The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 07, 1906, Image 1

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"T *i«bc>*p.«i<.w . "ZZZ,;,*»,.■ wWXfttfftiM WL’WL THE NEWNAN NEWS. VOL. VII. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1906. NO. 22 Let’s A o*'!5Vull for Greater Newnan, and Make it a Great and Grand Old Town! COUNTY TAX RATE IS HIGHER Commissioners Levy $9.50 Ptr $1,000 Worth of Property in Coweta County. At the meeting of ('ount§j Com missioners held last Saturday the tax rate for this year was fixed at 1 cashier during his absence. ley, of Lone Onk also preached an in teresting sermon at the Methodist church in the afternoon. Hon. W. A. Post, superintendent of the Sabbath school, attended the Sunday school rally held at Trinity church, Atlanta, this week, under the auspices of the North Georgia Conference. Jethro .Tones and wife, of Whites- burg, and Dr. Owensbv, of Baltimore, Md., are guests of Mrs. Colley Leigh. F. T. Meacham is visiting his parents at St. Marks. E. O. Smith is acting as HOKE SMITH AND HARMONY IN THE STATE CONVENTION ${•.50 on each $1,000 worth of property. This is $2 higher than the rate named last year; the ad ditional $2 being levied under the new law which provides for a tax levy for road purposes. The tax levied for other purposes is the same as last year,—$7.50 per $1,- 900,—the additional $2 being for froad purposes. The State tax rate this year *is ten cents lower than last year, the 1 levy being $ per $1,000. State and county tax in Coweta will, therefore, amount to $14.30 per $1,000 this year. The Commissioners re-elected Mrs. M. G. Hodges, of Hogansville, spent the day Tnosday with Mrs. John T. White. Misses Dixon, of Atlanta, Benetta Orr, of Newnan, and Mary Beth Word, of Hogansville, are guests of Miss Es telle Zellars. Miss Mary Lizzie Pnrks has returned home from a visit to relatives at Mo- lena. Misses Lucile Arnold and Celeste Dun bar spent Monday in Newnan. Miss Ada Bryan, of Atlanta, a grand daughter of Mary E. Bryan, authoress, is the guest of Miss Mary Glower. Robert Owen, of Cusseta, spent a few days last week with his brother, Delmar Owen. Mrs. Will Ward and children return ed Friday to Atlanta, after spending the , summer at the home of Mrs. Ward’s AY. Li. Cruce as Superintendent of fatlier> 0 apt. T. E. Zellars. the county farm for the year 1 !•<•",! Mrs. VV. A. Post wiis oalled to the and appointed Commissioner G. A. j bedside of her son, Col. W. G. Post, of of one to Newnan, Tuesday. She returned home today, accompanied by her two little grnndsons, Glenn nnd Dan Post. Acting upon the suggestion of the j Mr8> w . P . Sowell, of Lone Oak, is nt Jury Commissioners, new jury Mrs. R. I. Sewell’s today. Boynton a committee oi one have general oversight of the farm. boxes will be purchased to* take Boozer Payne spent Sunday with his the place of the ones now in use. i i jarent8 iu Hogansville. ,, , . .. | Thomas Sims, of Mississippi, visited On Sept. 17 the Hoard will visit the line of the wav. which his uncle, N. O. Banks, a few days ngo. A., B. & A. Hail- Oapt. W. J. Fuller and wife silent is being graded i Sunday in Lutherville. through Haralson and Senoia, to confer with the railroad engineers about bridges, crossings, etc. An Immense Crowd and Many Departures from Es tablished Party Customs Failed to Disturb the Peace of the Occasion. The State convention of Geor gia Democracy was held in the au ditorium in Macon last Tuesday and was called to order at 12 o’clock by M. J. A'oumans, retir ing chairman of the State Execu tive Committee. T. AY. Hardwick, congressman from the Tenth dis trict. was unanimously elected temporary chairman of the con vention. In accepting the honor Mr. Hardwick delivered a stirring speech which caught the crowd and was heartily applauded. II. H. Cabaniss, of Atlanta, and E. L. fleer. The convention got out of its tangle by tabling all of the pro posed amendments, leaving the disposition of this subject to the plan provided for in the platform. The nomination