The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 07, 1906, Image 5

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•r. Hoi. i, km ax, PREMDKNT. W. I.. Vli E VKKS. K KM P, AXI> \V. ANDKKWS, SKCRKTAHT. LOANS OF Si,000 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. .i_\s Atlanta, Georgia. Attorney Wanted to Act &s Local Correspondent j Local News of Newnan'! Miss Cora Stephens is visiting in Vienna. highest tf L. It. Powell pays the prices for hitles. Dr. G. \V. Peddy has returneti from New York. Buy your sidewalk tile from the Newnan 'file Works. tf I. N. Orr, Jr., has returned from North Carolina. T. J. Brown, of Griffin, was in Newnan last Tuesday. Miss Ilia Kirby 1ms returned from Piedmont Springs. It. M. Young and Alton Afldy spent Sunday at Turin. Mrs. N. B.Hudson and children are visiting in Atlanta. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; ministered; Sal bide Bldg. Miss Carolyn Milner has return ed from a visit to Atlanta. is ad tf Mrs. W. A. Turner, Jr., return ed Monday from Opelika. Col. Heard Dent, of Atlanta, visited the city Wednesday. Elgin Stallings has entered Gor don Institute at Bartlesville. Mrs. Minnie Varner is expected home from New York Sunday. WANTED—Two hoarders; men prefered. Apply at News office. Mrs. Alton Arnall was hostess at a prettv card party Thursday. Col. J. R. Williams, of Griffin, was in the city the lirst of this week. Mrs. G. A. Nunnally will leave this week for Opelika to spend a week. Messrs. Cliff Glover and Cliff Kersey have returned from New York. Mrs. T. is visiting family. Mr. L. J. Melson, of Atlanta, was among the Sunday visitors in Newnan. Miss Lizzie Arnold is the guest of Mrs. Gordon Lee at Chic-[ ainauga. The many friends of Mrs. G. E. Croft will regret to learn that she is quite ill. Miss Vivian Barron, of Atlanta, who was the guest of Miss Ethel Taylor for several days, has re turned home. Miss Vivian Snead, of Woolsey, was the guest of Miss Edith Tay lor this week. Mr. T. E. Potts has been con ft nisi to his home by sickness during the past few days. Rev. W. J. Cettcr was in Bar- nesville a couple of days the lirst of this week. Mr. Frank L. Stevens has re turned from a trip to Canada and New York City. Cashier 1. M. Starr, of the Bank of Turin, spent Sunday and Mon day in Newnan. Miss Ruby Simril has returned to LaGrange, after a visit to rela tives in Newnan. M. b. Duke has completed and moved into his new residence on Greenville street. Mrs. Hubert Smith has returned from a visit of some length to rela tives in Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Murpli, of Marshallville.are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks. Fred Grimes has accepted a po sition for the fall and winter in the store of Black Bros. Co. Col. W.G. Post, who has been seriously sick since Monday, is believed to be improving. Mr. James Bird, a prosperous citizen from near Cooksville, was in the city last Saturday. Colonel imd Mrs. Briggs, of Charleston, S. C., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powell. J. B. and R. L. Hammett, of LaG range, were in Newnan last week, the guests of their brother. E. W. Hammett. Misses Rntli Camp and Ella Robbins have returned from Toc- coa, and the latter is the guest of relatives in this city. Miss Edith Powel left last week for Bartow, Florida, where she will be employed as a teacher dur ing the fall and winter. Judge W. F. Jones, wife and little daughter, of Wadley, Ga., spent a couple of days of this week with the family of L. A. Perdue, Esq. Wynn Smith, who spent the! spring and summer on a farm near Palmetto, has returned to his po sition in P. F. Cuttino & Co’s, store. P. Zellars, of Palmetto, Hon. W. B. Orr and Miss Fannie Prather, of Hogans- ville, is the charming guest of her sister, Mrs. D. S. Summers. Mr. Hugh W. Orr, of Washing ton City, was with Newnan rela tives several days this week. Freeman Herring and Hugh Hackney, of Atlanta, were among the Sunday visitors in Newnan. Mrs. J. E. Smith’s many friends are glad to see her out again, after a serious illness of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leu