday, the cam- „ , , , paign slogan of the ring “Let well After August 22nd the Macon streets and other matters, and the h ttlon „ will 1)0 , h d t0 I elegraph will have ample time power to grant unlimited fran- somt ,thing iik 0 this . for cooling off but it is hardly to chises, bestowed upon the Mtyor | inonkf! , y with the buzzsaw. be expected that the Telegraph and Council. Their attitude was will ever be able to see very clear- not the result of lack of confidence ly that it has been playing the fool in our present Mayor and Coun in this campaign. cil and distrust of this excelltnt - - - =- and able body of citizens,but arose from a wise determination to go The opposition newspapers are unanimously of the opinion that s ' ow ' n conferring unlimited pow- Hoke Smith “sees defeat ahead." The News concurs in this opinion. Hoke Smith "sees deteat ahead” for Clark Howell and his tlnee as sistant candidates, The political columns of Weakly Clark-Dick of last week indicated very clearly that the blue ribbon flip-fiopper of Georgia journalism is seeking a soft spot on which to land. No matter where the Clark- Dick lands it is bound to make a hole in the earth, because it is go ing to come down hard. ers upon an elective body, that changes one-half its membership annually. While citizens of the city might be willing to trust these powers in the keeping of our present Mayor and Council, they have no guarantee for the future as to the character of men who may be elected to fill these posi tions and rightly judged that it would be unwise to remove con- Be a 1)008ter and boost Newnan. Ragtime Politics. Just now the fearful crimes of a certain gubernatorial aspirant are stirring the righteous (?) indigna tion of the immaculate Atlanta Constitution. other soulless corporations deceive the people of Georgia in this en lightened age by these cunning tricks and malicious defamations through that prince of duplicity, the Atlanta Constitution? Voter. Newnan, Ga. Costly and Useless Education. Negro The Western Railway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East. South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. RKAT) DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APR. 23, 1905. READ UP No 40 No H4 No H0 No 38 Leave Arrive No lift 8 lflp 4 12p No 37 7 15a 2 55a No 07 No 88 S 15pj 13 80a 0 26ft 1 2ft p 8 lfip 12 40ft Lv Now Orleans.. Ar Lv Mobile Ar 11 lfta 7 37a "J? — 12 15p 11 oftp Lv Pensacola Ar 4 (Kip ft (Kin ft 00ft | 4 (Kip ft (Kla Lv Selma Ar 11 HOp 10 35r « 20 p 5 23p 5 01 p 4 27p 0 ’ftitj 1 Hop 10 05a 2 27p 10 80ft 2 top ! amp « Hop z *p s p.p P25p rt fiftji *7 will Lv Montgomery Ar Ar Ml Mead \r 10 55a lo OT.a l* 20p 8 20p 7 4«p 8 17a Ar Auburn at 0 10a 12 Hftp 12 8ftp ]'J83p Ar Columbus.... Ar « 2fip 11 '.’511 le no p 3 45p 4 HOp ’ S ^>P U 02 P 8 H7ft 0 12 ft Ar Opelika Ar Ar.-w West Point ...Ar *8 H7ft 7 ftftit 7 34p (168p 1 45p 1 10a ■I 16p asop ...... 12 57p 2 Oflp - ^-p 3 (Kip 8 20 p 4 ft.p « 20p fl 38 p 7 Oftp 7 80p — P Slip JO 37p ii'asp 0 H7ft 10 Hftn i i 4(»a Ar La Grange Ar Ar Newnan — Ar Ar Fnlrbnrn— Ar Ar East Point .'...Ar Ar Atlanta Lv 7 80a rt 84 a fl 04 ft ’ft mill fl 28p ft 2tfp *4 20p 12 51a 12 11a iiTs'p 3 05p 2 OOp 1 28p 1 05p 12 4fin 11 45a 10 52a 13 54i. 0 HOp 11 17p 2 3ft p fl 42h 7 A2n 10 lift Ar... Washington Lv Ar Baltimore Lv Ar Philadelphia..-. Lv 11 15a a 12a 8 35a 12 10a lOlfip 0 lftp :::::: 1 lOp 3 01 p 0 3p| 5 43a 1 (alp Ar New York Lv 4 2fij. Mexico, California. AtChehaw Returniuif It appears that a Chicago audi- ence, a few evenings ago, was sen sationally surprised to learn from a reliable speaker that “since the war the South has spent for negro education more than five times as much as it has expended in pen- •Meala Above trains dally. Connections at New Orleans for Texas for Tuskegee, Mllatcad for Tallahassee. LaGrango accommodation leaves Atlanta daily, except Sunday at 5:80 p. leaves LaGrange at 5:60 a. m. arrives Atlanta «:lfi ii. m. Trains 85 and 38 Pullman sleepers New York and New Orleans. Through coaches Washing- on Bml New Orleans. 15 Trains 87 and 88 Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, compartment ears, obset-vation and dining ears. Complete service New York and New Orleans. Train 97 United .States fast mail. Through day e inches Atlanta and New Orleans. \> rite for mans, schedules and informaliou. F. M. THOMPSON, j. p. BILLUPS. T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. G. P. A., Atlanta Ga. CHAS. A. WICKKKSHAM, Pres, and Gen. Mgr.. Atlanta, Ga ients of tftis unprecedented gener osity. On the contrary the ne groes can yet find no terms too sions for the Confederate soldiers, ^ ars ^ an< ^ denunciatory to satisfy widows and orphans," their resentful temper toward the the capacities and needs ot the ne gro in the first century of his race. And the time is rapidly approach ing when the Southern white peo ple will realize that fact in all its demonstrations and refuse to longer tax themselves to furnish useless education to the race that now making appropriation laws in this negro educational question, does not need it and will not use it our State Legislature who will be Slowly and surely the statistics when they get it to their own good .rre accumulating that will silence or the profit of the State.—Atlan- We are prepared to say that - Southern people, there are are thousands of persons Some day Southern Legislatures here in Georgia and some of them w '8 come to their senses about What lofty patriotism! What in- as much surprised at that state ment as were the Chicago folks who heard it for the first time. The liberality ot the Southern tense spasms of honesty, and, O, what disinterested truthfulness! Hoke Smit h’s friends are in a fe ver of dread lest the modest, people in providing education for truthful Constitution should tell t he dependent negro race has not the whole thing. It is a matter of been paraded in the history of any trol of certain matters from the surprise that it has not told of nation on the globe. Yet for it all the pro-negro philanthropists of ta News, both the South and North to 1 - awaken the people who have the negro problem fo deal with at first hand to the fact that all the mon ey we have spent in present meth ods of negro education has been hands of the people and that control in the hands Mayor and Council. In this instance The center Hoke's part in the assassination of ; the South has received but scant j more than wasted, of the Lincoln and his connection with credit from the North and scarce- The education adapted to the the Jesse James gang, Why does ly any evidence of gratitude from Caucasion of-the twentieth cen- News | not the Constitution tel) the long- j negroes, who have been the recip-1 tury is far and away ahead ot both Do You Sufferfrom Kidney Trouble? We guarantee one bottle of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure to benefit or e.nre, or your druggist will refund your money. Price 50 cents at Holt & Cates'. Life is not measured by length of days. Methuselah lived nearly a thousand years, but he accom plished very little.