of a candidate for governor came next in order. James L. Anderson, of Kulton, presented the name of Hon. Hoke Smith. Walter J. Grace, of Ma con, mounted the stage and sec onded the nomination of Mr. Smith. Mr. Berner also seconded the nomination of Mr. Smith. He moved that Mr. Smith be nomi- mcll, of Whitfield; Charles Putter- son, of Bartow; J. Z. Foster, of Cobb; Felix Corput, of Floyd. Eighth District — Frank Shackel ford, of Clark; Dr. A. S. J. Sto vall, of Elbert; L. J. McConnell, of Franklin; IT. IT. Fitzpatrick, of Morgan. Ninth District—J. II. Bagwell, of Gwinnett; Howard Thompson, of Hall; J. S. Adams, of Haber sham; II. C. Carithers, of Jackson. Tenth District—Bowdroe I’hin- izy, of Richmond; James Kendrick, of Taliaferro, AY. H. Harwell, of Hancock; II. A. Williams, of Glas cock . Eleventh District- W.II.Grifiln, of Lowndes; F. Q. Stubbs, of Lau rens; Warren Lott, of Ware; A. B. Cook, of Irwin. OFFICIAL VOTE GIVEN AT LAST Younvans’ Figures Settle the Landslide Vote for All Time. Fourth District at Convention Martin, of Macon, were elected ; nated by acclamation. ’File motion temporary secretaries of the con-i made by Mr. Berner to nominate vention and their election was af-! Mr. Smith by acclamation was terward made permanent. E. L. placed before the convention and Martin nominated Judge A. L. j adopted amid applause. Miller, of Macon, for permanent The nominee was escorted to the chairman. Judge Miller’s election stand by a committee and intro- was made unanimously. In his! dueed by Chairman Miller us the At the Churches. At the Presbyterian Church of Turin next Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Rev. C. O’N. Martin- dale will .preach. Everybody cor dially invited to these services. At the First Methodist Church Sunday at 11 o’clock, Rev. How-j week. Misses Marie Sewell and Minnie White, of Lone Oak, were guests otu dev lust week of Miss Gladys White. Mrs. W. P. Bryant, of Newnan, is nt the home of her son, L. P. Bryant. John T. White was in Newnan Mon day. Mrs. Gaby White, of West Point, is visiting relatives here. Misses Etta nnd Fannie Sims, of Ho- gansville, are guests of Miss Willie Je ter. She will return home with them Thursday for a few days. Miss Jennie Spence, of Lone Oak vis ited Miss Willie May Lambert last ai d Crumley, agent of the Orphan Home, at Decatur, will preach. In the evening at '7:30 o’clock, Dr. Quiljian will preach. Evening prgyer and sermon next Sunday afternoon at 4:30 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, conduct ed by the Rev. AY. J. Moody. Ser vices will be held at St. Paul’s every Sunday through the current month, and the church expects to have a resident rector in charge by October 1. The public is cordially Miss Hyacinth Cook, of Madras, is at the home of her aunt, Mrs. D.Y.Bryant. Mosdames J. B. Broadwater and Charles Davis were in Newnan with rel atives Saturday and Sunday. The Misses Dnuoan, of Whitesburg, are guests of Misses Bessie and Corinne Holloway. Mrs. Dora Park, of Newnan, nnd Ed die Hayes and wife, of Morelund, visit ed Mrs. “Dock” Robertson this week. < Walter Meacham, of Hogansville, spent tlie day last week in Grantville. Capt. W. P. White is home from a visit to relatives at St. Marks. Lindsey Whitehead hns returned speech of acceptance Judge Miller next governor of < ieorgia. delivered some strong opinions in Mr. Smith addressed the con- a very forceful manner. His re- vention and during the delivery of marks were approved by the con-1 his speech accepting the noiuinu- vention, as indicated by frequent lion was generously applauded, outbursts of applause. Briefly As soon as order could be re stated, his speech may be summar- stored after Mr. Smith had left the ized as follows: stand, Chairman Miller announced He said the primary just held | that the next business of the eon- was the most remarkable that has vention would be the nomination ever occurred in Georgia; that j of a candidate for railroad com- this primary had settled several lnissioner. things of importance