The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 07, 1906, Image 4

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The Newnan News Issued Every Friday. J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE. $1 00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. ’Phone No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLOB A ml Sept. I Hi whs Smith <la> in Mhcoii. Good morning, Mr. Oyster! Glad you R here. Kvery!>ody but Coweta count> wants that agricultural and in dustrial school proposed for the Fourth Congressional District. II Coweta wants it she has not said so. Thomson, Georgia, is to have another bank. It is believed that the gentlemen who managed Jim Smith's campaign in McDuffie county will he among the first de positors. There arc twenty three dispen sillies in Georgia, and the Albany Herald suggests that the temper anee people adopt as their motto this sentence: ••Twenty-three lor the Tanks.” Possibly anthracnosc is the ap pendicitis of the vegetable world. It is after King Cotton.—Colum bus Knquirer Sun. It sounds like the proboscis of something or other. President Roosevelt favors pho netic spelling—the American pco pie do not. Roosevelt will find the people are lugger than the Presi dent when it comes to dealing with the spelling question. Over in Alabama Candidate Comer came up smiling with HI counties,while < ’andidate < ’milling ham secured only 5 counties. It is evident that Coiner thoroughly Hoke Smithed his opponent. It remained for the Macon News to designate Ralph Smith and Fred Lewis as the “common carriers” of the late gubernatorial campaign. At this distance, it appears that trattle was light with Fred and that his main business was hauling “empties.” Prof, It. H. Cousins, who was Imrii in Fayetteville, Ga.. in ISHI has Ikh'ii renominated without op position for the office of State Su perintendent of Public Instruction in Texas. Prof. Cousins was elect ed to this position in IU04 and has filled the ottiee to the entire satis faction of the people of Texas. In last Sunday’s Griffin News and Sun the Newnan News’ edi torial,The Passing of the Po iulists, was reproduced and credited to the LaGrange Graphic. The News and Sun is welcome to anything found In the columns ot this pa per, but we are sure the LaGrangc Graphic does not need the glory to be acquired by appearing in pub lic as the author of the Newnan News’ editorials. S. A, Brown worshiped at The Rock, in Fayette county, Inst Saturday and Sunday. XV. C. Moore ntid family, from nciir Newnan, attended divine service here last Sunday. q>. I.iuidi-nm, of Fayette county and daughter, .Mrs. Charlie Culpepper, of Lone Oak. passed through la-re last Monday en route to Coweta Station. Miss Lizzie I’nrrott returned home las' Sunday from near Moreland, after a few days s|H-nt with relatives and at tended a family reunion and barbecue at that place. qiuite a number of our young people s|H-nt last Sunday afternoon most pleas antly at the home of ,T. C. l>*wis and wife. A. J. Halley and A. F. Parrott were in Palmetto Inst Monday. Mrs. Talbot, of Lone Oak, is the guest of friends here this week. James Brown, of Palmetto, visited his sister, Mrs. C. C. Game), last Monday. One of the most enjoyable occasions of the season wns a barbecue given by Lu ther Todd nt his pretty country home near McCollum last Thursday compli mentary to ins friends. After a delicious dinner wns served, the afternoon was s|tent in merry conversation and splen did music, furnished by different ones of the party. Those present: Isano Smith ami wife, Mesdnines John Hammock, Anna Cantrell, Pearl Pitts; Homer Hammett and wife; Clarence Smith, M. I). Thurmond, R. L. Smith; Misses Rosa Lee and Clara Hammock, Carrie Hell and Habra Hammett. Onolii, Ji nnie and Lmiella Smith, Minnie Lee and I.u oyle Thurmond, Willie 1). T'dd; Messrs. Will Hammett, Charlie Smith, Luther Todd, Willie and Frank Smith. F. id. Parrott and wife and Misses \nna and Kvn i’nrrott returned home last Tuesday, after several days spent with relatives in Donglas county. Rev. O. J. Short tilled his regular np- pmnliueiit at Itnck Spring last Saturday and Sunday, delivering excellent ser mons. On Sunday the church met in eonferouoo and elected delegates to the association, ns follows; M. 1). Thur mond, T. II. Harper; alternate, O. C. (lamel. Brother Short was nnaniinnus- lv re-elected pastor for the ensuing year of 11X17 and has accepted. ter Pike, last Sunday. Jimmie Smith came up from Grant- ville and spent last Sunday with rela tives. Fred Reese and wife, from Moreland, spent Inst Sunday with the latter’s mo ther, Mrs. Taylor Pye. Bob Attawny, from Hognnsville, spent- last Sunday with the family of Hiram Mobley. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Motes were the happy recipients of a little girl last Thursday. Misses Bertie and Dorie Lovern. from Banning, are spending a few days with their brothers, T. R. and E. B. Lovern. Mrs. Andrew Chandler visited rela tives in Grantville last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lizzie Weir came up from Ho gnnsville and spent Inst Sunday with her cousins, Misses Alice and Matilda Mobley. H. D. Daniel, from LaGrange, spent last Sunday here. Miss Jennie Bowen returned from Griffin last week and took charge of her kindergarten class Monday morning. Rev. F G. Hughes filled the pulpit nt Lovejoy Memorial last Sunday and had an attentive congregation. Rev. H. S. Reese preached nt the Ctmpel last Sunday evening. We were glad to have him with us and hope he will come lignin. Tom Abnan midwife, from Orant- vllle, spent Inst Sunday with the for mer’s mother. Miss Ima MoGeliee is on the sick list this week. Miss Lorenn Cooper, from Hogans- villi*, spent last Saturday nnd Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Almon. Next Sunday is Bro. Layton’s regular appointment to preach at the (’Impel. Mrs. Treadnwayand Miss Mary Fox Cnmp opened up their school last Mon day morning with a good attendance. We hope to have the best school this term that we’ve ever bad. Miss Mary Alman is on the sick list week. WhitesburR. Rock Spring. Oscar and James Hnri>or made a bus- iiitss trip to Newnan last Thursday. Mrs. Mollie la>wis is visiting relatives near Newnan this week. M. D. Thurmond nnd daughters and Mesdames F. M. Parrott and Willie McGee Attended divine nervioe nt Coke's Chajicl last Thursday. Mrs. C, C. Gatnel remains quite sick with fever. Messrs. Pett nnd Claiborne Chandler, of Newuau, were guests of J. C. Lewis and wife last Saturday and Sunday. Samuel Todd, wife and sons. Luther and Leonard, and John Hammock, wife and daughter, of McCollum, John Todd and wife, of Kedron, and Miss Claudia Todd, of Carrollton, were among the visitors at Rook Spring Sunday. T. G. and George Haines spent Thurs day last in Newnan. Virgil Brown, of Palmetto, sjient last Sunday with home folks. I-awson Davis and wife of Goodes,vis ited the former’s parents here last week. Walter Gamble, of Palmetto, visited relatives here last Saturday. Milltown. Rev. J. IV Slmw moved with Ids fam ily to Carroll county last week. After sojourning u few mouths near Knseoe.J. H. Strickland moved back to out city last Friday. Walter Pye and wife brought, their in fant hoy up from Moreland last Sunday morning and buried it. The young par ents have the sympathy of the entire community. Emory Pittman came down from Por- terdale and H|Kint last Sunday with the family of Mrs. T. O. MoGeliee. J. B. Reese, who wiw very ill with typhoid fever at our last writing, is thought to be somewhat improved. Mrs. Tillman Dewlierry, from Tab Iumhco, Alabama, is spending a few dayN with the home folks. Mrs. Nancy Brown nml dnugliter.Miss Nellie, are up from LaGrange, spending the week with Mrs. John Dewberry. Mrs. Henry Turner, from Lnttrange, is s|KUiding the week with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Smith. R. S. Thompson moved with Ids fam ily from the country Inst week. Mrs. Amanda Williams and little oliil- drt>n moved to LaGrange last. week. .1. W. Hanson moved down front Han ning last week. John Cox came down from Atlanta last Saturday and got employment in tlioootton mill, J, D. Musick wns down from Whites- lung last Saturday evening, visiting his daughters. Mesdnines Boti Phillips nnd Cleveland Riohto. Arthur Mobley, Jr., from East Point, was with relatives here last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Jim Jordan and Miss Mamie Tar- ply were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. D. Taylor ottiolated. Sam Weir was up from Hogausville last Sunday. Mrs. Henry Bryant visited her mother at Carrollton last Snturdny nnd Sunday. Mrs. Henry Giles was confined to her hod liy siokness lust week. Mrs. Bill Hudgens visited her parents at Palmetto last Friday. The iufaiit girl of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Farmer has been quite ill. Henry Robinson came down from Carrollton Inst Sunday morning and spoilt the day with J. E. Farmer’s fain- Aiy. Mrs. Lee Collins was herefrom Car- roll county last week. Hornoe, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Nnnmau Pitts, tins been real sick. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gideon Brook buried their infant girl on Wednesday after noon of last week. William Boggs, enroute from La- Grange to Carrollton, stopped over and si>eiit Inst Saturday night with Joe Smith's family. William Pike, from Carroll county, silent last Saturday night and Sunday with his brother's family. Judge Webb and Jack Hull, from Carrollton, visited Newnan friends last Sunday. Frank Burks came up from Grant- ville ami si>eiit the day with home folks last Sunday. Mrs. Alioe Cause I, from Carrollton, , visited the family of tier brother, Wal Whltesbnrg, Ga., Sept. 4, 1110(1.