Holmes, of Atlanta, announce the birth of a daughter on tile fourth of Septem- lier. Mrs. B. H. Arnold, who had been visiting relatives in Newnan, returned to Ensley, A fa., yester day. Miss Lucile Beavers returned to Atlanta last Friday,after spending several weeks with Newnan rela- ( lives. LOST—Gold pin with “Maryj Louise” engraved on it. Finder will please leave at Win. Byram’s store. Miss Margaret Summers return ed to Atlanta last Saturday after noon, after spending a month with her father, J. H. Summers, and other relatives. After spending several weeks here with relatives, Mrs. G. W. Ramey and family and Mr. L. J. Melson’s family returned to At lanta last Monday. Mrs. Charles C. Cox and daugh ter, Miss Alice, of College Park, and Miss Florence Doyle, of At lanta, are the guests this week of Miss Jennie Cates. Miss Ruth Cole is spending some time at Adairsville and Lookout Mountain. She will leave Newnan about October 1st to enter a school 1 in Washington City. Philip Orr will return to Mercer University fertile fall term. Frank Orr and Tom Farmer will .join the Coweta boys in Macon and enter Mercer for the fall term. Mrs. Joe Logan, of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs. Harry Ryder, of Syracuse, N. V., who have been visiting the family of Mrs. T. W. Powel, left Wednesday. FOR RENT—Four-horse farm, or two two-horse farms in Second District on Newnan & Greenville It. It. For terms, etc., apply to It. F. Hunter, Newnan, Ga. tf C. P. Stephens & Co. have leas ed the Carpenter building, now oc cupied by Darden & Stephens, and will open up a stock of dry goods and notions early in the fall, tf Miss Nell Pinson returns to Mon roe College for the fall term. Other Newnan girls who will matriculate at Monroe are Misses Mary Milner, Carey Treadaway and Maude Meyer. J. T. Darby, wll’eand little son, Cecil, stopped over in Newnan last THE NEW STOVE STORE We have leased the Carpenter Building, formerly occupied by Darden & Stephens, and have made it exclusively a ^tove £tore. This is without a doubt the largest display of i High Class Stoves and Ranges ever put on the Newnan market. In this new ^tove ^tore we have stoves for wood, stoves for coal, stoves with four eyes, stoves with six eyes, small-oven stoves, large-oven stoves, stoves up to $25.00, stoves down to $6.25 The new ^tove store’s range ^tock consists of ranges with high warming closets, ranges with plain shelves, ranges with ca^t fire linings, ranges with water coils for city use, ranges with enamel lined reservoirs for use where there is no water pressure. It will be a pleasure to us to show you throngh our new ^tove department. Newnan Hardware Company II Greenville st. Phone 148. Rev. C. O’N. Martimlale has 1111- 1 der advisement a unanimous and 1 urgent call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Courtland, Alabama, of which he informed 1 his congregation and session Thurs- i day night. Mrs. G. W. Heavy returned home last Tuesday evening from Atlanta, where she went three weeks ago and had a, surgical operation performed. She seems to be improving, to the delight of her many friends. Friday evening with the former’s. Miss Fannie May Nolan,a young sister, Mrs. J. H. Summers. They j lady - who had a number of rela- were on the way home from i^ortli lives and friends in Newnan, died Georgia. . | in Atlanta last Sunday at the age The Woman’s Bible Circle of the j °* y ears - * * 1L ‘ Buieral occurred First Baptist Church will meet Monday i» West Point, the former with Mrs. W. H. Gearreld next j homeof t Jl « young woman. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Toilet Goods Onr line of toilet articles is now complete. We have just received a fresh supply from Colgute and otheig, and can please the most fanciful. We men tion a few of them : Ta\bim Powders Deifal Powders All the ladies are invited to attend these meetings. After spending several weeks here with her father, Rev. W. J. Cotter, Mrs. ,J. H. Reaves, accom panied by her daughters, Misses Moselle and Mary Lou, left Mon- jday for her home in Athens. 