to the people: J. E. Mercer, of Irwin placed in of Georgia. | nomination the name of H. G. Me- “AVe said by that primary that London, of the county of Thomas, the railroads shall never again con-1 A delegate placed the name of trol elections in this State. Hon. Hope Brown, of Pulaski, in “\Ye said that the gang of lob-! nomination for that office, byists that have camped in the Mr. Brown declined to stand for State Capitol lor years shall be the office and Mr. McLendon was driven out of that building and nominated by acclamation, kept out of it. I ■ 1 1 “We said by that primary that j State Executive Committee, we intend to govern the black man — as we deem fit, and that he shall! The next State Democratic Com- never govern us. 'file North and mittee will be composed of eleven West can allow the nigger to gov- members from the State at largi invited to attend all services. | homo, after several weeks spent, at i Turin and other places. Miss Estelle Zellars spent a few days I last week with Miss Marybeth Word of ”” Hogausville. Coweta Superior Court was call-I Mrs. Colley Leigh will give a nins- Superior Court. ern them, but we of the South will I to be appointed by Chairman A. not allow this thing to be done. L. Miller, and of four members “The primary just held has from each congressional district, brought all the white people of the named by the convention. Tempo- State into one party. There will vary Chairman T. W. Hardwick, be no more a Populist party. The of the convention, refused to ac- Populists have come back into the Cept the position of vice chairman Democratic party, and they are of the committee, and recommend-j ors in Macon here to stay. ed Hooper Alexander, of DeKali)," The Fourth District delegation was much in evidence at the Ma con convention and shared the honors of the occasion with the leading delegations in the conven tion. The resolution adopted in the Fourth district caucus, endors ing James R. Gray as Georgia’s member of the National Democrat ic Executive Committee, made a great hit in the convention and raised a storm of applause for the brilliant Atlanta editor. Judge F. M. Longley, of La- Grange, acted us chairman of the meeting of Fourth district dele gates and Frank Garrard, of Co lumbus, was elected secretary. Fuller E. Callaway, of LaG range was endorsed for the position of member from the State ill large of the Executive Committee. The four members of the committee elected for the district are named elsewhere in this week’s News. J. J. Slade, of Columbus, represent ed the district on the platform committee of the convention and Judge J. II. Martin, of Columbus, was a member of the committee to notify Mr. Smith of his nomina tion. E. II. McMichael, of Mari on county, wastiie Fourth's mem ber of the committee bn creden tials. Coweta county was represented in the convention by \Y. C. AVright, L. A. Perdue, T. M. Zel lars, J. T. Kirby, J. II. Wynn, J. A. McKnight, J. T. Fain and It. M. Ware. Judge A. D. Krccmun, J. W. Taylor, J. P. Shackleford, J.C. Beavers and other citizens of the county were among the visit AYhen Hon. M. J. Tollmans’ of ficial llgures were announced in the Macon convention last Tues day, it was noted that they differ ed considerably from the figures previously announced as the result of the balloting on August 22nd. This was especially true of the vote east for the candidates for govern or. The official count gives Hoke. Smith about 10,000 more votes than were at 11 rst recorded for him, and shows that a total of 184,273 votes were east for the live aspir ants for gubernatorial honors. Mr. Youmun’s figures are as fol lows: J. H. Estill - - - - 22,058 Clark Howell - - - - 23,000 R. B. Russell - - - - 25,200 Hoke Smith .... 