—A number of the young people of tin* town are preparing to give a public en tertainment nt the college hull quite soon. The entertainment is being got ten up for the benefit of the Methodist parsonage. There will nrobably bo two nights of the exeroises, which consist of some well selected plays and plenty of music. A small admittance fee will bo charged on each night. The entertain ment will be held on Friday and Satur day nights, Sept. 14th nnd Ifitli. A strong amt cordial invitation is extended to ev ery one and we lioiie to see you all there. Those in charge of the entertain ment promise n good program for each night. Rev. W. A. Parks preached nt the Methodist church last Sunday to a good nuiliouoo on the subject of “Heart Puri ty.’’ The protracted services nt the Metho dist ohuroli closed Sunday night, after continuing for a week. Several were re ceived into the membership of the ohnrcli by letter. Protraoted meeting is in progress nt ' New Hope Church,two miles fromtowu, \ conducted by the pastor, Rev. N. E. | McBmyer. Rev. K, M. Stevens went down to New Lebanon, near Lowell, Saturday, where lie tilled the appointment of Rev. J. W. j McLeod, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mamie Foster, of Haralson re turned home Tuesday, after spending several days with relatives in the city. Arthur Moore and family of Birming ham, Ala., have been spending several days with relatives near town. Rev. J. W. McLeod, who has been sick with fever for the past two weeks, is slowly improving, and liis many friends hope to see him out again soon. Robert Hollaway, the blacksmith, has Is-cii quite sick for several days. He is somewhat improved at this timo. Our farmers are quite busy this week gathering up hay and fodder. Cotton will sisin be ready to pick. Wilkes Jones, of Riverside, returned home Saturday after a stay of several | days witli bis sister in Anniston, Ala. J. A. Kelly has returned home for a few days visit, before leaving for college about the middle of September. R. I^ee Sharpe; the popular job print er. of Carrollton, was in the city on bus iness last week. Col. Sydney Holderness.of Carrollton, was in Whitesburg Saturday afternoon on business. Hugh Foster, of Harnlson, spent Sun day Bud Monday iu the city with rela tives. Mrs. Shackelford, of near Calhoun, Ga., iB spending some time with tier brother's family, Rev. N. E. MeBrayer. Miss Dora Duncan and little sifter, Mary Lou, are visiting relatives in Grantville this week. W. E. Herrin of Carrollton, was a vis itor in Whitesburg Sunday. Rev. R. F. Hodnett, of Franklin, was in Whitesburg a short while Monday. His numerous frieuds here were very glad to see him He came up to meet his fattier. Dr. Hodnett, of Senoia. S. G. Allen and family, of Sargent, visited relatives and friends here this week. J. H. Lipscomb, oue of our successful merchants, went to Atlanta Monday on business. Miss Clyde Almon is visiting relatives in Newnan. Bagging And Ties Three carloads new ties; two car loads new bagging. Buy your bag ging and ties of us. Just received two car loads Mitchell and Tennessee wagons. BRADLEY & BANKS C. M. Boynton, one of Carrollton's clever photographers, was in the city on business this week. Miss Dixie Askew, of Dacula, is visit ing her sisters, Mesdames. W. B. Kelly and W. B. Parks. Mrs. W. M. Thames and little daughter Miriam, of College Park, are visiting at the home of her Bister, Mrs. J. R. Lasi- ter, at Hanning. Rev. E. E. Buyers, of Winston, Ga., visited bis parents near town last week. Oil Friday be preached at the Metho dist church. Grant Roberts, colored, who has been passing through this part of the county about once every month soliciting work, such ns bottoming chairs, was run over Monday evening after dark near Ban ning by a passing freight train and killed. There was evidence before the coroner’s court that he was subject to some kind of heart trouble. He was badly mangled, but lived about an hour after the accident. We carry the latest magazines and periodicals.—Peniston & Lee. Money to loan on real estate at 7 per oeut. Apply to L. M. Farmer. A Stopped Watch Doesn’t cause as much wor ry as one that runs either too fast or too slow, in an erratic fashion. The first you never depend upon—the other kind is a source of con stant annoyance. Nowadays most people can and do own a watch, but no person can afford to own an uncertain watch; and with my repair department at your service, there is no excuse for carry ing anything but a properly regulated and accurate .watch. I am always ready to remedy your watch troub les. Consult me when your timepiece goes wrong. Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jeweler. Early Shipment of New Fall Goods Have just received a shipment of new Fall Suits in medi um weights, suitable to wear now and through fall and win ter. If your spring and summer suit is beginning to look worn come in and let us fit you up in a new fall suit, prices from $10 to $25. We have a full assortment for you to select from. Hats The famous John B. Stetson hat is here for your fall use. Come in and see the new fall styles. BARNETT, ST. JOHN & GO. Greenville Street.