'beautiful ! Miss Macaline Faucett, of Roa noke, Ala., is the guest of Mrs.. J. , L. Miller at the Virginia House. | Miss Susie Hayes, of West Point, who was Mrs. Miller’s guest for Mr. Fletcher Spearman, of La- Grange, visited his cousin, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Crane, of Birmingham, Ala., former resi dents of Newnan, have issued in vitations to the marriage of their Announce the Opening of their New Department for the Display and Sale of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Gar ments, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Blankets and Draperies in their Annex over Farmer & Lee’s Store. This Department will be opened on Wednesday, September 12th. Mrs. Charles Astin and children j have returned from Macon, where they visited relatives for several weeks. Mr. Ed Nimmons’ home on Greenville street has lieen completed and is ready for occu pancy. Wm. By ram, Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sewell, of several days, has returned home. Mrs. Wade Dent was the charm ing hostess at a spend-thc-day hostess at a party last Saturday. Those present were Mrs. Geo. Ramey, Mrs. Anderson, Ala., visited the latter’s Boozer, of Hogansville, Misses brothers, Wm. aiulG. W. Byram, j Maie Campbell and Annie Powell, last week. | p ro f. J. W. Gaines and family \\ . J. Murphey, L. B. Mann, j are residing on Temple Avenue in G. K. Bradley, J. T. \\ illiams and the house formerly occupied by C. A. Merck have returned from j Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fisher. Mr. New York. and Mrs. Fisher are now at the of Mrs. It. H. Harda- FOR RENT—Four-room house residence on LaGrange Street. Apply to wa y- Mrs. John Chandler,129 LaGrange; The Newnan Hardware Co. has Street, City. leased the store recently vacated To whom it may concern: by Darden & Stephens and will J. J. Cruse has not been asso- J use th® building as an exclusive ciated with me in the painting busi- stove department, that will be in ness since May 7th, 1900. 2t C. D. Hollis. keeping with the , of Newnan. progressiveness When you are Getting glasses Get them right. Have them fitted as they should he. Have tlie lenses made for YOU—to your measure, so to speuk. Then you may read when you like, where you like, and as long as you like, and you’ll not need to turn and twist, the book in order to ease your eyes. Not an eye pain or an ache, after you begin to wear the proper glasses, no headaches, no inconveniences at all. Today would be a good time to begin to have your eyes look ed after. Consultation and ad vice are free any time you call. H. S. BANTA daughter, Florence Marie, and Mr. L. J. Hall. The wedding will oc cur on Sept. 25th at nine o’clock p. m. Stallings and Orr, who went from Grantville to Griffin and en tered business the first of the year, were closed out by an order from United States Court Monday. Their liabilities are about #J,000, with aliout one-fifth that amount of assets. Miss Susie Barr, who has been dangerously ill for three or four weeks, was removed from her home in Newnan to a sanitarium in Atlanta this week. She is af flicted with appendicitis and is be lieved a surgical operation will be necessary to save her life. I 'I'he South Newnan School de sires to thank Street Superintend ent B. C. Sanders for his efforts in improving and beautifying the school grounds; and also desire to thank Mayor A. R. Burdett, Hon. I. N. Oxt and Mr. Frank Wilkin son for their interest and efforts in behalf of the school. Mr. Leroy Harris, of Palmetto, who recently purchased a dwelling on Greenville street from Col. W. G. Post, is remodeling his home and will move his family here next week. Mr. Harris is a build ing contractor and for that line of business we think he lias made a wise choice in selecting Newnan as his future home. Mrs. Ella Weems is month in Sparta. spending a Farm for Sale. I offer for sale all or a part of my farm in Hurricane district, Coweta county, containing J25 acres. The place has desirable im provements on it, consisting of a new five-room residence, barn, three tenant houses, etc. For par ticulars call on or address I. T. Mattox, Newnan, Ga., R. F. D. No. 1. 2t ******* ' \