104,700 James M. Smith • ■ - 8,223 For Comptroller General, V. T. Sanford received 23,330 votes and William A. \Yright received 120, 41.2 votes. Sanford did not carry a county. For State School Commissioner, Mark Johnston received 57,J>01 votes and NY. B. Merritt received 103,858 votes. Johnston carried sixteen or eighteen counties by small majorities. The largest vote polled for any candidate without opposition went to T. G. Hudson, Commissioner of Agriculture, who received 171,337 votes. Dodson. ed to order at 10 o’clock Monday I querade Thursday evening compliment- morning by Judge R.W. Freeman.; C0U8iu - Dr ’ Owonby ’ of Mlt ‘ Business has been slack this weekj iy ,J“/ a B 0ottOD entertained the and the court transacted no busi- Parsonage Society last Wednesday af- ness on Tuesday and Thursday. I'ternoon. Cakes and ices were served. Court will be in session next week, j Mrs. Miles Pickrell, of Carrollton, and The grand jury organized by | electing Col. George H. Carmical as foreman and H. H. North and AY. A. Bohannon as clerks. The! jury is putting in full time and ex- i pects to be able to adjourn Satur day at noon Miss Jennie Lodon, of Atlanta, are at Mrs. W. F. Smith’s. A bright little son has arrived at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Letsons. Another fine boy is an inmate at the home of J. 8. Brascli and wifes. Three match games of tennis have been played recently between Graut- ville and Hogansville. Grantville hns Bailiffs H. J. Pittman, AN . M. been victor each time. The first game Phillips, .1. H. Bailey and NY. E. played last Wednesday was i to 1 in fa AVidener are serving the court this vor of Grantville; the other two Grant. , ville gained every set. The contestants " ee ' were Miss Leta Matthews and Hubert j Mobley, Hogausville; Miss Minnie Au- Grantville. drews and Robert Bugg,» Grantville. The Grantville Public School opened Misses Lucile Banks, Tommie White. Monday with a large attendance, but Mamie Banks; Messrs. Robert Bugg, nothing like it should have been. Ev.! Bobo Banks, Edwin Banks, Will Post erv boy and girl between the ages of (i Raymond and Cecil White, Donald and 16, should be in school. You have . Banks and George Pierce Clower went shown bv your vote you wanted a puli- “NYe are glad to have the Pop- who was unanimously chosen, ulists back in the Democratic! Judge Miller did not name the party; we welcome them and ask eleven members from the State at them to come in at the front door.’' large, but stated that he would do Following Judge Miller’s speech so within the next few days, the convention proceeded to get; Following are the members of down to business. Committees the State Executive Committee'as were appointed, resolutions read, i named by the convention upon and the routine business of a con- recommendation of the various vention was transacted. At 2 congressional districts: o’clock a recess of thirty minutes was taken and when the conven tion reassembled and while the report of the platform committee was being awaited, Seaborn Wright, It. L. Berner and Reuben First District—E. K. Overstreet, of Screven; C. A. Attaway, of Jenkins; (J. N. Thompson, of Emanuel; Henry Green, of Chat ham. Second District—C. A. Alford, Meeting cf U. D. C. Arnold entertained the convention of NYorth; It. L. Shipp,of Colquitt; with short speeches. C. J. Davis, of Calhoun; J. D. The committee on platform and Stanford, of Randolph, resolutions then reported by Third District—I). B. Pounds, Chairman James It. Gray the; of Crisp; It. L. Greer, of Macon; result of its deliberations. This re- It. L. Maynard, of Sumter; T. A. to Hogansville Monday, where they lie school, and why not patronize it? witnessed Grantville’s victory over Ho- The only charge for resident children is gansville in tennis playing, for books and 50 cents for incidentals. | Clifford England has accepted a place The pastor of the Methodist church ■« Pullman conductor on a car running being absent iu Virginia, his place was from Atlanta to Macon. We will re- supplied Sunday morning by his oon.ifet to lose him and his family as rest Robert Bugg, and Sunday evening by de "| s °“ r towu ‘ n a t nab- twl of i The Colley warehouse will be run Owen Ponder, of Lone Oak. Both of ; ^ faU by & ou s E Lei(?h and R j these young students of Emory acquitted i g ewe n_ They have engaged the services themselves creditably and no doubt will j 0 f j. W. Sewell, of Lone Oak as make fine ministers. Rev. Sam What-1 weigher. port precipitated the only sern-1 Collins, of Schley, blance of a contest in the entire | Fourth District—A. A. Carson, convention. The resolution de- of Muscogee; Hid Holderness, of fering action with reference to Carrol); AY. H. Howell, of Meri- nominations for places in the court wether; J. A. McGee, of Talbot, of appeals created some <1 is- j Fifth District—C. H. Mason, of mission. Several delegates had DeKalb; D. NY. Wheaton, of Rock- their ideas of how the judges of dale; A. C. Blalock, of Clayton; D. this court should be nominated and j B. Bullard, of Campbell, elected, and at times a dozen or Sixth District—J. F. Hall, of more delegates were on their feet, Henry; D. AV. Hollinshead, of some of them trying to speak and Baldwin; T. L. Patterson,of Spald others making an effort to secure The regular meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy will lie held Tuesday, Sept. 11th, at 1 p. in. in the assembly room at the Library. Those who have not paid their dues, will please bring or send them, as this is the month for pay ing both United and State tax. Those holding application papers are requested to have them filled out and signed as soon as possible and given to the Registrar. The Chapter will follow the of ficial program prenared by the Committee. Ambrose Powell Hill, born in Culpepper county, N'a., 1825; killed at Petersburg, Va., 18fi5. Questions will be asked on the above name. All members are urged to attend. Mrs.Thos. J. Jones, Pres. Mins Annin Newton, who spent last week with relatives near Carrollton, re turned home Sunday. Miss Rubio Jones went to Newnan Monday to enter school. I). R. Sewell is on the sick list. M. S, Thurman and O. If, Hays, of Madras, visited the former’s parents Sunday. Grady Sewell is attending school in Newnan. Miss Dean Sanders gave on entertain ment last Saturday night in honor of her visitor, Miss Janie Collins, from Sontli Georgia. Miss Maud Warron, of Sargent, went to Locust Grove lust Monday to attend school. John Kersey, of Newnan, came out Sunday to* see his grandmother, Mrs. Clem Kersey. At this writing she is no 1 letter. Members of Liberty church will meet next Saturday to clean off the cemetery. I Ini 1 morning last week when Charlie King went to feed Ills mules, lie discov ered thut some Imy iu the horn loft was on lire, hut the fire was extinguished be fore any serious damage resulted. Sinoe Mrs. Fannie Hyde was hurt iu a runaway accident about a month ago she lias taken the fever. Prof. O. R. Sowell closed his school last, Friday. The school served an ice cream supper Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. m. Sewell. Mrs. Walter Carmioal, of Rosooo, was operated upon in Atlanta lust Monday. She is doing as well as could poctod. he Meeting Postponed. the attention of the presiding of- ing; Sam Rutherford, of Monroe. Seventh District—Paul Trath- On last Thursday afternoon the beautiful lawn of Mrs. J. T. Kirby was a most lovely picture, the oc casion being a party given by Mrs. NYade Deni to her two lovely young daughters, Florence and Bessie. Quite a number of their iriends were invited and after en joying all the games so suited to their ages, they were served with delicious cream and cake. The meeting called for the pur pose of organizing a camp of Hons of Veterans in Goweta county was postponed from last Monday morn ing until the first Tuesday in Octo ber, at which time the meeting will be held at ten o’clock a. m. in the court room at the court house. A large number of sons of veter ans have already signified their in tention of joining the organization, and there are many others who will do so at the meeting on the first Tuesday in October. Persons desiring to unite in this movement and join the camp of Sons are re quested to give their names to Mr. C. J. Owens, or register them at the News office. wwwiwttii > \uminuwxit 81 ilWBWllmiWl i